Xu Chenghao felt the coolness on the back of his hand, and it took a while to realize that Jing Yicheng was actually crying? Or because he cried? ——Although Jing Yicheng also felt embarrassed, and all burrowed his head on the bed and shed tears silently, but this guy was holding his hand and his face on the back of his hand and crying, it was useless to hide!

Xu Chenghao was amused by the pain all over his body. He held his fingers back and said helplessly, "It was obviously me who was injured, why do you look more aggrieved than me?"

Jing Yicheng buried his head and said in a muffled voice, "I might as well be injured."

Xu Chenghao sensed the breath of the other party when he was speaking, and gropingly pinched his mouth: "What are you talking about? How can anyone be in a hurry and want to get hurt?"

Jing Yicheng's mouth was pinched and unable to respond, he could only rub the back of his hand in silence.

Xu Chenghao: "Guilty?"

Jing Yicheng: "Yes."

Xu Chenghao: "If you feel guilty, you should take good care of me, not even yourself. You still need my sick number to coax you, understand?"

Jing Yicheng: "Yes."

Xu Chenghao let go of his mouth: "It's so good."

Jing Yicheng immediately entered caring mode and said warmly, "Does it hurt?"

"Nonsense." Xu Chenghao took advantage of the situation to change the subject: "The pain is not bad, why do I feel that my legs have no feeling?"

Jing Yicheng said, "Your legs are broken and you have been cast."

Xu Chenghao: "??? Broken??"

Xu Chenghao raised his head abruptly, and when he saw his bandaged legs, he was immediately stunned.

Sleep in a big slot! Is this TM a hit and miss? ! Could it be that in the end he still has to go the old way of the plot and spend the rest of his life with a wheelchair in the future? ?

Xu Chenghao fell back on the bed speechlessly, not wanting to speak at all.

Seeing that he cared so much, Jing Yicheng quickly comforted him: "It's just a broken bone. The doctor said that your operation was successful. As long as you take a good rest, you will be fine, don't worry."

Xu Chenghao was unlovable: "With my little luck, I guess it won't get better."

Jing Yicheng: "How come."

Xu Chenghao: "It will definitely happen, you see, something will happen to me during my leg injury, which will make me change from a temporary stump to a permanent one. I can see through it..." How pitiful is this book-piercing system! ! !

Jing Yicheng subconsciously said: "No, I guarantee..."

Xu Chenghao tilted his head to look at him when he heard the sound, the gauze on his forehead was dazzlingly white, and Jing Yicheng, who was pierced, suddenly muted, and found that he did not have the courage to say such words again. After all, he also said the same last time, but in the end, he still failed to fulfill his promise and made him hurt like this.

What's more, the other party may be injured because of him!

Jing Yicheng pursed his lips and suddenly became silent.

Xu Chenghao waited for a long time without waiting for the next words, and suddenly his face fell: "You don't want to protect me!"

Jing Yicheng: "No."

Xu Chenghao accused: "You are!"

Jing Yicheng said patiently, "Really not."

Xu Chenghao: "You are! You treated me like this when I broke my leg! You even said that you were my best friend!"

Jing Yicheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He raised his hand and wrapped his accusing hand in his palm. He said helplessly, "Okay, I don't feel guilty anymore, don't be angry."

Xu Chenghao said with a straight face: "It's too late, I don't think you can take care of me, so let's change Li Nian, he is my best brother."

Jing Yicheng lost his smile in an instant: "If you don't change it, you won't want to see him while you're recovering."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Xu Chenghao looked at him speechlessly, and complained, "Aren't you very tough? Why didn't you dare to speak just now?"

Jing Yicheng was silent for a moment, looking down at the blurred little yellow duck on the back of his hand and did not speak.

Xu Chenghao glanced at him a few times, then suddenly pulled back his hand and put it back on the quilt, and said lazily, "Are you feeling guilty for not protecting me now? Or do you feel guilty about the car accident? Or both?"

Jing Yicheng's body instantly stiffened.

Xu Chenghao immediately understood: "Oh, it looks like you have it all?"

Jing Yicheng glanced at his expression and nodded silently.

Xu Chenghao: "It turns out that the car accident is related to you... No wonder you are timid, afraid to look at me or speak."

Jing Yicheng lowered his head again.

Xu Chenghao felt amused when he saw his air bag, and after forcibly suppressing his smile, he pretended to be indifferent: "Then let's go."

Jing Yicheng suddenly raised his head, his eyes were unbelievable: "Go?"

"Yeah, let's go." Xu Chenghao closed his eyes and rested his mind after speaking. The old **** was there, like a scumbag who was thrown away after use.

Jing Yicheng stood up abruptly, and his voice began to rise: "Xu Chenghao, you said you were not afraid! Are you regretting it now?"

Xu Chenghao suddenly covered his head: "Oh, your voice is so loud that my head hurts."

Jing Yicheng was in a rage, but his voice was lowered by eight degrees again, and he gritted his teeth: "You can't go back!"

Xu Chenghao: "Why can't I go back on it."

Jing Yicheng: "You just can't go back!"

Xu Chenghao turned his head: "I'm too lazy to care about you!"

Jing Yicheng was so angry that he had to turn to the side of Xu Chenghao's line of sight, and lowered his voice to reason: "How can you go back on what you promised me before? You're not trustworthy, and no one will do it to you after you go on like this. friends!"

Xu Chenghao: "Then I don't want a coward like you to be my friend!"

Jing Yicheng was startled and defended, "I'm not timid, I'm just scared!"

Xu Chenghao was dumbfounded by this logic: "Isn't cowardly afraid?"

Jing Yicheng tried his best to suppress the voice he wanted to raise, and said aggrieved: "I'm not timid, I'm just worried that you will be afraid, don't want me anymore, let me go like now!"

Xu Chenghao: "I didn't let you go."

Jing Yicheng: "You said it!"

Xu Chenghao: "I see that you are too guilty, and I stimulate you to let go of your burden."

Jing Yicheng was even more aggrieved: "You have been stimulated!"

Seeing his aggrieved appearance, Xu Chenghao didn't hold back and laughed out loud, reached out and rubbed his face with a smile: "Jing Yicheng, why are you so cute!"


The cart loaded with equipment and medicine slammed into the door and made a loud noise. The doctors and nurses standing at the door greeted with a dry smile: "Hands, slippery, ha, ha, ha!"

Jing Yicheng's face sank in an instant, and he said coldly, "Is something wrong?"

Doctor: "That, that, a routine check-up."

Regarding Xu Chenghao's good health, Jing Yicheng was still very patient, and whispered to Xu Chenghao "don't go back" before letting go of the place and staring at the doctor's examination.

He watched from the side, the doctors and nurses were cautious, for fear of hurting the patient, this one could directly stab them - after all, in the scene just now, they truly felt what a 'special person' was.

Before that, they had never seen the Great Demon King so indulgent to anyone, okay? I'm still rubbing my face, and when I get three steps closer, I can't wait to draw a gun! And... how cute is the Great Demon King who stands behind them, looking so indifferent and wishing to kill with his eyes? ! It was the first time they really heard someone compliment Jing Yicheng as cute! Cocoa love!

If it weren't for the conditions, doctors would want to check the patient's eyes to see if the filter is too thick!

Jing Yicheng suddenly frowned and poked at the doctor with a voice like an ice pick: "You hurt him!"

Doctor examining the wound: "...Sorry."

Jing Yicheng's tone contained a threat: "Be careful!"

Doctor: "...I know QAQ"

In this way, under the supervision of Jing Yicheng, the routine inspection took twice as long to complete. The doctor talked about Xu Chenghao's current condition in a prostration tone, and the summary was probably as follows: Xu Chenghao's upper body was basically bruised, the injuries were minor, and the most serious one was the fracture of both legs, which required further observation and treatment, and at least three months of hospitalization.

Xu Chenghao's eyes widened when he heard this time, "Three months? Can't I leave the hospital early?"

"It is best to stay in the hospital for observation if your injury is serious, which is also convenient for treatment." The doctor said: "And this is only the hospitalization time. The time for recuperation and recovery depends on the individual's physical condition, and it may be longer."

Xu Chenghao's whole person is not well: "No, I don't have so much time to waste, I don't—"

A strawberry suddenly appeared from the corner and went straight to Xu Chenghao's mouth, successfully choking on the rest of his words. Xu Chenghao turned his head in astonishment, and saw Jing Yicheng smiled slightly and fed the second strawberry into his mouth.

Now Xu Chenghao was really speechless. He pouted and tried to eat faster, while frowning and raising his hand to hammer him.

Jing Yicheng held his shoulders, pressed the person back to the bed and lay down, covered the quilt and said with a smile, "Don't worry, the strawberries have been washed."

Who is discussing with you whether strawberries are dry or not! ! Xu Chenghao stared at him, still trying to chew the strawberry in his mouth.

Jing Yicheng took the opportunity to turn around and said to the doctor, "Don't listen to him, just consider his physical condition."

The doctor quickly retracted his shocked face and pretended to be calm: "Okay, Mr. Jing, don't worry."

Jing Yicheng: "Is there anything else after the inspection?"

Doctor: "No more."

Jing Yicheng didn't speak, but stared at the doctor as if to ask again, 'Then why don't you leave? ’

Doctor: "...Oh yes, we have to check the next ward and leave first. If the patient has anything, they can ring the bed bell to call the nurse on duty."

Jing Yicheng nodded and closed the door mercilessly. When he sat next to the bed again, Xu Chenghao had already finished eating the strawberries, lying on the hospital bed with a face of despair, his face turned pale.

Jing Yicheng was worried that he was really angry, and comforted: "The body is the most important thing. If you want to do anything, I will help you, don't be angry."

"No..." Xu Chenghao was even more desperate: "It's mainly because I'm so hungry after eating strawberries, Jing Yicheng, I'm so hungry!"

Jing Yicheng was stunned: "Are you hungry? Wait a moment, I'll call my assistant to buy it for you, right away."

Xu Chenghao leaned on the bed weakly, and said angrily, "What did you say you stuffed me with two strawberries for! I'm not hungry if I don't eat it!"

Jing Yicheng lowered his head to send a message to his assistant, and responded with a single-minded response, "I'm worried that you won't receive treatment."

Xu Chenghao sighed: "But living here for three months is really too long."

Jing Yicheng comforted: "It won't be long, it will be over in a while."

Xu Chenghao said angrily, "Dare not you."

After Jing Yicheng sent the message, he raised his head and said, "I will accompany you."

Xu Chenghao didn't appreciate it: "You are busier than me, how long can you stay with me..."

Jing Yicheng stared at him for a few seconds, then suddenly said, "I can always be here if you want."