No, why did he already think about love! No, no, no, no! Can't go on thinking, can't think deeply to open the valve! If he wants to forget Li Nian's words, he only needs to remember the little pepper task and work hard to grow the little pepper!

- At least for now, nothing is more important than his return!

Xu Chenghao kept repeating the goal in his mind, trying to calm himself down. He knew that he was in a wrong state, but he didn't dare to think deeply at all, just like Li Nian said, he was cowardly and began to panic!

He even wondered if it would be better for him to stay away from Jing Yicheng? That might solve all problems.

leave him...

Xu Chenghao took a deep breath, suddenly raised his hand and knocked on his head, forcibly stopped any thought, and lowered his head to sort out the documents to numb himself with his work.

Finally, self-hypnosis works, and I can work seriously. The door of the office was suddenly opened, and Li Nian, who ran away just after provoking him, came back.

Li Nian leaned on the door frame to observe him: "How is President Xu feeling?"

Xu Chenghao said angrily, "Are you okay?"

Li Nian said: "Yes, the first appointment person has arrived. Would you like to chat first?"

Xu Chenghao suddenly resumed his seriousness: "Ruan Chenxuan?"

Li Nian snapped his fingers: "That's right."

Xu Chenghao pondered for two seconds, nodded and said, "Everyone is here, let him come."

Li Nian responded and led Ruan Chenxuan back after closing the door for a while. But this time he didn't follow up, and said nothing to Xu Chenghao behind his back: "He said he wanted to talk to you alone!"

Xu Chenghao frowned slightly, and after sitting down with Ruan Chenxuan, he looked at him more and more vigilantly.

Ruan Chenxuan's observation skills have always been keen, and he naturally found out that he was wrong: "Mr. Xu is in a bad mood?"

Xu Chenghao said coolly, "Of course it's not good to see you."

Ruan Chenxuan kept smiling: "President Xu is joking."

Xu Chenghao: "Who is joking with you?"

Ruan Chenxuan was not only not angry when he heard the words, but the smile in his eyes became more and more real. He said warmly, "Why are you in such a bad mood? Did something happen? If Mr. Xu is willing to say it, I don't mind being Mr. Xu's audience...or I can help Xu. Always settle things."

Xu Chenghao leaned on the back of the chair and sneered: "Do you think that even if I really have something to do, I will tell the enemy what it is? Are you stupid or am I stupid?"

Ruan Chenxuan was silent for two seconds, then said slowly, "I'm stupid, if I wasn't stupid, it would be me standing beside President Xu now."

Xu Chenghao couldn't hear anything about Jing Yicheng now. Hearing that, he immediately said with a cold face: "What is the matter with your appointment this time? If you just want to chat with me, I don't believe there will be another meeting!"

Ruan Chenxuan has become accustomed to this attitude, and said calmly: "I came here to apologize for the abruptness and impulsiveness last night. I'm sorry that my actions have hurt President Xu. In the future, I will try my best to control myself, and I hope President Xu will forgive me. ."

Xu Chenghao said coldly, "Oh, I don't forgive."

Ruan Chenxuan laughed: "President Xu is as straightforward as I guessed."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

How do you feel that the male protagonist has a shaking physique, the more he abuses him, the more excited he becomes? are you crazy! Think about your heroine abroad, okay?

Xu Chenghao forcibly resisted the urge to complain, and said speechlessly, "Since you know my reaction, what do you mean by saying it?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "I still want to express my attitude, I hope President Xu will not continue to misunderstand me."

Xu Chenghao gradually lost his patience: "That's ok, you have finished expressing yourself. If you have nothing to do, please ask Mr. Ruan to go back. You are not busy and I am busy."

Ruan Chenxuan sat still: "Xu Chenghao!"

Xu Chenghao looked up at him: "?"

Ruan Chenxuan's expression was rare and serious: "Although our relationship is very unhappy, at least we are in the same circle of life and know the bottom line. But Jing Yicheng is different. The dangerous qualities he carries cannot be provoked! You and a fierce beast. Living in the same range, even if he puts away his minions now, how can you ensure that you will never be hurt?!"

"I'm not trying to provoke your relationship, I'm just speaking out about the hidden dangers in your relationship, so that you can face up to the situation where you have no turning back!"

"You have also seen Zhuo Meixue's appearance. I admit that I used her despicably, but don't ignore how ruthless Jing Yicheng's heart is!"

Ruan Chenxuan said these words quickly, sighed deeply, and regained his calm: "If you still don't believe me, I can't do anything about it, but I can promise that from now on, whenever you have difficulties, you can come to me. I."

"I would like to help you."

Xu Chenghao's eyes widened slightly, he didn't expect that the male protagonist who has always been an enemy would make such a promise to himself.

Moreover, he was used to his cunning and poaching image, and suddenly faced with such a serious and powerful side of him, it was difficult for people to adapt. In particular, what he said is reasonable, with a rational and correct analysis, and perfectly combined all the villains in the original plot.

In Jing Yicheng's case, he has never refused or regretted it. Opening the bow without turning back the arrow is the most appropriate interpretation of his handling of affairs. It can be seen from his attitude towards An Rouyu in the original plot that he is paranoid and crazy. As long as he is sure of something, it is impossible to give up unless he dies.

Although Xu Chenghao warned himself not to think too much in the last second, but at this moment he couldn't control it and began to think if he really got together with Jing Yicheng, would he be able to reproduce the state of him and the heroine? If you want to go back and leave, what kind of bitter fruit will the original owner come back to get along with the villain?

Too many uncertain factors themselves are pressures. If you add the villain as an indefinite time bomb, the pressure will increase exponentially.

Xu Chenghao took a deep breath and pulled the little yellow duck tootzui flowerpot on the table to the front. While touching the little yellow duck flowerpot, he said as calmly as possible: "Thank you, Mr. Ruan, for your kindness. As for other things, I will consider it."

Ruan Chenxuan smiled again: "I'm glad you listened. I hope Xu will make the right choice next time we meet."

Xu Chenghao smiled politely: "I hope so!"

After sending Ruan Chenxuan away, the lethality of Xu Chenghao was not so powerful when he saw people behind him. Han Haofeng still wanted to form a gang, but Xu Chenghao directly rejected it; An Ruotong was even more interesting, under the banner of her sister, he hoped that Xu Chenghao would help her rise to the top, and also said that she wanted Ruan Chenxuan, An Rouyu belonged to Xu Chenghao, Xu Chenghao also refused with a look of indifference.

As for Zheng Xiaoxiao, this little girl is just looking for something to bet on. Xu Chenghao can easily beat her by using Zheng Yunyun's name. It's very simple.

After everything was done, Xu Chenghao also got off work. Li Nian came in noisily to ask for a meal, but Xu Chenghao agreed just because he didn't want to go home. Diligently waited for two hours until it was dark before driving home slowly.

Jing Yicheng should still be at his house...

This thought flashed by, just like opening a valve, instantly releasing all the thoughts of the whole day. Li Nian's words and Ruan Chenxuan's words were mixed together, like a snowball that kept getting bigger and bigger, oppressing his thoughts and thoughts, making his heart heavy.

It's over, he doesn't even know how to face Jing Yicheng now.

Xu Chenghao smiled helplessly, sat in the car silent for a long time, and finally decided not to face Jing Yicheng for the time being, and then came back when he was emotionally stable and figured out how to face him.

Thinking about it, Xu Chenghao restarted the car and turned to leave. Just after turning on the left turn signal, the phone on the side rang immediately, and it was Jing Yicheng's.

Xu Chenghao had a guilty conscience, and he didn't dare to answer the call when he saw the call. Like a thief who was caught stealing something, he immediately stepped up the accelerator and ran away!

However, he didn't run far before he was stopped by a group of men in black at the gate of the community. The leader said warmly, "Mr. Xu, you'd better go back, our boss is waiting for you."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

He didn't want to go back, but the person in front of him was obviously more determined than him, and he didn't give in at all.

Xu Chenghao is a legitimate and good citizen, and naturally it is impossible for him to drive into someone. After a few minutes of stalemate, he didn't think of a good solution when the window of the cab suddenly rang again.

Xu Chenghao turned his head silently, and saw Jing Yicheng wearing home clothes standing outside, his expression darkened slightly: "Open the door!"

Xu Chenghao: "…"

When did this stuff come down! Why move so fast! And still wearing so little! It's autumn and winter!

Xu Chenghao was shocked and speechless, and quickly unlocked the car: "Come up first."

Jing Yicheng went around to the co-pilot seat and sat in, with a fierce expression on his face before he could speak, Xu Chenghao had already taken the lead in pulling the coat from the back seat to signal him to put it on first: "Are you dying to wear these on such a cold day? "

Jing Yicheng's expression softened a little, and while putting on his jacket, he said, "Who am I coming down for? Why did you leave just now?"

Xu Chenghao drove back to the garage and said helplessly, "Is there something wrong with me?"

Jing Yicheng: "Then why don't you answer my call?"

Xu Chenghao: "...I'm driving, but I can't concentrate at night."

Jing Yicheng stared at him and said in a cool tone, "Really, I thought I didn't go to the company today. You didn't want to see me when you met someone you shouldn't have heard of nonsense."

Xu Chenghao laughed dryly and changed the subject: "Get off the car and go home, it's too cold outside."

Jing Yicheng's face turned black in an instant, and he pulled the person back and asked, "What's going on? I didn't go to the company for a day, you not only came back late but also wanted to hide from me, didn't you? What did you hear? Who said that? Ruan Chenxuan Han Haofeng An Ruotong or Zheng Xiaoxiao? Why don't you ask me if you have anything? Answer me!"

Xu Chenghao huddled in the cab, and after a long silence he suddenly said, "Why are you so fierce!"

Jing Yicheng got stuck: "Am I fierce?"

Xu Chenghao shook his grasped wrist: "It hurts."

Jing Yicheng: "..." Silently let go.

Xu Chenghao rubbed his wrist and discussed, "It's so cold outside, can we talk when we go home?"

Jing Yicheng was silent for a few seconds, then nodded in agreement.

After the two returned home, Xu Chenghao cared, "Have you eaten yet?"

Jing Yicheng said angrily, "I'm full."

"That's still something to eat, people are iron rice or steel, I'll eat with you." Xu Chenghao coaxed people to go to the dining room to eat, and after eating, he said, "You must have caught a cold when you went out just now, hurry up. Go take a bath and warm yourself up."

Enjoying the concern, Jing Yicheng automatically got up and walked to his room. When he opened the door, he suddenly stopped when he heard the sound of the door closing behind him. Did he forget something? ? ?

The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao: a group of people who feel that they are witty