Jing Yicheng deeply realized his mistake, and tried to coax people: "Haohao, don't be angry, let's listen to the little yellow duck."

As he said that, he turned on the TV to play the song of the little yellow duck, and the ward suddenly sounded a familiar rattling sound, filled with a cheerful and cheerful atmosphere.


Then Jing Yicheng was kicked out of the ward with the little yellow duck pillow and was not allowed to enter.

After closing the door of the ward, Jing Yicheng stood quietly for a moment, but he couldn't help but bow his head and smile, and murmured, "It's so cute."

Although he is unintentional and cheap, Xu Chenghao's way of frying his hair is so cute every time, as long as he thinks about it, his heart is soft and sweet, what is it if he eats a few peppers.

The assistant sitting in the living room eating lozenges: "..."

I don't know why, but seeing the boss laughing gives me a bad feeling.

Sure enough, this ominous premonition was successfully fulfilled the next morning. The chili activity that was supposed to be once every three days was put on the agenda again, and the assistant and Jing Yicheng ate eight of them each.

The assistant eats not only expressionless, but also unwavering in his heart - he knows it! He said that when a couple quarrels, outsiders suffer! !

Jing Yicheng asked for feeding after eating chili peppers every day, Xu Chenghao threw two of them in an angry breath, relieved his anger when he looked at him speechless, and urged, "Be careful when you speak next time, do you hear me?"

Jing Yicheng nodded quickly, and after eating all the strawberries, he began to please: "Do you have any emails today, I will help you deal with them."

Xu Chenghao glanced at him when he heard the words, and finally chose to let him go, changing the subject along his words: "There is no email today, but I need a video conference later, please remember not to disturb me."

Jing Yicheng lowered his head instantly: "...Oh."

Xu Chenghao touched his face soothingly: "Be good, play by yourself."

Jing Yicheng: "Okay~~~"

The assistant who had just eaten the chili and had not had time to leave: "..."

I hate myself why I look up to see this scene!


The video conference started promptly at 9:30.

Regarding the injury, Xu Chenghao only disclosed it to a few close friends in the circle, and no one else knew about it, so when Xu Chenghao appeared in the picture wearing a blue and white striped medical uniform, there were bursts of exclamations at the meeting. : "Mr. Xu, are you okay? Why are you wearing a hospital gown?"

"Mr. Xu, are you sick? If you feel uncomfortable, don't hold on. We can have a meeting in a few days."

"Mr. Xu..."

"Okay, alright!" Li Nian knocked on the table to interrupt the flattery, "Let's have a meeting first, and I'll talk about it later."

Everyone silently looked at Mr. Xu in the video. Seeing that the other party didn't say anything, obviously after acquiescing, they all fell silent and stepped into the main topic of the meeting.

Xu Chenghao also followed up the progress earnestly with a serious look.

Ten minutes later, a strawberry was silently handed to Xu Chenghao's mouth, and everyone in the conference room, who had been paying close attention to the president's expression, suddenly tilted their eyes and observed silently.

The person who gave the speech above even went astray: "After our research and comparison of this strawberry... No, this project..."

Xu Chenghao frowned, glanced at his video frame to find the problem, silently raised his head to look at Jing Yicheng, his eyes revealed a clear question: What are you doing?

Jing Yicheng tapped his lips and said silently, "Your lips are dry and need to be hydrated."

Xu Chenghao silently caught the strawberry, and while eating, pointed to the door to signal him to go out and not disturb him. Jing Yicheng got up aggrieved and left.

Seeing Xu Chenghao's attention being drawn away, Li Nian coughed twice, "Mr. Xu?"

Xu Chenghao looked back without changing his face: "Well, continue."

The people in the conference room can't gossip, and I really want to ask if President Xu's good things are coming, and even if he is recovering, he will be accompanied by beautiful women. But the usual gentle Xu Chenghao lowered his face and no one dared to say a word. He could only suppress his burning gossip heart and continue the meeting.

Jing Yicheng came back soon and handed him warm water to signal him to drink.

Xu Chenghao calmly took it, staring at the computer screen while drinking water, listening carefully to everyone's speech.

Jing Yicheng sat on the edge of the bed and stared at him, ready to take the cup at any time.

This meeting is very important. Everyone can continue to carry on for a long time by saying a few more words. With constant analysis and constant discussion, half an hour has passed without knowing it.

Jing Yicheng was getting more and more bored, and he wanted to feed the strawberries in his hand for a long time, but in the end he could only eat it himself.

...he really likes Xu Chenghao's time alone with him.

Jing Yicheng sighed and silently turned on the TV. Before he could turn down the volume, the song of the Little Yellow Duck was the first to resound through the ward.

"Quack~quack~quack quack~ I'm a cute little yellow duck~~~"

Everyone in the conference room: "???"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Jing Yicheng silently lowered the volume, raised his hand to indicate that he knew what was wrong, and then silently handed over the strawberry for forgiveness.

Xu Chenghao gave him an angry look and rejected the strawberry.

Jing Yicheng was afraid that he would be really angry, so he handed over two strawberries this time.

Xu Chenghao pushed it away.

Jing Yicheng continued to overweight and handed over three strawberries.

Everyone in the conference room was already stunned. Listening to the extremely low background music of the little yellow duck, watching the big hand suddenly appearing beside Mr. Xu in the video, he was constantly passing strawberries and seemed to make Mr. Xu happy. For a while, he didn't know whether to continue or not. Go on.

Xu Chenghao couldn't hold back in the end and said, "Don't make trouble!"

Jing Yicheng opened his mouth.

"Don't talk!" Xu Chenghao stopped him: "Don't make a sound, don't disturb my meeting, do you hear me?"

Jing Yicheng nodded aggrievedly.

Xu Chenghao sighed and looked at the video again: "Continue."

Everyone in the conference room: "..."

Feeling aggrieved, he forcibly suppressed the burning gossip heart again, and regarded himself as a meeting machine with no emotions.

The meeting started again, but this time the atmosphere was obviously different. Most of everyone's attention was on Xu Chenghao, and they were looking forward to the owner of that hand appearing again.

However, Jing Yicheng, who was warned, did not dare to make trouble at all, and was holding the little yellow duck pillow and watching the little yellow duck dancing on TV.

Ten minutes later, the meeting returned to normal again. Everyone was discussing the theme of the meeting with each and every one of your words. Anyone who asked two more sentences could lead to a long discussion on new topics.

Xu Chenghao was very tired after concentrating for too long. When he got to the back, he rested on the head of the bed, and only straightened up when he occasionally spoke. This time, the collar of the hospital gown moved slightly, and when he leaned back to the head of the bed again, it had shifted sideways to reveal half of the collarbone.

The female employee who was giving a speech with a headset inadvertently raised her head and saw the usual gentleman in a suit, the president suddenly wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown. Not to mention her aura weakened, she was leaning on the bedside collar slightly open to reveal her collarbone, and she couldn't control it. Oh wow...Mom, beauty crit! !

Jing Yicheng heard the exclamations coming from the computer, raised his head in confusion and observed for two seconds, then got up suddenly, reaching out to help him tidy his neckline.

Xu Chenghao was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously covered the camera and whispered, "What are you doing!"

Jing Yicheng said coldly, "Don't move."

Xu Chenghao's upper body froze, looking down at his hands to adjust the collar, with a black question mark on his face.

He has been hospitalized for so long, and it has always been like this, why did Jing Yicheng suddenly go crazy?

Jing Yicheng silently tied his neckline to the very top, and after finishing it meticulously, he withdrew his hand, his face was less happy than Xu Chenghao, and whispered in his ear, "Don't show it to others."

Xu Chenghao touched the collar suspiciously, "What?"

Jing Yicheng said with a sullen face: "Someone is coveting you, I heard!"

Xu Chenghao was speechless: "You think too much."

Jing Yicheng looked at him silently, the hand on his shoulder suddenly undid the neckline of the hospital gown, and leaned over.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing!" Xu Chenghao wanted to shrink back, but he was afraid that the camera wouldn't be able to cover it, so he could only tug at his ears.

Jing Yicheng was unmoved, half hugged him and lowered his head to leave a tooth mark on his collarbone, and learned to print strawberries without a teacher. After the collarbone was full of marks that belonged to him, he said blankly: "Then show them."

Xu Chenghao: "???"

He couldn't help but clenched his fist and raised it in front of him, threatening: "Disappear in front of me immediately, three!"

Jing Yicheng bowed his head and kissed his fist, and quickly left the ward when the fist landed on his face.

After Xu Chenghao and the others left, he used the black screen of his mobile phone to see what was going on in his neck, and suddenly burst into anger and wondered if the other party did it on purpose!

He tied the neckline with one hand, and after sorting out his emotions, he let go of the camera and said coldly, "Go on!"

Everyone in the conference room: "..."

Ah ah ah ah, the heart of gossip really can't hold back! They really want to know who is the owner of this hand? Why does it sound so familiar? What's his relationship with Xu always? Did you just get jealous? ?

However, Mr. Xu was unmoved and even more angry, so that Li Nian didn't dare to say much, and everyone could only continue to regard themselves as a meeting machine with no emotions.

Twenty minutes later, the meeting ended. As soon as Xu Chenghao hung up the video conference room, there was a frenzy of discussion. The discussion was not about the theme of the meeting, but all around President Xu and this mysterious man.

Li Nian is the most important person to be besieged. Everyone knows that he has a good relationship with President Xu. Judging from his reaction just now, he must know something!

Li Nian: "Ah? What do I know? What can I know? How can I know? Hahaha is very busy, hahaha borrowed it, hahaha left."

With his excellent ability to pretend to be silly and fake a smile, Li Nian finally managed to break through the siege, returned to his office, and began to call to complain: "Mr. Xu! My dear Mr. Xu, I know that you just fell in love, but you can Can't hold back during the meeting? I was almost eaten by a group of gossip people just now."

On the other side, Xu Chenghao rubbed the little yellow duck tooting flowerpot in his arms, and said expressionlessly, "I see, there will be no next time."

Li Nian complained: "You know, I'm afraid someone doesn't know."

Xu Chenghao raised his eyes and looked at Jing Yicheng, who was holding his head in front of his eyes. Two little yellow duck hickeys were clearly printed on his forehead, and his tone was calm: "It's okay, I already told him."

Li Nian: "..."

Why do you think this sentence is full of murderousness?

The author has something to say: Little Yellow Duck: The mouth is a little swollen QAQ