Then what happened to the two of them who turned over for An Rouyu before? What happened to the project problem a few days ago? Love and kill each other from the sympathy of the enemy?

Zheng Yunyun felt as if she had discovered something terrible, and stood there at a loss, not knowing how to react.

Now, what should I do now...

An Ruotong and Zhou Qian are still scolding each other, and they are shameless and want to seduce a man to seduce Ruan Chenxuan. But the male protagonist they kept mentioning was deadlocked with Xu Chenghao and was doing shameless things.

The scene was very chaotic.

At this moment, a sudden gunshot rang out, directly shattering the crystal lamp above the banquet, causing the entire banquet to fall into darkness. The already chaotic scene became more and more chaotic.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Qian and An Ruotong both screamed and rushed towards Ruan Chenxuan, hoping for protection, but Ruan Chenxuan grabbed Xu Chenghao and dragged him to his side, and whispered, "Now is not the time to be angry, you stay by my side. I guarantee..."

Before he could finish speaking, his wrist suddenly became sore that he could not control his slack. Xu Chenghao reacted very quickly and took the opportunity to break free from his hand and pulled Zheng Yunyun away in the dark without hesitation.

Ruan Chenxuan still maintained the gesture of extending his hand, staring blankly at the other party drowning in the darkness, his mind was full of thoughts, until when the light came back on, he looked back at the red marks that had been smashed out on his wrist, and clenched his fists suddenly. .

It's Jing Yicheng again!

Just when the lights came back on and the Zheng family bodyguards blocked the scene, Xu Chenghao and Zheng Yunyun had been taken out of the banquet hall and stood in a safer place.

Xu Chenghao kept staring at the back of the leader who was leading him in front of him. As soon as he came out, he tried to grab the opponent, but the opponent was as slippery as a loach, and he just turned sideways and ran away.

Xu Chenghao shouted, "Stop!"

The person protecting him ran without looking back, and he was about to run into the darkness, Xu Chenghao said in a hurry, "If you dare to leave, I will tell Jing Yicheng that you hit me!"

The half-run man slammed on the brakes and stood still.

Xu Chenghao continued to attack: "Will you come back? I'll tell you if you won't come back, it depends on who he believes then!"

The other party froze in place for a while, but finally retracted the leg he stepped out and turned back silently: "Mr. Xu, good evening, Mr. Xu."

"Assistant?" Xu Chenghao was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect that the person who stayed by Jing Yicheng's side all the time, with glasses and gentleman, not only had a gun on his body, but also was so good at it!

The assistant was also very embarrassed, and walked back silently and said in a low voice, "I didn't hit Mr. Xu, and I hope Mr. Xu doesn't talk nonsense."

Xu Chenghao laughed: "I just scare you, even if I say it, he will definitely not believe it."

The assistant whispered, "That's not necessarily true."

Xu Chenghao didn't hear clearly: "Well? What did you say?"

The assistant said solemnly in an instant, "I said, if Mr. Xu is all right, I'll go first."

Xu Chenghao stopped him: "Wait, tell Jing Yicheng where you are before you leave."

Assistant: "Huh?"

Xu Chenghao: "Ah what, where is Jing Yicheng? Or take me to find him!"


Xu Chenghao stared at him: "You don't want to?"

The assistant forced a fake smile: "...Yes, very willing, Mr. Xu, please come with me."

Xu Chenghao was satisfied. When he was about to follow him, he suddenly remembered that there was someone behind him, and turned to look at Zheng Yunyun.

Zheng Yunyun was standing in the cold wind wearing a strapless evening dress. Although it was very cold, she was more stunned and didn't know what was going on. She felt like her head wasn't enough tonight, and did she know too much? Are you going to be silenced now?

Just when Zheng Yunyun became more and more nervous, Xu Chenghao, who had been staring at her, finally retracted his gaze, raised his hand, took off his suit jacket and draped it over her shoulders, and said in a low voice, "Now that the banquet has been blocked, don't go back, let me The driver takes you home, if someone asks you what's going on, what should you say you should know?"

Zheng Yunyun nodded, "Mr. Xu, don't worry, my mouth is still very strict."

Xu Chenghao smiled slightly: "I believe that Miss Zheng will not say much, goodbye."

Zheng Yunyun: "...bye."

After Xu Chenghao nodded, he turned around and left with his assistant. Zheng Yunyun, who was wearing a white shirt, was moved but couldn't restrain her heartbeat.

She grabbed her suit jacket and wrapped herself tightly, screaming silently in her heart: Xu Chenghao is really a good gentleman! !

Such a strong and gentle man with a good family background, who would not be tempted! Just ask who can restrain a girl's heart when she gets along with him! !

Zheng Yunyun covered her face, longing in her heart that if she became his lover, she would be very happy, very happy, very happy... As long as she thought about the girl's heart pounding, she couldn't restrain her aunt from laughing.

No wonder Xu Chenghao is not only highly sought after in the world of women, but also very popular in the world of men. This is entirely because of their attractiveness!

It's a pity... Xu Chenghao likes men, but he has no chance...

Zheng Yunyun let out a faint sigh, with the feeling of falling out of love as soon as she was tempted, she found Xu Chenghao's driver and asked him to take her back.

The driver should have been notified, and after waiting for everyone to sit firmly, he started the car without hesitation, and left quickly when the Zheng family blocked the road outside.

When the car drove away from the Zheng family villa, at the same time Xu Chenghao finally saw Jing Yicheng who disappeared overnight——

Time goes back to the scene when Jing Yicheng just got the little yellow duck. This time should be the happiest time for him, even if Xu Chenghao was not around, his lips curled slightly, and he couldn't help but smile.

Who would have thought that the little yellow duck that once had marks on his head would fall into his hands, and he would touch and hold it casually!

Who would have thought that Xu Chenghao, who was angry when he saw him before and did not allow him to approach the little yellow duck, would one day entrust the little yellow duck to his care?

This is not what trust is! It's not about recognizing what you are! The first time he entrusted the little yellow duck to him, he gave it to him without hesitation. Doesn't this prove that he has the highest status in Xu Chenghao's heart? !

The highest position that even Li Nian can't match!

In comparison, what is it to be a male companion! What is a banquet meeting? Can you meet the little yellow duck? Can you gain such trust from Xu Chenghao?

You can't! You are nothing but stones that have no movement after thrashing twice, and you can't make waves at all! Especially Ruan Chenxuan, wanting to **** someone from him, this is simply a dream! dreaming!

Jing Yicheng was full of confidence, as if owning the little yellow duck means owning the whole world. Sitting on the sofa, he hugged the little yellow duck's Tuzui flowerpot in one hand and the red wine glass in the other, drinking and celebrating happily.

When the empty wine glass was put back on the table, Jing Yicheng saw that the wine glass was refilled with red wine before he took his hand back. The woman in the low-cut evening dress bent over to fill him with wine, and then raised her head and smiled softly at him.

Jing Yicheng's expression froze quickly, he withdrew his hand and pulled away, and looked at her without wavering: "Ruan Chenxuan's female companion?"

Zhuo Meixue sat beside him, picked up the wine glass and said, "Mr. Jing doesn't need to shout so rusty, my name is Zhuo Meixue."

Jing Yicheng stared at her coldly, and said without nonsense: "What did Ruan Chenxuan ask you to do?"

Zhuo Meixue paused, raised her head to meet his gaze, and in the cold eyes with murderous intent, a chill surged up her back and went straight to her hands, making her hand holding the wine glass start to tremble: "I... I'll invite Mr. Jing for a drink."

Jing Yicheng glanced at the wine glass in her hand and said slowly, "Do you know what the crime is for drugging me?"

"I... I am..." Zhuo Meixue's hands began to tremble, feeling for the first time how terrible the rumored Great Demon King's aura was.

Jing Yicheng was too lazy to listen to her, and said coldly, "It's too late to get out now!"

Zhuo Meixue immediately got up and wanted to leave, but her high heels stepped on the skirt of her evening dress, and her whole body stumbled towards Jing Yicheng. , Da Da rolled twice and stopped rolling on the pepper seedlings in the little yellow duck flower pot.

Jing Yicheng quickly picked up the red wine glass, his eyes touched the two small white flowers stained on the wall of the glass, he paused, crushed the red wine glass two seconds later, and looked at Zhuo Meixue with a smile: "You, okay? Very good!"

Zhuo Meixiang wanted to explain, but Jing Yicheng suddenly covered her nose and mouth, pressed her head with one hand, pressed the person on the sofa, and glanced at a certain position.

The assistant immediately emerged from the corner and whispered, "Boss."

Jing Yicheng: "Find a place to drag her over."

The assistant hurriedly called someone to come over, knocked Zhuo Meixue unconscious and carried him away, then lowered his head and dared not look at the boss, waiting for the next step.

Jing Yicheng stood up holding the little yellow duck, looked at Xu Chenghao's back from a distance, and said lightly, "You stay and protect Xu Chenghao."

Assistant: "Yes."

Jing Yicheng glanced at Xu Chenghao's back again, left the stage in a low-key manner in the name of changing clothes, walked slowly to the room where Zhuo Meixue was left, and sat on the sofa quietly waiting for someone to wake up.

When Zhuo Meixue woke up, she was horrified to find that she was lying on the floor of a dimly lit room, while Jing Yicheng was sitting on the sofa opposite her, bowing his head and gently arranging the crooked pepper seedlings.

"Awake?" Although Jing Yicheng didn't raise his head, he easily caught all her movements and said slowly, "I said it was too late for you to leave early, but you have to listen to Ruan Chenxuan's words to design me, do you think he will come? save you?"

Zhuo Meixue sat up from the ground and stepped back in a panic: "I didn't do it on purpose, I just prescribed medicine, but I really fell down accidentally, Mr. Jing, do you believe it-"

The silenced bullet shot at Jumeixue's right knee, exploding **** traces. Jumeixue hugged her leg and screamed, rolling on the ground in pain.

Jing Yicheng turned the gun in his hand and smiled: "What did you just say?"

"Ah, ah," Zhuo Xi Xue hurts to almost fainting, "dramatic pain is like the waves of her inner line of defense to submerge her all people, hurting to breathe.

Jing Yicheng looked at all this lightly, loaded the gun with one hand, and fired a bullet again without blinking an eye.

The bullet pierced the air silently and slammed into the flesh and blood, causing the person lying on the ground to burst into a louder scream and fainted in pain.

Jing Yicheng is ruthless: "Splash her awake!"

The bodyguard standing out of the shadow came out and found a bottle of red wine and poured it on Zhuo Meixue's head, forcibly throwing him awake.

Zhuo Meixue curled up weakly on the ground, staring at the lights above her head unconsciously, the fear, despair, and hatred in her heart were mixed, and she hated her to the bone. It really hurts...

The suffocating pain in her legs kept reminding her of her current situation. She wanted to beg for mercy, but when she opened her mouth, there were only broken cries of pain.

She was crying, but the hatred in her heart was stronger than the pain... She hated so much... She hated Ruan Chenxuan and Jing Yicheng for making her become like this, hated Jing Yicheng's cruelty, hated Ruan Chenxuan's use, hated them for letting her He has become like this!

But facing the cold-faced Rakshasa-like Jing Yicheng, she was afraid again, afraid that she would not be able to live through tonight, so she died here silently, no one cared and no one could find out...

When Jing Yicheng loaded his bag again, there was a sudden sound of footsteps and a vaguely raised reminder from outside: "Mr. Xu, don't worry, it will be here soon!"

Jing Yicheng paused, and immediately threw the robbery to the bodyguard, signaling him to quickly clean up the place.

In the corner, a few bodyguards dragged people out, tidying up the ground, and took the fastest time to restore the room to normal and then quickly disappeared.

As soon as the front foot finished all this, Xu Chenghao on the back foot pushed the door and walked in. The last bodyguard had no time to hide at the door. His right foot was still stuck by the open door for a moment, and his expression was twisted and quietly put away.

Fortunately, Xu Chenghao didn't pay attention to the position behind the door, and when he entered the door, he looked at the person on the sofa: "Jing Yicheng?"

Jing Yicheng looked up at him: "Come on...why are you wearing so little?"

Xu Chenghao glanced at the room and observed carefully: "I gave Zheng Yunyun my coat."

Jing Yicheng took off his coat and put it on him with a dark face: "You still take care of others with your body?"

Xu Chenghao: "After all, I'm a man... eh? Your coat smells so heavy."

Jing Yicheng said half-truthfully, "It was Zhuo Meixuepo. I wanted to change clothes but I forgot to bring them. I've been waiting for the banquet to end."

Xu Chenghao looked at him suspiciously: "Really?"

Jing Yicheng didn't change his face: "Otherwise?"

Xu Chenghao: "But Zhuo Meixue is gone."

Jing Yicheng: "She dares to do this, shouldn't I teach her a lesson?"

Xu Chenghao asked, "What's the lesson?"

Jing Yicheng: "Splash her with red wine."

Xu Chenghao: "???"

Jing Yicheng: "She poured me a cup and I poured her a wine cabinet!"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

It seems like something he can do!

Xu Chenghao heaved a sigh of relief: "It's fine if nothing happens, by the way, what about the little yellow duck? Give it to me."

Jing Yicheng froze for a moment: "..."

Seeing that he didn't move, Xu Chenghao stepped forward and picked up the little yellow duck tootzui flower pot, and carefully looked around to see if it was intact.

Jing Yicheng suddenly became nervous, feeling that his trust with Xu Chenghao might be running out.

Xu Chenghao checked it again, hugged the little yellow duck flower pot and said, "If something happens to the banquet, it probably won't go on. Let's go first."

Jing Yicheng said subconsciously, "I was wrong and I didn't take care of it... eh? What did you say?"

Xu Chenghao was also stunned: "I said let's go home."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Kind of embarrassing.

The author has something to say: Little Yellow Duck: The master doesn't love me anymore, he didn't realize that I was almost bent!