The atmosphere was very awkward at one time.

Xu Chenghao froze in place, for a while, he didn't know whether to be shocked by why the other party changed cars, or whether he should turn his head to Ruan Chenxuan and ask for the two peppers back!

Damn, if he knew that there was someone in this luxury car, and he was the villain Jing Yicheng, he wouldn't give Ruan Chenxuan peppers so openly, right?

One question to think about now is... is he breaking the contract now?

It shouldn't be counted, after all, the contract states that the peppers are owned by him during the test period, and he has the right to control it... It should be... alright... Xu Chenghao looked at Jing Yicheng's gloomy face, and thought very unconfidently.

click —

The car door was suddenly pushed open, Jing Yicheng bent down and stood up gracefully, and after getting out of the car, he walked straight towards them. He walks slowly, with steady steps, and his tall body has an aura of coercion. Every time he takes a step closer, his aura will increase a bit. When he stands in front of you, the invisible aura is like an erupting volcano. drown people.

If Xu Chenghao was nervous and guilty, then Ruan Chenxuan, who was targeted, was obviously more tense and vigilant. He could feel Jing Yicheng's suppressed anger, and he could also feel the look in the eyes of the other party that looked like a sharp sword and wanted to pierce him on the spot.

Ruan Chenxuan frowned. He didn't understand the other party's appearance here early in the morning and the sudden attack. Maybe he misunderstood what secret cooperation he had with Xu Chenghao?

Ruan Chenxuan's eyes suddenly flashed a dim light, if a misunderstanding can cause them some trouble, it's really good!

Thinking about it, Ruan Chenxuan looked back without any guilt, and took the initiative to break the deadlock: "Mr. Jing, good morning, I didn't expect to see Mr. Jing here."

When Jing Yicheng heard the words, he glanced at the building behind Ruan Chenxuan, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "I didn't expect to see you here."

Ruan Chenxuan smiled calmly: "It's a long story, I still have to go to work, so I won't chat with President Jing, let's go first."

"Wait!" Jing Yicheng stretched out his hand to stop him, his voice was like an ice pick, "What is Mr. Ruan holding in his hand?"

Ruan Chenxuan was stunned. He didn't expect the other party's focus to be so biased, and subconsciously held Little Pepper tighter: "This is Mr. Xu's sincerity. If Mr. Jing is curious, you can ask your partner."

"I will ask clearly, but I remember that Ruan can't eat chili, right?" Jing Yi pointed with sincerity: "Mr. Ruan said that this is Mr. Xu's sincerity, but I don't know how to solve the sincerity that Mr. Ruan can't eat chili. What about?"

Ruan Chenxuan was sent a lozenge last time, which is a very bad memory. When he was suddenly turned face-to-face, his face turned dark, and he gritted his teeth: "There is no need for Mr. Jing to care, Mr. Jing should take care of himself. It's better not to let himself. Get sick!"

Jing Yicheng still stopped him from leaving: "Mr. Ruan is in such a hurry to leave, in fact, he just doesn't want to explain how to solve it, right? Everyone knows the importance of chili peppers to President Xu. If Boss Ruan disposes of it at will or even throws it away, that's really true. It's too wasteful of other people's minds."

Ruan Chenxuan gritted his teeth: "What does Jing always mean?"

Jing Yicheng said casually: "I just want to say, if Mr. Ruan can't eat the peppers, he can keep the peppers... Anyway, isn't it enough to know that Mr. Xu is sincere?"

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you." Ruan Chenxuan refused to admit defeat: "I like eating chili peppers very much, and I am very willing to taste chili peppers with sincerity from President Xu."

"Really, then please—" Jing Yicheng made a gesture of invitation.

Ruan Chenxuan: "…"

Jing Yicheng looked at him and smiled, provocatively: "If you don't stay, ask Mr. Ruan to eat it. If you don't want to eat, I will be happy to do it for Mr. Ruan."

Ruan Chenxuan was not fooled: "This is a matter between Mr. Xu and me. Is Mr. Jing a little wider?"

"I believe that President Xu is also very willing to see you enjoying his chili peppers, right?" After speaking, Jing Yicheng turned to look at Xu Chenghao, who had been silent for a while, his eyes slightly darkened.

Xu Chenghao, who was watching the fire from the other side, was immediately pulled into the battle circle. He compared the partner and the annoying spirit for a second and quickly chose the former. He nodded and replied affirmatively: "Of course."

Jing Yicheng looked at Ruan Chenxuan with satisfaction: "Please—"

Ruan Chenxuan looked at his confident look, and a nameless fire suddenly burned in his heart. He could see that Jing Yicheng was forcing him to keep Little Pepper, but the more he did this, the less he wanted to let go, the less he wanted to do it!

With the back bone in his body, Ruan Chenxuan suddenly raised his hand and stuffed two chili peppers into his mouth and bit into it, staring at Jing Yicheng defiantly while eating, looking at his suddenly deep eyes with joy: "Thank you very much. It's my sincerity to eat Mr. Xu's peppers in person, so I don't have to do it for Mr. Jing. It's getting late, I'll go first!"

After speaking, he turned to leave. This time, Jing Yicheng didn't stop him. Instead, he took out his mobile phone to call the assistant, gritted his teeth and said, "Go, buy Ruan Chenxuan a box of lozenges! Deliver it to him in person!"

Xu Chenghao on the side: "..."

Forget it, he still walked silently... "Where are you going!" Jing Yicheng, who was on the phone, suddenly looked over, his eyes sharp like a hunting hawk: "Get in the car, let's talk about peppers!"

Xu Chenghao: "…"

Sure enough, he still couldn't escape - Xu Chenghao, who was caught in the villain's car, was so emotional.

Jing Yicheng motioned for the driver to drive to the company, leaned back in his seat and said lightly, "Let's talk."

Xu Chenghao hugged the little yellow duck and tried to find a sense of security, and said with a guilty conscience, "What did you say?"

Jing Yicheng turned his head to look at him, the calmness and indifference he had just confronted Ruan Chenxuan had disappeared, and his anger had soared like a volcano erupting: "Don't you know what to say? Why did you both come out of here early in the morning! Chili! What sincerity did you reach! Do you know that you are breaking the contract! Do you know that the chili should be mine!"

Xu Chenghao was yelled and shrank in the direction of the car door: "Tell me... If you ask me, I'll just say it!"

He was still boasting in his heart that Jing Yicheng's temper had changed for the better this time. When he got out of the car, he didn't even take the wind to return Ruan Chenxuan's army, but he didn't expect that all the anger was accumulating and erupting at himself!

If you have the ability, you are angry with Ruan Chenxuan! will bully him!

Xu Chenghao secretly pouted and explained, "First, we came out together because he lives downstairs from my house, and his working hours are about the same, so we met."

"He lives downstairs in your house?" The first explanation made Jing Yicheng even more explosive: "When did he move downstairs in your house! Why did he move downstairs in your house!"

Xu Chenghao was also very aggrieved when he said it: "Just a few days ago, he found that An Rouyu had disappeared and came to the community, so he moved in directly, in fact, just to keep an eye on me... By the way, Mr. Jing, when you are hiding in a golden house, can you take care of yourself? The clues should be wiped cleanly, so don't implicate other people! I'm about to be annoyed to death by him!"

Jing Yicheng's face was gloomy, "You're so annoying, you give him chili!"

Xu Chenghao: "That's because he also knows the importance of chili peppers to me, and said that as long as he gives it to chili peppers, he will believe me and say that he has never seen An Rouyu and will not stare at me again!"

Jing Yicheng: "You also believe what he says! Why don't you believe me and don't come to me?"

Xu Chenghao: "Why am I looking for you?"

Jing Yicheng: "We are friends. Besides, what happened to this matter because I was looking for me?"

Xu Chenghao: "You know it's because of you, then you are so polite to Ruan Chenxuan and so fierce to me!"

Jing Yicheng stopped abruptly, took a deep breath twice before trying to restrain the anger in his heart: "Okay, it's because I have a bad temper that I shouldn't kill you, you continue."

Xu Chenghao: "Didn't I finish explaining it all? It's because you, Jinwu Zangjiao, didn't handle it well, which caused me to get into trouble. Ruan Chenxuan didn't believe what I said and moved to monitor me. That's why you just saw the scene."

"As for the breach of contract, I have the right to distribute these peppers during the test period. These are all marked. Don't confuse the public..."

Jing Yicheng suppressed his anger: "Is your power to control Ruan Chenxuan?"

Xu Chenghao: "This is just an accident. I really don't want him to keep staring at me. What if An Rouyu keeps staring at me if he doesn't come back?"

Jing Yicheng reiterated: "I'm still saying that, if you have anything you can come to me, you can tell me and I will help you solve it!"

Xu Chenghao just smiled and didn't speak. He didn't want to rely on others, and he didn't want to have this kind of long-term dependence.

Jing Yicheng saw what his expression was revealing, and the anger in his heart began to soar again, but he still felt very angry. Even now, I don't know what kind of qi regenerates.

It might be because he was angry with him for not continuing to stare at him, or because he was angry at why he sent An Rouyu away and did not settle the matter behind him, Ruan Chenxuan stole his peppers twice, or Xu Chenghao's distrust!

Jing Yicheng held his forehead, feeling that something was wrong.

Obviously, he was not so angry when he treated Ruan Chenxuan, and he could rationally analyze the trap of either leaving the peppers or eating the peppers. How could he be unable to suppress his anger when facing Xu Chenghao.

It was Ruan Chenxuan who stole his chili! It was Ruan Chenxuan who was clearly the one who should be annoyed!

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Jing Yicheng's clenched fists were creaking, and it seemed that a punch would come at any time.

Seeing that he was very angry, Xu Chenghao lowered his head and picked out the remaining four deformed peppers from the Tuzui flowerpot of the little yellow duck and handed them to him, comforting him like a child: "Look, you have four more, two more than him. indivual."

Jing Yicheng looked up at him and said coolly, "I could have had six!"

Xu Chenghao smoothed his hair: "Talking is better than nothing, I will keep it for you in the future."

Jing Yicheng snorted coldly. Although his attitude was cold, he still reached out to take the peppers and began to put them into his mouth one by one to calm down by stimulating the sense of taste.

When the last chili pepper was swallowed, the fiery taste in the throat really made the anger disappear, the brain was clear, and the whole body senses were only left with the endless aftertaste of spiciness, and I was able to concentrate very well.

Jing Yicheng, who had calmed down, was finally able to analyze things rationally. Before the thoughts in his mind started, he suddenly found out that... the act of eating chili peppers out of control is exactly the same as when he used to eat candy!

The action just now was too natural, causing his brain to react after eating, only to realize that before he knew it, chili peppers had already replaced candy.

Jing Yicheng was silent for a while, the sharpness in his throat forced his thoughts back, he coughed twice, then took out his mobile phone and called his assistant: "Leave some for me when you buy lozenges for Ruan Chenxuan. ."


Xu Chenghao: "…"

Why do men make it difficult for men.

The author has something to say: Jing Yicheng: If you move my little pepper, you will hurt each other if you don't stay!

Ruan Chenxuan: @#¥%&%¥