Given that he bowed his head to the wealthy forces, Xu Chenghao couldn't say anything, so he could only silently turn around and smile at Chen Long, diverting everyone's attention without a trace: "I'm really thankful for you this time, if it weren't for that. Harvest the peppers first, I may be wasting my efforts this time."

Chen Longdao: "Mr. Xu is very polite. We are getting this salary. This is what we should do."

Xu Chenghao: "I still want to thank you, after all, these peppers are very important to me."

Chen Long smiled embarrassedly, not knowing what to say.

Xu Chenghao also saw that Chen Long and Zhao Jun were both strong in execution but not good at words. After this incident, Xu Chenghao felt more at ease with them, and was very willing to hand over the greenhouse to them.

Of course, I would also like to thank Jing Yicheng, who introduced himself to his employees. After all, without him, there would be no employees today to help him harvest, so everyone has credit for getting the peppers this time.

After Xu Chenghao raised the wages of the two employees, he also bought a box of reward gifts for Jing Yicheng on the way home - pudding in the shape of a little yellow duck, a total of six were packed in a beautiful small gift box, and it was DuangDuang's. It's a fight with the flock of ducks.

Jing Yicheng's eyes lit up, he observed carefully through the transparent part of the gift box, and the corners of his lips curled up: "Thank you."

Xu Chenghao: "I guess you'll like it... remember to eat it after dinner."

Jing Yicheng: "Eat?"

Xu Chenghao: "Why do you still plan to collect it?"

Jing Yicheng: "Isn't it possible?"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He said speechlessly: "I can see that you really love the little yellow duck, but the pudding is just a dessert, not a collectible, and it will go bad if you don't eat it!"

Jing Yicheng frowned, obviously a little unhappy.

Xu Chenghao said as if coaxing a child: "As long as you do well, there will be many, many rewards."

Jing Yicheng took advantage of the situation and said, "Will you do it next time?"

Xu Chenghao turned his face instantly: "If you want to be beautiful, get out of the car!"

Jing Yicheng: "..."

The two got out of the car and went home. As soon as they got out of the garage and walked towards the building, they saw a long-haired woman standing downstairs in bright clothes and carrying a gift box. When they saw Xu Chenghao, they shouted in surprise, "Mr. Xu!"

Xu Chenghao was stunned for a while, staring at her for a while without recognizing: "Who are you?"

Zheng Xiaoxiao, who had been waiting for a long time, held back her excitement and said shyly, "I'm... I'm Zheng Yunyun's cousin. We met last night."

Xu Chenghao suddenly remembered what Zheng Yunyun said about robbing men of early love, and said calmly: "Oh, it was Miss Zheng, I don't know what Miss Zheng is?"

Zheng Xiaoxiao raised the gift in his hand and said, "Isn't this a little thing that happened at the banquet last night? My family is feeling bad, so I want me to visit President Xu and clarify the matter."

Xu Chenghao said casually, "Oh, why didn't Yunyun come?"

Jing Yicheng's reaction was bigger than Zheng Xiaoxiao's, and he turned to look at him suddenly.

Xu Chenghao hurriedly leaned into his ear and whispered, "Don't make trouble, if you have anything to say, wait until she's gone!"

Jing Yicheng suppressed his anger and looked at Zheng Xiaoxiao's eyes that were less friendly than before, so he was about to speak out and drive people away.

Zheng Xiaoxiao was still hurriedly looking for a reason: "After all, it happened to me at the banquet, so I came in the end."

"So it is." Xu Chenghao said coldly in the eyes of the other party's expectation: "I left your cousin and I early for the banquet yesterday, I don't know what happened, and you don't need to come to visit me, it's so cold and it's going to happen soon. It's dark, you'd better go back early."

Zheng Xiaoxiao's smile froze on her face, she didn't expect that she had waited downstairs for so long and the other party wouldn't even let him in. Naturally, she was not reconciled, especially when the other party sipped Yunyun and her cousin, which aroused her resentment.

She raised the gift box in her hand and said helplessly, "Mr. Xu always asks me to deliver the gift to my home and complete the task."

Xu Chenghao: "It's better if I don't accept anything."

Zheng Xiaoxiao was a little anxious, and wanted to say something when a car suddenly stopped next to her. Zheng Yunyun got out of the car with a bag and asked in surprise, "Xiaoxiao, why are you here?"

After Zheng Xiaoxiao froze for a few seconds, her smile suddenly doubled and she said slightly provocatively, "I'm here to visit President Xu to talk about the banquet last night."

Zheng Yunyun also smiled and said, "This kind of thing doesn't require you to run around as a birthday star, just leave it to me. It must be very cold for you to wear so little on such a cold day. Go back and rest."

Zheng Xiaoxiao's hands holding the gift box began to clench: "Why bother my sister so much?"

Zheng Yunyun calmly showed her paper bag: "Oh, it's okay, I just happened to be here this time anyway."

Zheng Xiaoxiao stared at the paper bag, Jing Yicheng's eyes followed silently, even though his voice was very low, there was a chill, and he said coldly, "I hope you will explain it well later."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

This scene is really too familiar, isn't this the scene Ruan Chenxuan faced last night? Sure enough, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, he shouldn't laugh at people facing the Shura Field! This is retribution!

Xu Chenghao, who poisoned himself with milk every day, was desolate in his heart, and his attention was distracted, completely ignoring the quarrel between the two women in front of him.

Zheng Xiaoxiao couldn't stand it and couldn't say anything to Zheng Yunyun. She glanced at Xu Chenghao, but the other party didn't say anything at all. He was forced to have nothing to say, so he could only grit his teeth and say, "Thank you, sister, for sharing the burden for me, just leave!"

After he finished speaking, he put the gift box in place, turned around angrily and left.

Zheng Yunyun watched her leave, turned around and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect her to come to pester you."

Xu Chenghao shook his head: "It has nothing to do with you."

Zheng Yunyun: "It's still related. If you weren't related to me, she probably wouldn't have any idea."

Xu Chenghao frowned slightly: "You two..."

Zheng Yunyun said calmly: "I'm the child of other people's family that her mother often said, so she likes to compare with me since she was a child. It's just a child, I just hope it doesn't cause you any trouble."

"It's already been added!" Jing Yicheng interjected displeasedly to express his sense of existence.

Xu Chenghao pulled out a deformed pepper and stuffed it into his mouth: "Speak less!"

Jing Yicheng: "..." Couldn't help staring at Zheng Yunyun.

Zheng Yunyun was very winking, and handed over the paper bag in her hand: "I'm really sorry, Zheng Xiaoxiao, I'll take care of it, I'll return the jacket to you this time, thank you for taking care of me, Mr. Xu, there's nothing else to do you guys Hurry up, it's very cold."

Jing Yicheng's eyes were already spitting fire, and Xu Chenghao forcibly pressed him back: "Miss Zheng, you're welcome."

Zheng Yunyun smiled knowingly, waited for Xu Chenghao to take the paper bag and left quickly, saving any delay, he would be killed by someone's eyes.

Xu Chenghao held the little yellow duck in one hand, and the chili bag and paper bag in the other, frowning at the gift box on the ground, still thinking about how to get it.

Jing Yicheng replaced the gift box with one hand, freed up one hand to pick up all the gift boxes, and walked silently into the corridor.

Xu Chenghao followed a little later and helped open the elevator.

The two went home in silence, and didn't speak until the aunt took the gift box. Jing Yicheng was waiting for an explanation, but when he saw that Xu Chenghao had already returned to the room with the paper bag, he didn't wait for an explanation, and almost exploded in anger. .

He doesn't explain? He didn't even explain a word! !

Jing Yicheng was originally sulking, but now he exploded with anger. Holding the gift box, he rushed into Xu Chenghao's room imposingly.

Xu Chenghao paused when he unbuttoned the button, and said in astonishment, "What are you doing?"

Jing Yicheng: "...No, why don't you do it!"

Xu Chenghao gave him a strange look, and threw his shirt on the bed, pulled out his home clothes and put it on.

Jing Yicheng had his back pressed against the door panel and stared down at Duang Duang's little yellow duck in the gift box. When he was struggling between going out and not going out, Xu Chenghao had already changed into his home clothes and stood in front of him and looked at him: "You give it to yourself. Penalty?"

Looking at the people who were dressed, Jing Yicheng was instantly full of confidence: "You will explain it to me when they leave!"

Xu Chenghao gestured for him to move away, opened the door and walked out of the room: "Who told you, what I said was obviously something to wait for them to leave."

Jing Yicheng followed behind him: "Then you really don't plan to say anything?"

Xu Chenghao: "What do you want to know?"

Jing Yicheng: "What's your relationship with Zheng Yunyun?"

Xu Chenghao entered the kitchen to find a plate and a spoon: "Friend."

Jing Yicheng: "Which friend can call me folded characters?"

Xu Chenghao: "That's because people's parents got their names, so they're called Zheng Yunyun."

Jing Yicheng was sour: "Then you didn't call Yicheng! You call Zheng Yunyun folded characters, you call Brother Li Niannian, and you call me Jing Yicheng!"

Xu Chenghao: "...Brother Cheng? Is Brother Cheng okay? Is Brother Cheng satisfied?"

Jing Yicheng was not satisfied. He preferred to fold words, but unfortunately his name was not folded, so he could only hold on to it, and continued to ask: "Then what happened to your clothes? Why are they in her hands? What do you mean by thanking you for her? care?"

Xu Chenghao took the gift box that he had never left his hand and opened it: "That's because it was very cold last night. The little girl was shivering in the cold wind. After all, I was her male companion, so I put the clothes on her."

Jing Yicheng's face was black: "No wonder you didn't have a coat last night!"

Xu Chenghao smoothed his hair: "I didn't have you later, then I also thank Mr. Jing for taking care of me, come and eat!"

Jing Yicheng looked at the little yellow duck pudding that was pushed in front of him, and only then did he realize the skill of chatting, Xu Chenghao had already opened the gift box and lined up the little yellow duck on the dessert plate, ready with a spoon!

Xu Chenghao raised a spoon in the shape of a cherry blossom and quickly dig out the head of the little yellow duck pudding and ate it. When he turned his head, he saw Jing Yicheng looking at him in shock and accusing, "You killed the little yellow duck!"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He smiled and picked up Jing Yicheng's unused spoon, chopped off the heads of all the little yellow duck pudding five times, and returned the spoon to him: "Would you like to eat it now?"

Jing Yicheng: "???"

The author has something to say: Shocked, the person in power of the Xu Group actually destroyed the dreamy little yellow duck of the bear child on Valentine's Day. Is this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature!

——It may also be the resentment of the single dog author hahahaha