If it is said that the Jiang family has been ridiculed a lot these days, then the Ruan family has not been spared, especially the matter of Ruan Chenxuan cutting Hu, which is a loser. If you win, no one dares to say anything, but if you If you lose, everyone will only ridicule more powerfully.

So when they ridiculed the Jiang family for mistakenly treating pearls as fish, there would also be people who would ridicule Ruan Chenxuan for stealing chickens without losing rice, waiting to see how he would solve the hot potato he just got.

In the eyes of many people, this project is basically a smash. One is that you can’t keep up with the Xu Group, and the other is that even if the research and development is developed, the market will be occupied first, and you will be controlled by others everywhere.

For this reason, the senior management of the Ruan Group has been greatly affected, and they are very dissatisfied with Ruan Chenxuan, who, as the president, has brought such a huge crisis to the Ruan Group. .

However, it's not the silliest.

The most arrogant is Ruan Chenxuan's uncle, who is also a senior leader of the company. When he knew that Ruan Chenxuan was in a bad situation, he actually brought back an illegitimate half-brother who was only one year younger than him!

When Xu Chenghao knew the news, his mouth opened wide: "What?"

Jing Yicheng sat on the sofa and drank tea slowly: "No doubt, you heard right."

Xu Chenghao still had a black question mark on his face: "Where did the illegitimate child come from? How did you know?"

Jing Yicheng said: "The illegitimate son was "deliberately" found by Ruan Chenxuan's uncle. As for why I know... I naturally have a way to know. You don't need to doubt his authenticity, just be happy."

Xu Chenghao: "What is there to be happy about."

Jing Yicheng: "Ruan Chenxuan's two fists are invincible with four hands. At least he won't bother you again for a while, and you even have a chance to defeat him in one fell swoop. Isn't that something to be happy about?"

Xu Chenghao wanted to say it was not worth it! Because no one knows better than him the power of the male protagonist's halo. You, a peerless villain who is against the sky, are dead against the male protagonist. How many episodes can a small cannon fodder illegitimate child in a plot last?

Xu Chenghao suspected that the role of this illegitimate child was to put pressure on the male protagonist. At the end, he let the male protagonist come with a beautiful Jedi counterattack to defeat them one by one.

-According to the law of Mary Sue's halo, it is not impossible.

Xu Chenghao couldn't help sighing, and said quietly, "What happiness, only fright."

Jing Yicheng glanced at him in surprise, "Are you unhappy?"

"Of course." Xu Chenghao pointed to his face: "You see how happy I am."

Jing Yicheng felt a little strange: "What are you worried about?"

Xu Chenghao thought for a while, and said vaguely, "Unknown people and things are always the most dangerous."

Jing Yicheng nodded: "I also agree with this point, so if you want to make yourself stronger, it is best to stand at the top and be invincible, because only in this way can you face all unknowns with pride and confidence."

Xu Chenghao silently added in his heart - only in this way can we grow small peppers safely and stably.

But... Xu Chenghao leaned on the single sofa and said lazily, "Today is the weekend, let's put this chicken soup aside for now. I just want to rest in peace."

Jing Yicheng heard the words and said, "This is not chicken soup. We are mainly talking about illegitimate children. What are you going to do?"

Xu Chenghao held his chin and pondered: "I have no plans for the time being. It has only been three days since we announced the project. Even if there are changes, there is no time to start. We are watching and watching, and we are not in a hurry."

Jing Yicheng thought about it and had no opinion, he lowered his head and continued drinking tea.

The room was quiet again, Xu Chenghao put his eyes on the little yellow duck tootzui flowerpot, and silently looked at the pepper seedlings full of small white flowers.

Compared with what happened outside, Xu Chenghao's attention is obviously now on the little pepper task, and he is full of anticipation for the arrival of his last pepper.

The pepper seedlings have already bloomed...they will be harvested tonight...the task should be able to complete...just one more...they will definitely be completed...the villains are sitting at their own homes drinking tea, it's too shameful to get along for so long without results. !

Xu Chenghao kept thinking about it in his heart, and he didn't know if he had too many hints in his heart. Staring at the pepper seedlings in the little yellow duck flowerpot, he always felt that the pepper seedlings looked very energetic at first glance, and they could produce results. Let yourself harvest the look of a whole small pepper!

Really, just give him one!

Come on little yellow duck, you can do it, you are the best!

Xu Chenghao cheered in his heart, as if he had returned to the state of Little Pepper Mission 1.0. He wanted a pepper, really, one, giving him one is also love!

In an uneasy mood, time always passes more slowly. Every time Xu Chenghao felt that the time was about the same, he looked up and looked at it at half past six.

Auntie came out of the kitchen, "Mr. Xu's dinner is ready, look..." She said, looking at Jing Yicheng, who remained motionless and hadn't left, with a slightly inquiring expression.

Xu Chenghao also looked at Jing Yicheng: "Are you eating?"

Jing Yicheng put down the teacup gracefully: "That would be troublesome."

"It's fine." It's good to stay a little longer for Little Pepper. Xu Chenghao thought to himself, but stood up calmly, picked up the little yellow duck and said, "Let's go to the dining room to eat."

Jing Yicheng: "Okay."

The two entered the dining room one after the other, Xu Chenghao glanced at the dinner on the table, and clearly noticed the increase in quantity and weight. It seemed that the aunt was not sure whether Jing Yicheng would stay or not, or did a lot more. .

Xu Chenghao thought, put the little yellow duck on the dining table as a green plant, and invited Jing Yicheng to dinner while sitting.

Jing Yicheng sat down and said, "Is this the cooking skill of Auntie Li Nian has been thinking about?"

Xu Chenghao gave him a strange look: "When did he say he was thinking about it?"

Jing Yicheng reminded: "Last time you guys fought over the white porridge."

Xu Chenghao heard the words, and suddenly a nameless fire burst into flames: "You are ashamed to say, I knew you did it on purpose."

Jing Yicheng: "…"

Jing Yicheng couldn't help but start to reflect, what was going on with him recently, why did he keep digging a hole to bury himself!

Xu Chenghao was still talking beside him: "If I knew earlier, I should have asked my aunt to fry Sichuan food for you, and you're going to die!"

Jing Yicheng began to forcibly reverse the topic: "Speaking of which, is your pepper seedling about to bear fruit?"

Xu Chenghao glanced at the little yellow duck flowerpot subconsciously: "Yes, so you hurry up after eating."

Jing Yicheng was helpless: "I promised not to pick it casually."

Xu Chenghao snorted coldly: "You have no credit value with me."

Jing Yicheng was even more helpless, and could only bow his head to eat to end the topic again.

People always have to pay for their previous actions. Jing Yicheng felt that the stupid things he did in the past have now turned into big pits, waiting in line for him to jump.

There is no worst, only worse.

After a rather pleasant dinner, although Xu Chenghao kept saying that he wanted to drive people away, when Jing Yicheng really proposed to leave, he began to regret it again, and began to worry about whether the other party left Little Yellow Duck because he didn't have enough time to be with him, and then he didn't. Produce small peppers.

Damn, he actually hoped that he wouldn't leave, and he even wondered if he could stun people and stay overnight!

Of course, whimsical is whimsical, and Xu Chenghao also thought about it in his heart, asking him to fight with Jing Yicheng is basically courting death - he can't even beat Li Nian, but he still wants to beat Jing Yicheng, and the words "overskill" are engraved on his forehead. Okay!

So Xu Chenghao could only send the person away with a smile, watching the elevator door closed and drifting home like a ghost.


Xu Chenghao had never been so nervous before. He was walking around on the balcony with the little yellow duck in his arms.

Perhaps Xu Chenghao's thoughts were too powerful, and when the time for the results came, the small white flowers dotted among the green pepper seedlings withered instantly and turned into a fiery red color, with complete deformities!

Xu Chenghao picked up the fresh-keeping box that he had prepared earlier, and after harvesting all the little yellow ducks and the peppers in the big flowerpot, he counted them—two were deformed in the big flowerpot, and one little yellow duck was deformed and the other was intact!

! !

Xu Chenghao suddenly heaved a sigh of relief. Although he really only gave himself a chili pepper, he still completed the task!

Xu Chenghao began to knock on the system: System system, I have completed the task! "

[Ding - Little Pepper Harvest Expert is online! 】

[Ding - The detection is successful, the pepper 2.0 task has been successfully completed, your current cumulative number of peppers is 11/50000000, please make persistent efforts. 】

[Ding-Little Pepper quest rewards are online, congratulations to the host for getting a copy of 'Anti-Building Strong Waist'. 】

[Ding-Chili Pepper 2.0 task is completed, the automatic upgrade will enter the task cooling time, and the time limit is two weeks. 】

It was still the same system news that appeared as intensively as last time, but this time Xu Chenghao had been prepared for a long time, listened carefully to each content to distinguish, and quickly grasped the key point: anti-building a strong waist? Come out of the system, I promise not to kill you!

[Ding - Do not use violence against staff. 】

Xu Chenghao is irritable: I haven't told you to bully me yet! Can't you just give me a normal reward? What noble luck koi halo does not have!

[Ding - Please stay calm, the host, this intelligent system rewards you based on the data analysis to find out what you need most, and does not bully others, please face up to your own needs. 】

Xu Chenghao: ? ? ? ?

Who the **** didn't look at himself! How could he not know what he needs to resist and build a strong waist! He has no such idea in his own mind at all!

[Ding—According to the data analysis, the number of peppers is gradually increasing, and the difficulty is escalating, and it is also a great test for the physical fitness of the growers. Up to now, the host has not entrusted the planting business to other people for help, but his physical strength is weak, and the system will automatically analyze and transform it to give you the strong waist that farmers need. This is the whole process. Have any doubts? 】

Xu Chenghao: ...Oh, this waist.

The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao: I didn't think wrong, I really didn't think wrong!

System: Ding, yellow scrap warning!