In the dimly lit room, everyone gathered in the living room in a clear formation. People in uniform and headsets lined up on the left, while Jing Yicheng sat alone on the right.

Sitting on the sofa, his face was hidden in the shadows, and he couldn't see it clearly, but the increasingly low air pressure around him showed that his patience was about to run out.

The assistant returned with the brewed tea, put it on the table and said, "You have not rested for 20 consecutive hours. Would you like a cup of strong tea to refresh yourself?"

The queue leader politely thanked him, but instead of drinking tea, he looked at Jing Yicheng and said solemnly, "Mr. Jing, anyway, I hope you can come with us."

Jing Yicheng was indifferent, and he didn't even give each other his eyes.

The captain said: "If it wasn't really impossible, we wouldn't disturb your life, but now the head of the research project is in a coma from a gunshot wound, and the research results have been damaged and need to be repaired urgently. At present, you are the only one who can solve the problem. The superiors indicated that as long as you can solve the problem, you can pay as much as you want."

Jing Yicheng was too lazy to speak, leaning on the sofa and looking at the back of his hand casually.

The captain said helplessly: "The only one who can save everything now is the person in charge who is still in a coma. Unless the person in charge is sober, we will definitely fight with you to the end."

Jing Yicheng finally reacted, and asked in a calm voice, "Are you threatening me?"

Captain: "Don't dare, I'm just stating the facts."

Jing Yicheng sneered: "Whatever you want."

The captain couldn't help but looked at the assistant for help. The assistant shook his head lightly, expressing his helplessness. If I could have said a few words before, after all, the boss is always interested in new things, but now that there is President Xu, the boss has to go to closed research for half a year or even a year... The boss will definitely go crazy.

Just thinking about it, the assistant's cell phone suddenly rang. He walked a few steps away to answer the phone, and his expression changed a few seconds later. He ran back to Jing Yicheng and said, "Boss... something happened to President Xu."

Jing Yicheng turned his head sharply: "What did you say?"

The assistant spoke quickly: "Mr. Xu has an accident and has been sent to a private clinic for surgery!"

For the first time, Jing Yicheng's brain crashed. He stared at the assistant for three seconds before he understood the meaning of the combination of these words. He immediately turned around and ran out.

The assistant and the others followed closely, but no matter how fast they ran downstairs, Jing Yicheng still disappeared.

Jing Yicheng, who was on the cusp of the storm, ran out alone, not to mention the assistant, even the captain behind him changed his face, and immediately started to contact the people downstairs before.

The other party said: "I'm trying to keep up with Mr. Jing!! Don't disturb me!!!" He then kicked the accelerator and hung up the phone quickly amid the sudden roar.

Jing Yicheng almost turned the sports car into a racing car, hurried the accelerator all the way to cut the ten-minute journey down to three and a half minutes, opened the door and rushed into the clinic.

At this time, Xu Chenghao was still in the operating room and did not come out. The red light dyed the word "in operation" with a touch of blood, filled with a light of urgency and anxiety.

Jing Yicheng stood in front of the door of the operating room, staring at these three words, waiting for the result, his hands hanging on both sides were tightly clasped to make a creaking sound, anyone could see that he was suppressing his anger. .

The assistant, the captain, and the others arrived later. Seeing Jing Yicheng standing at the door, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, panting and resting against the white wall outside the operating room.

The bodyguards who were in charge of protecting Xu Chenghao also gathered in front of the operating room door after dealing with various matters, and stood against the wall uneasily, not daring to catch a breath.

The atmosphere was a hundred times more dignified than before. Everyone dared not speak, for fear of provoking Jing Yicheng, whose breath was so terrifying that his eyes started to bloodshot.

He is now a heavy bomb full of gunpowder, and it will explode in place at some point, and the only thing that can restrain him now is the unconscious person in the operating room, if he really has an accident...

The assistant pushed the glasses, not daring to think further for a while.

I don't know how long it took. The red light during the operation suddenly turned off and changed to green. The door of the operating room opened, and the surgeon came out first. Seeing Jing Yicheng standing at the door, he was shocked and stammered: "Jing, Mr. Jing!"

Jing Yicheng grabbed his collar and asked with red eyes, "Where's Xu Chenghao? How is he!"

The doctor coughed and hurriedly picked it up and said, "Although the car accident caused serious multiple injuries, the patient's operation was very successful. As long as he recuperates properly, he can definitely recover, but because the anesthetic is still in a drowsiness, he may be transferred to the ward at night. will wake up."

Just as he was talking, the door of the operating room opened again, and the nurses pushed the bed out and walked towards the ward. Jing Yicheng immediately let go of the doctor and followed, looking at the unconscious young man lying in the white quilt, his fingers began to tremble unconsciously.

Actually he was afraid. Standing in front of the operating room, as angry as he was, he was so scared. He was afraid what would happen if Xu Chenghao couldn't get out. He was afraid that yesterday would be the last time he saw Xu Chenghao. He was so full of plans for the worst that he was afraid. I was trembling all over, scared to death.

It was the first time he felt this kind of worry, this despair, and this kind of heart that felt like a knife, as if his heart had been smashed out of his chest, and the pain was almost suffocating.

Fortunately, the worrying thing didn't happen, and he... had time to deal with other things...

After Jing Yicheng stopped and closed his eyes for two seconds, the emotions he had been suppressing exploded and burst into rage. He suddenly turned around and grabbed the captain's neck with one hand and directly threw him on the wall. He took out a pistol and put it on his chin, and said fiercely, "Is it the tail you brought?"

Everyone was instantly tense and didn't dare to move, watching their confrontation quite nervously. Jing Yicheng's murderous aura was not concealed at all, there is no doubt that as long as the captain dared to nod his head, he would dare to shoot and solve it on the spot!

The captain raised his hand to show that he had no intention of attacking, and explained, "No."

Jing Yicheng stared at him, as if to tell if he was lying.

The captain's eyes were sincere and calm: "No one notified us when we came. Even you were notified after you arrived. I can guarantee it."

Jing Yicheng slowly withdrew his hand for three seconds, turned to look at the bodyguard in charge of protecting Xu Chenghao, and after a long silence he suddenly began to load his arm and raise his hand——

bang bang bang bang - the silenced bullets shot through the roof continuously, Jing Yicheng's anger erupted instantly, he smashed the assistant who was blocking him with one elbow, and turned the gun at him: "You dare to stop me?"

The assistant slammed into the wall and coughed a few times, and said as calmly as possible: "So far, the real murderer has not been caught. Boss, don't you want to avenge Mr. Xu?"

Jing Yicheng stared at him coldly, the muzzle never moved.

The assistant clutched his chest. Seeing this, he could only use another trick. He reminded softly, "How did you get the little yellow duck in your hand? Did you forget?"

Jing Yicheng was slightly stunned, and subconsciously glanced at the back of his right hand holding the gun. The Q version of Huang Cancan's little yellow duck was very well protected. Even if the color was not as bright as yesterday, it could still be seen that it was carefully painted.

Jing Yicheng's sense of anger was finally returned to the cage, and he slammed the gun on the ground and turned to leave: "Get out! Get me out!"

After Jing Yicheng entered the ward, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Especially the bodyguards, who have followed Jing Yicheng for so long, they have long known how ruthless Jing Yicheng's handling style is. He never listens to explanations and only looks at the results. The bodyguards in the operating room just felt the end of fate. sign.

In the end, they never expected that they would get a life back after turning around! This is really an unexpected joy, everyone stepped forward to support the assistant and thanked softly.

The assistant was not beaten lightly, and he coughed: "I didn't save you, it was President Xu who saved you."

Speaking of which, the assistant also felt bad, but said helplessly, "I know that Mr. Xu is so important to the boss, and you haven't protected him yet... Hey, you should go back first. It's best not to wander around before Mr. Xu wakes up."

The bodyguards nodded shamelessly, followed the assistant's command and left the hospital silently.

After the bodyguard left, it was instantly quiet outside the ward. The captain, who had been silent for a while, sat beside his assistant and asked tentatively, "Is this President Xu important to Mr. Jing?"

The assistant seemed to know what he was thinking, and sneered: "It's very important. If you dare to touch this President Xu, be prepared that you will never cooperate in this life."

The captain was silent for a moment.

The assistant reminded: "You'd better not provoke the boss until Mr. Xu is awake. I sincerely remind you."

Captain: "Thank you."

The assistant smiled, put his eyes back on the door of the ward and sighed, "Let's wait for President Xu to wake up now."


Five hours after the operation, the effect of the anesthetic gradually subsided, and Xu Chenghao was suddenly awakened by a sharp pain. The chaotic brain didn't have time to react, and then came the second wave of pain, as if his whole body was severely injured. It hurts everywhere, and he started to feel dazed again.

I don't know how long it took, Xu Chenghao finally woke up completely, closed his eyes and felt the surrounding environment... It was very quiet, with the smell of disinfectant... He should have been sent to the hospital, um, that means he was in a car accident and was rescued alive?

Xu Chenghao's brain recovered little by little, and when he realized that there seemed to be another person beside him, he slowly opened his eyes.

Originally thought it would be a white roof or a pure white ward or the like at first sight, but Xu Chenghao opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a large face that was too close.

Xu Chenghao squinted for a while before he recognized that it was Jing Yicheng, and said weakly, "You scared me to death."

Jing Yicheng stared at him for a while, then suddenly said with red eyes, "You scared me to death too."