Xu Chenghao's black question mark: "Why are you all coming to me?"

Li Nian thought for a while: "Probably because Ruan Chenxuan has taken a firm seat and Han Haofeng has become anxious. As for Ruan Chenxuan...he is probably here to demonstrate and warn?"

Xu Chenghao couldn't figure it out either, and said directly: "Then I don't even see you, tell them I'm not participating."

Li Nian made an OK gesture, got up and left.

Xu Chenghao thought that Li Nian would basically be able to solve the problem, but he never expected Ruan Chenxuan to come prepared - he brought the bonus of the second contract, and said that he wanted to hand it over to Xu Chenghao himself.

How can someone who comes to send money to the door push it out! When Xu Chenghao received the call, he said that he would be there soon, greeted Jing Yicheng and went up to the 16th floor.

Ruan Chenxuan was already waiting: "Mr. Xu, long time no see."

"Long time no see." Xu Chenghao didn't want to say more, and said directly: "Mr. Ruan met me with the name of bonus, what did he want to say?"

Ruan Chenxuan also said straight to the point: "I originally wanted to talk to President Xu about family matters, but President Xu has just expressed his attitude, so now it's time to thank President Xu."

Xu Chenghao said coldly: "I can't say thanks, I just think that Han Haofeng has no value for cooperation."

Ruan Chenxuan smiled: "Thank you Mr. Xu for your compliment."

Xu Chenghao: "...I didn't praise you."

Ruan Chenxuan said: "At least we have cooperated, which means that President Xu thinks that I am valuable, doesn't it?"

Xu Chenghao said speechlessly: "If Mr. Ruan is all right, leave the bonus and leave quickly."

"The bonus will be credited this afternoon, Mr. Xu can rest assured." Ruan Chenxuan said, "I have one more thing I want to tell Mr. Xu this time."

Xu Chenghao jumped back and forth on the edge of losing his patience: "Speak."

Ruan Chenxuan hesitated for two seconds and decided to test it out first: "Do you accept homosexuality?"

Xu Chenghao: "???"

Xu Chenghao's face was full of black question marks, for a while he didn't know where this question came from and what it meant!

Xu Chenghao couldn't react, and Jing Yicheng, who was eavesdropping at the door, exploded! He knows it! He knew that Ruan Chenxuan had crooked thoughts on Xu Chenghao! He knew he had guessed right!

Ruan Chenxuan is a bastard, he was thinking about An Rouyu a few days ago, so today I will test whether Xu Chenghao likes men! It seems that his own warning is not enough!

Jing Yicheng was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot, he kicked the door open and rushed in. He smashed an angry fist on Ruan Chenxuan's cheek, wishing to smash his dog's head.

Ruan Chenxuan didn't react at first and took a few punches, but he couldn't wait to be beaten later, grabbed Jing Yicheng's hand and threw him away, roaring, "Jing Yicheng, what are you doing!"

"What are you doing? I'll kill you today!" Jing Yicheng couldn't help but raise his fists again and slap his face.

Ruan Chenxuan was so angry that he was suddenly beaten, and immediately fought back with Jing Yicheng.

Neither of them showed mercy. You punched me in the face and kicked my stomach. The visible signs of your body began to hang, which was horrible.

Xu Chenghao watched this series of developments in a stunned manner. It took a long time to find his soul, and he began to call Li Nian with his mobile phone: "Quickly find some bodyguards, and remember to call an ambulance!"

Li Nian: "???"

Xu Chenghao: "Don't ask, do things first!"

Li Nian: "Okay."

Four minutes later.

Li Nian came quickly with more than a dozen bodyguards, running almost out of breath: "What's going on! Xu Chenghao???"

Silently raising a hand behind the desk, Xu Chenghao hugged the little yellow duck flower pot and said weakly, "I'm here."

Li Nian walked over quickly: "Are you all right? What's going on? Your office was robbed?"

"I'm fine and at ease, it's them who are in trouble." Xu Chenghao pointed at the two people who were still at a stalemate, with a helpless expression: "It's estimated that they will collapse in a while, have you called an ambulance?"

Only then did Li Nian let out a sigh of relief: "Called, called."

As he said that, Li Nian looked in the direction he was pointing, and saw two people in messy clothes and colorful clothes standing at the corner of the wall, one raised his fist and was about to slap his face but was caught by his wrist, and the other was imprisoned in front of his chest. It is simply inseparable.

Li Nian's expression suddenly became strange, and he quickly commanded the bodyguards: "Quick, separate them."

More than a dozen bodyguards surrounded them in an instant, holding hands, pulling them back, and they were so busy for several minutes before separating the two, placing them in the two farthest corners of the office, and using human walls to separate the sight.

After doing all this, the ambulance was just called out. Xu Chenghao waved his hand to let the bodyguards take the person down, while he was paralyzed in the office, almost vomiting blood.

Crazy, crazy!

After Li Nian arranged things, he quickly rushed back to the office, still in a state of confusion: "What happened just now? Why did the fight suddenly start?"

Xu Chenghao was also stunned: "I don't know why Jing Yicheng suddenly kicked the door and came in and punched Ruan Chenxuan. Ruan Chenxuan didn't want to be beaten passively, so the two started fighting."

Li Nian: "That's it? Is there no reminder or sign before a little?"

Xu Chenghao shook his head: "Not at all."

Li Nian asked again, "What about you?"

Xu Chenghao raised the little yellow duck flowerpot in his arms: "I will protect it."

Li Nian: "...that's it?"

Xu Chenghao nodded affirmatively: "That's it."

Li Nian: "This is so strange..."

Xu Chenghao: "Yes..."

The two of them were sitting at the desk, their faces stunned, and they couldn't understand why such a violent conflict happened.

Weird, so weird.

Li Nian said sadly, "Two well-known CEOs were taken away from our company. Would you like to clarify?"

Xu Chenghao: "How to clarify?"

Li Nian was silent.

The bruised scars and messy clothes cannot be deceived. No matter how you look at it, it looks like the traces of a fight. Those official excuses can't be clarified at all.

So Li Nian gave up decisively: "Anyway, it is they who have been carried away, and it is they who need to be explained. We can just keep our mouths shut."

Xu Chenghao snapped his fingers: "Just do it."

Li Nian pointed behind him: "Then here..."

Xu Chenghao felt uncomfortable seeing the mess in the room, rubbed his brows and said, "You will calculate the total amount of damage to the office later, and let those two compensate me!"

Li Nian: "Okay."

Suddenly encountering such a thing, the good mood is all in vain. Xu Chenghao returned to the seventh floor with the little yellow duck flower pot in his arms, looked at the little yellow duck pillow Jing Yicheng placed in his place, and decided to confiscate it after thinking about it!

Punish him for beating someone up suddenly this time, if he doesn't explain it clearly, he won't pay it back!

Originally, I wanted to handle affairs, but there were too many bad things, Xu Chenghao was getting more and more irritable and couldn't calm down. It happened that the news of the completion of the construction came from the greenhouse, and he called and waited for the inspection. Xu Chenghao immediately drove to check.

As soon as Xu Chenghao left, two people from the Xu Group came to look for him.

Li Nian looked at these two people with masks, hats, clothes, and messy clothes. They didn't look like good people. It took a while to recognize that they seemed to be Ruan Chenxuan and Jing Yicheng.

Li Nian: "..."

Subtle mood.

The two also asked in unison, "Where's Xu Chenghao, I want to see him!"

Li Nian: "...Sorry, our President Xu is not in the company."

The two said in unison, "Where is he?"

Li Nian: "Going to the suburbs."

As soon as the voice fell, one of them suddenly had an epiphany, turned around and left directly. The other one was a little confused, but he followed up very quickly.

Li Nian: "..."

The mood is subtle again.

What's this all about.


Xu Chenghao didn't know that someone was chasing him to find him. After driving to the greenhouse, he took the drawings and checked with the person in charge to verify the renovation of the greenhouse.

Compared with the last time I came here, this time it is a completely new look. The spacious greenhouse is bright and warm, and the two sides are covered with newly laid mud surfaces. There will be a fully automatic machine at intervals, and each space will be arranged reasonably. , exactly as shown in the drawings.

Xu Chenghao was very satisfied, he directly cleared the expenses, and after sending the person in charge away, he stood outside the greenhouse thinking about the task of Little Pepper.

According to the time, the Little Pepper 3.0 quest will be launched tomorrow. When the time comes, the seeds will be planted directly. This time, there are many kinds of points. Even if the effect of Mary Su's halo is not triggered, I believe that the 30% result rate will not work. May go short.

Everything is ready, but I haven't found anyone to help look at the greenhouse... Jing Yicheng said last time to help find someone, and there is no movement anymore. I don't know if I forgot or no one wants to do this job...

Said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao would arrive, Xu Chenghao was thinking of someone here, and a loud horn sounded over there. Xu Chenghao turned his head to look and saw two cars rushed to the greenhouse one after another, one slammed to a stop and came down with two tightly wrapped people.

Xu Chenghao thought for a moment that he was going to be kidnapped. If I remember correctly, the original owner also has bodyguards by his side, so there shouldn't be anything wrong. I have to maintain my aura to shock them first and then... eh?

Xu Chenghao squinted for a while, and waited for the others to get closer and closer before he said uncertainly, "Jing Yicheng? Ruan Chenxuan?"

The two walked up to Xu Chenghao almost at the same time, and said in unison, "It's me."

Xu Chenghao looked at them strangely: "Have you come back from the hospital? No big deal?"

Two people: "It's okay."

Xu Chenghao couldn't help laughing: "It's quite a tacit understanding."

Jing Yicheng was not happy: "Who has a tacit understanding with him!"

Ruan Chenxuan: "Haha."

Xu Chenghao was amused: "What the **** are you doing? Are you here to perform cross talk for me?"

Two people: "..."

Two people: "I have something to tell you!"

Jing Yicheng was furious: "I'll say it first!"

Ruan Chenxuan: "Why!"

Jing Yicheng: "Because I know this place, you are shameless to follow!"

Ruan Chenxuan sneered: "That's not as shameless as Mr. Jing's doing some dirty things!"

Jing Yicheng: "In terms of shamelessness, I'm far worse than your half-hearted scumbag who cheats on you all day!"

Xu Chenghao stood in front of them, looked at this and that at a loss, and asked, "What's the matter?"

The two suddenly turned their heads in seconds and said loudly, "Do you like men!"

Xu Chenghao: "Huh?"

The two quickly raised their hands to each other: "He likes you!!"

Xu Chenghao: "Ah?"

The author has something to say: the strongest operation in history, confessing to each other for the rival hahahahaha