A chasing battle of yellow scraps officially kicked off.

Li Nian took the lead in rushing back to his office area, and began to pack up his things quickly and prepare to run away - he and Xu Chenghao knew each other too well, one knew that the other party would definitely run away for three days and not show up, and the other knew that the other party would definitely come to kill the mouth and had to run away, so Now it's all about speed.

Obviously, Xu Chenghao won in the end.

Xu Chenghao ran a little out of breath, propped up against the door and gritted his teeth: "Where are you going?!"

Li Nian hugged his jacket and briefcase and started to step back with a dry smile: "Ha, ha, ha... I'm not going to run the business, you know that the company is too busy recently and there are not enough staff, so I'll make up the number."

"No, no, you're such a good assistant. It's a shame to run the business as an assistant!" Xu Chenghao sneered and gritted his accent, closed the door and looked at the empty office area, and began to take off his jacket.

Li Nian screamed: "What are you doing!"

"I'm going to dig all the scraps out of your brain!"

"No ah ah ah."


When Jing Yicheng came over, there was already a commotion inside. Li Nian ran around the table and stepped on the sofa in various ways, but Xu Chenghao chased behind with a pillow, aggressive.

Xu Chenghao actually couldn't beat Li Nian, but Li Nian was so guilty that he didn't dare to fight back, so he could only escape in circles, causing the two of them to chase and chase after each other, but nothing was solved.

Outside the blinds, Jing Yicheng looked at this game, which was very childish to him, as if a child was playing the pursuit of eagles and chickens, without any hesitation in his heart.

Xu Chenghao's physical strength was too weak for Li Nian, and he couldn't catch up at the beginning. As time went by, the distance between the two would only widen further.

The peeping Jing Yicheng quickly discovered this matter, looked sideways at his position, fixed his eyes on the flower pot on the left, and finally picked up a small decorative colorful small piece from the inside with no expression. Stone.

Li Niangang spread his wings and stepped on the sofa, and the next second he was caught off guard and knelt down on the sofa with his legs soft. Xu Chenghao immediately jumped at the opportunity, pressed his head on the sofa with a pillow, and sneered: "Run! You are running!!"

Li Nian lay on the sofa and wailed, "Oh, it hurts, it hurts..."

Xu Chenghao slapped his back with the pillow: "I used the pillow to crush you, it hurts!"

Li Nian: "No, no, my legs hurt so much... Did I have a cramp? I just knelt in pain."

Xu Chenghao showed no sympathy at all: "You deserve it, let you run so fast."

Li Nian: "Hey, how can you treat people like this."

Xu Chenghao covered his head with a pillow again: "Not only did I treat you like this, I also plan to kill you for the people!"

Li Nian: "You are making a public revenge to kill someone!"

Xu Chenghao: "Then I'll do it! Kill you first!"

Li Nian: "..."

It was rare for him to be speechless by Xu Chenghao, struggling to turn over and begging for mercy: "I'll be suffocated later... If you have something to talk about, have a good chat."

Xu Chenghao rolled his eyes: "How good is this at the beginning? Why do you have to run? If you don't exhaust me, are you not willing?"

Li Nian raised his hand and surrendered: "Wrong, wrong, have a good chat..."

Xu Chenghao let him go and rested on the sofa with a pillow, he was really tired and paralyzed. Li Nian ran and jumped like a rabbit. If it wasn't for his leg cramps, he wouldn't be able to catch up.

The two sat on the sofa to temporarily quell the war, and Li Nian asked, "Mr. Xu, can I interview you?"

Xu Chenghao glanced at him sideways: "What are you doing!"

Li Nian asked hesitantly, "...what did you guys just do?"

"Massage massage! He gave me a massage when my leg cramped!" Xu Chenghao smashed Li Nian with a pillow while talking, and said angrily, "Clear the waste in your mind, what are you thinking!"

Li Nian blocked it with his hand and said quickly, "Okay, just massage when you say massage... What are you doing with such a big reaction."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Who is he reacting so much to? The wicked are still here to complain first!

Li Nian accepted it as soon as he saw it, "wrong, wrong... Let's get back to the point first, even if I was wrong just now, your relationship with Jing Yicheng was not so good that he gave you a massage, right? You're not always angry that he robs you. The chili thing?"

Xu Chenghao retorted: "One thing is one thing, I have leg cramps and people come to help me, can I deliberately kick both feet without knowing good people?"

"You've changed." Li Nian's eyes were meaningful: "If you were the old you, you wouldn't talk about the same thing."

Xu Chenghao felt a little guilty: "I don't have it, but I have a very clear distinction between work and life."

Li Nian: "You used to distinguish between Jing Yicheng who was working and the rest Jing Yicheng."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Li Nian had an expression like "the sample is still lying to me", and Xu Chenghao couldn't help but raise his pillow again.

Li Nian consciously moved his **** and ducked back: "Am I right? Or is it too right that you're so embarrassed?"

Xu Chenghao tilted his head and thought for two seconds, then suddenly slammed it: "I just see that you deserve a beating."

Li Nian collapsed on the sofa and wailed, "You're just so mad! You've been changed and you don't hold any grudges anymore. You're stubborn now! If I didn't know you, I'd follow you blindly for years!"

Xu Chenghao paused for a while, and finally took back the pillow: "Yes, you're right... I just think others are good, and I said before, if it wasn't for the matter of his previous three peppers, I would have become good friends with him long ago. friends."

"Good friend?" Li Nian sat up from the sofa: "Are you sure you're not slandering these three words?"

"What are you doing!" Xu Chenghao raised his pillow threateningly.

Li Nian raised his hand reflexively: "It's nothing...cough, honestly, do you really feel that he is apologizing for your troubles, and he is sending money for cooperation, and he wants to be friends with you?"

Xu Chenghao took it for granted: "Yes."

Li Nian looked strange: "But this is generally a way of pursuing people, right?"

Xu Chenghao thought about it for a while, and felt that he could explain: "He actually...how can I explain it to you? He rarely contacts people and doesn't know how to socialize, so he can only contact friends by virtue of his good instinct for people." Because of his self-imitation, it seems a little nondescript in getting along, which is normal.

Li Nian: "No no no, you are thinking in the wrong order now. You should think about why he only treats you like this. Why is he trying so hard to be friends with you in a social area that you are not familiar with?"

Xu Chenghao has many reasons: "Because he thinks that I am in the same situation as him, and it is possible to become a person who can understand each other among his companions. Does the bosom friend understand? Do Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi understand the mountains and rivers?"

Li Nian hehe: "Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi have something to admire in common. You can give so much just because of one 'he thought'? I believe you are a ghost!"

Xu Chenghao choked, thought for a while, and said, "There is still compensation, he ate three chili peppers from me!"

Li Nian ruthlessly broke all his excuses: "How much are your three chili peppers worth, and how much is the item he gave?"

Xu Chenghao retorted as if protecting his cub: "Don't look down on my chili peppers, my chili peppers are very precious! They are the most precious in my heart!"

"That's right." Li Nian spread his hands: "If you think it is valuable, he will think it is very valuable, so he will give you the project. The value of this pepper is appreciated because of you. If he doesn't give face and doesn't care about you, it means that it is worthless. You three... no, what can you do with three catties of chili peppers?"

Xu Chenghao was choked again, and even had a feeling that he was right... Was Li Nian sure he wasn't brainwashing him?

Xu Chenghao looked at him suspiciously: "Didn't you ever fall in love? Where do you come from so many great truths?"

"It doesn't matter on paper, the point is that I have a high EQ." Li Nian said triumphantly, "As far as I can see, my EQ can beat you three streets."

Xu Chenghao refused to admit it: "You blow again!"

"Really, if you don't have emotional intelligence in our business, you won't be able to keep your job." Li Nian said: "So believe me once, don't believe in making friends, and paying so much is basically foreshadowing in the early stage to turn positive. If you don't have anything, The idea has to be distanced and explicitly rejected, that's it."

Xu Chenghao held his chin and thought for a moment, then suddenly reacted: "Wait a minute, don't forget that I was a rival in love with him before, which means that he likes women... I was almost taken into a ditch by you, and I believed you. evil!"

Li Nian thought for a while, and his head began to knot: "Yes...you were rivals in love before."

Xu Chenghao looked at him proudly: "High emotional intelligence? Pursuit? Pursue you ghost!"

Li Nian forced his respect: "Then what if he heard rumors that you like men when he was pursuing An Rouyu, and he got through the second line of Ren Du, so he came to you specially!"

Xu Chenghao said softly: "It doesn't matter, those who know this rumor must also know that my favorite is you, with whom!"

Shield Li Nian suddenly couldn't laugh: "..."

I really can't talk today.

Xu Chenghao got up and threw the pillow to him, and reiterated: "Anyway, the picture you just saw was that I had a leg cramp and he massaged me. Now I am just a cooperative relationship with him, and we will be friends in the future. Stop thinking about it and it's useless. Yes, how embarrassing will everyone be embarrassed by then? Do you hear?"

Li Nian was still sorting out his knotted head, and said two words of kindness at will: "Okay, okay."

Xu Chenghao: "Answer well!"

Li Nian sighed helplessly, raised his face and smirked: "Okay, President Xu, I know!"

"It's about the same." Xu Chenghao turned to leave, and couldn't help taking a deep breath when he walked out the door. He wanted to explain, so he didn't abduct himself into the ditch. Fortunately, he is the person with the highest emotional intelligence, and he has pulled back his thoughts of going astray!

Awesome! Xu Chenghao left with high fighting spirit while praising himself.

It wasn't until the footsteps faded away that Jing Yicheng's figure emerged from the corner, staring at him silently.

The author has something to say: Jing Yicheng: Xintiandi get√

Brother Nian's emotional intelligence is invincible, and his reputation has been ruined...