"The way of pursuing people..."

"Why does he only do this to you..."

"This chili is appreciated because of you..."

"Did he hear the rumor that you like men..."

The speaker has no intention of listening, and Jing Yicheng sat in front of the computer all afternoon without doing anything, all the questions raised by Li Nian in his mind, and he fell into self-doubt.

As for Xu Chenghao, the two of them were very unhappy from the first meeting to the later time. Jing Yicheng even hated him when the other party prevented him from approaching An Rouyu many times, and wanted to shoot him several times.

...The change probably started when the other party suddenly announced that he was giving up on An Rouyu. At that time, he didn't really believe that his relationship for more than 20 years had been said or not. Instead, he felt that the other party was playing some tricks and even tried to provoke him many times.

Then he found the treasure.

- The other party understands him.

For a person who has always closed himself in the dark, the surprise and excitement that spewed from his heart at that moment was like all the flood that burst the embankment pouring out, filling his heart full without leaving a trace.

He felt that he had met a confidant who could not be found, and that he could also have a comrade-in-arms that he could rely on to fight side by side. So he began to show affection, and even after the third pepper test, he withdrew all those who followed him, trying to hand over the little trust he had left to him.

Before hearing the question raised by Li Nian, Jing Yicheng felt that what he did was right at all, because that's how good friends get along and trust each other - refer to Xu Chenghao and Li Nian for details, they even have a lot of physical contact and become more intimate.

But now, after hearing all of Li Nian's questions suddenly, Jing Yicheng looked back on the past and found that he had really been giving without asking for anything in return, and he even gave in to the point where he could hurt his throat and almost became shaking · m

—The last person who could make him react like this was An Rouyu.

Everyone said that he did this to An Rouyu because his love was too strong, so what about Xu Chenghao?

Could it be that it's really chili instead of candy?

Jing Yicheng fell into contemplation, and dragged his assistant to have an in-depth discussion after get off work.

Assistant: shivering.jpg

The assistant quietly looked at the serious look of the boss, and already began to recall in his mind what he had done wrong recently... Probably not, he has been working in the past few days without any mistakes...

Just when the assistant was thinking wildly, Jing Yicheng said seriously: "Do you have someone you like?"


Jing Yicheng frowned: "No?"

The assistant was a little confused: "...What do you want to ask, boss?"

Jing Yicheng pondered: "I just want to ask what it's like to like someone, or how to be sure that I like someone."

The assistant continued to be stunned, staring at his boss's serious expression for a while, before realizing that this might be a conversation between men.

If it has nothing to do with work, it will be easier to handle. The assistant breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Like someone is probably the most different thing to her. You can spot her at a glance in the vast sea of ​​people. It's an existence that you can never ignore."

"How can you be sure that you like each other... Boss, can you think about whether you will be sad if she is with someone else? The most direct thing is that you are willing to take the initiative to leave her and become a stranger with her?"

Jing Yicheng fell into silence and did not speak.

The assistant observed the expression and continued: "I have seen the performance of psychology liking a person before. Boss, see if you can match it... One of them is emotional presentation, that is, for example, seeing her will make you happy, excited or jealous or something."

Jing Yicheng pondered, is he jealous compared to Li Nian who is his best friend? Probably not.

Assistant: "There is also the transfer of benefits, that is, to be courteous to please this link, it will transfer spiritual or material benefits."

Jing Yicheng continued to be silent. He gave the project because of compensation, is it a flattery? Probably not.

Assistant: "And solve problems for the other party."

Jing Yicheng: "…"

There is really no reason to explain this.

Jing Yicheng fell into silence again. He felt that all his actions could be explained, but when he watched it together, it was very obvious, and what he said to his assistant could be matched.

Seeing that the boss was so embarrassed, the assistant said comfortably, "If you are really unsure, you can observe it again. I believe that since you have already found out what you suspect you like, it will definitely be different to get along with you."

Jing Yicheng finally responded: "Yes."

we can only do this.


Xu Chenghao had no idea that someone's new world had opened. After get off work, I went home and squatted to wait for the results of the pepper seedlings.

This is the third result, and the harvest is still much more than when it was ten percent. The big flowerpot harvested three deformed peppers, and the little yellow duck still harvested two intact peppers.

When he put all the peppers in the fresh-keeping box, Xu Chenghao did the math. Although it has only been nine days since the beginning, five of the whole peppers that have been harvested have been stored! The progress of the task is equivalent to reaching fifty percent!

With the experience of the last African chief, Xu Chenghao was very satisfied with such a result, and even began to look forward to what the European emperor's situation would be with the increase in the result rate in the future!

…such as an increase in the result rate to 100%!

It's fun to think about.

Xu Chenghao happily closed the lid of the crisper, and after a pause, he opened the lid of the crisper again, and counted the number of deformed peppers again.

Malformed peppers had twice the result rate than intact peppers. At present, he has six in stock, plus the four he gave to the villain before, it is exactly ten, and the harvest is exactly double that of normal peppers.

It's useless to keep the deformed pepper, it's better to bring it to the villain tomorrow. The province has always been looking at the little yellow duck recently, and he was a little scared to see it.

After making up his mind, Xu Chenghao picked out the six deformed peppers and put them in the little yellow duck flowerpot, so as to save himself from forgetting to bring them tomorrow. Then seriously put away the crisper and lock the safe.

This is the light of the future, my own hope, I hope the task will be completed as scheduled, Amen.

After Xu Chenghao prayed for three seconds, he got up and went to the bathroom to wash. When I was about to go to bed, I suddenly found that the breathing light of the mobile phone was on, so I turned it on and looked at it. I found that there was a call from an unfamiliar number that I didn't receive.

It is indeed a very unfamiliar number, and it is still an international long-distance call on the display.

Abroad... Xu Chenghao didn't know why, but the first reaction was the heroine An Rouyu!

Should be her, right? That's not right, why did she still call herself after she went abroad?

Xu Chenghao frowned and thought for a moment, and finally chose to go to sleep by pressing off the phone screen. Anyway, he will not call back if he is not sure who it is.

Of course, if it is determined that it is the long-distance call of the heroine, he will not call back, saving a bunch of nonsense.


the next day.

Xu Chenghao had breakfast and went to work, and his good mood was instantly shattered after entering the elevator—because yesterday’s scene was staged again, as soon as the elevator arrived at the downstairs floor and stopped on time, a very annoying person walked in and said with a smile, “Mr. Xu, good morning. "

Xu Chenghao was still smiling, "Okay."

After saying hello, Xu Chenghao stood on the left side of the elevator, bowing his head and playing with the six misshapen peppers in his little yellow duck tootzui flowerpot, treating the people next to him as transparent people.

What is rare is that after Ruan Chenxuan closed the elevator door, he took the initiative to say: "Mr. Xu has been very busy recently."

Xu Chenghao hummed in a perfunctory manner: "It's okay."

Ruan Chenxuan said: "Me too, I've been too busy recently, plus I live alone, no one at home is tidying up, it's really a mess."

Xu Chenghao heard something in his words and sneered: "We are different, I can hire a housekeeping aunt if I have money."

Ruan Chenxuan smiled: "The housekeeping auntie is definitely different from the hostess at home."

Xu Chenghao lost his patience and said indifferently, "Is it interesting for you to waste your time staring at me? I told you that An Rouyu disappears and it has nothing to do with me. Do you think I'm lying or that I'm easy to bully?"

Ruan Chenxuan put away his smiling face: "I also want to believe what President Xu said, but some evidence is in front of him, but it is the opposite of what President Xu answered. I still want to ask President Xu."

Xu Chenghao was a little interested: "What evidence?"

Ruan Chenxuan said coldly, "Although the surveillance video of the community has been erased, I found the taxi that Rou Yu was in at the time. The recorder on it showed that she came to look for you the morning when she disappeared."

"And I just learned yesterday that the day before Rou Yu disappeared, she went to the company to find you and contacted you many times. President Xu should not be able to deny it, right?"

"I really don't understand. When Rou Yu had a misunderstanding with me and wanted to leave, why would she contact someone who swore to help her over and over again. This is too strange."

Ding—the elevator door opened slowly, Xu Chenghao walked out of the elevator and said, "It's very simple, if I really helped An Rouyu, I wouldn't leave you so much evidence."

Ruan Chenxuan followed closely: "Didn't you just wipe off the monitoring of the community?"

"I said it doesn't matter to me. You might as well find An Rouyu when you have time to supervise me. After all, she is still pregnant with your child." Xu Chenghao felt that he was tired of saying these words. Woolen cloth.

Ruan Chenxuan said: "I have been looking for it all the time, but every time I find clues, it is related to President Xu. Does President Xu still think I will believe your words?"

Xu Chenghao had already walked out of the building, and when he heard the words, he didn't turn his head back and said, "Do you believe it or not!"

Ruan Chenxuan chased after a few steps: "If you give me the peppers, I will believe it!"

Xu Chenghao: "???"

He said speechlessly: "Are you sick!"

Ruan Chenxuan said calmly: "I remember that this pepper is very important to Mr. Xu, and it is also part of Mr. Xu's sincerity."

Xu Chenghao looked back at him speechlessly, and smirked, "I'm sorry, if you believe it or not, why should I show my sincerity to you?"

Ruan Chenxuan took another step closer: "Mr. Xu, is he guilty?"

Xu Chenghao was really speechless this time. He really doubted whether An Rouyu took away the male protagonist's brain when he left! God **** little pepper proves that God's **** guilty!

Ruan Chenxuan is still pressing step by step: "What Mr. Xu has said so far contradicts all the clues. I have been in Mr. Xu's house before, but now he is suddenly listed on the forbidden list, and even Xiao Chili, who has expressed sincerity, is unwilling to do so. , Just relying on his own mouth to say that he has never seen Rou Yu, does President Xu think I will believe it?"

Xu Chenghao rarely choked, but he couldn't find a point to refute. He himself knew for sure that it had nothing to do with him, but Jing Yicheng hid it too deeply, Ruan Chenxuan came to investigate and dispatched all the clues to him, but he had to stare at him.

And it takes three or four years for the heroine to leave, so the hero doesn't have to stare at him all the time, right?

...Hmph, just take pity for him to be alone in the empty house for three years!

Xu Chenghao thought about it, picked up two deformed peppers from the flowerpot and threw them to Ruan Chenxuan, "Okay? Believe it? I've given you all the peppers, don't blame me for turning my face if you slander me again!"

Ruan Chenxuan frowned slightly when he caught the pepper. Before he could think about whether he had found the wrong clue, his eyes suddenly changed.

Xu Chenghao noticed his sudden vigilance, turned his head to look, and saw the window of the luxury car that had just been parked on the road slowly descending, revealing Jing Yicheng's extremely cold face and gloomy eyes.

The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao: He actually changed his car!

Jing Yicheng: Small peppers, small peppers, small peppers, small peppers...