Aware that Xu Chenghao's tone was wrong, Li Nian immediately indicated that he would be here in ten minutes, hung up the phone and started rushing here.

And Xu Chenghao in the ward couldn't do anything but wait because of his leg injury.

He stared at his plastered legs in a daze, constantly recalling Jing Yicheng's recent actions and words and deeds in his mind, and even checked the plot over and over again to find out what was wrong.

No... no... not...

Needless to say, the undetermined answer had already been denied in his heart first. Xu Chenghao found that he not only could not find the trace of Jing Yicheng, but also could not find the reason for the sudden disappearance of the other party.

What the **** is...

Xu Chenghao fiddled with his hair a little irritably, thinking hard.

Ruan Chenxuan sat silently to accompany him, not making a sound or disturbing him. It wasn't until there was a rush of footsteps at the door that I got up and opened the door to check...

Li Nian was almost exhausted when he rushed in, panting on his knees: "What, what's going on!"

Xu Chenghao, who had always been dead, immediately raised his head: "Li Nian!"

"I'm here, let me take a breath." Li Nian sat on the edge of the bed and tried to calm his breath. He glanced at the person who opened the door for him, and his eyes scrutinized a little: "Why is Mr. Ruan here?"

Ruan Chenxuan knew that their relationship must be bad, and said calmly: "I heard that President Xu came to see him when he was sick, but I didn't expect that there was no one around him. I was worried and didn't leave until you came."

"Nobody?" Li Nian's focus was the same as Xu Chenghao's. He was stunned at first when he heard this key word, and then he realized that Jing Yicheng, who had always been clinging to President Xu, was not in the ward.

That's right, if Jing Yicheng was there, how could Ruan Chenxuan appear in the ward and accompany Xu Chenghao alone!

Li Nian guessed what, and turned to look at Xu Chenghao, and after two seconds, he quickly restrained his expression and showed a professional smirk: "That's really thankful to Mr. Ruan, I didn't expect to delay you for so long, I just happened to be here now, if you Get busy, get busy, bye bye."

Speaking of the fact that it was clear that he was chasing people in the end, Ruan Chenxuan also felt that the atmosphere was not suitable for him, so he got up and left, saying that he would come to see him another day.

Li Nian smiled on the surface, but in his heart he was thinking whether it would be better for you to come young or old, so that everyone would be happy.

After finally sending Ruan Chenxuan away first, Li Nian quickly closed the door and returned to the ward: "What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but Jing Yicheng has disappeared." Xu Chenghao couldn't explain Jing Yicheng's identity, so he could only vaguely summarize the cause and effect.

Li Nian glanced at the text message and said, "If it wasn't for this text message, I would have doubted whether Jing Yicheng had made too many enemies and was killed."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

To be honest, his first reaction at the time was also what he thought. In addition, he didn't escape the law of broken legs and was worried that the other party could not escape the death ending, and his heart was half cold. That's why he wants to know the reason for Jing Yicheng's disappearance so urgently now, and wants to use this to determine whether the other party's current situation is safe!

The more he thought about it, the more impetuous he became, and the unease and panic that had been suppressed for a few seconds hit his sanity again. Even if he told himself not to panic, the assistant left the text message because he was afraid that he would want to show that Jing Yicheng was okay, and it was still useless.

His whole person seemed to be dropped in mid-air and landed at any time, and he didn't land at all. This state of ambiguity and ambiguity is always the most frightening, more frightening than giving a happy one directly.

More importantly, when getting used to the mode of getting along with two people, nothing can make people see their true thoughts more clearly than leaving, and there is no more clear understanding of how terrible the habit is than leaving...

Xu Chenghao is like this now. When Jing Yicheng leaves, he will find that no one can replace the sense of security with the other person by his side. The mood with the other person by his side will never be the same. is fear...

Xu Chenghao propped his head up, but he couldn't hold back the various fragments and thoughts in his mind, and the whole person panicked.

After Li Nian made sure that Jing Yicheng and his assistant could not be connected on the phone at present, and even turned away from the service area, he patted Xu Chenghao on the shoulder and comforted: "Cheer up."

Xu Chenghao: "I'm worried... Maybe something happened to him."

Li Nian shook his phone: "I've sent text messages to reassure you. You know what it means, so don't think about it."

Xu Chenghao: "But I'm still worried, what if he...if he doesn't come back."

The second half of the sentence was very low, but Li Nian still heard it: "If he doesn't come back unless there is an accident, it means that you are not important or worthy of his coming back. What are you worried about? Of course, that's what I said. , if he's okay, he's willing to come back for you, of course it's the best."

"Anyway, the result is these two. If you are willing to wait for us, give him a period of time as a deadline. If you are not willing to wait for us, forget this person and treat him as dead. It's no big deal." Li Nian said and patted He patted Xu Chenghao on the shoulder.

Xu Chenghao avoided his hand unhappily, "How can you say so lightly."

Li Nian was helpless: "Then what can you do? Apart from him, have you seen his friends? Have you seen his workplace? Have you seen his family and parents? Can you find his whereabouts?"

Xu Chenghao lowered his head in frustration: "No."

"Yes, then we can only choose to wait or not to wait." Li Nian also felt that something was wrong when he said: "Damn it, only then did I realize that Jing Yicheng is hiding so deeply, although he is famous in the circle, he is more serious. Really nothing is revealed, we are completely helpless if it disappears out of thin air, but fortunately you have not been deceived by money and sex..."

After a pause, Li Nian said uncertainly, "You shouldn't have been deceived, right?"

Xu Chenghao: "…"

He really wanted to beat Li Nian!

But being disturbed by Li Nian like this, he really doesn't think it's a big deal now, it's nothing more than two choices to wait or not to wait.

Xu Chenghao turned his head sharply to look at the little yellow duck, and the reflex arc discovered extremely slowly—Jing Yicheng seemed to have disappeared with his peppers and pepper seeds? ? ?

Damn it, doesn't that mean that as long as Jing Yicheng doesn't come back, he won't be able to complete the mission? Not to mention chili, there are no chili species, and he can only do nothing for a week!

If Xu Chenghao had panicked just now, he would only be angry now. He really wanted to know why Jing Yicheng left! You can leave as soon as you leave, and you can plant the seeds! You can also put it in a greenhouse if you don't plant it!

He almost growled like a groundhog in his heart, but in fact he could only sit on the bed and couldn't do anything.

I'm mad at him, I'm mad at him, if Jing Yicheng doesn't come back this month, he won't want him!

Xu Chenghao suddenly raised his hand and threw the little yellow duck pillow on the ground, so angry that he exploded: "If he doesn't come back this month, don't come back!"

Li Nian's words that he wanted to comfort suddenly choked, and he couldn't understand why someone who was sad and decadent just now was suddenly so irritable... Could this be the legendary love IQ?

Li Nian silently picked up the little yellow duck pillow: "Well, don't be angry, we have to take care of our health without him... I'll find you an **** first, do you have any requirements?"

Xu Chenghao suppressed his anger and silently kept a small notebook in his heart: "No requirement."

Li Nian nodded: "Okay, I'll go look for you. If you have anything, call me or call a nurse. Don't be alone."

Xu Chenghao nodded to indicate that he knew, and after Li Nian left, he sent more than ten "liar" text messages to Jing Yicheng as if to vent his anger, and finally left a sentence: "If you don't come back this month, I will regret it!"

The phone was silent and never responded. After Xu Chenghao calmed down, he tried to call again, but he was still not in the service area.

Really lost touch with it...

Xu Chenghao threw the phone beside the pillow, lay on the bed and closed his eyes silently.

Said to be back early.

big liar.

When Li Nian came back with his carefully selected escort, Xu Chenghao was already asleep. The room was a little dim, Li Nian turned on the night light and silently exited the ward, and said to the escort: "The patient you need to take care of is him, this room is where you live, you may need to pay more attention in the next few months, and the salary will be According to the monthly ending we agreed, do you have any comments?"

The male **** shook his head: "No more."

Li Nian nodded: "I hired another **** to take over the shift with you. The purpose is to hope that you can rest and take better care of the patient. I hope you can arrange your time reasonably. As for how to go to work, you can discuss it. He will arrive tomorrow morning."

The male nurse nodded: "Okay."

Li Nian explained everything he could think of, and finally worried that Xu Chenghao was emotionally unstable, so he chose to stay with him for one night, and wait until Xu Chenghao saw his **** tomorrow before leaving.

The **** is a man and a woman, because Li Nian thinks that men are powerful, and it may be more convenient for Xu Chenghao, who cannot move .

Two people take care of each other for half a day, which is just perfect.

Xu Chenghao's reaction to this was mediocre, and he said "it's fine for you to decide" and then stopped talking.

Li Nian was helpless: "Okay, then you take good care of your injuries, and I will come to see you from time to time."

Xu Chenghao nodded absentmindedly: "You can call me if you have a job."

Li Nian: "Okay."

After the two of them had breakfast together, Li Nian waved and left. The female **** who took office sat silently on the side, waiting to be taken care of at any time.

Xu Chenghao glanced at her sideways, and said lightly, "Go out first, I'll call you if something happens."

"Okay." The female **** got up and left without any doubt. After the door of the ward was closed, she exchanged glances with the male **** sitting in the living room, and silently retracted her gaze and sat in front of the door.

The male **** calmly retracted his gaze, and sent out the photo of Xu Chenghao that he had taken secretly before—

"In order to enter the life range of the protector, the identity is accompanied, and the identity of another person is unknown."