Because she was worried that she was too serious, even her friends didn't have to do it. At the end, Zheng Yunyun made a joke. However, Ruyi Langjun Xu Chenghao was unmoved, and said lightly: "I remember I told you that I like men."

Zheng Yunyun: "The relationship I'm talking about is to find someone to maintain the family, without being too sweet or too indifferent, and spending the rest of your life together."

Xu Chenghao frowned: "You are young, why is your view of love so pessimistic?"

Zheng Yunyun: "I call it a living understanding."

Xu Chenghao was expressionless: "Oh, then you need to find someone who is as understanding and pessimistic as you, sorry I'm not."

This is an outright rejection. Zheng Yunyun could only continue peeling the oranges: "Hey, I know that a golden tortoise-in-law like you is not good at fishing, forget it."

Xu Chenghao: "I want to tell you one more thing."

Zheng Yunyun wondered: "What?"

"I didn't break up with Jing Yicheng." Xu Chenghao looked at her with a smile: "When he comes back, I will tell him about it."

"Cough cough cough cough..." Zheng Yunyun almost choked to death by the orange petals, and after coughing for a long time, she finally spit the orange into the trash can. He put his hands together and said, "Mr. Xu, spare my life, I will never dare again next time!"

Xu Chenghao said calmly: "What are you panicking about, you are not the only one to confess."

"Our President Xu is good-looking, has a family background, and is capable. Many people must like it hahaha..." Zheng Yunyun flattered first, and then whispered: "So, can you delete my paragraph?"

The old **** Xu Chenghao leaned on the head of the bed: "Peel me an apple."

Zheng Yunyun smirked: "Okay!"

Xu Chenghao: "It's the kind that doesn't cut it to the skin."

Zheng Yunyun began to grind her teeth: "I won't."

Xu Chenghao said deliberately: "You can't know Zheng Xiaoxiao? Do you know why she was suppressed? It's because she wanted to cut apples for me last time..."

Zheng Yunyun confessed: "Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing, I can learn it, I will dare to learn if President Xu dares to eat!"

Xu Chenghao couldn't help laughing: "Come on."

Zheng Yunyun admitted that she was unlucky, and she could only swear in her heart that she would never come again next time!

This Ruyi Langjun, give up!

Xu Chenghao picked up the phone with a smile, and sent a text message to Jing Yicheng: "Two."

He wants to let Jing Yicheng know how popular he is, to make him feel a sense of crisis, and see if he dares to disappear for so long next time!

Thinking about it, Xu Chenghao will send a number to Jing Yicheng whenever someone confesses to him or has a marriage intention. Especially at the end of the year, everyone is visiting relatives and friends. Everyone knows that Xu Chenghao came back to visit him after the hospital, no matter whether his relationship was good or bad.

In previous years, although Xu Chenghao was also one of the best young talents in the circle, he had a fiancée who was famous and had masters.

But this year is different. Xu Chenghao has broken off the marriage. As Zheng Yunyun said, he is the perfect son-in-law in the eyes of the girl and the perfect son-in-law in the eyes of the elders.

In particular, Ruan Chenxuan, who has been favored all the time, doesn't know why he has not exerted his strength until now, which has caused him to be at a disadvantage and mixed up, so there are more people who want to eat Tang Seng's flesh. People bring seven or eight-year-old children to visit, these are from 18 to 25 years old, and they start introducing them when they enter the door, just like a blind date in a hospital.

In the past, Xu Chenghao might have been too lazy to deal with it, but now he is very happy. Some people say that he will send text messages and others will text messages.

It was like this until the New Year's Eve. Because Xu Chenghao's legs couldn't move, the location of the New Year's Eve dinner was finally determined in the hospital. Together with the nurse on duty and two escorts, it was a lively meal.

The only regret is that the hospital needs to be quiet, so Xu Chenghao didn't see the fireworks or hear the sound of firecrackers.

This is probably the quietest year he has ever had.

Xu Chenghao couldn't sleep, propped his chin up and stared at the moon in a daze, silently counting how much time was left until half a year, when a long-lost mechanical sound that belonged to the system suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Ding - The punishment is over. The Little Pepper mission is automatically saved to version 3.0. Mission requirements: The trigger must plant 100 peppers within one month of starting the mission, and it cannot be harvested over time. [With a pack of low-grade pepper seeds, enjoy a 20% result rate]]

[Ding - please start your mission. 】

The result rate dropped to twenty, but the number did not change. Xu Chenghao looked at the pepper seeds in his hand and hesitated: Can the system give me more pepper seeds? I'm afraid not enough.

System: Delivered by 10% over budget, please rest assured.

Xu Chenghao:  …

He is really not at ease, and he has no confidence in completing the task.

Xu Chenghao sighed, and first took the little yellow duck tootou flowerpot that had been vacant for a month and planted it. When he woke up the next day, he called the greenhouse to make sure that there was still someone on duty, and then he found someone to send the seeds there for large-scale planting.

The only advantage of seeds with a 20% fruiting rate is that they grow faster and die faster, and they can be planted once in three days. But the disproportion between the result rate and the number is really deadly. Judging from the sudden drop of the little yellow duck to a few sporadic results, it is really far from the thirty result rate.

Fortunately, the greenhouse is large enough, and the land that was not used last time was fully developed to grow as many species as possible. In the end, we won by quantity and successfully completed the task at the end of the month.

Xu Chenghao looked at the small chili peppers in the crisper, and his first reaction was not the excitement of completing the task, but that another month had passed and Jing Yicheng still hadn't come back.

Although I don't know why the other party left, but if the other party wants to come back and can't come back, and he hasn't come back for two months, then he really can only blame the plot for blowing the villain too seriously, making him think the villain has great expectations too high...

[Ding - System No. 2333 reminds you that it is not that the plot is blowing badly, but that the halo of the male protagonist is more powerful. 】

Xu Chenghao changed color instantly: What do you mean?

There was no sound from the system, as if it had just appeared just to justify the plot.

Xu Chenghao didn't respond when he knocked on it. He gritted his teeth and said, "I have completed the task. Come out and collect peppers for me!"

[Ding - Little Pepper Harvest Expert is online! 】

Xu Chenghao: What did you mean just now?

[Ding - The detection is successful, the pepper 3.0 task has been successfully completed, and the current cumulative number of peppers is 111/50000000, please continue to work hard. 】

[Ding—Little Pepper quest rewards are online, congratulations on completing the quest within the specified time, and get a reward of 'quick and light legs'. [Warm reminder: Rewards are generated according to your personal body modification needs, please stop any dangerous thoughts from the host]]

Xu Chenghao was not in the mood to talk to him, and said angrily: Don't pretend you can't hear me? What do you mean by what you just said!

[Ding - System No. 2333 can only tell you that the effect of the halo that the male protagonist touched most recently was 'resurrecting the dead' and the rest can't be revealed to you. 】

Xu Chenghao frowned, pondering over and over what it means to come back from the dead to a new turn, and what kind of turn must Jing Yicheng leave? Are you afraid that he will join forces with Han Haofeng? It shouldn't be, Ruan Chenxuan didn't look down on Han Haofeng from the beginning, and he didn't need it at all.

Why is that? Why is Ruan Chenxuan so powerful that he triggers the halo effect?

Xu Chenghao pondered for a long time, and suddenly raised his head with a dazed expression-couldn't it be because of him?

Although it's a bit narcissistic to think like this, the male protagonist suddenly ran past the number one who could also be right from the recommended pillow seat. In particular, the biggest obstacle for Ruan Chenxuan to see him is Jing Yicheng, who can only come in if Jing Yicheng leaves him.

Thinking this way, it is very likely that the male protagonist wants to make it clear to him face to face, but the male protagonist is still a little immature and unable to do so, so he unconsciously triggers his halo effect and relies on external force to take Jing Yicheng away. At that time, Jing Yicheng had just left, didn't he come! !

Xu Chenghao was shocked by his own brain hole. Mom, the heroine didn't dare to write the script like this. He really is crazy.

Hurrying to put this shameless thought in his heart, Xu Chenghao wanted to continue to think about the reason, and when he used this to calculate Jing Yicheng's situation, the faint pain just now started to climb up his legs. , he sucked in the cold breath because of the pain, and finally reached out and pressed the bed bell unbearable.

After half an hour of chaotic time, after layers of examinations and treatments, Xu Chenghao felt that he was about to take a bath in a cold sweat, and he didn't want to say anything about the pain.

Nasty, there must be something wrong with the rewards given by the system!

Just now he was attracted by the first sentence of the system, and when he thinks about it now, what the **** is his fast and light legs, I'm afraid it will hurt him to float to the sky!

However, the results of Tongguitong's examination were unexpectedly good. The doctor said: "The patient is recovering very well. Now he is in the fracture healing period, and it is normal to occasionally experience pain. As long as he takes a good rest, he will be discharged from the hospital immediately."

Xu Chenghao just swallowed the painkiller and was drinking water. Hearing that, he glanced at the doctor and complained, "You have told me this sentence every time you check."

The doctor smiled and said, "This time it's true. Mr. Xu has recovered very well."

Xu Chenghao asked, "Then when can I be discharged from the hospital?"

Doctor: "Remove the plaster now, but you have removed the functional exercise. It is best not to do strenuous activities in the near future to maintain rest. You must be patient. I believe that Mr. Xu is definitely not willing to lie down for another three months."

Xu Chenghao nodded silently, looking at his legs that he hadn't seen for two months, not to mention that he wanted to wash his legs first! ! !

The female **** was attentive, and upon seeing this, she immediately brought a basin and wanted to scrub Xu Chenghao.

Xu Chenghao and the male **** frowned at the same time: "Wait..."

"I'll come!" The male **** smiled and took the towel for Xu Chenghao to clean, and pushed the female **** away.

It is easier for a man to wipe it than for a girl. Xu Chenghao breathed a sigh of relief. After cleaning, he would do functional exercises under the guidance of the doctor.

After being held in the ward for another two weeks, Xu Chenghao was finally allowed to be discharged by the doctor! !

Although he still couldn't exercise vigorously and needed a wheelchair, Xu Chenghao was very happy to be able to leave this ward. When he left the hospital, he took a deep breath and felt the cool breath gradually seeping into his body, and his whole body felt relaxed: "Wow, so happy!"

"Wow, it's snow, I didn't see it until it was almost spring!"

"Ahhh, life outside is so good!!!"

The author has something to say: The trapped bird flew out of the cage~~~~~~

The day after Jing Yicheng was gone, someone finally missed him, don't worry, I'll come out tomorrow~