Jing Yicheng was so shocked that he couldn't say a word. He stared at the little yellow duck pudding with no head. His mind was full of thoughts that his own gift had been destroyed... It was destroyed... The gift he wanted to treasure was destroyed. ...

This picture was shadowy to Jing Yicheng, and some bad memories were constantly chasing his emotions in his mind. He felt that his negative influence was about to come out, and the whole person couldn't help but gloomy, constantly testing on the edge of anger.

Suddenly, the spoon holding the little yellow duck pudding was handed to his mouth, and Xu Chenghao motioned, "Open your mouth!"

Jing Yicheng stared at him blankly.

Xu Chenghao waited for two seconds to see that he didn't respond, and then demonstrated: "Ah—"

Jing Yicheng: "...Ah."

Xu Chenghao put the pudding in his mouth and asked, "Is it delicious?"

Jing Yicheng: "...It's delicious."

Xu Chenghao: "I'll give you all this, are you happy?"

Jing Yicheng: "...happy."

Xu Chenghao: "Really good."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

He had to declare that he was really angry just now! Angry for a full four seconds!

Jing Yicheng ate all the little yellow duck pudding resentfully, and wanted to find some reason to continue to be angry, when he heard Xu Chenghao say: "There are so many deformed peppers, would you like to cook them for you?"

"Okay!" Jing Yicheng instantly forgot about what he wanted to be angry about, not only answered in a loud and clear voice, but also walked over to help separate out the malformed peppers.

That night, there was an extra dish of fried pork with peppers on the dinner table. The two of them happily ate dinner and went to bed. As for the tragedy of the Zheng family sisters and the little yellow duck pudding... Are they important? Is there any chili fried meat delicious?

Don't mention these two things, Jing Yicheng dreams of his childhood shadow memories again and feels that it is not so scary... After all, no one is as ruthless as Xu Chenghao, who cut off the heads of five little yellow duck puddings at one time!

A good night's dream.

The next day, Xu Chenghao set the alarm clock and got up early for work. It was strange that he didn’t see Jing Yicheng sitting in the seat during the meal. Later, when he thought that he had completed the project and no longer needed to go to work, he packed up and went to work conveniently. .

As soon as Xu Chenghao left the front foot, Jing Yicheng left the room on the back foot. When he saw his aunt cleaning up the breakfast he had eaten, he suddenly groaned: "Where's Xu Chenghao?"

Auntie said, "Mr. Xu has gone to work."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

He really left by himself! I didn't call myself and didn't hesitate in the slightest!

Jing Yicheng walked back to his room with a gloomy face, sitting beside the bed without eating, sulking, feeling an inexplicable feeling of being abandoned.

No, he had to think of a reason to join the Xu Group again. He didn't worry about Xu Chenghao getting along alone, in case a little goblin saw that he wasn't rushing on him! He is not worried!

To a certain extent, Jing Yicheng has been standing by Xu Chenghao's side for a long time, but he is more aware of what people around Xu Chenghao see than Xu Chenghao! So he guessed correctly. As soon as he was gone, the surroundings of Xu Chenghao immediately became richer.

When Xu Chenghao was working in the company, the people who only made appointments to meet were lined up until lunch time in the afternoon, and they were all acquaintances - Ruan Chenxuan, Han Haofeng, Zheng Xiaoxiao and An Ruotong!

When Li Nian told Xu Chenghao, he didn't know what to show: "Mr. Xu, why are you going out? Did you stab a hornet's nest?"

Xu Chenghao was very innocent: "I didn't, I didn't do anything, I was the one who came for trouble, what can I do?"

Li Nian obviously didn't believe it: "Why do you only want to find you alone? Could it be that you want to tell me that you are the most attractive?"

Xu Chenghao: "As expected of Brother Nian, how do you know what I'm going to say?"

Li Nian: "Shut up, I'm going to spit out my breakfast."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Seeing that he didn't speak anymore, Li Nian turned the topic back again: "Then what are you going to do now? Let it go or do you carry it yourself?"

Xu Chenghao asked with hope: "Can you push it off?"

Li Nian shook his head without hesitation: "No."

Xu Chenghao: "...Then you ask the fart and get out!"

Li Nian burst into tears and laughed: "Don't do this, if you open your mouth, I'm still willing to work hard for you."

Xu Chenghao: "Go away!"

Xu Chenghao could see it, Li Nian not only didn't care about him, but also wanted to eat melons behind his back! What kind of friend is this, break up on the spot!

Li Nian laughed and remembered something when he walked to the door of the office. He turned around and said, "By the way, the seventh floor has been restored to its original state. When I was cleaning up, I found that Jing Yicheng still had something to take with him. It was you who informed him or I informed his assistant. ?"

Xu Chenghao: "What?"

Li Nian recalled: "Some small items, cups and the like."

Xu Chenghao said without hesitation: "Then take it to my car, I'll take it back to him directly."

Li Nian was quiet for two seconds, then suddenly walked in backwards, lying on the desk and looking at Xu Chenghao in amazement: "The two of you are already so close to each other?"

Xu Chenghao said stiffly: "He lives upstairs from me, I'm just passing by."

Li Nian raised his voice: "He still lives upstairs with you?!"

Xu Chenghao: "...don't react like this, after all, we are all friends."

"Friend?" Li Nian dragged the chair next to him and sat down, as if he wanted to talk for a long time: "I have missed a lot of things because I haven't been with you for the past few days, tell me why he lives in you first. Upstairs, talk about why your relationship is so good!"

Xu Chenghao hesitated: "It's not very good, is it?"

Li Nian excitedly said: "Why is it not very good? Do you still remember your attitude towards Jing Yicheng before? You don't want to answer with a cold face and a few words! In the evening, you splashed people's body with water, and knocked people's heads almost desperately! Such a comparison It's just so good, isn't it?"

The more Li Nian said, the more shocked, he said with emotion: "Last time I chatted with you, I felt that you were soft-hearted. I didn't expect you to have developed so quickly when I couldn't see it! What's the situation with you now? They are all neighbors. Have you been to your house? Have you eaten at your house?"

Xu Chenghao began to hesitate whether he should tell Li Nian that Jing Yicheng not only came to his house for dinner, but also stayed for a long time...

Li Nian suddenly patted the table: "You hesitated! You actually hesitated with me! There is a gap between us because of Jing Yicheng, Xu Chenghao, you two won't go to bed!"

"Tell me what!" Xu Chenghao was frightened and stammered: "I said it was a friend, what are you thinking about? Can you clean up the yellow waste in your mind!!"

Li Nian looked like an old father with grief: "Damn it, look at your reaction, it's surprising that you're okay with what I know about you!"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Don't say anything else, but they really didn't go to bed!

Li Nian repeated the old words again: "I really, Xu Chenghao, I swear to you, I'm sure and sure that Jing Yicheng's approach to you definitely has a purpose, and his approach is different from his treatment. Sleep with you, choose one for yourself!"

Xu Chenghao frowned: "But it's not good for him to cheat on me, right?"

Li Nian: "That's why I want to sleep with you? Wow, you took the initiative to choose the second one and said that I have waste in my brain!"

Xu Chenghao defended: "I'm explaining them one by one. You said you're cheating me first. Can't I come in order?"

In order to prevent the topic from continuing, Xu Chenghao quickly changed the topic: "I remember I said before that we are rivals in love, and your assumption is not true at all."

Li Nian patted the table and said, "Why doesn't he live upstairs with you?"

Xu Chenghao opened his eyes and said nonsense: "Maybe you think An Rouyu's disappearance has something to do with me? After all, Ruan Chenxuan lives downstairs for this reason."

Li Nian was shocked: "Ruan Chenxuan still lives downstairs?"

Xu Chenghao said confidently: "Yes, so it makes sense for Jing Yicheng to live upstairs!"

Li Nian: "It doesn't make sense! Ruan Chenxuan can explain it because he doesn't know where An Rouyu has gone and suspects you are normal, but Jing Yicheng is different, right? I remember that he told you about where An Rouyu went. And yours!"

Xu Chenghao: "...That's because, that's because he has always been suspicious, afraid that Ruan Chenxuan and I living too close to him would be detrimental to him!"

Li Nian looked at him for a few seconds, and then suddenly said: "Seriously, even if you don't talk about these things that go around in circles, your search for a reason alone is enough to explain the problem."

Xu Chenghao was not convinced: "Where is the problem, I think it's normal."

Li Nian: "Where is normal? You look like you're cowardly!

Xu Chenghao: "Where am I cowardly?"

Li Nian: "You are scared! You are panicking!"

Xu Chenghao got stuck.

"If you panic, it means your heart has changed, you are a big fool." Li Nian couldn't help but complain: "If you have a friend like me, you should be content. I am not only an emotional expert to point out you, I have to teach you to fall in love like an old father, no, you must treat yourself this afternoon!"

Xu Chenghao: "Why do I think you didn't point me out, you're brainwashing me again?!"

Li Nian got up and said: "Illusion, don't turn your mind on your own, it's right to follow my way of thinking, or when will you wake up with your foolish mentality-"

The blue folder was in the center of the red heart, and Li Nian was caught off guard and screamed, and immediately ran out of the office with his head covered, shouting, "You are a fool!"

Xu Chenghao threw out a folder again and shouted, "You're an idiot!"

Li Nian slammed the door shut, and waited for the folder to slam on the door before reopening: "Damn Xu!"

Xu Chenghao raised the folder abruptly, so frightened Li Nian hurriedly closed the door, this time it was completely silent.

After the office was completely quiet, Xu Chenghao sat back in his seat again and felt upset again - it was over, he seemed to have been brainwashed by Li Nian, and now that he thinks back on it, he always thinks what he said is right, then it can be the right number.

Are you really getting a little closer to Jing Yicheng?

Xu Chenghao buried his head on the desk, staring at the little yellow duck flowerpot in a daze.

In fact, after completing the task of Little Pepper, the reason why he chose to keep the little yellow duck flowerpot and take it wherever he went was because he was afraid that he would lose himself in a book world with such a strong sense of reality, so he wanted to use it Come to remind yourself, remember to go back, remember that you are not here.

If he will leave one day after all, using someone else's identity to fall in love will also cause trouble.

The author has something to say: Emotion master, old father, Li Nian suddenly went online

Emotion master, old father, Li Nian was taken offline

Li Nian:  …