Not to mention Ruan Chenxuan, even Xu Chenghao was taken aback when he saw people hanging outside the window, so he rushed over to open the window: "This is the sixth floor! Are you dying!"

Jing Yicheng stepped on the edge of the window and jumped in. After standing firm, he said coolly, "If the elevator could be used, I wouldn't climb the window."

Blocking the elevator, the culprit, Ruan Chenxuan's heart was not fluctuating, and he even wanted to laugh a little: "Being able to take an unusual road also shows that General Jing's strength is extraordinary, and it is also good to have a chance for Xiaolu once in a while."

Jing Yicheng hehe: "I hope you will have the opportunity to show your hand like this next time."

Ruan Chenxuan: "It's not as good as Jing's total strength."

Jing Yicheng: "Just know! How good would it be if you were so self-aware earlier?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "I am the beauty of etiquette and modesty that Mr. Jing lacks."

Jing Yicheng: "Haha."


Xu Chenghao turned his head left to look at Ruan Chenxuan, turned right to look at Jing Yicheng, and said speechlessly, "Look at your pig-headed appearance, why are you embarrassed to fight each other? Forgot which two entered the hospital this morning?"

Jing Yicheng & Ruan Chenxuan: "…"

"Especially you Jing Yicheng!" Xu Chenghao carried the little yellow duck pillow and smashed it: "I don't know if I'm injured! If you climb the window on the sixth floor, you are not afraid of death, right? You are so capable, why don't you look in the mirror? Look at your face! Do you dare! Do you dare!"

Jing Yicheng was smashed into the sofa and sat down, "I don't dare, I know it's wrong."

Xu Chenghao shook the little yellow duck pillow in his hand: "See? Your pillow, confiscated!"

Jing Yicheng immediately sat up straight: "Why!"

"Because you are so ugly after being injured, I'm afraid to scare it." Xu Chenghao said: "When you are injured, take the medical report to redeem it."

Jing Yicheng: "...Oh."

After the lesson was finished, Xu Chenghao took care of his clothes, and the elegant and calm eldest young master of the Xu family politely invited Ruan Chenxuan to come and sit.

Ruan Chenxuan smiled and sat down on the sofa. His expression didn't change, but all he had in his heart were the pictures he had just seen.

Sometimes fighting is not necessarily a bad relationship, but the best proof of the relationship. It seems that the more good friends are, the more they can blame each other, because the relationship is good, so there is no fear. Only when dealing with strangers or people with ordinary relationships, will you be polite, always pay attention to your words and deeds, and maintain your image.

Unfortunately, Ruan Chenxuan found that based on the current situation, Jing Yicheng was the former, and he was the latter—at least Xu Chenghao would not arouse worry and concern in his heart because of him, nor would he break his coldness because of him. A gentle mask that is not hot, and will not be in close contact with him.

But Jing Yicheng can do it.

The gap between them is not that big, no wonder Jing Yicheng was so arrogant in the morning, he also saw the gap between himself and him.

Ruan Chenxuan drank tea calmly, thinking about how to face the oppression brought by Jing Yicheng.

And the person he was vigilant was sitting on the single sofa opposite him, staring at him motionlessly, wishing to linger him with his eyes: "How come Mr. Ruan is free today? It seems that the family's tossing is not enough."

Ruan Chenxuan said lightly: "Yeah, it's a pity that Mr. Jing was not satisfied... It's a pity that although I came back this time just to get things, I can move back in a few days later."

Jing Yicheng: "It seems that President Ruan still doesn't give up."

Ruan Chenxuan: "No, it should be just thinking about it."

Jing Yicheng lowered his face and stared at him, but Ruan Chenxuan was unaffected and looked back with a smile. The eyes of the two were facing each other in the air, and with the continuous fierce fighting, the atmosphere also changed and became tense.

Maybe this is the PK barrier brought by the villain and the male protagonist. At this time, Xu Chenghao feels that he is very redundant and should not disturb their PK... But Nima's is his home! If you have the ability, you PK go to your own home!

Xu Chenghao cleared his throat and was about to stop, when a bell rang first to break the deadlock - it was Ruan Chenxuan's cell phone.

Ruan Chenxuan immediately lowered his head to check, hung up the phone, and got up and said, "My assistant has arrived. Since the keys are delivered to me, it's time to leave. I am very grateful to Mr. Xu for his hospitality regardless of previous suspicions. If there is a chance, I will definitely invite Mr. Xu to dinner."

"You don't need to ask." Jing Yicheng next to him interjected.

"I didn't say I wanted to invite President Jing." After Ruan Chenxuan responded, he said to Xu Chenghao, "President Xu stayed, no need to send it, I'll go first."

Xu Chenghao nodded: "Goodbye, Mr. Ruan."

Ruan Chenxuan: "Goodbye."

When the door closed, Jing Yicheng snorted coldly, "Finally gone."

Xu Chenghao kicked his leg: "If everyone else is gone, you should go too. What are you still doing?"

"I haven't eaten yet." Jing Yicheng said cheekily, "I'm so hungry that I can't go back."

Xu Chenghao: "Aren't you very good, can you still climb the window?"

Jing Yicheng: "Yes, all the remaining strength is used on it."

Xu Chenghao was speechless: "Who did you learn this from? You didn't talk so much before."

Jing Yicheng glanced at him and said nothing.

Xu Chenghao: "…"

It can't be him, he's not like this!

Xu Chenghao forcibly changed the topic because of his guilty conscience, and suddenly smashed the little yellow duck pillow into his arms, got up and said, "Eat!"

Jing Yicheng took the opportunity to rub the little yellow duck's pillow, and reluctantly put it back on the sofa and followed into the dining room.

Auntie is probably used to Jing Yicheng eating meals. Recently, dinner is for two people, and she also prepares fruit after meals.

Xu Chenghao put the dish in front of Jing Yicheng and warned: "You are covered with wounds and your head looks like a pig's head. You can only eat these, you know? Don't touch my side!"

Jing Yicheng nodded silently.

Xu Chenghao saw that he was still honest, so he sat down again with satisfaction and began to eat.

While eating, Jing Yicheng suddenly said, "The project is almost over."

Xu Chenghao hummed, but he still didn't understand what the other party meant.

Jing Yicheng waited for a long time without waiting for a response, then raised his head and said, "Did you forget our agreement?"

Xu Chenghao raised his eyes to look at him, "Who made an agreement with you, forget it."

When Jing Yicheng heard the words, he immediately put down his bowls and chopsticks, and said solemnly, "We originally agreed to use the project as the agreed time to determine whether the final relationship is an enemy or a friend. Now it's only a few days before the end of the project. Don't you plan to say anything?"

Xu Chenghao moved for a while, then put down the bowls and chopsticks and thought for a while, vaguely remembering that the villain did say something similar two or three months ago.

Xu Chenghao: "Ah... I remember."

Jing Yicheng stared at him with good eyes.

Xu Chenghao picked up the bowl and chopsticks, put food for himself in the bowl, looked up and smiled at him: "If you want to be a friend, continue to eat, and if you want to be an enemy, go out through the window, you choose!"

Jing Yicheng's eyes lit up instantly, and he said in surprise, "You agree?"

Xu Chenghao: "Eat or not?"

"Eat!" How could Jing Yicheng not eat, he quickly picked up the bowl and chopsticks to continue eating. Even if you eat a light meal in your mouth, your heart feels as if you have eaten honey, it's not beautiful.

Although I know that their relationship has eased, when the relationship is really confirmed, the emotion of excitement, joy and surprise still erupts like a fountain, flowing through every corner of the body, making the whole person happy and excited, and can't wait to stay in place Three hundred and sixty-degree rotations twice to ease the mood.

The original sin of his three little peppers has finally been cleared up! !

And... this is his first real friend!

Jing Yicheng's expression management failed, the corners of his lips twitched and he never let go, his face stiffened with laughter.

Your face is so swollen and still smiling, does it really hurt? Xu Chenghao started to look grim when he saw it, and said with disgust, "It's alright, it's alright, I've already said what I said after eating. Go back and rest. If you don't go to work tomorrow, I'll have to go to work."

Jing Yicheng coughed lightly, began to control his emotions, got up with a deep expression, and said, "Then I'll go first."

Xu Chenghao shouted behind him, "Wait..."

Jing Yicheng: "No need to send it!"

Xu Chenghao said angrily: "There is a window over there! Walk me through the door!"

Jing Yicheng: "…"

After the tossing to the end, Xu Chenghao finally sent away the idiot Jing Yicheng. While washing, he complained in his heart that this guy looks smart, but in fact, the more he gets in touch, the more stupid he is, just like a mentally deficient child...

Xu Chenghao moved for a while, thinking to himself, wouldn't this be the only way to drag the villain's core in the text? The mentally retarded bear child = the big villain with gloomy nerves?

Looking at it this way, the bear child has the ability, acts according to his own preferences, and hates other children touching his own things, which seems to be quite suitable.

Xu Chenghao: "…"

Forget it, he still doesn't think about it.

Xu Chenghao gave up and continued to imagine, and quickly finished washing and lay back on the bed, holding the little yellow duck pillow and looking at the little yellow duck tooting flowerpot on the head of the bed, waiting for the arrival of the little pepper 3.0 mission.

In the middle of the night, the familiar taste of chili peppers, the familiar system ding ding.

[Ding—The feedback is successful, and the Little Pepper mission is automatically updated to version 3.0. Mission requirements: The trigger must plant 100 peppers within one month of starting the mission, and it cannot be harvested over time. [With a pack of low-grade chili seeds, enjoy a 30% result rate]]

[Ding-Little Pepper reminds you that the 30% result rate of pepper seed means that you plant this seed, with a 40% chance of failure, a 30% chance of deformity, and a 100% chance of being deformed. Thirty out of 30 possible outcomes. 】

[Ding—Little Pepper reminds you that with the increase in the fruiting rate, the growth cycle of small peppers is also growing synchronously. Starting from this task, the small pepper cycle has been extended, two days of seedlings, two days of flowering, two days of fruiting, please harvest on time and don’t forget . 】

[Ding - Please start your mission. 】

Xu Chenghao looked at the small bag of pepper seeds in his hand and carefully digested the news just now. As he speculated, the number of each mission upgrade was followed by a zero. This time it was 100 and the next time it was 110,000. He was right to prepare the greenhouse.

The only bad news is that the cycle of Little Pepper has been extended, the result rate has increased to 30%, and the failure rate has been reduced by 10%, greatly improving the probability of success. I hope this time I can also complete the task!

The author has something to say: the third task begins √