Xu Chenghao was stunned by the sudden earthly love words: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Jing Yicheng said, "I know, it means that as long as you don't drive me away, I can always accompany you, even if you get well, I will accompany you."

Xu Chenghao stared at the other party's sincere expression, and began to wonder if he was in a wrong state of mind. He even took this kind of guilt compensation as earthly love and shocked himself. It's really... a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, I didn't ask directly.

Xu Chenghao breathed a sigh of relief, and said forcibly calmly: "Okay, this is enough brother!"

Jing Yicheng frowned. He always felt that this sentence was different from what he wanted to express... Before he could correct it, the door of the ward was suddenly knocked, and a familiar voice broke through the door and intervened in their atmosphere, reminding him. : "Boss, dinner is here."

Xu Chenghao instantly abandoned Jing Yicheng and warmly welcomed the arrival of his assistant: "Come in, I'm starving to death!"

The assistant pushed the door open and said politely, "Mr. Xu, good evening. I asked the doctor that you can only eat light food, so I packed a separate one for you, the boss is yours."

Xu Chenghao sat up happily: "Thank you... You also bought the strawberries here, thank you."

The assistant felt the boss's displeased eyes, pushed his eyes and said calmly, "Mr. Xu has misunderstood. These are what the boss told me to do."

Xu Chenghao: "Thank you, Mr. Jing!"

Jing Yicheng: "...you're welcome."

While talking, Xu Chenghao finally finished unpacking. Although he expected that he wouldn't be able to eat a lot, Xu Chenghao's face collapsed when he saw the white porridge.

Jing Yicheng said without hesitation, "I'll accompany you and white porridge."

"Farewell, you have to serve me when you are full." Xu Chenghao looked at the ward and asked, "Is there a living room outside? You go to the living room to eat, and the farther away you are from me, the better."

Jing Yicheng tried to struggle: "I'm outside, what if you need help?"

Xu Chenghao pointed to the assistant: "Isn't he there?"

Jing Yicheng turned his head sharply to look at the assistant, his eyes revealing the anger of being betrayed.


Xu Chenghao leaned against the bed and took a mouthful of white porridge, urging: "Come on, do you want to kill me? I was already hungry and you still let me watch this..."

Jing Yicheng could only get up with his dinner: "Then wait for a while, I'll be back after I finish eating!"

Xu Chenghao continued to drink porridge, and answered vaguely.

Jing Yicheng left the ward temporarily unwillingly. After the door was closed, Xu Chenghao stopped to drink porridge and asked, "Has the news of my car accident spread out?"

The assistant immediately returned to seriousness: "No, your accident location is relatively remote, and the bodyguard responsible for protecting your safety was sent directly to a private hospital after the incident. Not to mention that the confidentiality is the strongest here, I believe no one will know."

Xu Chenghao felt a little relieved and continued to ask, "Can you be more specific about the car accident?"

The assistant hesitantly looked at the location of the door, it didn't matter, the door was open for a few centimeters, and it was not his boss who was eavesdropping!

The assistant broke down in a cold sweat, and tried his best to euphemistically: "The whole story of this matter is still being sorted out. I believe that there will be results in a short time. You can ask the boss when the time comes. I believe the boss will be willing to answer your questions."

Xu Chenghao drank the tasteless white porridge and sighed, "I dare to ask him like this."

He was almost suffocated to death since he woke up, but Jing Yicheng was afraid and guilty. Although he didn't say it, Xu Chenghao didn't dare to ask, for fear that he would irritate him by asking too much.

The assistant quietly turned the topic: "It can be seen that President Xu cares about our boss very much."

Xu Chenghao looked away uncomfortably: "It's okay, we are friends after all."

The assistant observed carefully and continued: "Few of our bosses take the initiative to care about him. President Xu is so kind to our boss."

Xu Chenghao began to drink porridge: "Isn't it rare? Don't you care about him too..."

Assistant: "I belong to the subordinate's concern for the leader, and this situation is maintained by interests. President Xu and the boss are sincere friends, and it is rare and valuable to rely solely on people to care about each other."

"No." Xu Chenghao said lightly: "We rely on your boss's guilt to maintain our relationship."

The assistant frowned, "I think President Xu has misunderstood."

"That's the truth." Xu Chenghao put the empty bowl aside and forcibly changed the subject: "By the way, where is my little yellow duck? And I also changed my clothes. Did you see a cloth bag with chili peppers in it?"

The assistant took the question to heart and said, "I have seen it, I gave it to the boss, Mr. Xu can ask the boss."

After Xu Chenghao had eaten and drank a lot of pills, he finally started to feel sleepy after an active day, and motioned, "Please bring me the toiletries, I'll brush my teeth and wash my face first... I might not be able to take a bath. "

"Okay." The assistant entered the washroom, took out all the things swiftly, and assisted Xu Chenghao to wash up.

Xu Chenghao packed himself up and lay groggy on the bed. When Jing Yicheng finished eating and came in, he had already closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Although Xu Chenghao looked very good when he was awake, but after he closed his eyes and fell asleep, he could still see exhaustion from the look on his eyebrows.

When Jing Yicheng covered him with the quilt, he suddenly felt a little distressed, and more of a self-blame, because he knew that his performance was poor today, not only did he fail to take care of Xu Chenghao, but he also needed the other party to comfort him... What's more, it was because of him that he was injured.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was a bastard. Jing Yicheng's hand holding the corner of the quilt began to clench, and his dark pupils were full of violent emotions, so he was about to punch himself.

The assistant stood behind him, sighed and decided to be a good person: "Boss, I have something to tell you."

Jing Yicheng got up softly, turned off the wall light and replaced it with a night light, signaling his assistant to come out with him.

The two left the ward lightly, until they closed the door and came to the outside, Jing Yicheng said, "What do you want to say?"

Assistant: "About the conversation just now."

"I heard it all." Jing Yicheng lit a cigarette for himself, walked directly to the balcony, opened the door and stood outside.

The assistant followed behind him: "I think you don't know enough."

Jing Yicheng: "What do you mean?"

Assistant: "Do you remember the private conversation you had with me at the beginning of the project?"

Jing Yicheng: "Remember."

Assistant: "So are you sure now?"

Jing Yicheng was impatient: "What are you trying to say?"

The assistant hesitated for a few seconds, then whispered: "It can be seen that President Xu has a good impression of you, if you are sure of your heart, now is the best time to express yourself and give the other party an affirmative reply, if you are not sure, it is appropriate to Pay attention to the distance with Mr. Xu to prevent misunderstandings."

The cigarette Jing Yicheng was smoking suddenly choked in his throat, covered his mouth and made a series of coughing noises: "Close, cough, cough, close the door!"

The assistant hurriedly closed the balcony door. Only then did Jing Yicheng dare to relax and snort. After he came over, he immediately asked, "What did you just say? Xu Chenghao has a crush on me? How did you know?"

The assistant is worried about the boss's emotional intelligence: "It's impossible to hide if you like someone. Now Mr. Xu's attitude towards you is so different from his attitude during the project, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it."

Jing Yicheng doubted: "Can you see it?"

The assistant reminded: "Would you like to think about when President Xu started to treat you differently?"

Jing Yicheng began to recall, and after replaying the memory in his mind, he finally affirmed: "He has always been good to me."

The assistant who saw the boss's head splashed with water: "...Are you sure?"

Jing Yicheng: "Yes."


All right, just be happy.

The assistant forcibly changed the subject and continued: "Being nice to you means that Mr. Xu cares about whether you like you, so don't you think about what you want?"

Jing Yicheng lit the second cigarette: "What do you want? I don't know."

The assistant said helplessly: "Then let me ask in another way - boss, do you think Mr. Xu is good-looking? Is there anyone who can compare to Mr. Xu? Are you willing to make changes for him? Do you feel bad when you see him hurt? Didn't you want to suffer pain for him because you were reluctant?"

"If you don't like President Xu, ask the boss if you would like to see him marry someone else. From now on, you must keep your distance and stop interfering in President Xu's life. President Xu's family love and even the rest of his life will be yours. It doesn't matter, would you like to?"

A series of questions hit Jing Yicheng, causing him to froze in place when he raised his hand to smoke, and did not move for a while.

He really doesn't know what he wants, but he can answer the following questions one by one: He thinks Xu Chenghao is good-looking, and in his eyes, no one can match his appearance, temperament, ability and means!

He is willing to make changes for Xu Chenghao, and he feels sorry for his injury and wants to bear all the pain for him. But he couldn't imagine that Xu Chenghao would one day leave his side to live with others, and he couldn't intervene and could only watch silently like an outsider, watching others take away his place and enjoy Xu Chenghao's life and feelings!

When Jing Yicheng thought about it, he was going to explode on the spot, and he poked the cigarette directly on the balcony with great force... Not to mention living with Xu Chenghao, eating and living together, rolling in bed and having sex, now he would like to have any physical contact with Xu Chenghao. Angry, I can't wait to share my attention with others...

Shit, the more you think about it, the more you get angry! He wanted to see who would dare to rob him, who would abduct Xu Chenghao under his nose!

The assistant watched silently as the cigarette was stabbed to shreds, and coughed lightly: "Boss, if you figure it out for yourself, then I'll go first."

"Wait!" Jing Yicheng replied, "How should I tell him?

The assistant said: "You can take the initiative to express your goodwill while taking care of President Xu. Now is the best time for you to express yourself."

Jing Yicheng frowned: "Now?"

Assistant: "Yes, because now I can't escape... No, I mean that Mr. Xu needs someone to take care of him now. If you give him care and confession, he will definitely be moved."