Xu Chenghao is more than murderous, he is almost dead of anger now, and feels that this matter is very serious and must be warned by Jing Yicheng, otherwise he will suffer from this possessiveness.

So after hanging up the phone, Xu Chenghao held Jing Yicheng's ear and gave a serious education: "Do you know that you are wrong?"

Jing Yicheng: "Got it."

Xu Chenghao: "What's wrong?"

Jing Yicheng hesitated for a few seconds, then tentatively said, "Shouldn't I kiss you?"

Xu Chenghao's tug at his ears instantly increased: "Think again!"

Jing Yicheng took a deep breath: "I shouldn't kiss you during a meeting."

Xu Chenghao was reluctantly satisfied and added: "Your fault is that you shouldn't disturb my work, and you are jealous and do irrational behavior under untimely circumstances. You are violating my work and freedom by doing this. If I disturb your work, you will will not be mad?"

Jing Yicheng wanted to say that he was not angry, but after thinking about it, he decided to tell the truth: "You may not be able to enter where I work."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

The hand that tugged at the ear couldn't help but automatically increased: "Speak less, just ask if you hear me?"

Jing Yicheng admitted his mistake with a good attitude: "I heard!"

Xu Chenghao: "Do you dare to do it in the future?"

Jing Yicheng: "I don't dare."

Xu Chenghao: "What if I commit the crime again?"

Jing Yicheng: "Promise not to commit!"

Xu Chenghao stared at him for a few seconds, and after making sure his attitude was sincere and serious, he let go of his ears: "Forget it this time, and next time I'll turn my back on you."

Jing Yicheng rubbed his ears silently, not daring to say a word.

Xu Chenghao leaned back on the bed to continue chatting with Li Nian, and sent a message to ask, "What's the situation in the company now?"

After a long while, Li Nian replied, "After the meeting, everyone forgot about your injury, and they were discussing your love relationship with the mysterious man."

Xu Chenghao sent six dots.

Li Nian: "How are you over there? Is it okay to communicate with that mysterious man?"

Xu Chenghao glanced at Jing Yicheng uncertainly: "It should be alright."

Li Nian: "Don't be alright, you have to speak well, otherwise there will be another time!"

Xu Chenghao: "I'm already trying to reason."

Li Nian: "If the child is disobedient, beat him up!"

Li Nian withdrew a message.

Li Nian: "I didn't say anything."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

Li Nian also acted like this in front of Jing Yicheng.

Thinking about it, Xu Chenghao glanced at Jing Yicheng, who was sitting by the bed and rubbing his ears, and deeply understood what it means to bring one thing down to another. Li Nian was probably really afraid of Jing Yicheng, and Jing Yicheng was afraid of him...

Xu Chenghao suddenly approached Jing Yicheng and kissed his swollen earlobe, and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

Jing Yicheng subconsciously shook his head and nodded quickly, bringing his ears close again, the meaning was obvious.

Xu Chenghao smiled and approached again - but Jing Yicheng suddenly turned his head to receive the kiss, when his lips met Xu Chenghao's eyes widened and he wanted to step back, but one hand had already climbed his back and climbed his shoulders steadily. Hold the back of his head.

Kissing is unfamiliar to both of them. Originally, Xu Chenghao thought it would be good to just stick his lips to his lips for a while, but He Jingyicheng had seen too many idol dramas and materials, so he tentatively launched an attack after a while. He licked the corner of his mouth lightly, then slid his teeth between his teeth, entangled with the tip of his tongue that was hiding in it.

Jing Yicheng was much gentler than Xu Chenghao imagined. He took care of his feelings the whole time. When he saw him frowning, he immediately retreated.

Xu Chenghao buried his head silently on his shoulder, blushing to the point of exploding.

Jing Yicheng leaned his head and kissed his earlobe: "How do you feel?"

Xu Chenghao snorted sullenly: "It's not good at all, you are lying."

When Jing Yicheng heard this soft tone, he knew that he was acting like a spoiled child, and he hugged him even tighter: "I'm just kidding, how could I sit here if I'm not kidding."

Xu Chenghao was amused: "You still know."

Jing Yicheng's tone was very proud: "Yes, as long as I can get you, what is my face?"

Hearing these sweet words, Xu Chenghao felt warm and sweet in his heart, the temperature on his face began to rise, and he silently nestled in Jing Yicheng's arms without saying a word.

Jing Yicheng likes the time when he relies on him the most. When he hugs him tightly, his heart is warm and swollen. He is almost overwhelmed by happiness, and his whole body is full of sweetness.

For them, the matter of the meeting was just a very subtle episode, and even the quarrel did not happen, and was soon buried in an unknown place with sweetness.

Jing Yicheng took care of Xu Chenghao after lunch, and after the rest of the people lay down for their daily lunch break, he quietly left the ward and sat busy in the living room.

The assistant handed over the recent affairs of the institute, and Jing Yicheng checked and asked how the recent orders were, and signed after confirming that there were no mistakes.

The assistant asked concerned: "Are you all right?"

Jing Yicheng touched his forehead subconsciously: "It's okay."

The assistant couldn't help reminding: "Mr. Xu is already injured. You should focus on caring and caring. Don't always make Mr. Xu angry. If one day you get really angry and ignore you, it's up to you what you will do."

Jing Yicheng threw the pen on the table and said lightly, "I know."

Assistant: "Based on the number of times we eat chili peppers, you probably don't know."

Jing Yicheng: "…"

The assistant is also afraid that the boss will be angry if he talks too much. Seeing that the boss doesn't speak, he silently shuts his mouth and takes lozenges for himself every day.

Jing Yicheng raised his hand: "Give me a movie too!"


On this cold afternoon, the two share lozenges and work silently.

And Xu Chenghao... He slept until after four o'clock before opening his eyes.

The treatment is so unfair, but no one dares to complain, and he has to coax the person on the hospital bed, for fear that he will be unhappy.

Xu Chenghao ate and drank every day. When he was happy, he took the initiative to kiss Jing Yicheng. When he was unhappy, there were people who coaxed him. If it wasn't for the cast of his leg and he couldn't move, it would be a fairy day when clothes came to reach out for food and open mouth.

The phone rang on time for the schedule, Xu Chenghao glanced at his phone, and found that the time to harvest small peppers for the fourth time had come before he knew it, which meant that he would be able to complete the task today!

Xu Chenghao was instantly excited, and suddenly sat up and looked at the little yellow duck flowerpot.

Jing Yicheng, who was sitting on the side, subconsciously supported his waist: "What's the matter? What do I want for you?"

"It's time to harvest chili peppers!" Xu Chenghao said excitedly, "If I can harvest twenty chili peppers today, I will be able to complete the task!"

Jing Yicheng: "Congratulations, I'll pick it up for you later."

Xu Chenghao nodded: "Put the pepper seeds and plant them together. If you complete the task, the next batch of peppers will be yours."

Jing Yicheng kissed his hand: "Okay, I'll be back soon."

With the experience last time, Xu Chenghao believed that Jing Yicheng's harvest of peppers would definitely go more smoothly.

As soon as four o'clock arrived on time, the little yellow duck suddenly burst into a bright red color, with 11 intact peppers and 13 deformed peppers as in the last time. Nine more peppers to complete the mission!

Xu Chenghao put the whole peppers in the crisper and was satisfied. Looking forward to the chili peppers that Jing Yicheng will bring back to the greenhouse, there must be more than nine by then, and he is sure that he will complete the task!

Xu Chenghao couldn't help but send a message to Jing Yicheng: "What's the situation on your side?"

Jing Yicheng replied, "Go back immediately."

Xu Chenghao was delighted: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

At the same time, outside the ward, the assistant looked at the message but his expression changed slightly, got up and walked out.

"do not move!"

As soon as he went out, he saw the dark muzzle of the gun in front of him. The assistant closed the door of the ward without changing his face, and said lightly: "It seems that you are ready to cooperate only once."

The captain smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry for the order from the superior."

The assistant frowned: "Where's my boss?"

Captain: "Someone else will pick it up, please come with us first."


While Xu Chenghao was looking at his phone with his chin on his back, the door of the ward was suddenly opened, and Xu Chenghao suddenly raised his head in surprise: "You came back—how is it you?"

Looking at Ruan Chenxuan standing at the door of the ward, Xu Chenghao's smile instantly retracted, and he said with a sullen face, "How did you come in?"

Ruan Chenxuan put the flowers and fruit basket in his hand on the bedside table: "I knocked on the door outside and no one answered, so I came in, sorry for not disturbing you."

Xu Chenghao was stunned: "No one outside?"

Ruan Chenxuan nodded affirmatively: "Did your **** leave? I didn't see anyone."

Xu Chenghao dug out the number to call the assistant, but the other party didn't answer. After hanging up, he sent a message: "I have withdrawn, don't worry."

What does it mean?

When Xu Chenghao called the assistant again, it was already turned off. He suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart and immediately called Jing Yicheng. The same no one answered the final shutdown, but he didn't send him a message.

what's the situation?

Xu Chenghao frowned and called the greenhouse. It was Chen Long who answered the call. He said, "Mr. Jing just answered the phone and went out in a hurry. He only took chili peppers and didn't have time to plant a new crop. It's still open."

Xu Chenghao was worried and flustered. If his assistant hadn't sent him this text message, he would have doubted whether Jing Yicheng had made too many enemies and was killed by someone who seized the protection loophole!

He wanted to find Jing Yicheng, but it was only now that he realized that he had never been in contact with Jing Yicheng's friend circle and work circle. He even only knew Jing Yicheng's assistant, but now the assistant has disappeared, leaving only a message of safety. SMS.

Xu Chenghao didn't know who to contact with his mobile phone. It was the first time he noticed that Jing Yicheng couldn't find him even if he disappeared from the world!

Why did it suddenly disappear...

So what should he do now...

Xu Chenghao looked at his legs and felt powerless and helpless for the first time. He felt suffocated in his heart and felt uncomfortable. The suffocated Xu Chenghao held his head and didn't speak for a long time.

Ruan Chenxuan also noticed that the situation was wrong, and took the initiative to express concern: "Is something wrong? I can help at any time if necessary."

Xu Chenghao was too lazy to pay attention to him, and called Jing Yicheng again. After confirming that the phone was turned off and unable to make a call, he called Li Nian directly: "Come here, right now!"