Li Nian deliberately said: "Isn't it? Everyone knows what Jing Yicheng looks like. If he thinks you are a companion, doesn't it prove that you are the same?"

Xu Chenghao argued with reason: "Then why don't you say that he and I are both handsome? Maybe it's because we are so lonely that we want to find a partner who is equally handsome!"

Li Nian: "Hahahahahaha."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

Today is another day without brotherhood!

"Okay, don't make trouble, I'm still busy..." Li Nian stopped laughing before he restrained himself. He raised his side and said, "Anyway, you can pay attention to yourself. You must be more careful in situations like this!"

Xu Chenghao nodded to indicate that he knew, and looked in the direction of Jing Yicheng as he watched him leave.

Jing Yicheng's busyness has skyrocketed recently. When Xu Chenghao looked over, the other party was beating on the computer, his expression was focused and serious.

...It's quite reliable when working, it would be better if you don't get windy at ordinary times.

Xu Chenghao sighed, looked away and continued to work.

The workload has not been reduced, the only good news is that after a week of tossing, Ruan Chenxuan finally decided to close the net. He directly contacted Xu Chenghao and stated that he wanted to meet and discuss, and the time was set at meal time this morning.

Xu Chenghao could guess what he wanted to meet, but he still agreed.

When going to the meeting, there was a series of hypocritical greetings. Xu Chenghao shook hands with each other with a smile, and looked at each other calmly.

Ruan Chenxuan's state is really bad, his dark eyes can't be covered, and his whole body is full of overworked exhaustion, which perfectly echoes the female protagonist in the plot to leave with the ball, and the male protagonist's look of pain and decadence is unsuccessful.

It seems he guessed right.

Sure enough, Ruan Chenxuan went straight to the topic as soon as he sat down: "This time, I want to talk to President Xu about cooperation, and secondly, I want to ask President Xu a question."

Xu Chenghao: "Mr. Ruan said it straight."

Ruan Chenxuan stared at him closely, not missing the slightest change in the other party's expression: "Do you know where Rouyu is?"

"An Rouyu?" Xu Chenghao raised his eyebrows, pretending to be surprised, "What? Did something happen?"

Ruan Chenxuan continued to ask: "Yes, she is gone, I want to know if this has anything to do with Mr. Xu."

Xu Chenghao counterattacked: "Of course not, but I'm more curious about why she disappeared? Mr. Ruan always protects Zhou Mi and knows everyone he meets, how can he let her disappear?"

Ruan Chenxuan stared at him: "That's why I wondered if someone hid her."

Xu Chenghao's eyes were magnanimous: "Then I can clearly tell President Ruan that it has nothing to do with me!"

Ruan Chenxuan distinguishes whether what he said is true or false, and the sharpness in his eyes almost turned into a knife: "I believe that if Rouyu is wronged, you will be the first person to look for."

Xu Chenghao was always calm: "Oh, it turned out to be wronged."

"It's just a little misunderstanding." Ruan Chenxuan didn't want to say more about his feelings, and then continued: "I want to know, even if President Xu didn't hide people, did he ever find you?"

Xu Chenghao said half-truth, "I don't know if I found her or not, I didn't see her anyway."

Ruan Chenxuan frowned: "Impossible, Rouyu will definitely come back to you."

Xu Chenghao: "But in fact I haven't seen her."

Ruan Chenxuan was quiet for a moment, then suddenly put a file bag on the table, and said calmly: "No matter what, I still want to tell President Xu that Rou Yu and I have only had a little misunderstanding. She is very fragile now, if President Xu knows What news, I hope you can tell me."

Xu Chenghao opened the document bag and glanced at it. It contained a copy of the female lead's physical examination report. He swept all the way down and finally saw what Ruan Chenxuan wanted to show him - the female lead was pregnant.

It turns out that the male protagonist knew it at this time... How is this different from the plot? It shouldn't be the heroine who came back with the child. The hero looks at me, this child is exactly the same as me, woman, how dare you run with a ball or something?

Xu Chenghao thought about how much he changed the plot, and slowly repacked the file bag: "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Ruan Chenxuan slightly hooked his lips, and quickly returned to the topic: "So President Xu should understand what I mean?"

Xu Chenghao said, "I can understand, but I don't know An Rouyu's whereabouts. I can only wish Mr. Ruan to find her as soon as possible. For the rest, I can do nothing."

Ruan Chenxuan: "I hope Xu always really doesn't know."

Xu Chenghao: "Of course."

Xu Chenghao smiled and blocked all the temptations, defending perfectly.

In fact, in terms of strength, Ruan Chenxuan also felt that it was not like Xu Chenghao. Because the two of them were on equal footing, especially since he had sent someone to follow Xu Chenghao for a long time, An Rouyu should have received the news if he found him.

But emotionally speaking, An Rouyu trusted him very much. After the accident, the first person who thought of relying on him was definitely Xu Chenghao. Although he was very jealous, Ruan Chenxuan had to admit that if he had been taken care of for 20 years, he would definitely will depend on this person.

But the problem was that after the test, Xu Chenghao insisted that he had never seen An Rouyu, and did not know anything about it.

How could it be possible... An Rouyu herself has no ability to disappear so cleanly, there must be someone to help her.

Could it be Jing Yicheng?

Ruan Chenxuan pressed his doubts to the bottom of his heart, and decided to invite the other party out to talk another day to see how the other party responded.

Now Ruan Chenxuan had no choice but to give up, and instead talked to Xu Chenghao about the real business of the meeting—about the project.

In the past few days, Jiang's group has been divided into two teams. One is to face Xu's group and tell Li Nian that someone wants to cut Hu, whether they can cooperate or not depends on your sincerity, and various hints to increase the price. The other is to face the Ruan Group telling them that the Xu Group has increased the price again, and hope that Ruan Chenxuan will also show sincerity to reduce the percentage.

Sometimes people are like this. They are not greedy enough to swallow an elephant. If they want to eat one bite, they will take the risk of being choked to death.

Ruan Chenxuan has had too many bad things in the past few days, and completely lost his patience. This time, he came to discuss the final steps to close the network with Xu Chenghao.

Xu Chenghao was naturally willing to do so. After all, they were busy too. They had to take time out of acting to get angry. Li Nian exploded several times.

Therefore, after the discussion between the two people was over, Xu Chenghao went back to a meeting and directly announced that he would give up the cooperation with the Jiang Group because the price of the Jiang Group was too high.

Li Nian was the first to applaud. God knows that he is about to die from the popularity of Jiang's group these days. He dragged them and coaxed them with good words. Later, when his true face was exposed, he shook his face arrogantly and answered the phone. Just like the concubine of the emperor's flop harem, she has a strong sense of superiority.

If he hadn't known in his heart that there would be a face slap in the back, Li Nian would have dropped the phone and exploded on the spot.

Fortunately, he finally ushered in spring!

Li Nian raised his hand and said, "The Jiang family will contact us later and give it to me directly."

Xu Chenghao nodded: "Okay, I'll give it to you."

Li Nian made a victory gesture, and for the first time, he was expecting the Jiang Group to call quickly. Before each one was better than the other, now we have to see who is the grandson and who is the grandfather!

It was a meeting and a meeting in the morning. When Xu Chenghao sat back in his office area again, it was already 2:30 in the afternoon. He was lying on the back of the chair as if he was tired and paralyzed. appeared in his sight.

Xu Chenghao sat up straight: "Is something wrong?"

Jing Yicheng was quiet for a few seconds, and finally sat opposite him and handed over a piece of paper: "This is the sample picture you want, see if there is anything that needs to be changed."

"It's so fast." Xu Chenghao was looking forward to dragging him over to take a look, but he was smeared by the shocking eyes of this sophisticated internal structure, he couldn't understand it!

Jing Yicheng sat opposite him and waited for a reply: "How?"

Xu Chenghao frowned, stared bitterly for a long time before asking, "How is this used?"

Jing Yicheng clicked the side: "Here you can directly connect to the central management system. After you set the instructions according to your own requirements, it will work on time."

Xu Chenghao nodded in understanding but not understanding: "Oh... What about the management system?"

Jing Yicheng: "It's still working, it may take a while to come out."

Xu Chenghao: "Oh, it looks pretty good."

Jing Yicheng: "If they don't need to be changed, I'll just let them leave the factory."

Xu Chenghao: "Okay."

He couldn't read it anyway... Seriously, does this sophisticated internal structure really need to be shown to others? He thought that just having a surface shape was enough.

Xu Chenghao turned it over and over several times before he found the appearance of the machine. He took a picture and sent it to the designer to let him look at the design.

During this process, Jing Yicheng still sat on the opposite side without moving, staring at Xu Chenghao with indifferent and focused eyes, which was rarely serious.

Xu Chenghao looked up at him strangely: "Is there anything else?"

"It's okay..." Jing Yicheng said casually, "I just received a call, and Ruan Chenxuan suddenly came to me and said he wanted to talk to me. Guess what?"

Xu Chenghao put away the sample paper, but he didn't notice anything wrong: "It must be An Rouyu's business, he also looked for me."

Jing Yicheng said coolly: "I said why he suddenly contacted me, so you have met before."

Xu Chenghao felt that there was something in the words, and looked up at him for a few seconds before realizing that the other party seemed to have misunderstood, and explained directly: "He actually came to me just to test, to see if I was hiding An Rouyu. Apart from denying it, I didn't. Say something else."

Jing Yicheng: "That's all?"

Xu Chenghao: "That's all."

Jing Yicheng: "Take the chili guarantee!"

Xu Chenghao: "...Well, Chili promises."

Only then did Jing Yicheng leave satisfied. He returned to his office and sent a message to Ruan Chenxuan: "No time, no see!"

The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao is the spokesperson of Chili Pepper, and Chili Pepper is the representative of Xu Chenghao's sincerity.