Because every time the assistant asked Jing Yicheng for leave, he claimed that he was busy, so when dialing, Xu Chenghao was a little worried that the other party would not have his mobile phone with him, or that he was too busy to answer the phone. There are also legendary high-level secret places where the signal source will be blocked——

The conjecture in my mind continued, but the mobile phone that was attached to my ear made a light click, and then Jing Yicheng's voice came clearly from the other end, straight to the point: "President Xu? What happened? Yet?"

——Actually picked up so fast!

Xu Chenghao was slightly surprised, and after buffering for three seconds, he replied: "Nothing happened, I just called..." I want to tell you that the little yellow duck misses you, when will you come back to see it!

The spit that was about to rush out was choked back again, Xu Chenghao forcibly turned the corner: "I just called to see how busy you are, but I didn't expect to be able to answer the phone."

Jing Yicheng understood in an instant: "It's been hard work recently."

"What are you talking about..." Xu Chenghao complained when he mentioned this matter: "It's fine if you don't ask for leave in advance, but you didn't show up for four days if you agreed to ask for leave in advance. Are you planning to stop coming to work?"

Jing Yicheng: "How come, I do have an emergency this time. When I'm done, I'll go back and apologize."

Xu Chenghao took advantage of the situation and asked, "Then when are you coming back?"

Jing Yicheng on the other end of the phone raised his head and looked in the mirror. He felt that the bruises on his face were not so serious, so he definitely replied: "Tomorrow, I can go back tomorrow."

Xu Chenghao: "You said it! What if you don't come?"

Jing Yicheng: "I count what I say. If I lose my trust in you, I will undertake all the follow-up work of the project, how about it?"

Xu Chenghao clapped the table: "Okay! That's it!"

Jing Yicheng listened to the cheers on the phone, the corners of his lips moved slightly, and before he even smiled, he was frozen by the pain of the wound involved, and took a slight breath of cold air - numb, it hurts!

He and Ruan Chenxuan had probably really disliked each other for a long time. No fights and no slaps in the face were like **** for them. The final result was that Jing Yicheng made Ruan Chenxuan into a pig's head, and he was not bad at all.

But it doesn't matter, he is recuperating now, and when he goes to see Xu Chenghao at the company tomorrow, he will be the handsome and dashing Boss Jing again! ——It’s much better than Ruan Chenxuan, who was laughed at all the way out with a pig’s head on his head, hehe.

Thinking of this, Jing Yicheng was in a much better mood. He also made the photo of Ruan Chenxuan sent by his subordinates into an emoji package - [pig head.jpg], and shared it with Xu Chenghao who just hung up the phone.

Xu Chenghao replied with a series of: "Hahahahahaha."

Jing Yicheng's creative desire was stimulated, and he made several successively: [My beauty is colorful.jpg] [Are you afraid of loving me.jpg] [President Xu does not sell cuteness, only chili peppers.jpg]

What the hell! ! !

Jing Yicheng reacted abruptly, and immediately withdrew the last emoji, but no matter how fast he was, Xu Chenghao also saw it.

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Xu Chenghao: "It's useless to withdraw, I read it, come here, explain it to me :

Jing Yicheng was silent for a while, then silently typed: "Slip your hand."

Xu Chenghao: "Slippery? So you have other emojis on your phone? All of them are my emojis? Are they the same as Ruan Chenxuan?"

Jing Yicheng tried to explain: "It's different, you look good."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Who TM made you look good, he asked about emojis! !

After Xu Chenghao sent several warning emojis, he asked: "Say! How many of my emojis do you have! I want to see the screenshots of the emoji collection column!"

Jing Yicheng looked at his rich collection column and felt that if he took a screenshot, he might die.

So, after being quiet for a few seconds, the donkey lips suddenly replied incorrectly: "...I just received a notice that I have a new job, and I may not be able to go to the Xu Group tomorrow."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Xu Chenghao replied with a smile: "It doesn't matter, you don't need to come, I will visit you in person at your house tonight :

Xu Chenghao: "[Photo of Little Yellow Duck Flower Pot X1] [Close-up of Dudu Mouth X1] Little Yellow Duck misses you, see you tonight, tonight!"

Jing Yicheng: "..."

He was wrong.

He shouldn't laugh at Ruan Chenxuan.

What is happiness and sadness, that's all.

Jing Yicheng rarely felt the feeling of being caught. He was guilty, funny and novel. He leaned on the sofa and read the chat record again. Even the wound on the corner of his mouth couldn't stop his smile.

When the assistant came in with the medicine, he thought he was dazzled - you know, since the boss came back from the last fight, because of the wounds and bad mood, he has always had a moving ice-volcanic temper. If it's cold, it's frozen for thousands of miles. This is the first time he has laughed recently.

The assistant put the medicine box on the table, and while opening it, he tentatively asked, "Is it the news from President Xu?"

"En." Jing Yicheng replied lightly, his attention still on the phone.

The assistant showed a sure expression, took off the cap of the ointment, and pushed it to him: "Boss, it's time for the medicine."

Jing Yicheng swiped through the list several times, and after seeing that Xu Chenghao's message bar was silent, he turned off the phone and rubbed the ointment with a serious face in front of the mirror. hurts.

The assistant opened the ointments one by one and handed them over, and after Jing Yicheng used them, he carefully put them away, and asked, "Is the Xu Group still asking for leave tomorrow?

Jing Yicheng, who had several layers of ointment on his face, said with a paralyzed face, "No please, I will resume work tomorrow."

The assistant glanced at his face: "Your wound has not fully recovered."

Jing Yicheng took out his phone and glanced at the close-up of Little Yellow Duck's Tuzui, and said faintly, "It may be more serious tomorrow."

As soon as the words fell, Jing Yicheng received an emoji package from Xu Chenghao in revenge - [You will be scolded to death by yourself sooner or later.jpg][The red fire goes to the west.jpg][It's not spicy, it's really not spicy at all.jpg]

These photos are all pulled by Xu Chenghao from the circle of friends that only he can see. At that time, it was the Nth day of the punch card and the death of Jing Yicheng. Now with the text, it really seems to be the case.

Jing Yicheng's paralyzed face was instantly broken, he sucked in cold air while laughing, and the assistant who was watching was beside him with grief-stricken expressions on his face.

——The boss's laugh is really all on Xu Chenghao.


Xu Group.

Just when Xu Chenghao was going to continue making emojis, Li Nian, who was passing by, patted the table, like watching a bear child, and said bitterly: "Mr. Xu, if you fish again, you will really have to work overtime! When are you still playing? Mobile phone? Can you do business first?"

Xu Chenghao retorted: "It's business, I'm contacting Jing Yicheng to ask when he will come back."

Li Nian looked at him in disbelief, but still asked for face, "Then when will he come back?"

"Tomorrow." Xu Chenghao said: "We agreed that if he dares to release pigeons tomorrow, the follow-up work of the project will be his."

"Very good." Li Nian boasted in a perfunctory manner, and added: "But tomorrow is tomorrow, you just started today, hurry up and work!"

"Okay..." Xu Chenghao just put down his phone and started to work. When he opened the folder, he remembered something, and suddenly said, "Brother Nian, do you have time?"

Li Nian: "Why?"

Xu Chenghao: "Buy me a little yellow duck pillow."

Li Nian: "???"

What are you thinking about every day, Mr. Xu? ?

Tucao returned to Tucao, Li Nian still sent someone to buy a Huang Cancan little yellow duck pillow.

Xu Chenghao watched the meeting and was very satisfied. After get off work, I would go home with this little yellow duck pillow and prepare to beat up Jing Yicheng. After all, there were still peppers planted in his little yellow duck's Tuzui flowerpot. It was very inconvenient to beat people, so I could only Let its fraternity help!

Xu Chenghao was holding the little yellow duck tooting flowerpot in his left hand, and the little yellow duck pillow in his right. He locked the car and walked in the direction of the building in a haughty manner, but unexpectedly bumped into Ruan Chenxuan, the male protagonist.

Unusually, the other party didn't work overtime and didn't talk about it, and he was wearing gorgeous accessories and delicate accessories. At first glance, he just came back from the banquet.

When Xu Chenghao thought about it in his heart, he probably understood that the cooperation between the Ruan family and the Jiang family should be completed... The action was quite fast.

Ruan Chenxuan also saw Xu Chenghao, looking at the handsome man in a black suit, but holding two conspicuous yellow objects in his hands, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably - what a strange combination.

After the two nodded in greeting, they entered the elevator together. Before he could say a word, four or five young people came in on the second floor, instantly separating the two of them.

Listening to their conversation, I was going to meet up with friends upstairs. I just remembered the wrong floor, which is very embarrassing...

Xu Chenghao didn't pay attention after listening for a while, holding his two little yellow ducks and waiting to reach his floor. Ruan Chenxuan looked at these young people a few more times, and always felt that their standing and walking styles were not quite right.

But before he had time to think about it, Ruan Chenxuan's floor arrived. He took the lead to go down, and when he pushed the door to go home, he remembered something, and turned around to look at the number of floors that the elevator changed.

It should be Xu Chenghao who stopped upstairs once, and then the number of elevator floors continued to increase, staying on the 12th floor.

Ruan Chenxuan frowned suddenly, and thought to himself: Is it really because he thinks too much?

At the same time, the mobile phone placed on the sofa by the owner ding-dong sounded, reminding that there was new news.

Leaning on the sofa and closing his eyes, Jing Yicheng immediately opened his eyes and took the phone to unlock it.

--"mission completed."

Jing Yicheng blankly deleted the message. Looking up at the computer on the coffee table, the computer screen at this moment is displaying the picture of the elevator monitoring in the community, but the elevator is empty at the moment, not the lively look at all.

Jing Yicheng raised his hand and closed the computer. He continued to lean on the sofa and closed his eyes, ready to keep his spirits up and wait for the rabbit—no, wait for the little yellow duck.

Sure enough, at eight o'clock in the evening, the doorbell rang.

Jing Yicheng immediately got up and went to open the door. Before he smiled and said a word of welcome, he heard a sound—"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao: ah dah dah dah dah! !

Jing Yicheng: ...