When Jing Yicheng spoke, he didn't lower his volume at all, and his direct words made the scene quiet.

Han Haofeng smiled slightly. He probably understood the natural disadvantage of illegitimate children. He was neither angry nor arguing. He only said, "Identity is not something I can choose. If I can, I don't want to be an illegitimate child that everyone hates."

Jing Yicheng said coolly: "A peaceful illegitimate child will not be disgusting, only the illegitimate child who knows his identity and is pretentious and covets things that don't belong to him will be disgusted by everyone."

Xu Chenghao raised his head and looked at Jing Yicheng, then smiled and said, "Then I don't know, why did Mr. Han wait for me?"

This is basically what you talk to and kill each other. Han Haofeng specifically waited for Xu Chenghao's meaning, in fact, everyone can understand - the rumors that have been raging these days have not subsided, and everyone in the circle knows the difference between Xu Chenghao and Ruan Chenxuan.

Han Haofeng came to Xu Chenghao because he thought that the enemy of the enemy was a friend, so he came to make friends and wanted to make an alliance to bring down Ruan Chenxuan together.

But Jing Yicheng didn't play cards according to the routine and directly opened up the problem, but it made people a little speechless.

It's obvious to say it is to stand up again, but if you don't say it, you miss the opportunity.

Han Haofeng was quiet for a few seconds, and suddenly sighed helplessly: "I can't help myself, follow the orders."

These simple eight words pushed everything on Uncle Ruan's body, picked himself up cleanly, and even placed it on the weak side who was easy to arouse sympathy.

Xu Chenghao's heart was not disturbed and he even wanted to laugh a little. To be honest, the Ruan family's ability to go against the water was really inherited. Ruan Chenxuan was against the Jiang family, and Han Haofeng was also against Uncle Ruan. It would be surprising if he wasn't his own brother.

Moreover, Xu Chenghao had no idea of ​​participating in their family affairs. When the other party finished speaking, he just said calmly, and said calmly: "I won't say who wants to see me first, but since there is something to talk about, please go to the official channel to make an appointment and queue up. Don't fix these little tricks that can't be on the table."

"If Mr. Han succeeds this time, anyone who wants to see me will stop me in the restaurant in the future, so I can't eat? What do you think, Mr. Han?"

Xu Chenghao's words meant rejection inside and out. Hearing Han Haofeng's expression almost didn't hold back, he stiffened for a while before saying, "I was abrupt."

Xu Chenghao nodded with satisfaction: "Then Mr. Han is easy."

Without waiting for Han Haofeng to answer, Xu Chenghao patted off Jing Yicheng's arm and took the lead. Jing Yicheng, Li Nian and others immediately followed and entered the restaurant mightily.

Han Haofeng stared at them and watched the whole process. When he turned back, his expression suddenly sank, and the fist hanging by his side was tightly clenched.

Ever since he was taken back to the Ruan family and crowned as an illegitimate child, he has been discriminated against, as if everyone is watching him step on his feet, so what kind of sarcasm is this! When he climbed to Ruan Chenxuan's position, he would have to see who dared to point fingers at him!

It's better to try his luck than to let him go back to the slums!

Han Haofeng slammed the car door and drove away with anger.

At the same time, the mobile phone placed on the desk ding-dong alerted the new message, and the keyboard in the office suddenly informed, Ruan Chenxuan left the keyboard with ten fingers, and only picked up the mobile phone to check the new message after three seconds of activity.

This is a video, and after clicking to play, it is what happened not long ago. Although they couldn't see their mouths from a hidden angle, judging from Han Haofeng's state at the end, their conversation was not very pleasant.

Ruan Chenxuan leaned on the back of the chair and played the video again, obviously he should pay attention to the illegitimate child, but his eyes strayed unconsciously and fell on the young man holding the little yellow duck flowerpot.

It seems that since the last fight, he was threatened by Jing Yicheng's words and never sent anyone to follow Xu Chenghao, and the videos stored on his computer or mobile phone have not been updated... Seeing him again this time, Ruan Chenxuan felt a little miss.

Habits are a scary thing.

Ruan Chenxuan clicked play again, watched Jing Yicheng put his arm on his shoulder, watched the young man look up at him, then looked away with a smile and said something...

Ruan Chenxuan's previous thoughts began to surge again. He always felt that the relationship between Jing Yicheng and Xu Chenghao was unusual, so they were both gay?

How could it be... Xu Chenghao had a fiancée for 20 years, if he was gay, he couldn't hide it so well. Not to mention the crazy things Jing Yicheng did for An Rouyu.

Ruan Chenxuan made a bold guess: Could it be that Jing Yicheng liked Xu Chenghao, so he wanted to steal An Rouyu on purpose at first, but when he found out that he was also stealing An Rouyu, he gave up immediately, and contacted Xu Chenghao and tried to bend him?

It seems like the only way to explain everything perfectly!

Maybe this is the truth!

Ruan Chenxuan felt that he had discovered something incredible. After receiving the second message of the illegitimate child on his mobile phone, he suddenly recalled that he sent someone to follow the illegitimate child, and the news was only checked because it was related to the illegitimate child! He should pay attention to illegitimate children!

Ruan Chenxuan pinched his eyebrows in annoyance, and could only click on the play for the fourth time. This time, the force of concentration worked, and after reading all the actions of the illegitimate child, I became more and more certain—the illegitimate child failed to talk to Xu Chenghao.

Xu Chenghao rejected him.

Ruan Chenxuan couldn't help laughing bitterly. As an enemy, he rejected the illegitimate child, but as a relative, he took the illegitimate child home and cooperated with the illegitimate child... This gap makes people don't know what to say.

Sure enough, the most ruthless are those close to him.

Ruan Chenxuan closed his eyes and calmed down all the bad emotions, and resumed his work calmly again.

If you want to drag him from his position, it depends on whether they have the ability!


The male protagonist's Jedi counterattack, which Xu Chenghao had been worried about for a long time, finally began.

Ruan Chenxuan gave full play to his commercial strength, made use of the foreign resources of the Jiang family, opened up foreign trade in the international market, and took the lead in seizing a broader market territory. He jumped out of the control of the Xu Group and turned the hot potato project evaluated by everyone into treasure, which not only stabilized the Ruan Group but also stabilized his position.

It was not until the day the news was announced that Xu Chenghao understood why Ruan Chenxuan had to cooperate with the Jiang family.

The Jiang family has a wealth of foreign resources. Ruan Chenxuan had a broader view from the beginning, and wanted to work with the Jiang family to complete a very large project. However, the Jiang family's eagerness and greed for money caused him to change the project, and the Jiang family's identity also changed from an ally to a candidate who could be used.

Therefore, in the later period, Ruan Chenxuan was almost stepping on the Xu clan to catch up with the Jiang family. And the Jiang Group who was trampled on - originally thought it was dangerous to be able to cooperate, but before he could catch his breath, he was severely stepped on and became a stepping stone.

This was a fatal blow to the Jiang family. As a result of the cooperation in the end, not only did they fail to get oil and water, but they directly retreated from the first line of the circle to the third-rate, and they were ridiculed.

It's not that they didn't regret not being trustworthy to cooperate with the Xu family, and it's not that they didn't regret that they should not sit on the ground and raise prices to make things difficult for Ruan Chenxuan. However, what happened is what happened, and there is no use in remaining annoyed.

Because of this incident, Mr. Jiang became seriously ill, and since then he has rarely appeared in any occasions. The Jiang family group is still in charge of Jiang Changming, but it is difficult to heal the tepid damage.

It has been less than a month since I started working on the project. The ups and downs of the project have continued to reverse, and the people in the circle are dazzled. In the end, I can only sigh that today's young people are amazing.

Xu Chenghao also followed with emotion: The current protagonist is really amazing.

The overbearing president has no brains? That's obviously just a one-sided show of the plot. When you really live in it, it's really difficult, and it's not easy to do anything!

The supporting role is not easy, and the protagonist is even more difficult. Under such circumstances, it is no wonder that there are always women in the plot who become crazy when they see the male protagonist, and are willing to marry him according to their appearance... Xu Chenghao just wants to say: such a powerful male protagonist, Would he be willing if he were a woman?

Xu Chenghao has no doubt that if he hadn't teamed up with the villain, he would have been killed by the male protagonist by now - just as pitiful as the Jiang family!

Thinking about it, Xu Chenghao saw that Jing Yicheng was particularly pleasing to the eye, and he gave him all the peppers he planted in his spare time for two weeks, along with the misshapen peppers left over from the last time.

It was the first time that Jing Yicheng got so many chili peppers, and he was quite flattered.

Seeing that he still wanted to get the second one, Xu Chenghao said quickly, "Hey, hey, don't eat it raw, this time it's quite a lot, you can take it home and cook it."

Jing Yicheng still put the second pepper into his mouth: "Okay, the last one."

Xu Chenghao was speechless: "Are you addicted to food?"

Jing Yicheng bit the chili pepper in his mouth and hummed vaguely: "Recently, many people have said that my ability to eat spicy food has improved significantly, but I haven't thanked President Xu yet."

Xu Chenghao didn't know how to answer, but it happened that Li Nian came in to break the atmosphere, Xu Chenghao hurriedly returned to his position and continued to work: "What's the matter?"

Li Nian glanced at Jing Yicheng who was receiving the chili peppers and said in shock, "Why did you give him so many chili peppers? Aren't you in a hurry?"

Xu Chenghao said with a guilty conscience: "Those are all out-of-shape chili peppers."

Li Nian hehe: "Don't bully me with bad eyesight, I can see that there are also whole peppers in it."

Xu Chenghao: "...What the **** are you doing here!"

Li Nian immediately covered his chest: "You have changed, you don't love me anymore, you already have another sweetie!"

Xu Chenghao watched him speechlessly, and pointed to the door: "It's okay to go out!"

Li Nian returned to his seriousness in a second: "Don't do this, I really have something to report."

Xu Chenghao opened the folder again and again, and said succinctly, "Speak!"

Li Nian cleared his throat and said deeply: "Now there is a choice in front of you, you have to cherish it... You can choose to see Ruan Chenxuan, who you hate very much, or Han Haofeng, who you also dislike?"

The author has something to say: River God Li Nian: Did you drop this annoying Ruan Chenxuan? Or this annoying Han Haofeng?

Xu Chenghao: I didn't drop anything!