Ruan Chenxuan is currently looking at the clues that have just been investigated.

From the surveillance at the door, they could see that An Rouyu was leaving by taxi. Because of the license plate number, although the process was a little long, they still found the taxi driver who took An Rouyu away that day. And through the driving recorder on the other side's car to determine that An Rouyu entered the high-end Xintai community.

This is where Xu Chenghao lives.

Ruan Chenxuan's expression suddenly became gloomy, and he carefully checked the picture captured by the driving recorder. After confirming that An Rouyu really entered the community, the anger in his heart swelled up.

Xu Chenghao is lying to him again! He also said that An Rouyu had never looked for him, and that he had never seen An Rouyu! Haha, it would be strange if Xu Chenghao didn't hide it! He really couldn't believe Xu Chenghao's broken mouth! He will be an idiot if he believes it again in the future! !

Ruan Chenxuan gritted his back molars and continued to look down, only to find that the data survey showed that he only saw An Rouyu entering and did not see any signs of coming out... Did he come out?

Are you still in the neighborhood? Even at Xu Chenghao's house?

Ruan Chenxuan frowned and thought for a moment, sent a message to his subordinate to let him pay attention to Xu Chenghao's recent purchase list for women's products or maternity products, and continued to increase the number of Xu Chenghao's people who followed him, and even bought Xu Chenghao's downstairs house with a big wave and decided to stare at him in person. , I don't believe that he still didn't show the fox's tail.

Just as he was instructing, a message suddenly popped up on the phone. It was sent by Jing Yicheng, a short and annoying sentence: "No time, don't go."

Ruan Chenxuan crossed out the message, he didn't see it if he didn't see it, he was now staring at Xu Chenghao alone!

And he just suddenly remembered that although Jing Yicheng is moody and elusive, the other party is very arrogant and disdain to pretend, what he has done is done or not done, he rarely bothers to pretend in front of the weak Own.

——Although he is very reluctant to admit it, Ruan Chenxuan knows that the other party has positioned him as a weaker party. Otherwise, he would not have blatantly robbed people at the beginning. At that time, if Xu Chenghao arrived in time and delayed the time...

Realizing that his thoughts had gone astray, Ruan Chenxuan immediately returned to his senses and sorted out his thoughts again - anyway, it was Xu Chenghao who was lying now, someone might be with him, and as long as he waited patiently, he would definitely catch his fox tail.

Yes, exactly.

Hunter Ruan Chenxuan grinded his fists, wishing he could expose Xu Chenghao's true face now, and Xu Chenghao...he was still worrying about the problem of his pepper base.

At present, the preliminary work, whether it is the procedures, materials and machinery, or the manual design drawings, are in the active preparation stage, and it will take at most another week to start the construction.

Xu Chenghao was quite satisfied with the speed at first, but after talking with the architect today, he learned that it would take at least six to eight months to build the Chili Base, and he felt like he was being hit in the head.

too long!

No matter it is six months or eight months, he can't afford to delay at all, because the mission cycle of Little Pepper is one month, and after six months, his mission can be updated to 6.0.

According to Xu Chenghao’s conversion rate of 1.0 liters and 2.0 tenfolds for the small pepper task, the 3.0 is likely to be a hundred, which is very difficult for his family’s large flowerpot. If the 4.0 is one thousand, the 5.0 is ten thousand, and the 6.0 is One hundred thousand... how could he last six months!

He can only set aside at most two months, and the rest is really powerless.

So time is really not enough, completely not enough.

Because he was too worried about this problem, Xu Chenghao was in a state of wandering all afternoon, and the speed of work plummeted, and everyone could see his absent-mindedness.

Li Nian could see him in a daze when he came to deliver the documents several times. He thought something was wrong. He patted him on the shoulder and asked, "Mr. Xu? Are you okay?"

"En?" Xu Chenghao snapped back to his senses: "What's the matter?"

Li Nian was even more worried, and reached out and touched his forehead: "I'm asking if you're okay, have a fever? No... What's your situation? Why are you so restless."

Xu Chenghao sighed and complained: "I want to promote the cultivation of chili peppers, but the reality does not allow it, so I am autistic."

Li Nian black question mark: "Why are you suddenly so interested in chili peppers? Who else doesn't allow it? Why is it not allowed in reality? You don't have no money."

Xu Chenghao said in a tone of disdain for a layman like you: "You don't appreciate something as sacred, beautiful and charming as chili peppers, and I don't even bother to tell you. As for reality, it's not allowed... It's vulgar to say that money is too vulgar. The time limit can’t be fulfilled, and if it’s a matter of money, I don’t have to shut myself up.”

Li Nian: "...I think you're in good spirits now, sign quickly!"

Xu Chenghao glanced at Li Nian sadly: "You don't love me anymore."

Li Nian said without changing his face: "Yes, I've long been tired of it."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He really couldn't keep up with Li Nian when he talked nonsense, so he could only give up his signature and let him get out of the way. Save yourself even more angry when you see it.

Li Nian walked even more heartlessly, and left the office area in a few steps. Xu Chenghao stared at his back for a while, and was about to take his eyes back to work when he saw Jing Yicheng, who was still far away, suddenly appeared in front of him, sat opposite him and said seriously, "I know the charm of chili peppers."

Xu Chenghao didn't react for a while: "Huh?"

Jing Yicheng repeated again: "I said that I know the charm of chili peppers. If you have any questions, you can tell me, and I can understand that you can help you solve them."

After thinking about it, Jing Yicheng added with a serious look: "I'm not bored."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He felt that it would be better for him to talk less to Li Nian in the future, so as to save the plenum that this person is good and not bad.

Looking at his expression, Jing Yicheng was a little puzzled: "Is it difficult to say it?"

"No, it's just that the project took too long, and it conflicts with the progress of the experiment." Xu Chenghao sighed while holding his chin, "So I'm thinking about what to do."

Jing Yicheng quickly grasped the key points: "Chili Base? The construction time is indeed very long. How much time do you have to prepare?"

Xu Chenghao thought about it for a while, and said unsurely, "I am at most two months, but it takes six to eight months to build a pepper base. The time difference is too big."

Jing Yicheng also pondered: "There are many places in my research institute..."

"No, no, no need." Planting peppers in the villain's house, or in the villain's house who has always coveted the original sin of having three peppers, how could Xu Chenghao rest assured that he would never do such a stupid thing in death?

Jing Yicheng said calmly, "I just think my research institute is very safe."

Xu Chenghao hehe, wanting to say that you are the biggest hidden danger!

Jing Yicheng raised his eyebrows: "Then what are you going to do? What about the experiment? What about the pepper base? Did you give up halfway?"

Xu Chenghao frowned and said: "I think about it again, no matter what, I will definitely not give up halfway... Although I am very grateful for Mr. Jing's help, it is too inconvenient to plant peppers in the research institute, so let's forget it."

Jing Yicheng reminded: "Are you willing to put such important peppers outside?"

That can't be put under your eyelids either. Xu Chenghao smiled, expressing his persistence with a smile.

Seeing this, Jing Yicheng can only say with regret: "I still hope you can think about it again. If something really happens, it will be too late to regret it."

Xu Chenghao's eyelids jumped suddenly, "Can you stop the crow's mouth!"

Jing Yicheng: "I call it proper identification of dangerous areas."

Xu Chenghao: "...It's not appropriate at all."

Jing Yicheng was helpless, "Okay, then I won't talk about it. I'm just here to express my position and tell you that you can come to me with anything, and I'm very willing to help you solve any problems."

It is undoubtedly very touching to hear such beautiful words suddenly in front of a problem. Xu Chenghao stayed for two seconds, then asked curiously, "Is this the way you make friends?"

Jing Yicheng said calmly, "I seem to have said that I have no friends."

Xu Chenghao: "Then you are..."

Jing Yicheng: "I'm expressing my sincerity."

Xu Chenghao stared at him with a serious look on his face, and suddenly sighed: "You said that if you were like this at the beginning, I might have become friends with you long ago."

Jing Yicheng: "It's too late now."

Xu Chenghao: "No, the third chili made me angry, I can't swallow it."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Every time I mention the original sin of the three peppers that will be speechless.

Jing Yicheng can only say: "It's okay, the project is just over halfway through, we still have time to get to know each other, and there are still opportunities."

"I hope we are not enemies..."

When Jing Yicheng said this, Xu Chenghao swore that he saw a light in the eyes of the other party, a light of expectation and novelty.

Xu Chenghao: "???"

Holy crap, wasn't it just fine? Why did you suddenly start to change while chatting? !

are you crazy!

Jing Yicheng seemed to see his expression and smiled: "No matter what the results are during the project, I will definitely strive to achieve the results I want during the process. But it doesn't matter if I don't succeed, because it's another new relationship. start."

Xu Chenghao was quiet for a few seconds, and actually felt that what the other party said made sense... If it weren't for the wide span from friend to enemy, this approach and concept would still be very worthy of praise.

...Mom, he actually reached a consensus with the neuropathy!

Xu Chenghao woke up abruptly and said with a dry smile, "I'm looking forward to the final result, but I'm off work now, I've left beforehand, bye."

After finishing speaking, Xu Chenghao picked up the little yellow duck as fast as he could and left without waiting for Jing Yicheng's response. He felt that he might need to be calm, otherwise he might be assimilated into a neurosis after staying for a long time. become his companion.

It's scary to think about.

Xu Chenghao sighed and drove home, but he didn't expect that even more terrifying things were waiting for him behind.

- His downstairs neighbor has changed! Still a very, very familiar man! !

The author has something to say: Ruan Chenxuan: Staring at the Cross Eyes.jpg