Ruan Chenxuan froze for a moment, countless thoughts flashed through his mind in just a few seconds, the clearest one was the gun behind his forehead!

He looked at the car window calmly, and saw from the image reflected on the car window that there was a tall man behind him, and his heart suddenly became more and more vigilant.

What does it mean? To kidnap yourself? Did he provoke any enemies during this year?

The thoughts in his mind have not yet landed, and the muzzle of the gun in the back of his head is a little closer. The man's suppressed anger sounds like a heavy weapon that is about to explode, and he gritted his teeth with a strong killing intent; "Tell me again!"

Ruan Chenxuan observed his movements, his body tense and ready to resist: "What?"

The man's finger was always on the trigger, and the gun was already loaded: "Aren't you able to talk just now? Keep talking!"

Ruan Chenxuan's cold sweat began to decline, because he couldn't find the other party's flaw: "Is there a grudge between us? I don't know where what I just said offended you?"

The man said angrily: "You TM will dig my corner again, what do you think!"

Because he was too angry, the volume of the roar continued to rise. Originally, Xu Chenghao, who was pretending to be dead in the car and closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes and looked out of the car. He saw a man wearing a black jacket and a peaked cap hijacking Ruan Chenxuan with a gun. The shape looks familiar.

Xu Chenghao slowly grew his mouth, what the hell! !

This can't be Jing Yicheng...

Although every day I thought about the other party's hope that he would come back quickly and appear in front of him, but when the other party came back, Xu Chenghao couldn't help being stunned, and he didn't come back to his senses after watching it for a long time.

Is Jing Yicheng really back?

Xu Chenghao bit his lip and looked at it carefully, but he couldn't see it through the glass, and the other party's hat was buckled very low, Xu Chenghao couldn't see what his face looked like.

Looking at this figure, it should be... Why don't you open the window and take a look?

Although it was very dangerous, Xu Chenghao still believed his own feelings, reached out and lowered the car window, ignoring Ruan Chenxuan's mouth that suggested danger to him, and tentatively said: "Jing Yicheng?"

The man in black looked up slightly, and the cold and handsome face under the peaked cap was neither Jing Yicheng nor who it was. He said softly: "It's me, I'm back!"

Xu Chenghao stayed for a few seconds because of this sentence, and suddenly a burst of grievances surged up in his heart. He wanted to say that you still know how to come back. After opening his mouth and seeing the gun in his hand, he immediately held back his emotions and frowned: "You what are you doing!"

This sentence was like poking a hornet's nest, and suddenly reminded Jing Yicheng of the confession he had just heard, and his eyes lit up and said angrily, "He is seducing you!"

Xu Chenghao couldn't stand the grievance, he patted the car window and said, "You murdered me!"

Jing Yicheng: "…"

Jing Yicheng lowered his volume instantly and said softly, "I'm angry if he dares to seduce you while I'm not there!"

Xu Chenghao listened to his gentle explanation, not only was he unhappy, but a nameless fire arose in his heart, and said angrily, "You still know that you are not here, so why are you angry!"

Jing Yicheng was dumbfounded and said warmly, "I'll explain this to you later. I'll deal with him first."

Even when talking to Xu Chenghao, Jing Yicheng did not relax his vigilance towards Ruan Chenxuan. The muzzle of the gun was on the back of his head, and the other hand seemed to hang by his side. Once there was a situation, he could stop it at any time. The reason why the flaw cannot be escaped.

Xu Chenghao glanced at Ruan Chenxuan, the grievances of being entangled in these days are even worse, and he whispered: "Just beat it up, don't let anyone die."

Ruan Chenxuan suddenly widened his eyes and looked at him in disbelief: "President Xu?"

"What are you shouting!" Jing Yicheng was instantly angry, the gun spun around in his hand and the back seat slammed into Ruan Chenxuan's head, the huge impact pain made Ruan Chenxuan bend over and hug his head unconsciously, Jing Yicheng took advantage of the situation People kicked and flew, and rushed up to continue beating.

Xu Chenghao was lying on the car window watching Jing Yicheng beat someone, although he felt very happy that Ruan Chenxuan was beaten, but he still focused more on Jing Yicheng, and the more he looked, the more angry he became!

When people are away, I always think about him and worry about him, for fear that he will not be able to come back in an accident; but if people come back, the grievances after waiting for so long will start to surge, and the nameless fire will follow him. Angrier...especially because he failed the Pepper mission!

Well now, people don't have to worry when they come back, then it's time to reckon with their small ledger!

Xu Chenghao motioned for the **** who came back after delivering the peppers to get into the car, while he rose up the car window and said coldly, "Go back to the company."

He decided to hang Jing Ise for a few days first!

So, when Jing Yicheng, who was beating someone, heard the sound of the car and turned around, Xu Chenghao's car had already left in desperation and disappeared in place in an instant.

Jing Yicheng suddenly panicked, and immediately abandoned Ruan Chenxuan and chased after him.

After the chaos, only Ruan Chenxuan was left. He got up with scars all over his body, stared at the direction of the two cars leaving, trying to analyze the current situation with his blank brain... Who is this person? What the **** is going on now?


The car drove all the way to Xu's Group, and when Jing Yicheng arrived, he happened to see the male **** taking Xu Chenghao out of the car and putting him in a wheelchair, still being held by the princess!

Jing Yicheng almost exploded on the spot, his hand touched and touched on the gun, but considering that he would fall to Xu Chenghao, he could only give up, staring at his hand with his eyes fixed.

Male escort: "…"

Xu Chenghao felt his suddenly stiff body and wondered, "What's wrong?"

The male **** shook his head silently, put the person safely on the wheelchair, closed the door and pushed the person towards the elevator.

"Hao Hao!" Jing Yicheng followed closely, and the moment he got close, he punched the male **** in the face, raised his foot and kicked him: "Go away!"

The male **** tried to dodge, but the Great Demon King threw a punch so fast and ruthlessly in the end that he was punched and quickly retreated along the strength of the kick—he was afraid that he would lose his life if he continued to stay.

Xu Chenghao said dumbly, "Jing Yicheng, what are you doing, he is my escort!"

"He's not an escort." Jing Yicheng squatted down and explained, "He has a mission to monitor you, and he was sent by his superiors."

Xu Chenghao glanced at the direction the **** was leaving, but he still didn't come back to his senses: "Watch me with a mission? Why?"

After asking Xu Chenghao, he realized that he had the opportunity to explain to the other party again, and suddenly turned his face and said, "Forget it, I don't want to know, you can go quickly."

Jing Yicheng was most afraid that he would not give himself a chance to explain and decide to leave. Hearing that, his heart suddenly thumped, and he quickly grabbed the wheelchair and said anxiously: "No, I want to explain, do you remember that I told you that there is an order to find me? Refused? In fact, they came to me again after the order happened later. I was worried that you were injured and refused again, so they took the risk and took me away this time."

"I monitor you because I don't cooperate with their research at all. At most, I will be in a good mood for maintenance once when your photos come in. So this guy is here to monitor you and take your photos secretly."

Xu Chenghao felt something was wrong: "You didn't participate in the research?"

Jing Yicheng remembered something, and his expression suddenly became gloomy: "I have never participated in the research from beginning to end, because my method is completely different from that of the person in charge. Once I participate in it for two months, I will not be able to come out. Moreover, I am very impressed with their attitude. Nasty, impossible to bother researching for them."

Xu Chenghao: "Then how did you come out?"

Jing Yicheng: "It took me two months to rescue the person in charge."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

This move was cruel enough, Xu Chenghao had nothing to say.

Jing Yicheng looked at Xu Chenghao who was silent and touched his hand tentatively, but Xu Chenghao avoided helplessly. He became more and more depressed, crouching in front of the wheelchair as if the ears of the large dog that was about to be abandoned were drooping down, and said aggrieved: "Haohao, I miss you so much..."

Xu Chenghao raised his hand subconsciously, and he silently retracted it after thinking of something, and said coldly, "Have you read the text message I sent you?"

Jing Yicheng was even more sad: "I haven't got my phone back yet. The assistant is handling the follow-up matters. When he comes back, I can see my phone."

Xu Chenghao frowned: "Looking at you, you are usually very good, why did you fall this time?"

Speaking of these, Jing Yicheng got angry and gritted his teeth: "I was careless, I didn't expect them to dare to do anything to me. I will close the research institute tomorrow, and I will never take orders from any of them in the future. Let's see if he can withstand everyone's attacks, and how can he still be in the top!"

Xu Chenghao raised his eyebrows: "Really?"

"Close!" Jing Yicheng affirmed: "Tomorrow, the card will be officially changed to Agricultural Machinery Research Institute!"

Xu Chenghao was amused, but when he saw the other's outstretched hand, he avoided it again: "Don't do anything with me!"

Jing Yicheng's outstretched hand froze in place, and he was stunned and aggrieved: "I can kiss before I leave, why don't you let me touch it when I come back."

Xu Chenghao said indifferently: "Before I left, I gave you a chance because you were chasing me, but now I have regretted it. Of course we can't do anything about it!"

"Repent?" Jing Yicheng's disbelieving voice rose instantly, echoing in the underground garage: "How can you go back, Haohao? We agreed before that if you eat strawberries, you can't go back!"

Xu Chenghao: "Then I have also told you that I will regret it if I don't come back that month!"

Jing Yicheng was really dumbfounded: "When did you say that?"

Xu Chenghao: "I texted it after you disappeared."

Jing Yicheng: "I didn't see that it doesn't count!"

Xu Chenghao: "I don't even recognize the strawberry thing, it doesn't count."

Jing Yicheng choked on his chest in one breath, and his eyes almost turned red with grievance: "Haohao, you can't scare me, you said you won't want me."

Xu Chenghao sneered: "You said you wouldn't leave me."

Saying that, Xu Chenghao suddenly became angry, followed with red eyes and rebuked: "You told me at the beginning that you would take care of me until my leg was discharged from the hospital, that you would accompany me to set off fireworks and make a snowman during the Chinese New Year, and you also said that you would help me. I'll handle my work well, and I'll help me grow peppers so I don't have to worry about it, which one have you done!"

The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao: I even remembered when I flipped through the small account book!