After the news came back somewhere, it didn't take long for the identity of the female **** to be sent - "Qian Yuyu, a private professional bodyguard, is currently employed, and it has been preliminarily determined that the employer Ruan Chenxuan does not match Li Nian's original medical status, please pay attention to protection. The patient must not have any accident."

Male escort: "Received!"

Just as the news was sent out, a bell rang, and the female **** sitting at the door Zhengda Guangming took out her mobile phone to check the news, and looked at the blank data file, her eyes sank slightly.

——“The advanced encryption of identity files cannot be detected, congratulations, you have encountered a hard stubble.”

Female escort: "..."

She raised her head to look at the male escort, looked at each other for a few seconds, smiled slightly and retracted her gaze, but when she lowered her eyes to the ground, her eyes became cold again - even if some people are successful in disguise, the blood and body movements floating on his body will all betray him.

This is also the reason why they can find each other's anomalies from the beginning.

It seems to have really hit a stubble...

The atmosphere in the living room gradually changed as they tried each other, like a bow and arrow that was about to be full of strings would erupt with sharp arrows piercing through each other at any time, filled with a tense sense of crisis.

Just when the two were about to start, a burst of joy suddenly came from the ward: "Quack~quack~quack~I'm a cute little yellow duck~~~"

The two escorts who almost flashed to the waist: "???"

in the ward.

Compared with the fierce atmosphere outside, Xu Chenghao's ward alone was as quiet as stagnant water without any waves, without the warm and lively feeling of laughter and laughter in the past, and the ward finally revealed its original cold and lonely side.

Therefore, Xu Chenghao took the initiative to play the song of the little yellow duck for the first time, and turned the TV to the loudest, so that the magical quack quack filled the entire ward. Although there is still not much effect, at least it is lively.

But one can still think about it...

Xu Chenghao even felt that if he didn't find something to do, he would explode in place! He lay in bed for half an hour, sometimes worried about Jing Yicheng's safety, sometimes angry, he took all the chili seeds away, and then worried that he would not come back, and then began to think about what to do if Xiao Chili's mission failed...

Xu Chenghao finally sat up unbearably and called Li Nian: "Do you have a job? Give me something to do."

Li Nian is already busy, and it tickles his teeth to hear such hateful words: "Do you think I don't want to give it to you? If it wasn't for your sick number, I would have to check my emails when going to the toilet! "

Xu Chenghao: "But I'm still idle now, and I'm always thinking about it... You might as well keep me busy."

Li Nian grabbed the phone and took the time to sort out the documents: "You are all thinking about something messy, don't you just wait if you say it, and we will treat him dead if we don't wait?"

Xu Chenghao quietly buckled the quilt: "But I want to wait... Won't I think about it while I wait?"

Li Nian had nothing to say: "Okay, I'll send you an email later, but you have to count and not be too tired."

Xu Chenghao: "Okay."

After negotiating with Li Nian, the emails came flying like a fairy scattered flowers, making Xu Chenghao instantly forget about the love of his sons and daughters, and enter the career army with great devotion, hiding all his emotions and trying to use work to numb himself.

In the next few days, except for a day off when changing the cast, Xu Chenghao was basically busy, as if he wanted to use the ward as his new office.

The male **** looked at the patient who was getting tired day by day under his camera, and his fingers were a little unstable every time he sent out a photo. He always felt that if a certain big devil saw it, he would not survive.

And the female escort... After she told her employer about the situation, Ruan Chenxuan made a comeback the next day with a gift box and bouquet: "Mr. Xu, good morning."

Xu Chenghao raised his head from the computer, and his expression instantly became displeased: "Mr. Ruan seems to be very busy."

Ruan Chenxuan put the gift beside the bed and smiled: "Not bad, but I'm just a little tired of the drama at home, so I came out and had a quiet meeting."

Xu Chenghao closed the computer and began to clean up the documents: "I also really want to have a quiet meeting, please trouble the head office Ruan."

Ruan Chenxuan asked back: "Why does President Xu always resist me? Did I do something excessive before? I'm sorry I don't remember now, but as long as President Xu gives me a chance, I'm willing to make up for everything."

Xu Chenghao: "Our relationship is notoriously bad, why do you say I resist you? Besides, you have done too many things, I am unwilling to forgive and will not give you a chance to make amends. The farther away you are from me, the better. ."

Ruan Chenxuan: "I just don't want to see that we are strangers before trying to make up for it. At least in my memory, I have a good sense of you. Your business acumen and style of doing things are the best among the younger generation I have ever met. I've wanted to be your friend many times."

Xu Chenghao: "That's how you felt a year ago. It's already a long time ago. You'd better recognize the facts, or always living in the past will become your biggest disadvantage."

Ruan Chenxuan's eyes lit up slightly: "Are you reminding me?"

Xu Chenghao turned his face: "Who reminded you!"

"Okay, okay, I said the wrong thing." Ruan Chenxuan quickly changed his words, but his eyes were full of smiles when he looked at Xu Chenghao. This is the first on-demand broadcast he received after he lost his memory, and it can be regarded as an alternative concern...

Ruan Chenxuan felt warm in his heart, and at the same time wondered even more that he admired him so much, and the other party was willing to mention him, why the two of them ended up like this.

Thinking of the videos on the computer and mobile phone, Ruan Chenxuan tentatively said, "Mr. Xu resists me so much, is it because I hurt you before?"

Xu Chenghao glanced at him coldly and said nothing.

Ruan Chenxuan took this reaction as a default, and continued: "I found that there are many videos of you on my computer..."

Xu Chenghao paused: "What do you want to say?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "Did I like you before?"

"No." Xu Chenghao denied it very quickly: "The relationship between the two of us has deteriorated because you dug my corner and stole my fiancée for more than ten years. As for what you like about me, you are not amnesia, but a delusional disorder!"

Ruan Chenxuan frowned: "I don't know your fiancee, and no one around me has mentioned this."

Xu Chenghao: "That's because you broke up with your family and it's because of An Rouyu. Of course, your family doesn't like her and won't take the initiative to mention her."

Ruan Chenxuan didn't give up: "But my friend didn't say it."

Xu Chenghao: "Then it depends on what kind of friends you have made."

"Besides, An Rouyu has just been gone for a few months, and the things you were making a fuss about in the past were also on the newspaper website. You can look it up by yourself."

Ruan Chenxuan: "It is not advisable to exaggerate the content of the newspaper website."

Xu Chenghao sneered: "How can you exaggerate, you were like this at the beginning."

Ruan Chenxuan suddenly smiled: "Your debate is so tense, but it makes me more sure that there must be something between us."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Xu Chenghao gave up patiently, and slammed the little yellow duck's pillow over: "Nonsense, you TM dug my corner several times!"

It was the first time Ruan Chenxuan received this kind of treatment, and he was stunned. After a while, he silently picked up the little yellow duck pillow and put it back on the bed: "I'm sorry, but I really don't remember."

Xu Chenghao looked at the other party's humble appearance, his anger dissipated suddenly, and he said helplessly: "If you don't remember, you can't remember, why do you have to hold on to the past? Maybe you will regret it when you restore your memory?"

Ruan Chenxuan said seriously: "I'm not holding on to the past, I just want to know what happened between us."

Ruan Chenxuan said: "Actually, since I woke up to now, I haven't asked anyone about the past except you, and I haven't reminisced about what happened a year ago. I just want to know what I did wrong and why we It has become like this, and this is really something that has been bothering me and I can’t let go of what I don’t understand.”

Xu Chenghao: "Then why do you care about me so much?"

Ruan Chenxuan was asked, and after thinking about it for a long time, he was not sure: "I don't know, but I just care about you subconsciously, and I will habitually observe you and pay attention to you... This may be my habit before my memory loss, so I am not sure about it. Your attention also started to increase, and I became more and more curious about how you resisted me."

Ruan Chenxuan's eyes were sincere: "I really want to know."

Xu Chenghao stared at the other party's sincere expression, not knowing for a while how to face the other party.

If you want to kill him, he is amnesiac Ruan Chenxuan who doesn't know those things at all, and he treats him very sincerely, earnestly, humble and polite. , and the other party is only temporarily amnesia and recovery is uncertain, how embarrassing if the memory is restored at that time?

Xu Chenghao thought for a moment, then discussed it; "Then I'll tell you, you can consciously stop coming to me in the future, okay?"

Ruan Chenxuan thought for a while, and said uncertainly, "If I was really going too far, I would definitely not appear in front of you."

That's fine. Xu Chenghao recounted what happened between him and Ruan Chenxuan according to the original plot, with slight changes and the description of words, he easily outlined a big bad guy who not only robbed a fiancee but also a contract partner...

Ruan Chenxuan frowned, and said with a serious expression, "I'm sorry." He got up and left.

Xu Chenghao instantly felt a sense of great liberation, and cheered and lay on the hospital bed - Ruan Chenxuan a year ago was more rational and sincere, I believe that after he knew that he was so bad, he should not appear in front of him again!

However, it turned out that the reason why Ruan Chenxuan left that day was not guilt, but also the urgency of urination!

Because after a lapse of three days, the other party made a comeback again and attached a contract: "I'm sorry about the Jiang family, so I can only compensate you for a contract. This contract, whether it is the division of interests or the amount of investment, is the same as that of the Jiang family. The project is almost there, it’s just a matter of time.”

"As for me digging a wall and causing you to lose your fiancée..." Ruan Chenxuan said, smiling at Xu Chenghao.

Xu Chenghao black question mark: "???"

Ruan Chenxuan continued to smile: "Mr. Xu can see, how is the person who sent the contract?"