Xu Chenghao was just like Sa Huan when he was discharged from the hospital. He could hear his cheers from afar. If it weren't for the circumstances, he would have wanted to roll in the snow to celebrate.

But he didn't feel happy for a long time when Ruan Chenxuan appeared in his field of vision and said with a smile, "Congratulations to President Xu for being discharged from the hospital."

Xu Chenghao's mood suddenly fell: "What are you doing here?"

Ruan Chenxuan handed him the bouquet: "I'm here to congratulate President Xu on being discharged from the hospital."

Xu Chenghao refused: "Thank you, but I don't want to see you because of our relationship."

Ruan Chenxuan: "But in my memory, although we are nodding friends, our relationship is not so bad."

Xu Chenghao: "You also said that it is in your memory."

Ruan Chenxuan squatted down helplessly and looked at him: "I said before that I lost my memory is Ruan Chenxuan a year ago, if President Xu minds the past, I can make up for it, and I also hope that President Xu will give Ruan Chenxuan a year ago. A chance, I really appreciate you."

Xu Chenghao looked at him blankly: "Why should I give you a chance, I don't appreciate you."

Ruan Chenxuan: "It is because I admire President Xu unilaterally, so I should try my best to build good impression."

Xu Chenghao: "I don't like you."

Ruan Chenxuan: "But I have a crush on you, and I can even become a friend."

Xu Chenghao's face became more indifferent, he stared at Ruan Chenxuan for a while and suddenly said, "Ruan Chenxuan, let me tell you something."

Ruan Chenxuan expressed his willingness to hear the details.

Xu Chenghao: "I said before that you dug my corner and stole my fiancée. Haven't you looked for her?"

Ruan Chenxuan smiled: "To be honest, only President Xu told me about this matter, so I reserve my opinion on this matter."

Xu Chenghao sneered: "I think you'd better investigate, maybe there will be surprises."

Ruan Chenxuan said helplessly: "At present, everyone around me is in the investigation period, and I really don't believe that there are people who support my investigation."

Seeing the other party's cheeky appearance, Xu Chenghao's heart suddenly surged with unnamed fire, he threw the flower directly on his face, and said angrily, "You can't check me and tell you! An Rouyu is pregnant with your child and is here now. Abroad, you are the father of your child, don't provoke me!"

Ruan Chenxuan was stunned, "Mr. Xu is not kidding?"

Xu Chenghao: "Who is joking with you!"

Ruan Chenxuan was silent for a long time, just when Xu Chenghao thought he was so shocked that he could beat him back, the other party suddenly said: "Did we ever get together before, because I betrayed you and you had children, and you became a stranger to me? "

Xu Chenghao: "???"

Xu Chenghao wanted to pry open his head to see what this guy was thinking about all day: "You think too much, we have nothing to do, it's just because you poached the wall that we became enemies, who has been with you! "

Ruan Chenxuan reserved his thoughts on emotional matters—because it could not be ruled out that Xu Chenghao was angry or hated him for deliberately saying the opposite, he did not believe in what others said of himself, nor did he believe that Xu Chenghao was guided by emotions, and he believed more in his own feelings.

At least from the car accident to the present, he has seen countless familiar strangers, but Xu Chenghao is the only one who can give him a different feeling.

So no matter whether he liked a crush or was together in the past, he must seize the opportunity to restore their relationship on the grounds that he forgot his memory.

Xu Chenghao was already desperate for this product, and felt that he was doing nothing to Niu Playing the Qin. Fortunately, Li Nian and the second elders of the Xu family rushed to pick him up one after another, otherwise he would definitely explode on the spot.

After returning home, Xu Chenghao started talking: "Find me a bodyguard, preferably the one who can kill Ruan Chenxuan with one dozen or three!!"

Xu's mother wandered around to check his room and frowned: "I'm more worried that you can live here alone? Why don't you want to go home?"

Xu Chenghao: "Yes, I have an aunt who cleans and cooks at home. I signed a labor contract with my escort, and he will pack up and take care of me this afternoon. The main reason is that it is close to the company and convenient for work."

Xu's mother: "male **** female escort?"

Xu Chenghao: "Man, you are strong enough to move me."

Xu's mother was still worried: "The man is not careful, why don't I move in too?"

"Isn't there an auntie at home? You are quite tired these days, so you should go home and rest more." Xu Chenghao said helplessly, "Don't worry, I have a good idea."

Li Nian proposed proactively, "I can come and live in the past few days and commute to get off work with President Xu."

Xu Chenghao: "The triple guarantee, mom, don't worry."

"I know you think I'm nagging..." Xu's mother sighed: "Well, you must pay attention to your own body, I will come to check from time to time."

Xu Chenghao: "Welcome anytime."

Xu's mother was reluctantly satisfied and waited until her **** came over before leaving.

Immediately, there were only three elders sitting in the living room, and Xu Chenghao sat on the sofa for two in a wheelchair.

Xu Chenghao tried to continue the topic just now: "Brother Nian, find me a bodyguard, the one who can defeat Ruan Chenxuan, he is really annoying!"

Li Nian nibbled at the apple and said absently, "What did he say to you again?"

"Don't mention it." Xu Chenghao motioned for his **** to leave, and waited for the other party to enter the room before complaining to Li Nian: "He confessed to me, and I told him that An Rouyu had his child in his arms, but he actually came to me.' Have we been together before, and you think I betrayed you when I had a child, so you became strangers to me?' I wanted to splatter him with blood and spray him to death!"

"Cough, cough." Rao's emotional master Li Nian, who had seen the big scene, almost choked by Apple, coughed twice before saying: "This brain hole is against the sky... He doesn't believe what you said, why didn't he investigate ?"

Xu Chenghao said in despair: "Because he has no memory now, he doesn't believe that people around him are unwilling to investigate... I feel that every time I chat with him, I'm playing a piano to a cow, and I can't understand his brain circuits."

Li Nian nibbled at the apple: "Mom, I haven't seen such a **** thing for a long time. Isn't there a plot of amnesia and ignorance on TV? How can you become amnesia and aim at you? He's not pretending to be stupid and chasing you."

Xu Chenghao held his cheek: "I don't know, anyway, I want to get rid of him now."

Li Nian: "It's a bit difficult, if Jing..."

Li Nian realized something, and he immediately picked up the phone and coughed twice: "When I find a bodyguard for you, I will isolate him by then."

Xu Chenghao knew what the second half of his sentence was, his expression suddenly returned to indifference, and he said coldly, "I leave this to you, I will go to work tomorrow and have an early rest, good night."

Li Nian: "Good night..."

Silently watched Xu Chenghao and his **** enter the room, and when the door closed, Li Nian began to regret it, why did he mention Jing Yicheng smoothly!

So many days have passed and there is no news from Jing Yicheng at all, Xu Chenghao must be feeling bad... Thinking about Li Nian, he regrets it even more.

In the room, Xu Chenghao's mood was not as bad as Li Nian imagined. He just hadn't heard anyone mention Jing Yicheng for a long time, so he had a big reaction at that time.

In fact, he was in a pretty good mood. With the help of his escort, he washed and changed into pajamas. After doing functional exercises, he fell asleep after lying on the bed for a while.

As for Jing Yicheng...

Anyway, there are still three months before the half-year repentance trip, so I will see him if I can come back.

A good night's dream.

The next day, Xu Chenghao officially resumed work. When he was sorting out the documents, he stared at the A4 paper in the drawer full of mental illnesses. Finally, he threw it into the trash can and continued to organize.

It's hard to forget a certain neurosis through work, and the phone trip suddenly rang. Xu Chenghao glanced at it and found that it was a reminder of the pepper harvesting itinerary set by himself. He immediately left the company and rushed to the greenhouse with the little yellow duck in his arms.

That's right, Xu Chenghao had successfully received the Little Pepper 4.0 mission in the past few days after leaving the hospital, and he had to harvest 1,000 peppers within a month—and it was still 30% of the seeds.

The difficulty of the new task can be imagined. The comprehensive development of all the land in the greenhouse still follows the route of winning by quantity, but the results are still very good. When Xu Chenghao arrived at the greenhouse and learned that the number of harvested peppers was as high as 200, he was relieved. I think a thousand seeds are not in vain.

After replanting the seeds, the machine automatically watered them. Xu Chenghao watched as the little yellow ducks popped out one after another, and when he sprayed water with his beak, he couldn't tell what it was like.

He found that the greater his range of activities, the more he could find the traces of Jing Yicheng in his life... Whether it was the A4 paper full of neuroticism in the drawer, or the gathering of ducks in the greenhouse, as if he didn't know it. At that time, Jing Yicheng had already penetrated into his life and the entanglements could not be eliminated.

Xu Chenghao's originally stable mood began to become depressed, and he was not so happy when he got the peppers. After making sure the seeds were replanted, he left with the escort, ready to go home and put the peppers away.

Then he saw Ruan Chenxuan downstairs - the other party was carrying luggage! !

Xu Chenghao suddenly had an ominous premonition, wondering if the other party was going to move back in... The possibility is very high.

Xu Chenghao was speechless, holding his forehead for a long time and finally decided not to get out of the car and let the **** deliver the pepper to his bedroom. Anyway, he was fed up with Ruan Chenxuan, and if he could not meet him, he would not meet him!

However, the more he wanted to hide, the more Ruan Chenxuan appeared. The other party seemed to recognize the other party after passing by the **** when he got off the elevator. After coming out, he walked straight to Xu Chenghao's car and knocked on the door: "Mr. Xu?"

Xu Chenghao pretended to be dead.

Ruan Chenxuan reminded helplessly: "President Xu's glass cannot be invisible. I know that Mr. Xu should not hide in it."

Xu Chenghao continued to pretend to be dead.

Ruan Chenxuan sighed: "I know that President Xu doesn't feel good about me now, so I moved to live in this house after I heard that I have this house, I want to get closer to President Xu, and I hope to ease the relationship between us... …”

The car was always quiet, if it wasn't for seeing the figure inside, Ruan Chenxuan really thought he was talking to himself. He knew that the other party didn't want to see him, but he also knew that he couldn't back down at this time, so he continued: "I bought this house a few months ago. I believe it must have something to do with you."

Xu Chenghao rolled his eyes, it was indeed related to him, but it wasn't as good as he thought!

Ruan Chenxuan: "That's why I don't want to believe what you said about the enemy relationship, but I'm more willing to believe that we were together once, because your child is a stranger to me... This house is the proof that I pursued you! "

Xu Chenghao was so angry that he slammed the car window: "You fart!"

Ruan Chenxuan finally got a response, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he seized the opportunity to confess: "Even if this is not the case, I dare to rely on my own habits and feelings... Xu Chenghao, at least I used to have a good impression of you!"

The person in the car pretended to be dead again, and Ruan Chenxuan sighed in disappointment. When he was about to say something, he suddenly felt that the back of his head was being held back by a hard object, and a male voice threateningly said: "Say it again!"