Because of the incident in the morning, Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng were both late, delaying a lot of things. When I got to the company, I didn't have time to think about the mess, so I sat down and started busy.

Xu Chenghao didn't rest for three hours in a row, so he finally found time to drink a cup of tea when he saw Li Nian sneaking over and gossip, "Why are you late today?"

Xu Chenghao was too lazy to explain, and said vaguely, "There is a traffic jam."

Li Nian looked like you were deceiving: "You didn't even drive, so the traffic jam?"

Xu Chenghao retorted casually: "I didn't drive, I still came by car, traffic jams are normal!"

Li Nian followed and asked, "Whose car is it?"

"..." Xu Chenghao stopped drinking tea and glanced at him slowly.

Li Nian stepped back vigilantly, and sure enough, the next second, a blue folder flew towards him and almost slapped him on the face. Li Nian caught it in a hurry, and shook his hand: "It hurts... What's wrong with Mr. Xu? Why don't I ask who you are riding in?"

Xu Chenghao sneered: "Are you asking casually? Look at your gossip!"

Li Nian laughed twice: "You will only make me more curious about what happened... There must be something wrong, and you won't react so much."

Xu Chenghao gave him a white look: "Get out."

Li Nian put the document on the table again, and continued to gossip: "I know it must be Jing Yicheng's car. Tell me, I'm really curious why you two are late for work together."

Xu Chenghao didn't say anything, and said vaguely: "I came along by the way, and I was late because of the traffic jam. What else can I do."

Li Nian looked disgusted: "The excuse is clumsy, I can only give you three points, no more."

Xu Chenghao raised the folder threateningly: "Work hard!"

Seeing that Li Nian couldn't ask anything, he suddenly looked resentful: "The child is getting older, and he started to fall in love without telling the truth..." As he said that, he bent down suddenly to avoid the folder attack, and ran out quickly.

Xu Chenghao shouted from behind: "Pick it up for me!"

"Come here." Li Nian ran back very cowardly, put the folders in place, made a salute gesture and left.

Xu Chenghao was angry and wanted to laugh, but shook his head helplessly, took the documents and continued to work, ready to wait for him to settle accounts during the morning meal.

Compared with the fryer-style liveliness in Xu Chenghao's office area, Jing Yicheng's side was obviously eight degrees quieter, all the sounds of typing on the keyboard and turning pages.

Because of his throat, Jing Yicheng didn't even say a word. Most of them were silent and depended on his eyes and gestures, otherwise he would send text messages to his assistant.

The assistant simply followed the tacit understanding for many years, and the work was not delayed at all. On the way, he could take time to give the boss a cup of fat sea to soothe his throat.

Anyway, the assistant has seen it clearly, the boss will not only not listen to the persuasion, but will continue to eat spicy food with passion, so if he talks too much, it is better to prepare something to protect the throat.

——As an excellent assistant, he decided to carry lozenges with him from now on! Yep!

As soon as the assistant decided what to bring in his mind, the phone rang with a jingle, and the specially classified ringtone made the assistant instantly understand that it was from the boss, and there must be something else to do.

He took out his phone and looked, sure enough.

Jing Yicheng: "Go and check Ruan Chenxuan's movements in the last three months, especially about Xu Chenghao, you must check everything!"

The assistant was stunned for a while, looked at Jing Yicheng's direction, nodded silently and replied affirmatively, got up and left the company silently.

Ruan Chenxuan's movements in the last three months are very clear. He was busy fighting at home at first, and it was not until he tried to cut off the Hujiang family project that he became involved with Xu Chenghao, and he was an enemy. About everything about the project, because Jing Yicheng has also participated in it, he knows all about it.

but! But Jing Yicheng didn't know that Ruan Chenxuan was so boring, and he kept looking for someone to stare at Xu Chenghao. Just like a pervert, the computer on his phone was full of Xu Chenghao's life videos, and the number of playbacks was still very stable, so it could be seen that he would watch new videos every day!

When Jing Yicheng got the news, it exploded, which was very unpleasant! It's as if you think you are the first person to discover the treasure trove. Every day you squat around and wait for him to open the door to let you in, and suddenly you find that there are still people secretly staring at the treasure trove, wanting to share a cup. soup!

Is Ruan Chenxuan a lunatic or a lunatic! Is it interesting to stare at people and shoot videos every day? !

Jing Yicheng completely forgot that he had done such a thing before and scolded himself when he scolded the other party. He was still very angrily accusing Ruan Chenxuan in his heart.

The latter is even more extreme. In Jing Yicheng's view, every time Ruan Chenxuan asked Xu Chenghao to meet, there was a purpose!

Heck, he moved downstairs for An Rouyu's sake, obviously he wanted to get the moon first!

He didn't believe that An Rouyu knew that Xu Chenghao liked men, but Ruan Chenxuan would not know!

He must know!

Jing Yicheng looked at Ruan Chenxuan with tinted glasses, and always felt that the other party was conspiring to do something wrong.

So disgusting, so disgusting!

It was the first time that Jing Yicheng hated a person so much. He felt that Ruan Chenxuan was born to fight against him. Every time the other party is just right on the opposite side of himself, constantly destroying what he wants to accomplish, and robbing what belongs to him many times!

If only there was no such person in the world...

Jing Yicheng's dark eyes were dark, and various thoughts flowed quickly in his mind, but they finally settled on Zhang Yun.

No, Ruan Chenxuan still has a life-saving talisman.

Truly a disgusting person!

Jing Yicheng gritted his teeth and slammed the table down, and a loud noise suddenly exploded in the office, making Xu Chenghao startled and raised his head in confusion: "What are you doing!"

Jing Yicheng took a deep breath to control his anger and restrained: "I'm sorry."

Although they are in the same office, the office areas are not too close. After Xu Chenghao looked at him from a distance and couldn't see anything, he could only suggest: "If you are in a bad state, you can take a break, don't be too tired."

Jing Yicheng thanked him as an agreement, looked at the young man who was sitting behind the desk and continued to work, and didn't look away for a while.

The words of Li Nian and his assistant began to churn in their minds, and the anger that Ruan Chenxuan had been staring at Xu Chenghao was still lingering in his chest, and the sharp pain in his throat reminded him of the fact that chili peppers replaced candies...

In fact, many facts are in front of them, but they are only blinded by a layer of window paper. When someone came to pierce this layer of window paper, he would suddenly realize that this was his true idea.

Jing Yicheng rubbed the package of lozenges in his hands, turned his eyes to the little yellow duck beside him, and stared at its round black eyes slightly fascinated.

Maybe he can't understand the other deep level, but he clearly knows his current thoughts - he doesn't want Xu Chenghao to be taken away!

Therefore, when Ruan Chenxuan had the life-saving talisman and could not move, Xu Chenghao was his only breakthrough.

Thinking about it, Jing Yicheng dragged the mobile phone on the table and sent a message to the assistant who had not returned: "Help me do something."

Assistant: "...Okay."


Busy all day, and finally got off work in the afternoon, Xu Chenghao looked at Ruan Chenxuan in the distance while packing his things. I don't know if it was his delusion, but Jing Yicheng had been wrong since the morning. Every time Xu Chenghao looked up, he could see his face changing state of anger, calmness or ferocity.

Just because of the two peppers this morning? Xu Chenghao glanced at the little yellow duck, and felt that his peppers were really outstanding, and he led the villain male protagonist to bow down.

But praising cubs and praising cubs, Xu Chenghao went to Jing Yicheng's office area and knocked on the desk before leaving, reminding: "After get off work, it's the same if you have something to do tomorrow, you don't seem to be in a good mood, hurry up. Go home and rest."

Jing Yicheng glanced at him sideways, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm fine, you didn't drive me to take you back?"

Xu Chenghao pointed to the people waiting outside, and said, "No need, Li Nian will see me."

Jing Yicheng paused for two seconds and said calmly, "Okay, then you go first."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Xu Chenghao didn't say much, just waved his hand and turned away with the little yellow duck in his arms.

Jing Yicheng sat in his seat and stared at his figure and left the office, gradually walking away from Li Nian, and after a long time he said in a more hoarse voice, "See you tomorrow."


After Li Nian sent Xu Chenghao home, Lai had a dinner here, and shamelessly swept away the good wine from Xu Chenghao's half wine cabinet.

Xu Chenghao had to send him the wine downstairs. He felt that his temper was getting better and better. He didn't get angry like this, but he really loved him!

Li Nian blew a kiss and drove away before he lost patience.

Xu Chenghao looked at Li Nian's car running fast, and was about to look away when he saw a car approaching Li Nian in a staggered way, even the slightly dazzling headlights were not as eye-catching as Ruan Chenxuan in the cab.

Xu Chenghao withdrew his gaze expressionlessly, and went straight back to the building to take the elevator to go home. He was half-dead when he met this ill-mannered popular man.

Fortunately, Ruan Chenxuan had to stop, so he took a lot of time. Xu Chenghao went home smoothly, locked the door to wash and rested, and left it behind.

A good night's dream.

The chili seedlings grew vigorously the next day. Xu Chenghao watered the little yellow duck and the big flower pot one by one after breakfast, hoping to have a good harvest this time and take a big step forward.

After doing all this, Xu Chenghao packed up his things and went to work as usual. The rare thing is that this time the elevator opened with a ding before he could press it.

Xu Chenghao was stunned for a moment, thinking it was a visitor, and after waiting for two seconds, the elevator door opened with a ding, revealing a very familiar man, tall in a suit and leather shoes, and said with difficulty: "Good morning."

Xu Chenghao was stunned: "Jing Yicheng? Why are you here?"

Jing Yicheng said calmly, "I just moved in yesterday, thank you for your care!"

Xu Chenghao: "???"