Li Nian looked at him exuding pride and bragging, and began to weigh whether he would explode if he said that he bought it... Well, it is estimated that he will die miserably.

So Li Nian was very aware of current affairs and praised: "It's very beautiful, Mr. Xu must have been very attentive to give you the same little yellow duck gift."

Jing Yicheng really showed a satisfied smile: "It's also very comfortable to use."

Nonsense, when he bought it, he thought that Xu Chenghao wanted to lie down on the table and rest, so he didn't buy the best and softest one! Li Nian complained in his heart, but on the surface he smiled and said, "I can see it."

Jing Yicheng looked at his business-like appearance, set it as a forced smile, and felt that it was almost enough to show off, so he turned and went back to his office area to go to work.

Li Nian kept a smile and watched him leave. After turning around, he immediately lowered his face and rubbed against Xu Chenghao: "I want to apologize for my ignorance in the past!"

Xu Chenghao was putting the little yellow duck in a flowerpot, and said absently, "It's not the first time you've been ignorant, so what are you apologizing for?"

Li Nian almost spit out a mouthful of old blood: "Can we still have a good chat!"

"Let's talk." Xu Chenghao's attitude was correct: "Tell me, why are you ignorant?"

Li Nian: "I used to think that Jing Yicheng was a mad and cool madman, but now I think I'm really blaming him... This guy is clearly an invincible naive child!"

Li Nian shared what happened just now, covered his chest and said, "You know how much I want to tell him that I sent someone to buy this little yellow duck, and I took a photo specially and told me to buy this pattern. Buy the soft one! This is equivalent to my choice! He shows off to me!"

Xu Chenghao looked at Jing Yicheng's direction in surprise, and saw that the other party couldn't put it down, holding the little yellow duck pillow and reviewing the documents.

To be honest, Jing Yicheng's image has indeed undergone a huge change in his heart. From the original indifference and gloomy disgust to the now naive and childish, he thinks that the other party is not bad. If he had not experienced it all the way, Xu Chenghao would doubt whether the other party been worn.

The change is really big. It was so big that Xu Chenghao wondered if the other party was imitating someone else.

Xu Chenghao looked back thinking about it: "Brother Nian, who do you think Jing Yicheng looks like now?"

Li Nian thought for a moment: "To be honest, I look a lot like you."

"Me?" Xu Chenghao was very unhappy: "How can I be so naive!"

Li Nian hehe: "You two are half a catty and eighty two."

Xu Chenghao firmly refused to admit it, "Impossible, I'm not naive at all... I think he's a bit like you now."

Li Nian said first: "I know, he is as handsome as me."

"Bah!" Xu Chenghao said, "It's true that I'm as shameless as you!"

Li Nian: "..."

The topic instantly changed from a serious discussion to hurting each other. In order to prevent everyone from making up too much, Li Nian clasped his fists and said goodbye to the rivers and lakes, and got up and left to forcibly terminate the topic.

Xu Chenghao was speechless and funny, and after watching the other party leave, he looked at Jing Yicheng. The other party was learning about what happened to him that he hadn't been here in the past few days. One hand was holding the pen and the other hand was unconsciously rubbing the fluff on the pillow with a serious look.

Xu Chenghao retracted his gaze and took a deep breath—forget it, no matter why he became like this, as long as he sits here to help him complete the mission of Little Pepper!

Leaving the messy thoughts behind, Xu Chenghao started today's work.

After making trouble with Li Nian, but the matter at work was never ambiguous, and with the return of Jing Yicheng, Xu Chenghao obviously felt that the burden of work had been divided in half, not the hasty feeling of dealing with things intensively before.

And when Jing Yicheng was there, they could discuss a lot of things, and they could look at problems with more different perspectives and directions, and make up for the loopholes that were easily overlooked by each other.

This is also the tacit understanding of the work that the two people have finally achieved after two months of running in.

After all, their personalities were really different at the beginning. Xu Chenghao was a steady and steady type, and Jing Yicheng was a bold and unique type. It is not an exaggeration to say that the two deal with the same thing.

Xu Chenghao felt that he was rash, Jing Yicheng felt that he was conservative, Xu Chenghao felt that he should move forward safely and not become fat, and Jing Yicheng felt that the person who dared to eat the first bite of crab would always be at the forefront!

At the beginning, the two of them had to go to great lengths to convince each other. Later, when they became familiar with their temper, they were able to try to accept each other's plans... Then they didn't know what happened in the middle, and it evolved into writing in two months. The program requires one and a half.

This also leads to their very clear style of painting. Each arrangement is either a bold advance in the early stage and a heavy brake in the later stage, or the bicycle speed in the early stage soars in a rocket in the later stage.

Don't say that outsiders can't understand it, even Li Nian complained several times that he was almost flashed to the waist.

But it has to be said that a lot of the time this approach works well - it can be seen from the progress of the project.

Maintaining this way of cooperation, the two were busy all morning, without Jing Yicheng speaking, Xu Chenghao decided to invite him to dinner, and asked Li Nian to drive them there.

Jing Yicheng is very satisfied, and even thinks that it is a good experience to go to work with an injury - at least he never has this kind of treatment in normal times! Learn about the perverted spicy box lunch!

As soon as he heard that President Xu invited guests to dinner, the assistant obviously also remembered the fear of being dominated by perverted peppers. So when everyone got in the car and Li Nian adjusted the navigation, the assistant couldn't help but reminded: "Our boss is not feeling well, and it may not be suitable for eating too stimulating food."

The assistant was also frightened by the previous dinner, and was very worried that Mr. Xu would take them to a Sichuan dinner if he was unhappy.

Hearing this, Li Nian raised his head and glanced at Xu Chenghao along the rearview mirror.

Xu Chenghao in the back seat nodded, and Li Niancai raised a smile and said, "Don't worry, this time we're going to eat warm and nourishing medicated meals and make sure to take good care of Mr. Jing."

The assistant suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "That's a big thank you."

Li Nian: "You're welcome."

The way the two people in the front get along is still in the stage of politeness and hypocrisy, and the two people in the back seat are more direct.

Xu Chenghao hugged the little yellow duck flower pot and said while wiping the dust, "I'll let you go first since you're hurt this time, but if you make me angry in the future, I'll invite you to eat peppers! Eat perverted and spicy red peppers!"

Jing Yicheng leaned on the little yellow duck and hugged the pillow, seemingly closing his eyes and resting, but after Xu Chenghao finished speaking, he continued: "You can invite me to eat if you are not angry, I am very willing."

Xu Chenghao glanced at him speechlessly: "You really don't want your voice anymore?"

Jing Yicheng: "You said that chili peppers are precious."

Xu Chenghao didn't react: "So?"

Jing Yicheng said calmly, "I can't bear to waste such a precious thing."

Xu Chenghao: "It's okay, I can..."

As if he knew what he was going to say, Jing Yicheng interrupted directly: "For me, as long as it's not the chili peppers for me, no matter what I do, it's a waste!"

Good, this answer is strong enough.


Xu Chenghao looked at the Band-Aid on his forehead and said with a blank face, "Let's talk about this when you recover from your injury!"

Jing Yicheng: "..."

It was very quiet inside the car.

Ten minutes later, the group arrived at the restaurant. Li Nian has done a lot of research on all the places to eat in the city, and chose places that are famous, high-grade, and high-standard. The only bad thing is that there are only a few people in the consumer layer, and it is really easy to bump into acquaintances.

When Xu Chenghao saw Ruan Chenxuan, the other party obviously found him, not only was he not embarrassed, but also nodded generously. As soon as he made a move, the young man sitting across from him immediately looked back, only then did Xu Chenghao realize that it was Jiang Changming.

Xu Chenghao glanced at them with a half-smile but turned around and left without saying anything.

Jing Yicheng followed behind him until only a few of them were left in the box, and he calmly said, "It seems that cooperation has been confirmed."

Xu Chenghao: "Well, when I saw Ruan Chenxuan yesterday, I guessed it."

Jing Yicheng pursed his lips slightly when he remembered the surveillance footage he saw yesterday: "You observed very carefully."

Xu Chenghao: "Obviously, if you saw him at the time, you would have guessed it."

Jing Yicheng: "Not necessarily, I'm too lazy to look at him."

Xu Chenghao asked with a half-smile, "You're too lazy to look at people to find powder on their faces?"

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Don't be too sour when you feel like digging a hole for yourself.

Xu Chenghao killed Jing Yicheng twice, and after he was speechless, he had a very pleasant lunch.

Of course, Xu Chenghao did not ignore the project issue. After they returned to the company after dinner, Xu Chenghao began to inquire about news and paid close attention to all the movements of the male protagonist.

At present, the Ruan family and the Jiang family have confirmed their cooperation, and they were announced to the public after the business banquet yesterday.

People in the circle were very turbulent when they got the news. Those who are not well-informed may only know that the Jiang family and the Xu family are in close contact, and they have speculated why the Jiang family suddenly chose to cooperate with the Ruan family, which is opposed to the Xu family. After all, this is putting themselves on the side of the Xu family as the enemy.

Those who are well-informed may have heard about the Jiang family's project. Knowing that the Jiang family was sought after by the Xu family and the Ruan family for cooperation a while ago, it was a spring breeze.

But it is even more strange just because he knows everyone. What is Ruan Chenxuan relying on to come from behind to step on the Xu family again, can the Xu family really bear it after this time? The point is how should the Xu family face the common encirclement and suppression of the Ruan family and the Jiang family?

Probably Xu Chenghao really angered Mr. Jiang before. After they decided to cooperate with the Ruan family, they felt that they were on the same front as the Ruan family, so they put all the losses and anger on Xu Chenghao's head.

——Yes, they think that the reason for the loss is that Xu Chenghao suddenly announced that he would give up the cooperation, and he kept the price vicious.

As for conscience? It is worthless in the face of profit.

Therefore, both Mr. Jiang and Jiang Changming have expressed in many public occasions that the Jiang family has a normal relationship with the Xu family, and they have commented that Xu Chenghao is young and vigorous and does not know how to advance or retreat.

This is public disobedience.

In the business world, there are many people who turn against each other because of their interests. Not to mention partners and friends, even fathers, sons and brothers can not communicate with each other because of their interests, so the people in the circle are just sighing, but they are more concerned about the reaction of the Xu family.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for everyone to wait. On the third day after the Jiang family announced the project, the Xu Group directly announced the progress of the project that left them 18 Streets, which severely dampened the Jiang Group's spirit.

Xu Chenghao didn't need to make any remarks, and he didn't need to fight with each other in the air. He directly used his own strength to forcefully suppress all voices, and stepped on the soles of his feet with an understated attitude.

——The scene that Dad Xu has been waiting for has arrived!

No one will sympathize with the Jiang family, they will only go down the drain and ridicule the Jiang family for mistaking pearls for fish eyes, and mocking that Mr. Jiang is so old that he can't even compare to a junior, he is old after all.

They pay more attention to the winner, and cast glances at him with admiration or vigilance or coveting or admiration. They envy the Xu family for having such an heir, they envy that Father Xu can rest assured and don’t have to worry about nursing their children, they envy that Mama Xu’s son is so filial and filial here, and even the little girl took aim at Mrs. Xu’s seat early, and they can’t wait to marry Xu Chenghao now .

Of course, more people still smell an unusual breath from this game, and feel that the shopping mall may change in the future-after all, the Xu family played too beautifully this time, and they not only played tricks on the Jiang family and Ruan Home, and took this opportunity to move forward, leaving everyone behind.

Sometimes the phrase "a thousand miles" is also tried in the shopping mall, not to mention the Xu Group has opened such a big distance. Anyone who sees this scene can imagine the scene in which the Xu Jiarong will become a business giant in the future.

The Xu family was very popular for a while, not to mention how many times Dad Xu's phone calls and visits from old friends were increased every day, even the invitation of Xu's mother was almost three months later.

However, one wave after another, just when everyone turned their attention to the Xu family, the Nguyen Group suddenly had a new hot spot.