Xu Chenghao's face was full of black question marks, and he was directly stunned by this series of operations: "What are you talking about!"

Ruan Chenxuan thought that Jing Yicheng was slandering him to avenge himself, he turned his head to look at him, and said angrily, "Mr. Jing refuses to admit it now? You have done so many things, do you really think there are no clues left? "

Jing Yicheng: "This sentence is also sent to President Ruan. Do you really think that no one knows what you did?"

Ruan Chenxuan hehe: "Then Mr. Jing, why don't you explain, when An Rouyu and Xu Chenghao had a marriage contract and you desperately pursued her, why did you just give up once you broke off the marriage and started working with your former rival in love?"

Jing Yicheng: "That's not as good as Mr. Ruan's anxious face asking An Rouyu's whereabouts a few days ago, and now he's running to ask Xu Chenghao if he likes men!"

Ruan Chenxuan: "That's because I know your plan and want to tell Xu Chenghao the matter. Jing Yicheng, don't push me backwards. You rushed into the door to fight so excitedly, didn't you just want to stop me from going on?"

Jing Yicheng: "I think it's you who slapped him? Who is following Xu Chenghao like a pervert, watching his videos and photos every day?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "Do you think you don't have any? You're probably putting the cameras in the toilet!"

Jing Yicheng: "Even if I put it in the toilet, I wouldn't be as thick-skinned as you, and I live directly downstairs under the guise of finding a girlfriend!"

Ruan Chenxuan: "You still live upstairs!"

Jing Yicheng: "I moved because you lived with me first. Didn't I warn you later that you didn't move too?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "I didn't move out because I was watching you!"

Jing Yicheng: "You fart, you are obviously taking the opportunity to approach Xu Chenghao, and I am staring at you."


Xu Chenghao stood in the middle and watched the two quarrel, from shock at the beginning to speechlessness later, and then all the way to the state of watching a good show, his mood was like a roller coaster.

At first, he really thought that the two liked him, and after listening carefully, he would understand. It is estimated that the two people were misunderstood and supplemented by brain supplements to create such a confrontational scene. It was simple.

Xu Chenghao hugged his little yellow duck flower pot tightly, feeling that their quarrel seemed to have nothing to do with him, so he silently turned around and prepared to leave.

"Where are you going!" Jing Yicheng and Xu Chenghao turned their heads at the same time, and said in unison.

Xu Chenghao's footsteps immediately froze in place, and he could only helplessly turn around to face them: "You don't necessarily have to watch me when you quarrel, right? If you continue to quarrel with you, I will go first."

Saying that Xu Chenghao turned around and was about to leave, Jing Yicheng took a quick step forward and grabbed the person: "No, you must express your stance today."

"Hey, hey, little yellow duck!!" Xu Chenghao's arm was pulled loose, and he almost fell to the little yellow duck. Jing Yicheng quickly stretched out his hand to hold the bottom of the flower pot and firmly caught it and returned it to him: "It's okay."

"Just talk as you speak! Can you not be so rude!" Xu Chenghao was a little unhappy, slapped Kai Jing Yicheng, grabbed his hand, and raised the little yellow duck flower pot threateningly.

Jing Yicheng: "...wrong."

Only then did Xu Chenghao let him go, holding the little yellow duck flower pot and asking, "What did you just say? How do you express your position? Do you want me to praise who of you is more powerful when arguing? Not at all disgusting, not perverted?"

Jing Yicheng also knew that he was wrong, and said in a low voice, "No, I want you to make a statement about who you believe."

Ruan Chenxuan's eyes followed and reminded: "Mr. Jing, who has always been rebellious, is willing to say something wrong to President Xu. Presumably, President Xu should know the details and see people's hearts."

Jing Yicheng sneered: "I always respect people, as long as they are people in my eyes. For example, President Ruan is not necessarily."

Ruan Chenxuan suddenly gritted his teeth: "I think Mr. Jing should look at himself before looking at others."

Jing Yicheng: "You..."

"Stop!" Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Xu Chenghao hurriedly stopped and said speechlessly: "You two are so stupid, they are exactly the same, what you like about me is just to make up your own mind. Does Rou Yu know? What you like is that she is not me at all, so I won't make jokes about this kind of **** in the future!"

Ruan Chenxuan said calmly, "I believe the evidence."

Jing Yicheng: "I don't believe there are so many coincidences."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Xu Chenghao almost didn't catch his breath, closed his eyes and calmed down for two seconds and then gave up talking to these two fools: "It's alright, there's no need to argue, I think you two are quite suitable, you can just make do with it."

Jing Yicheng glanced at Ruan Chenxuan's stinky face subconsciously, and immediately turned his eyes away with disgust: "I'd rather make do with you than be with him."

Ruan Chenxuan seized the opportunity: "You admit it!"

Jing Yicheng sneered: "What? Do you want to spend the night with me?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "..."

He was silent.

In such a comparison, Xu Chenghao is humble and polite, a gentleman and elegant, and he looks handsome and handsome, tall and long and legs are long. No matter how you look at it, he is much better than a lunatic.

Ruan Chenxuan rolled his eyes at Jing Yicheng secretly, the more he looked at him, the more he felt that Xu Chenghao was good-looking, and then... and then for some unknown reason, he felt that Xu Chenghao in his sight began to turn purple...

Ruan Chenxuan suddenly widened his eyes, making sure that he really did not see it wrong. There seemed to be something on Xu Chenghao's head glowing purple, which directly enveloped him in a radiant glow. Not only was the complexion fair and his temperament elegant and mysterious, it seemed to look better.

It was the first time Ruan Chenxuan saw someone glowing purple light, and it was so pretty...

"What are you looking at!" Jing Yicheng suddenly crossed over to block his vision, and hid Xu Chenghao behind him: "And you said that you didn't think about it, your eyeballs were about to fall out just now!"

Ruan Chenxuan snapped back to his senses, thinking that he might be crazy, otherwise why would he look purple? Who gets purple?

Thinking, Ruan Chenxuan subconsciously glanced at Xu Chenghao's figure again, the young man was standing behind Jing Yicheng, holding a flowerpot that looked like a little yellow duck, looking at him in surprise, there was absolutely no purple light on his body... …

"Look!" Jing Yicheng got angry, grabbed his collar and said, "Isn't it enough?"

Ruan Chenxuan reluctantly pulled back his attention, and threw away Jing Yicheng's hand suddenly: "Didn't Mr. Jing say that he doesn't like Xu Chenghao? Why am I so nervous when I look at Mr. Jing?"

"I just hate that you take away anything around me, no matter the reason, I hate it!" When he said this, Jing Yicheng's eyes were dark and indifferent, his eyes refracted like a sharp sword. The skin was cold and terrifying.

Ruan Chenxuan also looked back at him, and the palms that fell beside him slowly clenched into fists.

The natural confrontation position makes two people arouse hatred and resentment in their hearts no matter where and when they are. The atmosphere also changed dramatically with their actions.

Seeing that the war was about to break out, Xu Chenghao rubbed his brows with a headache, and he just raised his mind and was pressed down again, so he could only grab Jing Yicheng's arm and smooth it out for him: "I can't fight anymore, if you really go to the hospital You can't eat chili for at least half a month, what do you think about the deformed chili left by the little yellow duck? Do you want me to give it to someone else?"

"No!" Jing Yicheng abandoned Ruan Chenxuan in an instant, turned his head and said, "I didn't get hurt much, and the doctor didn't tell me to avoid it."

Ruan Chenxuan said coolly from the side: "I told you, I said I didn't believe you didn't say it."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

He really hates Ruan Chenxuan! ! !

Xu Chenghao also glanced at Ruan Chenxuan helplessly, and made a closing action: "Okay, from now on, all the topics have been exposed, you should go back to rest, go back to rest, and continue to work if you should continue to work, don't waste time here. No? It's gone. It's gone."

After speaking, Xu Chenghao pushed Jing Yicheng in the direction of his car, ready to quickly separate the two.

Ruan Chenxuan suddenly felt a little jealous and unwilling to see the backs of them leaving, and shouted: "Xu Chenghao!"

Xu Chenghao stopped and looked back at him: "Huh?"

Ruan Chenxuan asked, "Did you choose to trust Jing Yicheng?"

Xu Chenghao glanced at Jing Yicheng, and suddenly shook his head: "I said, none of you like me, this is just a conclusion that you have over-brained, so I don't believe anyone."

Ruan Chenxuan didn't know why, but suddenly he said, "What if it's true? Who would you choose to believe?"

Jing Yicheng followed and looked back at Xu Chenghao, his eyes tense.

Xu Chenghao felt that this question was not valid, but these two people obviously wanted to use the question to compare the highs and lows...why did they rely on him to distinguish the highs and lows.

Xu Chenghao sighed, suddenly raised his finger and pointed at the greenhouse: "I'm sorry, I only have farming in my heart!"

Two people: "..."

This answer was so impeccable that the scene was once very silent.

Jing Yicheng asked after a long while, "Then you're not going to find someone to help you farm?"

Xu Chenghao raised the little yellow duck flowerpot: "I have a little yellow duck."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Xu Chenghao instantly killed the audience and said proudly, "Is there any problem?"

The two looked at him silently.

Xu Chenghao: "Very good, if there is no problem, go back to your own house, bye!"

Xu Chenghao waved to Ruan Chenxuan, and warned Jing Yicheng: "I have already confiscated your little yellow duck pillow, and I will return it to you after recovering the injury. If you are injured for a few days, you won't be able to see it for a few days, you can do it yourself! "

Jing Yicheng could only give up the idea of ​​fighting, "I'll take your car."

"Then what about your car?"

"Find someone to drag it away."


"No, but it's impossible for Ruan Chenxuan not to do it after he's done."


The topic dissipated in the wind. Ruan Chenxuan sneered after hearing the last few sentences. In order not to disappoint Jing Yicheng, he directly put on his four tires, scratched a turtle pattern on them, and kicked them hard before getting on. car leaves.

Still a little jealous...

Although Xu Chenghao said that he didn't believe anyone, he only had farming in his heart. But he obviously still drove Jing Yicheng away, he still cared about Jing Yicheng's body, even the farming and the little yellow duck had Jing Yicheng's participation!

He has nothing! He is the loser!

This is Ruan Chenxuan's first loss to Jing Yicheng. The unwillingness in my heart is a hundred times stronger than losing to anyone! He is not reconciled! He doesn't want to admit defeat!

The author has something to say: Three-piece winners in life: pepper, little yellow duck, **** king halo! you deserve to have!