! ! ! ! !

Jing Yicheng's heart was completely overwhelmed by the exclamation mark, and he was stunned: "You give me the little yellow duck?"

Xu Chenghao: "It's not for you, it's for you to look at it for a while."

Jing Yicheng ignored it automatically, because he was too surprised and kept repeating: "I didn't expect you to believe so much that I would give the little yellow duck to me for protection, but you gave me the little yellow duck with confidence! This is the first time you have entrusted the little yellow duck to me. Yellow duck!"

Xu Chenghao: "I..."

Jing Yicheng: "You can rest assured that I will protect the little yellow duck, and not a single white flower will fall off!"

Xu Chenghao: "You..."

Jing Yicheng: "I'll wait for you here with Little Yellow Duck, I can do it!"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Forget it, let Jing Yicheng have a happy meeting.

Xu Chenghao nodded and said that it was great, and in Jing Yicheng's farewell, he reluctantly took Zheng Yunyun out of here.

When the two walked through the crowd hand in hand, Zheng Yunyun breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and said, "Mr. Jing's eyes are really scary."

Xu Chenghao said subconsciously, "I'm sorry."

Zheng Yunyun laughed: "It's not your fault, why do you apologize."

Xu Chenghao: "After all, it is because of me that I am like this."

Zheng Yunyun looked up at him and said with a smile, "It's not President Xu's fault, it only shows how charming President Xu is."

Xu Chenghao: "?"

Is there something wrong with the topic?

Between doubts, the two had already walked in front of Shou Xing, Xu Chenghao withdrew his attention, concentrated on facing the battle of women, and avoided spreading to himself without knowing it.

Zheng Xiaoxiao was chatting with her male partner, when she saw Zheng Yunyun's expression became uncontrollable for a moment when she came over, she smiled and said, "Sister Yunyun, you are here."

Zheng Yunyun was happy when she saw her like this, smiled and said, "Yes, after all, it is your coming-of-age ceremony. If I don't come, how can I be worthy of your care for me all these years!"

"Sister Yunyun is really good at joking, but you take care of me more." Zheng Xiaoxiao looked at Xu Chenghao as he spoke, his eyes slightly brightened: "This is..."

Zheng Yunyun pretended to be casual and said, "Oh, this is President Xu, the person in charge of the Xu Group, you should have heard of it."

Zheng Xiaoxiao immediately smiled and stretched out her hand: "It turned out to be President Xu. It's the first time I've seen you today. Hello."

Xu Chenghao was holding the wine glass in one hand and Zheng Yunyun holding the other arm. If he wanted to shake hands, Zheng Yunyun would have to let go. But after waiting for two seconds, the people around him didn't mean to let go at all, Xu Chenghao immediately understood what he meant, so he smiled apologetically to Zheng Xiaoxiao, and just said, "Hello."

Zheng Xiaoxiao withdrew her hand in embarrassment, clinking glasses again to ease the embarrassment.

"Oh, by the way, Xiaoxiao, you are an adult now, when will you make a decision with your boyfriend?" Zheng Yunyun suddenly looked at the male partner beside her: "After all, the life and death of love were inseparable, and now I definitely hope to make an early decision. Bar."

Zheng Xiaoxiao glanced at Xu Chenghao subconsciously, and pretended to be shy to fool him: "Sister Yunyun, what are you talking about, stop talking."

Xu Chenghao stood silently as the background board, and he only needed to cooperate with Zheng Yunyun occasionally to watch a Zheng Family Slap Theater for free.

It wasn't until Zheng Xiaoxiao couldn't laugh anymore that her eyes were about to burst into flames, and then Zheng Yunyun let her go and exited the stage with Xu Chenghao smiling.

Zheng Yunyun's excitement is beyond words: "Cool! I'm happy to see her unhappy!"

Xu Chenghao: "...Well, just be happy."

Zheng Yunyun smiled: "I still want to thank Mr. Xu for his full cooperation. Mr. Xu can rest assured that you can call me when you need to slap your face in the future. I can play your best girlfriend perfectly!"

Xu Chenghao: "Thank you in advance."

While chatting, the two were about to go back to find Jing Yicheng, but they were stopped halfway. Ruan Chenxuan raised his wine glass and said, "Would you like a drink?"

Xu Chenghao subconsciously looked in the direction of Jing Yicheng, but he didn't find any figure, and immediately smiled: "What do you mean by Mr. Ruan?"

Ruan Chenxuan glanced at Zheng Yunyun, and explained simply: "I just hope to have a drink with President Xu alone, and not be disturbed by the outside world."

Xu Chenghao said coldly, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested."

Seeing that he was angry, Ruan Chenxuan could only slow down and say: "I can guarantee that I have no malicious intentions, I just want to invite you to a drink and talk about the past, and I want to clarify the gap between us, at least I don't think our relationship is so bad that we can't sit down and talk?"

Xu Chenghao: "It's not so bad, and it's not impossible to be so bad. I think everything Mr. Ruan does now is provocative on the edge of being bad."

Ruan Chenxuan: "I'm sorry to make you feel this way, but I can guarantee that I have no malicious intentions. I hope our relationship will not be bad again. If there is anything wrong with me, Mr. Xu can tell me, and I can change it."

Xu Chenghao: "Mr. Ruan is very good, but it's not suitable for me to be friends."

Ruan Chenxuan: "Mr. Xu can be friends with Jing Yicheng, why can't you be with me?"

Xu Chenghao: "Because he is purer than you."

Ruan Chenxuan's smile suddenly faded: "Does Xu always think I am hypocritical?"

Xu Chenghao smiled: "I can't talk about hypocrisy, I just think that if Mr. Ruan wants to be friends with me, it's okay to simply appreciate or cooperate with me, but it's boring to compare you with Jing Yicheng because of your rivalry, after all Nobody wants to be your comparison project, is it?"

Ruan Chenxuan pointed out lightly: "You can still be friends with him, doesn't President Xu think this is a double standard?"

Xu Chenghao smiled: "Double standard? I can only tell you that when he wanted to be friends with me, you were still digging the corner of the Jiang family! Do you really think you are only one or two steps away?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "So now I want to make up for President Xu."

"No need." Xu Chenghao refused decisively: "If I had made friends with anyone before, I didn't need to think about it because it was my freedom. But now it's different. As my friend, I at least want Jing Yicheng. Keep your relationship with him first and then talk to you about other things, so come first, come later, Mr. Ruan is willing to admit defeat."

Ruan Chenxuan had nothing to say, and after a long silence he said, "It's because of your attitude towards him that I want to fight for you even more."

Xu Chenghao: "?"

Ruan Chenxuan stared at him and said word by word, "This trust and unconditional concern is what I have always pursued."

Xu Chenghao didn't expect such an answer, and said helplessly: "I can only say I'm sorry, you are late."

Ruan Chenxuan said in a daze: "This is the first time someone told me that it was too late."

Xu Chenghao said coolly: "Yes, you can pry my fiancee for more than 20 years."

Ruan Chenxuan: "..."

Xu Chenghao concluded: "Then I should teach Mr. Ruan a lesson - not everything can come from behind!"

Ruan Chenxuan clenched his fist slightly, still unwilling in his heart... This time his unwillingness has nothing to do with anyone, he himself is unwilling to let go, and he is unwilling to let such a sincere and beautiful fantasy slip through his fingers.

If Jing Yicheng was living in his own world because of the shadows of his childhood, social barriers and world-weariness, he suddenly found that someone knew that he was unwilling to give up; then Ruan Chenxuan was hit by the betrayal of his family and his lover, and suddenly found himself beside him. The emotion he couldn't get, naturally he longed for and wanted to capture it.

He also wants to get this kind of sincere consideration and care, and also wants to get this kind of whole-hearted trust and support... I really want to.

The atmosphere gradually became solemn in the silence. Xu Chenghao was too lazy to waste time and wanted to leave because he missed Jing Yicheng and Xiao Huang Ya, but Ruan Chenxuan grabbed his wrist when the other party passed him: "He's not here."

Xu Chenghao was forced to stop and turned around and said, "What did you do?"

Ruan Chenxuan also turned to look at him: "It's just a change of clothes. I just wanted to use this time to make an appointment with you for a meal time, but I didn't expect to be rejected by President Xu."

Xu Chenghao tried to break free of his shackles: "Since President Ruan also knows that he has been rejected, he will not let go!"

Ruan Chenxuan looked at him, but the strength of his fingers became heavier and heavier: "I..."

"Mr. Ruan!" A spoiler flew in and suddenly broke the deadlock between the two. An Ruotong ran over anxiously and panted, "I finally found you."

What Ruan Chenxuan wanted to say was immediately cut off, and he looked at the woman who appeared out of displeasure: "Is something wrong?"

An Ruotong held back her excitement and pretended to be anxious: "I came here just to ask Mr. Ruan, do you know where my sister is? She hasn't been home or sent a message for a long time, has she been living with you all the time? Here? No news for so long and we are all worried about her."

"Hey, so is my sister. I've been out for so long and I don't know how to report that she's safe. Even with such a big person, my parents are scared and scared. It's really... hey."

Ruan Chenxuan looked at her indifferently: "It's over? Go away!"

An Ruotong's expression suddenly froze, and before she could resolve the embarrassment for herself, Zhou Qian's laughter had already caught everyone's attention: "Yo, this is not the illegitimate daughter of the An family... Oh no, now I have to call the second Miss An family, it's the first time. It's beautiful to see."

In the circle, married sons and illegitimate sons themselves are different existences of cloud and mud. All married sons despise and hate illegitimate sons, without exception. So Zhou Qian called An Ruotong an illegitimate daughter, directly expressing her disdain and deliberately stepping on the other side's face.

An Ruotong could only smile: "Miss Zhou is also very beautiful. I believe that I will definitely find a good husband in the future."

This is exposing each other's scars. Zhou Qian's expression changed and she said angrily: "Are you mocking me? Ruan Chenxuan, look at what kind of family the girlfriends you are looking for are like! They even talk about our relationship, I don't know how much I weigh. two?"

An Ruotong said innocently: "I didn't, I just wanted to bless Miss Zhou. Maybe I made a slip of the tongue. I'm really embarrassed for Miss Zhou to misunderstand."

Zhou Qian: "I think you did it on purpose!"

An Ruotong: "Miss Zhou is too much. You can make a slip of the tongue, why can't I!"

Zhou Qian: "Hehe, stop acting, I really feel disgusted when I see this look, don't you think others are blind?"

An Ruotong instantly burst into tears: "Miss Zhou, you are too deceiving!"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Ruan Chenxuan: "..."

A ripping battle came suddenly and violently. Seeing that Zhou Qian and An Ruotong were scolding hotly, they almost pulled their hair, but Ruan Chenxuan didn't give them a single look, just stared at Xu Chenghao and continued the topic just now: "Jing Yi Cheng is not as good as you think, he is not worthy of your trust, he has been hiding it from you!"

Xu Chenghao tried to shake his hand: "Whether it's worth it is up to the person who gave it, it has nothing to do with you, let go!"

Ruan Chenxuan: "It's you who has the final say, but I really can't bear to see the person you really gave to the wrong person. Do you know his identity? Do you know what he did behind your back?"

Xu Chenghao: "If he wants to say it, he can say it. If he doesn't want to say it, he doesn't need you to tell me!"

Ruan Chenxuan: "You are just preconceived that he is good and I am bad. I can swear that what I say now is not mixed with a lie, he is really not worthy of your trust!"

"I told you to let go!"

Zheng Yunyun stood in the middle, listening to the female voice on the left scolding "you shameless" and the male voice on the right saying "you believe me", her head was knotted and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

If I remember correctly, these two women quarreled over Ruan Chenxuan, right? What is Ruan Chenxuan doing? Are you in the corner of Jing Yicheng?

Zheng Yunyun was shocked, what the fuck... Does Ruan Chenxuan like Xu Chenghao too? ? ?

The author has something to say: Zheng Yunyun: Today is another day under the car.