At such a time, one has to sigh with emotion, the circle is so small, and you can meet your ex-fiancee, ex-girlfriend's sister, and ex-girlfriend's ex-fiancé while attending a banquet. In particular, the male protagonist also has a female companion who is full of scandals, which is as embarrassing as it is embarrassing.

Xu Chenghao took a sip of red wine, looking forward to how the male protagonist would solve the complicated Shura field.

At this time, Ruan Chenxuan was bringing his female companion to meet and shake hands with the others, and while chatting, he walked from the door to the banquet. Zhuo Meixue held his arm, and Xiaoniao leaned against him, occasionally smiling to the people around her.

Zhuo Meixue has been ups and downs in the entertainment industry for so many years, and her appearance and temperament are indeed unremarkable. Standing next to the male protagonist has a feeling of a golden boy and a girl, and looks very well matched.

Relatively speaking, Zhou Qian suffers from a disadvantage in terms of appearance. The only thing better than Zhuo Meixue is her life experience. If Zhuo Meixue tried her best to marry a wealthy family, Zhou Qian herself is a wealthy family. Even though she has an embarrassed status now and is the male protagonist's ex-fiancee, it's not the same who wins or loses in a head-to-head fight.

The heroine's sister was also present. If I remember correctly in the plot, the heroine sister is the first female supporting role to appear. Her mother entered the house as a junior, and she was scolded for a long time by the child without a father who lived in a very hard life. She was envious and envious of the heroine's life.

Therefore, she blamed the heroine for all her sufferings, and wanted her to experience the grievances she suffered in those years.

Not only that, she also envied the heroine being protected and taken care of by Xu Chenghao. She once tried to rob her fiancé until she was severely rejected by the Xu family and knew there was no chance. Because she didn't want to lose, she set her sights on Ruan Chenxuan on the men's side, but she didn't expect Ruan Chenxuan and An Rouyu to end up in the end. Rolled the sheets and fell in love.

Therefore, she hates the heroine very much, thinking that the heroine took everything from her, and that the existence of the heroine is to overcome her, and it can be regarded as a very classic vicious female support.

I don't know now that the heroine has left, and has she taken any measures to win over the heroine - after all, she has always liked to steal the heroine's things, and she should be the one who is most willing to watch the heroine suffer.

After Xu Chenghao sorted out the relationship between all the plot characters in his mind, he rarely regretted why the heroine was not here today. If the heroine was here, it would be even more lively.

It's a pity... Xu Chenghao raised his glass regretfully and was about to take a sip, but his wrist was already raised but suddenly stopped. Xu Chenghao looked down at the reflection in the red wine and turned his head slowly.

Behind him, a well-dressed man stood out from the crowd. Whether it was his tall figure or his domineering aura, he couldn't be ignored. He kept staring at Xu Chenghao, as if surprised and happy that Xu Chenghao found him so early, handsome. A faint smile instantly appeared on his face: "What a coincidence."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

What a shit!

It would be weird if it wasn't intentional!

Xu Chenghao rolled his eyes at him and didn't want to talk to him.

Jing Yicheng took a few steps forward and looked down at him slightly: "Why do you see me so unhappy?"

Xu Chenghao said coolly, "Oh, I'm just curious how the wound on your face healed so quickly, maybe you also put on powder."

Jing Yicheng's face stiffened: "No, I'm almost healed from my injury."

Xu Chenghao snorted, too lazy to pay attention to him.

Jing Yicheng took the initiative to please: "The little yellow ducks are blooming, are they heavy? I'll hold them for you."

"Go away!" Xu Chenghao turned sideways and warned with a frown, "If you knock me off one, I'll turn your back on you."

Jing Yicheng could only withdraw his hand and praised in a different strategy: "This flower seems to be a lot bigger than before, it looks good."

Xu Chenghao paused, looked down at Xiaobaihua and asked, "Is it big?"

Jing Yicheng affirmed: "It's bigger, and the height of the pepper seedlings is also lower."

Xu Chenghao put down the wine glass and took a closer look with the little yellow duck in his hands. He felt that the pepper seedlings seemed to be really short, but Jing Yicheng didn't say that he hadn't noticed it before.

Could it be that because the fruiting rate is different, the seed varieties are different, so the pepper seedlings that grow out are also different? Is that so?

What Xu Chenghao paid most attention to was the pepper seedlings. He was instantly attracted by Jing Yicheng's few words, and he basically forgot about the Shura Field and the female companions.

Standing aside, Zheng Yunyun's smile gradually froze, and she took the initiative to show her sense of existence with a light cough: "Hello, Mr. Jing, I didn't expect to see you at the banquet today."

Jing Yicheng gave a perfunctory hum, and his eyes were still on Xu Chenghao and Little Yellow Duck.

Well, I feel very embarrassed again... Zheng Yunyun held the red wine glass and began to think about whether she should talk to a friend for a while and then come over.

Fortunately, someone appeared to break the deadlock - Ruan Chenxuan came with a female companion!

Ruan Chenxuan smiled and said with a glass of wine: "Mr. Xu has not seen you for a long time."

Xu Chenghao recovered from the change in the pepper seedlings, politely picked up the red wine glass and clinked, "Long time no see."

Zhuo Meixue also smiled and gestured with Zheng Yunyun, toasting each other.

The two sides had a very hypocritical exchange, Ruan Chenxuan seemed to be unable to see the existence of Jing Yicheng, stared straight at Xu Chenghao, and said warmly, "It's been too busy these days, so I made an appointment with President Xu a few days ago. The dinner party has not been arranged, I hope President Xu will not mind."

Xu Chenghao could feel that the other party was deliberately targeting Jing Yicheng, so he looked at Jing Yicheng with a smile and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, Jing always has time recently, and he is always with me."

Jing Yicheng controlled the raised corner of his mouth and pretended to be normal, but looked at Ruan Chenxuan provocatively and proudly: Did you see it! This is the difference between friends and strangers! Xu Chenghao will protect me!

Although Ruan Chenxuan expected this kind of scene, he couldn't help but sink his face for Jing Yicheng's poor performance: "It seems that Jing has a lot of time."

Jing Yicheng responded calmly: "It's about being attentive, not how much time there is."

Ruan Chenxuan: "It seems that Mr. Jing's attention is devoted to eating."

Jing Yicheng: "That's better than President Ruan's focus on digging walls."

Ruan Chenxuan: "Being poached can only mean that the guardians are not careful enough."

Jing Yicheng: "From the standpoint that you haven't succeeded yet, don't you think it's a joke to say this?"

Ruan Chenxuan sneered: "It's not up to Mr. Jing to decide whether to laugh or not."

Jing Yicheng also sneered: "That's not necessarily true."

Every time the two fight against each other, they bring their own PK enchantment, immersed in this world, they can't wait to kill each other with their eyes. Xu Chenghao was accustomed to seeing this kind of scene, his internal interest remained unchanged and he still wanted to drink.

On the contrary, Zhuo Meixue and Zheng Yunyun looked a little nervous, and were very worried that they would fight if they were arguing - after all, the state and momentum of the two of them were too terrifying.

And with such a commotion, they instantly became the hottest spot in the banquet center. Are you going to fight? Are you going to fight? Go! I press Ruan Chenxuan!

When more and more people not only watched from a distance, but also began to gather around, Xu Chenghao felt that he couldn't stay any longer, put the wine glass on the table, and motioned Zheng Yunyun to follow him.

Zheng Yunyun breathed a sigh of relief, and followed Xu Chenghao out of the encirclement while thinking: Fortunately, Xu Chenghao remembered that he had a female companion, otherwise it would be more embarrassing to leave himself standing alone.

As soon as Xu Chenghao left, Jing Yicheng glanced at Ruan Chenxuan with a warning, turned around and followed.

Ruan Chenxuan stood silent for two seconds, looked around indifferently, forced all the onlookers back, stood there and drank the red wine in his hands!

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of this banquet to connect with Xu Chenghao and make up for the previous gap little by little. Unexpectedly, Jing Yicheng, this follower, was really clinging to Xu Chenghao and didn't leave any space for him at all.

It's so nasty!

Ruan Chenxuan had a gloomy face, and suddenly turned to look at Zhuo Meixue: "Help me do something."

Zhuo Meixue's eyes widened slightly: "Mr. Ruan?"

"Don't you want to marry into a wealthy family?" Ruan Chenxuan didn't have the patience to listen to her to say anything else, and said directly: "Jing Yicheng is a newcomer, I can only tell you that his power is hidden, if he climbs up, he can definitely Let your wealthy family be worry-free for a lifetime."

Zhuo Meixue bit her lip and said, "I've made enough money myself. The reason why I pursue Mr. Ruan is just because I like you, not because I want to marry into a wealthy family."

Ruan Chenxuan's eyes mocked, but his expression lightly said: "Okay, now is the time to prove how much you love me."


In the corner, Xu Chenghao was resting on the sofa, Zheng Yunyun was sitting awkwardly on his left, and Jing Yicheng was sitting on his right. The three of them stayed in this state until the protagonist of the banquet came out to cut the cake and make a wish.

Zheng Yunyun held it back for a long time before she whispered, "Mr. Xu, my sister is out, you have to come with me."

Xu Chenghao nodded: "Okay."

The two said that they were about to get up and leave, Jing Yicheng next to him immediately got up, Xu Chenghao stopped and he stopped. Xu Chenghao looked back at him, his face was still calm, and he didn't seem to feel that something was wrong.

Xu Chenghao said helplessly, "Mr. Jing, you came to the banquet to stare at me, right?"

Jing Yicheng shook his head: "Strictly speaking, I came to the banquet because I knew you were here, so I only know you at this banquet."

Xu Chenghao: "I'm going with Miss Zheng to see the birthday star, are you going too?"

Jing Yicheng was puzzled: "I've already attended the banquet, what's wrong with that?"

Zheng Yunyun said embarrassedly: "Well, there is a little grudge that needs to be resolved, it may be inconvenient."

Jing Yicheng's face sank instantly, staring at Zheng Yunyun indifferently, very doubting whether the other party was deliberately pushing him, and what his thoughts were.

Zheng Yunyun was stabbed by her gaze, and her goosebumps all over her body. She subconsciously hid behind Xu Chenghao and whispered, "Xu, President Xu..." Her final voice began to tremble.

Xu Chenghao looked at Jing Yicheng for a while, then suddenly put the little yellow duck in his hands in Jing Yicheng's arms, and said seriously, "This is the first time I have handed the little yellow duck to others, you help me Take good care of him and protect him, I will come back as soon as possible, is that alright?"