Especially Jing Yicheng's smug eyes when he was leaving...

Ruan Chenxuan slammed his fist down on the steering wheel, the flames of anger swelled and burned his sanity completely, leaving only Jing Yicheng's complacent and provocative villain in his mind.

Is it a big deal to win once? Do you think you can sit back and relax after winning once? Do you think you are powerful and invincible when you win once?

Hehe, very good, Jing Yicheng successfully aroused his desire to win, and also successfully made him have the idea of ​​robbing people - as long as he wins, even if it is not a relationship but a brotherhood, it is better than leaving it to Jing Yicheng. Xu Chenghao became his strong supporter!

When he goes home and takes care of the illegitimate children, he will go and participate in their affairs well!

Yes, crazy, Jing Yicheng is crazy, and he is also driven crazy by Jing Yicheng! Now to see who is completely crazy!

Ruan Chenxuan stepped on the accelerator abruptly and drove the car home.

the other side.

If Ruan Chenxuan is unwilling to be angry, then Jing Yicheng is very proud - even though he is now sitting on the co-pilot with no expression, it is no different from before, but from his dull eyes, it can be seen that he is thinking about the car in his heart. Ruan Chenxuan's expression when he drove away.

One word: cool! ! !

Happier than making money, more excited than completing any research! This is the taste of victory, and it is really addicting. Jing Yicheng had only tasted it once, and wanted to catch it forever, never let the coveted person succeed, and let him be black-faced for a lifetime!

Hehe, fight him? When he guards the treasure, he looks at how much treasure he pays. Do you think you can pick it up cheaply behind your back? ridiculous!

If it is the prospect Yicheng, he will still worry that Ruan Chenxuan will kill the carbine and come to rob people at that time. But now that Jing Yicheng clearly felt the gap between Ruan Chenxuan and himself, he felt relieved.

It has long been said that the difference is a thousand miles away, but Jing Yicheng had already left Ruan Chenxuan behind when he first discovered that Xu Chenghao was good at making friends and cooperating with him. If he can still catch up after so much, then Jing Yicheng has lived so many years in vain!

He Ruan Chenxuan just stared blankly, he can't succeed in anything he wants to do with himself!

Jing Yicheng was completely immersed in his own world, until the moving car suddenly stopped, Xu Chenghao unlocked the car and said, "Get out of the car." He suddenly recovered and glanced out the car window.

Familiar greenery and familiar buildings - actually went straight home.

Jing Yicheng was quite surprised: "Is the company busy? You just sent me back like this?"

"It doesn't matter if the company is busy or not, you are like this, do I have the nerve to instruct you?" Xu Chenghao said, "Go back to rest... By the way, did your assistant know that you ran out of the hospital?"

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Xu Chenghao let out a long sigh, feeling speechless as a child, "Call your assistant now and ask him to pick you up upstairs."

Jing Yicheng could only take out his mobile phone, the first step - turn it on first!

Xu Chenghao began to rub his brows.

Step 2: Make a phone call.

As soon as the call was connected, even Xu Chenghao could hear the howls of ghosts and wolves on the phone, and the assistant cried out in a miserable voice: "Boss, ah, ah, ah, where are you going! Do you know that I'm going back all over the city to find you now? Rescue soldiers! Have you been kidnapped? If you are kidnapped, just blink... No, you will be kind, and I will save you!!"

Jing Yicheng said in a cool voice, "Curse me?"

Guikulanghao instantly stopped, and the assistant resumed his normal voice: "How come, I mean boss, where are you now? How are the wounds on your body? Do you need me to bring a medicine box to see you?"

"Need!" Xu Chenghao answered first: "We haven't gotten off the bus in the community yet, come and pick him up."

The assistant quickly recognized the voice and said excitedly, "Thank you so much, Mr. Xu, we'll be there soon. Please keep an eye on our boss and don't let him—crack!"

The phone was directly pressed to death, and Jing Yicheng said impatiently, "long-winded."

Xu Chenghao avenged his assistant: "People are doing it for your own good. It really takes nine lives to be a boss like you."

Jing Yicheng said calmly, "The reason why I am so passive is because of my lack of ability."

"Nonsense, if he has the same ability as you, he would still use you as the boss?" Xu Chenghao said, took out a bottle of mineral water from the storage area in the car and gave it to him: "Well, it's a little cold and I'll make it for a drink."

Jing Yicheng took it, but did not unscrew it: "If you are thirsty, we can go up and drink hot water."

"It's for you, I'll have to go back to the company later, I'm too lazy to go up." Xu Chenghao looked at the mineral water in his hand and wondered, "Don't you like cold water?"

Jing Yicheng: "I'm not thirsty."

Xu Chenghao directly approached and pulled out the co-pilot's sun visor: "Look at your lips before you speak."

There was a small rectangular mirror on the sun visor, Jing Yicheng looked at his lips, only to realize that his lips had dried up and turned white.

Jing Yicheng licked his lips subconsciously: "I didn't pay attention... Did you give me water to drink when you saw my mouth like this?"

Xu Chenghao asked back: "Otherwise? Am I poisoning?"

Jing Yicheng suddenly curled his lips into a smile: "Maybe."

Even though he said that, Jing Yicheng's hands were not slow at all. He unscrewed the lid and drank half a glass of mineral water directly. He looked at his lips that had returned to normal, and raised his hand to put the sun visor back in.

Sometimes being taken care of in details is really a warm thing. It's no wonder that Ruan Chenxuan said that the details can be seen in the heart... Jing Yicheng agreed with him for the first time.

Xu Chenghao knew that the other party was joking, so he ignored him when he saw that he had drunk water, and leaned back in the chair to wait for the assistant to rush over.

In the end, I don't know if it's too comfortable to be in the sun, or really too tired. Xu Chenghao waited and closed his eyes and finally fell asleep.

Seeing this, Jing Yicheng silently took out his mobile phone and started typing to send a text message to the assistant: "Come here as slowly as possible, and don't appear in front of me within two hours."

As soon as the text message showed that it was sent successfully, a very familiar car stopped next to it - the brake sounded at the same time as the text message notification sound.


Jing Yicheng: "..."

This is very embarrassing.

What's even more embarrassing is that the two cars parked together have a great impact on the road traffic of the community, so the car coming in behind was unwilling, and directly honked the horn three times to wake Xu Chenghao.

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Did he use all his luck on Ruan Chenxuan?

Xu Chenghao rubbed his face and managed to regain his spirits. He looked out following the sound of the horn, and suddenly said in surprise, "Hey? Isn't this your car? Your assistant is here, so get out of the car, don't let them get in the way."

Jing Yicheng: "...Then I'm leaving."

Xu Chenghao: "Well, bye bye."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

In the end, he got out of the car and watched Xu Chenghao drive away smartly.

Assistant: Don't dare to say a word.jpg


Xu Chenghao wandered outside for so long, and finally returned to the company and started busy. Li Nian has already packed up the upstairs office and calculated the exact number of units of loss.

Xu Chenghao asked him to send Jing Yicheng and Ruan Chenxuan half of the lost amount to ask for compensation, while he sat in his seat to bury his head and signed, minimizing the folders on the corner of the table.

After the meeting, Li Nian came back and said, "Mr. Xu, after I paid half of the compensation fee to them, both of them paid the full amount of compensation, saying that they paid the full amount, so there is no need to tell the other party."

"They all know me quite well." Xu Chenghao said without raising his head: "Accept as much as the amount, and return the rest."

Li Nian: "Okay."

Xu Chenghao: "Wait a minute, if they don't accept it, just tell them I don't want anyone's."

Li Nian: "Okay, I'll go and talk."

Xu Chenghao: "Go."

After Li Nian left the office, he was rejected when contacting for a refund, so he was ready to move out of Xu Chenghao's original words, and after talking to the two of them, it was solved directly. Li Nian can only sigh with emotion: President Xu is President Xu, and the prophet can be alright!

So busy until after get off work, Xu Chenghao drove home exhausted, but unfortunately met the male protagonist when he was still out of the garage.

Xu Chenghao was too lazy to speak. After nodding his head, he directly entered the elevator and leaned against the corner to rest.

Ruan Chenxuan also followed into the elevator: "I may have to move back soon."

Xu Chenghao glanced at him sideways: "Where's Han Haofeng? Aren't you afraid that he lives in Ruan's house and does things?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "I may have been worried before, but now it may be difficult to shake me."

Xu Chenghao: "That's right, I haven't congratulated Mr. Ruan on the great success of the project, congratulations!"

Ruan Chenxuan: "Mr. Xu should be happy together."

Two people are very hypocritical, you praise me and I praise you, and finally made it to the floor of Ruan Chenxuan. Ruan Chenxuan smiled and nodded, then stepped out of the elevator.

Xu Chenghao also breathed a sigh of relief and closed the elevator door.

The door closed little by little, and when there was only one gap, a hand suddenly came in and pushed the elevator door open. Ruan Chenxuan stood at the door and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Xu, I forgot to get the key. It may take a few minutes for the assistant to deliver it. Do you want to sit upstairs?"

Xu Chenghao didn't quite believe it: "Really..."

"It's definitely an accident this time." Ruan Chenxuan spread his hands to show his innocence, and by the way blocked the elevator door that was trying to close again: "Of course, if President Xu is embarrassed, I don't want to force it, it's fine for me to stand here and wait for a while."

Xu Chenghao glanced at his hand, smiled dryly and thought: You don't want to force me to close the elevator door! I really believe in your evil!

Xu Chenghao resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and said helplessly, "Mr. Ruan can come if he wants. Anyway, as long as there is no An Rouyu in my family, it won't change our relationship."

Ruan Chenxuan walked in with a smile: "Mr. Xu, don't worry, I really forgot my things at Ruan's house this time, and it has nothing to do with the past."

Xu Chenghao: "I hope so."

Ruan Chenxuan: "Of course."

The two came to Xu Chenghao's floor, and Ruan Chenxuan finally logged into Xu Chenghao's house for the second time. Before he could smile, he saw two legs flashing through the window, and then he looked closely and saw Jing Yicheng was wearing a home clothes. Outside the window, he showed a gloomy smile at him, gritted his teeth and said, "What a coincidence, Ruan, Chen, Xuan!"

The author has something to say: a few minutes ago.

Seeing the surveillance, Jing Yicheng frantically presses the elevator, presses the elevator, presses the elevator.

Ruan Chenxuan: I block me block me block!