
The dull crashing sound reverberated in the private space, Jing Yicheng's head was full of yellow phantoms, and he held his head up for a while without reacting!

Xu Chenghao was completely ruthless, and his hands were heavy. After the fight, he hugged the little yellow duck and looked at him with a pillow, smiled and said, "Good evening, Mr. Jing, do you remember what I told you in the morning? See you in the evening~~"

"...Good evening, Mr. Xu is really enthusiastic. He opened the door and sent such a big gift bag." Jing Yicheng pointed to his forehead, he was sure that even if it was a pillow, he had to have a big bag on his head!

It was not until this time that Xu Chenghao discovered that the other party had scars of varying degrees on his forehead, cheeks and corners of his mouth. He smiled slightly, and suddenly remembered the system's broadcast and Ruan Chenxuan's injured face.

Xu Chenghao looked at him in surprise: "You fought with Ruan Chenxuan?"

Jing Yicheng's expression was slightly restrained: "Yes."

Xu Chenghao was even more curious: "Has he found out about you hiding in a golden house?"

Jing Yicheng thought about it for a while, and said vaguely, "That's right."

"Wow." Xu Chenghao said in a play-watching voice: "It's okay to fight for love."

Jing Yicheng glanced at him after hearing the words, his black eyes were slightly deep.

Xu Chenghao thought that he had touched something the other party didn't want to mention, and immediately retracted: "Okay, let's not talk about this topic... I came to see if there are any messy emojis on your phone."

Jing Yicheng turned sideways and said, "Come in and talk."

"Wait a moment." Jing Yicheng threw the little yellow duck pillow to him, ran to the corner and picked up the little yellow duck toot mouth flower pot and brought it in together - how could he let the little yellow duck flower pot miss getting along with the villain What's the chance, little yellow duck rushing duck! Absorb the essence and bear fruit!

Jing Yicheng followed behind him, closing the door and saying, "Should I be glad you didn't hit me with the flowerpot?"

Xu Chenghao glanced at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "It's good that you know."

Jing Yicheng was speechless and could only change the subject: "What to drink?"

Xu Chenghao: "Don't be busy, just delete the emoji and I'll go."

Jing Yicheng tried to remedy: "I only have a few... In fact, your expression pack is pretty good-looking, at least better than Ruan Chenxuan and Li Nian's."

Xu Chenghao said cheekily: "I know I'm good-looking, so I won't use it for you... Quickly delete it in front of me!"

Jing Yicheng opened the album and asked suspiciously, "Why don't you use it for me?"

Xu Chenghao's attention was mostly on the screen of his mobile phone, and he subconsciously replied: "It's so embarrassing to see my emoji, and no one around me is allowed to use it."

Jing Yicheng's fingers paused slightly, and he calmly glanced at the people next to him, and a strong sense of satisfaction suddenly surged in his heart... Is this also considered a friend of his? At least he has admitted that he is the person around him!

In Jing Yicheng's concept, being able to unconsciously bring people into the range of those around him is definitely more intimate than ordinary partners! This shows that his efforts all the time are useful, and he is one step closer to him.

The joy and contentment in his heart washed over his heart like a rising tide, but when the tide ebbs, he began to be dissatisfied... He felt that he could keep getting closer and have more.

He even began to hope that he could become the existence that Xu Chenghao cared about the most, and hoped that Xu Chenghao would ignore Ruan Chenxuan and An Rouyu, just look at him and regard him as a more trustworthy existence than Li Nian!

... This goal seems a little far away. In particular, there are villains like Ruan Chenxuan who sow discord and deliberately sabotage their already unstable relationship!

Jing Yicheng stared at the other party's side face, and a subtle black mist quickly rose up in his eyes. In fact, there was a faster way, as long as he...

"What are you doing! Hurry up and delete it!" Seeing that his fingers were not moving, Xu Chenghao immediately patted his arm and reminded: "Hurry up, hurry up."

The crooked mind that just ran out was immediately beaten back, Jing Yicheng coughed with a guilty conscience, found and deleted all the emojis, after showing the albums and favorites that he had cleared, he said helplessly: "This time it is Really gone."

Xu Chenghao said with satisfaction: "It's almost... By the way, you have to promise that you will not secretly make it again, and you can't use it!"

Jing Yicheng raised four fingers: "Well, I promise."

Xu Chenghao became more and more satisfied. After thinking for a moment, he felt that he didn't miss anything, then he picked up the little yellow duck tootzui flowerpot and said, "I'm here just for the expression pack. Now that it's settled, I'll leave... Bye."

Jing Yicheng reminded: "You pillow..."

"Give it to you." Xu Chenghao said generously: "Just make up for the bag on your head."

Jing Yicheng: "...Thank you, President Xu."

Xu Chenghao: "You're welcome, I'm short-handed. If you take my pillow and don't go to work, you'll be too unscrupulous."

Jing Yicheng wanted to say that he had no conscience in the first place, but under Xu Chenghao's gaze, he could only nod to admit that he had a conscience: "Well, I will definitely go."

Xu Chenghao nodded with satisfaction: "Then I'm leaving, good night."

"Good night."

The elevator door slowly closed, and Jing Yicheng made sure that the elevator stopped downstairs before turning around and returning home. Looking at the room that had regained its calm, and the extra little yellow duck pillow that was out of tune with the home's decoration, after thinking about it, I still carried the little yellow duck into the bedroom.

- The first gift from a friend.

Also the first good night.


the next day.

Xu Chenghao went to work, and finally saw Jing Yicheng in the elevator. It was rare that the other party didn't wear a suit to work, but was wearing a gray casual suit with a pillow of a little yellow duck in his hand. It didn't look like he was at work. Instead, it's more like going out on a picnic.

Xu Chenghao said hello, "Morning."

Jing Yicheng: "Morning."

Xu Chenghao glanced at it several times before he asked unsure: "Are you also injured?"

Jing Yicheng held the little yellow duck silently.

Xu Chenghao inexplicably saw a sense of grievance in him, so he comforted: "It's okay, but we can still learn Taekwondo and Muay Thai..."

"I can't beat it!" Regarding the issue of man's face, Jing Yicheng absolutely could not admit defeat.

But just as he finished speaking, the elevator door opened with a ding. Ruan Chenxuan, who had a clean face and no scars, strode in in a straight suit, compared with him, it was simply not convincing.

Xu Chenghao: "Pfft—"

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Ruan Chenxuan looked at their expressions calmly, and nodded to Xu Chenghao across Jing Yicheng by the way: "Mr. Xu is early."

Xu Chenghao coughed twice and suppressed his smile: "Mr. Ruan is early."

Jing Yicheng: "Haha."

Xu Chenghao tugged at the little yellow duck's pillow and asked him to pay attention.

Jing Yicheng still had a cold face and an unhappy expression, but there was indeed no sound after that.

Ruan Chenxuan looked at their small movements, and the little yellow duck in the shape of a mascot, and began to think in his heart-their relationship is indeed much better than he imagined. Xu Chenghao was willing to be friends with Jing Yicheng when he knew that he had cut off Hu and sent him away? Have you ever doubted the identity of the other party?

The more he gets along with these two people, the more doubts Ruan Chenxuan has, but no one can solve the riddle for him. All he can do is pay more attention to everything about these two people and make sure that he will not miss a clue!

Suddenly, he stopped slightly when he started the car, making sure that he read it right. It was Xu Chenghao who drove Jing Yicheng and left, and the whole person was stunned.

There was just a flash of light in his head, and he always felt that they were very much like... in love?


Xu Chenghao complained while driving: "Mr. Jing, I just saw your car!"

Jing Yicheng leaned against the co-pilot holding the little yellow duck pillow, and said casually, "I saw it too."

Xu Chenghao was speechless: "Then you are still rubbing my car!"

Jing Yicheng glanced at him and said coolly, "I'm injured now and I've come to work for your sake. Can you drive or take me to work?"

Xu Chenghao: "... OK, OK, there's nothing wrong with Mr. Jing talking! My co-pilot is reserved for Mr. Jing!"

Jing Yicheng was reluctantly satisfied: "I remember everything you said."

Xu Chenghao: "...Is it too late to withdraw now?"

Jing Yicheng: "Haha."

Xu Chenghao: "..."


The car was still being escorted to the underground garage. When the two were about to get off the car, Jing Yicheng suddenly said, "Don't be deceived by Ruan Chenxuan."

Xu Chenghao was slightly startled, thinking that the other party was going to say something important, the hand that unfastened the seat belt stopped, and asked seriously, "What's wrong?"

Jing Yicheng frowned slightly, and after a while, he said in a low voice, "I saw... the powder on his face!"

Xu Chenghao: "???"

Jing Yicheng: "It's not that his face isn't hurt, he just covered it up. Wearing a suit must also make him uncomfortable!"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He thought he had something important to tell him, God **** it is for the man's face!

Xu Chenghao really used all his strength to swallow the words he wanted to complain, pointed to the outside of the car, and smiled: "Get off! Car!"

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Fine. Jing Yicheng opened the car door and got out of the car with the little yellow duck pillow.

Xu Chenghao also got off the car with the little yellow duck tootou flower pot, locked the door, loaded the key and walked towards the elevator.

If everyone is used to seeing Xu Chenghao's little yellow duck flowerpot, then the soft and fluffy little yellow duck pillow that is several times larger than the little yellow duck flowerpot is very conspicuous and eye-catching!

In particular, the person holding this little yellow duck pillow is still the usually strange and indifferent President Jing, which is even more surprising.

Especially Li Nian, after taking a few glances at the little yellow duck pillow, he was sure that this was the one he bought from someone yesterday-how did Jing Yicheng get it? Or did Xu Chenghao sell it exclusively to Jing Yicheng?

Probably because Li Nian's gaze was too obvious, Jing Yicheng quickly noticed his gaze, turned and walked towards him, showing the little yellow duck pillow, and said, "Mr. Xu gave it to me."

The author has something to say: Jing Yicheng said, "Mr. Xu gave it to me."

Jing Yicheng said in his heart: "Envy? Jealous? Don't you have the same little yellow duck gift that Mr. Xu gave me! I'm Mr. Xu's best friend, and you have become a thing of the past!"