It doesn't seem like it feels... it's just redundant!

Zheng Yunyun herself felt that she shouldn't be here - after all, in this situation, it doesn't look like she has a date with Xu Chenghao, but she has a big light bulb-shaped head, and her high wattage affects other people's dates!


Zheng Yunyun suddenly regained her senses and turned to look in the direction where the two left, her eyes surprised.

It turns out that Xu Chenghao's statement that liking a man is not an excuse for rejecting marriage is the truth.

So is he and Jing Yicheng in love now? Is the new powerful and powerful Jing Yicheng and Xu Chenghao, who is in charge of the Xu Group, joining forces?

Zheng Yunyun bit her lip and suddenly realized that she didn't have the benefit of acting impulsively at the beginning. After all, Xu Chenghao's future is promising, and his achievements are definitely only high or low. It is undoubtedly a very beneficial thing for him to be his friend.

Zheng Yunyun took a deep breath, calmed down the impetuousness in her heart, and smiled at the service staff around her, "That's it."

The waiter bowed and said, "Okay, miss, would you like to try on the jewelry in a dress? There are a lot of new styles recently, and it will look good with a skirt."

"it is good."

Zheng Yunyun sat in front of the mirror and looked at herself, smiling slightly. Although men are unreliable, she can rely on herself!

the other side.

Xu Chenghao looked at Jing Yicheng who had changed his clothes and always felt that something was not right: "Aren't you bumping into shirts like this?"

Jing Yicheng pointed to his clothes: "I am black, you are dark blue."

Xu Chenghao held his chin and looked at him: "But you are the same as me from the tie to the brooch, and the color of the cufflinks is the same."

Jing Yicheng calmly arranged his cufflinks: "It's okay, I don't despise you."

Xu Chenghao: "..."@#¥%&*#

He got up and said, "You don't despise me, and I still despise you. You don't change me!"

Jing Yicheng reached out and pressed the person back to the sofa, pressing his shoulders to keep him from getting up.

Xu Chenghao raised his head and glared at him: "Why?"

Jing Yicheng looked down at him for a few seconds, then remedied with a serious face: "You look the best, even better than me."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh at the moment, raised his hand and patted his hand on his shoulder, and said in disgust, "A clumsy way of coaxing people."

Jing Yicheng: "It's really beautiful."

Xu Chenghao deliberately embarrassed him: "Then I bring the best look, aren't you afraid that the same ones I bring will be used as a foil for green leaves?"

Jing Yicheng: "I would like to be a green leaf!"

"It sounds better than singing, no, replace it for me!" Xu Chenghao was ruthless: "Now I despise you, there is no room for negotiation, hurry up!"

Jing Yicheng: "..."

In the end, the brooch was replaced with a square scarf, the tie was also replaced, and the cufflinks were still left by Jing Yicheng who insisted that he liked it, which was simply miserable.

Once again, having a taste of the lack of a mouth, Jing Yicheng could only shut his mouth silently as a lesson, and promised in his heart that he would never speak casually again next time.

After the two of them made a fuss, after confirming with the waiter that it was these two clothes, they changed back to their clothes and finally remembered the existence of the protagonist Zheng Yunyun this time, and went back to the women's clothing area to see her.

Zheng Yunyun is trying on earrings. The diamond earrings with tassel texture are shiny, simple yet extravagant, which is very in line with her dress and hairstyle.

Xu Chenghao praised: "Ms. Zheng has a great vision."

Zheng Yunyun glanced at Xu Chenghao in the mirror and smiled shyly.

Jing Yicheng was expressionless.

Afraid that they would wait too long, Zheng Yunyun quickly determined the accessories she wanted and changed back to her clothes.

Xu Chenghao looked at her high heels and said, "Miss Zheng didn't drive, shall I take you home?"

Originally, Zheng Yunyun's arrangement was to go to dinner after choosing clothes, and then be sent home by the gentleman. But plans are never as fast as changing, Zheng Yunyun noticed Dao Jing Yicheng's increasingly impatient eyes towards her, and immediately smiled: "Thank you, Mr. Xu, for your kindness, the driver will be here soon, and I want to go to a friend's store to have a look. , you go first."

Xu Chenghao: "Okay, see you tomorrow, Miss Zheng."

"See you tomorrow."

After saying goodbye to Zheng Yunyun, Xu Chenghao unlocked the car and sat in the cab. While waiting for Jing Yicheng to sit in, he glanced at the street outside: "Do you want us to eat out?"

"No." Jing Yicheng refused swiftly, fastened his seat belt and motioned, "Go home."

Xu Chenghao was unwilling: "Why can't we eat outside?"

Jing Yicheng: "The food at home is the best."

Xu Chenghao opened his mouth and didn't speak, but Jing Yicheng turned his head and said seriously, "Nothing compares!"

Xu Chenghao's words choked instantly, staring at him unwillingly. Jing Yicheng also stared at him without giving up.

The two stared at each other at close range in the dim car for a moment. In the end, Xu Chenghao gave up first and sat up straight and drove home in discouragement. I will go home when I go home. Anyway, Jing Yicheng is no longer in the company. He and Li Nian will go out to eat every day in the future!

Jing Yicheng stared at his resentful expression, and the corners of his mouth turned up subconsciously, leaning on the co-pilot in a good mood and waiting to go home for dinner.

He didn't mean to go against Xu Chenghao, but compared to the elegant and quiet restaurant outside, he still prefers the fireworks-filled food at Xu Chenghao's house.

He likes it very much, and even misses it.

At the same time, he also knows that this feeling is only because of Xu Chenghao, and he knows that it is because of the energetic good morning that he stands beside Xu Chenghao that belongs to him, the worry of laughter and curses, the sense of security that makes him fall asleep quickly And the other side of Xu Chenghao that was only revealed to him... all because of his position beside Xu Chenghao.

Therefore, he must occupy this position firmly, and he must protect Xu Chenghao so that he will not be taken away by anyone.

He wants to guard the treasure he discovered first, and no one can move it!

Jing Yicheng rubbed the calluses on his thumb, his eyes were cold. Sometimes Ruan Chenxuan's death-free gold medal is easy to use, but after a long time, he can't believe that the death-free gold medal can't be exhausted. At that time, as long as Zhang Yun lets go, he will...

"What are you thinking? Get out of the car!" Xu Chenghao suddenly interrupted his train of thought, and unfastened his seat belt for him: "I'm home, I'm home."

Jing Yicheng quickly retracted his dangerous thoughts, got out of the car calmly pretending that nothing happened, and followed Xu Chenghao home for dinner.

The aunt had already prepared dinner and left after telling her. Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng chatted while eating slowly.

Xu Chenghao asked, "Are you going to stay straight after dinner, or will you climb down the window later?"

Jing Yicheng said, "I'll just stay, and I don't have to go back to know that he's still there."

Xu Chenghao bit his chopsticks and looked at him, hesitantly said, "Can I ask who it is? It doesn't matter if it's inconvenient to say."

"It's not inconvenient." Jing Yicheng briefly described it again: "It's someone sent by my leader who wants me to take the order. If I refuse, I'll stay with me here. I want to stay with me until I agree."

Xu Chenghao snorted and asked in doubt, "Then why don't you agree? Now that the project is over, you should have time."

Jing Yicheng was silent for two seconds, and calmly put the responsibility on the other party: "I don't like his attitude, and I don't want to cooperate."

Capable enough, but also in line with his temperamental temperament and reckless character. Xu Chenghao felt that there was nothing wrong, and instead asked, "Then how long are you going to stay with me?"

Jing Yicheng said without hesitation, "Live until he leaves."

Xu Chenghao snorted: "Then if you don't agree to cooperate, he will definitely not leave. Aren't you two fighting each other? When will you have a head?"

Jing Yicheng said coldly, "That's what I hate the most."

It looks like it won't give in. Xu Chenghao sighed helplessly: "Then let it go, just be happy."

Anyway, about the Jing Yicheng Research Institute, Xu Chenghao knows a little bit about the plot, and the rest is that he really doesn't know anything. The only thing he can do is to free up the guest room for Jing Yicheng to live in, as a friend for him. of encouragement.

As for the rest...he had time to think so much, it might as well prepare for the dinner party.

The banquet started at 5:00 pm the next day. Xu Chenghao needed to do his styling at three o'clock and pick up Zheng Yunyun at four o'clock, and then went to the banquet location to attend the banquet together.

It is said that this banquet is the 18-year-old adult banquet of Zheng Yunyun's cousin Zheng Xiaoxiao, so Zheng Yunyun attaches great importance to it - women's attention is probably that they can't be compared, so from the dress to the male partner, she must be obsessed with others.

Obviously, Zheng Yunyun thinks she has succeeded - in fact, being able to invite Xu Chenghao as a foil for her is already a big step closer to success, plus the makeup and dress she has prepared for a long time, she is simply a complete victory!

Feeling the envious gazes from other women, Zheng Yunyun held Xu Chenghao's hand and controlled her facial expression to keep smiling, but she was already laughing proudly in her heart.

Until now, Zheng Yunyun whispered to Xu Chenghao: "I actually have a very bad relationship with my cousin. She usually compares everything to me, how bad it is."

Xu Chenghao laughed: "What's wrong with children."

Zheng Yunyun said: "If she hadn't robbed my last boyfriend, I really didn't plan to embarrass her."

Xu Chenghao paused: "When did it happen?"

Zheng Yunyun said calmly: "Don't be surprised, Zheng Xiaoxiao just robbed my man from puppy love... Of course, you can also take this as my one-sided remark, but at least you are my male partner today, and if you don't support me, you must remain neutral. If I dare to support her, I will turn my face!"

Xu Chenghao couldn't understand the grievances between women, so he said, "I'm neutral."

Zheng Yunyun expected it: "It's fine if you don't support her, anyway..."

The two were talking when an exclamation suddenly came from the door interrupting Zheng Yunyun's voice. When the two looked back at the same time, they saw Ruan Chenxuan walked in with a female companion and was greeting others.

This female companion looks familiar and seems to be a very famous actress on TV, Zhuo Meixue. Recently, Yuji has been chasing the wind and announcing that she will join the wealthy family.

It turns out that this wealthy family is Ruan Chenxuan.

Before Xu Chenghao could finish his emotion, Zheng Yunyun suddenly showed her eyes in a certain direction, and said with emotion, "The dinner party is really lively now."

Xu Chenghao followed the gesture and looked over, and saw that the male protagonist's ex-fiancee Zhou Qian was standing in the crowd with champagne in hand, staring at Zhuo Meixue silently, her eyes fierce.

Xu Chenghao: "...It's quite lively!"

The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao can't think of it...the more lively in the back hahahaha