Jing Yicheng looked at the young man's red eyes, and the grievance in his heart was immediately covered by guilt and self-blame, and said distressedly: "I'm sorry Haohao, it's because it's hard for me to leave for so long. If you're angry, hit me, okay? Don't cry. …”

Xu Chenghao felt a little embarrassed, and immediately said loudly: "Who is crying!"

Jing Yicheng suddenly stopped and coaxed softly, "It's me, I just want to cry when I think that Haohao doesn't want me anymore. I don't want to leave Haohao at all."

Xu Chenghao was unmoved: "It's too late to say this now, don't bother me again in the future."

How could Jing Yicheng listen, he dragged his wheelchair and continued to beg for mercy: "Haohao, I don't want to leave you."

Xu Chenghao: "I don't want to see you yet, let go!"

Jing Yicheng: "Haohao..."

Xu Chenghao: "Let go!"

The two were fighting each other in anger, and the other was reluctant to let go, but they were deadlocked in the underground garage for more than 20 minutes without a clear winner. Xu Chenghao was completely angry, he got up and abandoned the wheelchair and walked towards the elevator despite the pain.

Jing Yicheng was startled, he picked up the person and said in a panic, "Are you able to walk now? Did your leg hurt just now? You were also spoiling your body when you were angry. Do you want to feel bad for me?"

Jing Yicheng was angry and anxious, he simply walked to his car with someone in his arms, and pressed the struggling young man to the co-pilot: "Don't move!"

"What are you doing!" Xu Chenghao struggled to free up his hands to beat him, but Jing Yicheng fastened his seat belt and tied it around his wrist twice, put the little yellow duck tootzui flowerpot away, and said solemnly, "I bring You go to the hospital and check to see if you were hurt just now."

Xu Chenghao grumbled reluctantly: "I was not hurt, I could walk down the ground long ago."

Jing Yicheng said: "I still believe the doctor's words more."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

In the end, Xu Chenghao still did not beat Jing Yicheng, and was sent to the hospital again for filming and examination. The doctor said: "Mr. Xu's recovery is very good. Simple walking exercises are okay, but don't exercise too much. It is recommended not to have strenuous exercise and weight-bearing exercise within a year, and pay more attention to protection."

Jing Yicheng carefully wrote down the doctor's order, and when he looked back to see Xu Chenghao staring at him, he suddenly bent down and rubbed his forehead against Xu Chenghao's, and said helplessly, "You really scared me to death just now."

Xu Chenghao's heart softened uncontrollably for a few seconds, and finally turned his face away and said: "People who haven't left know what's going on with my legs, and it's just that some people don't."

Jing Yicheng felt distressed and guilty, took his hand and kissed him comfortably, "I won't do it in the future."

"There is no future!" Xu Chenghao withdrew his hand and refused to kiss him: "Do you think you can be the same as before when you come back? Do you think that everyone will stand there waiting for you? I say repentance means repentance, whoever has a future with you."

Jing Yicheng said, "It doesn't matter, I can pursue you again, as long as you are happy."

Xu Chenghao was almost soft-hearted when he was hit by the sweet words, and after a long while, he pretended to be indifferent: "There are too many people chasing me, and I will not be short enough to find my ex."

Jing Yicheng remembered Ruan Chenxuan who was prying at the corner, the smile on his mouth suddenly froze, and he said quietly, "Well, I can probably guess that there are many..."

Xu Chenghao said proudly: "When you get your phone back, you'd better look at the text message I sent you."

Jing Yicheng gently held his hand: "Okay, I'll take a closer look."

Xu Chenghao withdrew his hand again: "I said don't do anything!"

Jing Yicheng looked at his empty palm again, and his heart to touch Xu Chenghao became more and more urgent. He felt that he was a hungry wolf who saw fat, and his eyes were about to glow green.

But he's still guilty...

Jing Yicheng took a deep breath to control his emotions, and said warmly, "It's already four o'clock, are you hungry? Shall I take you to eat something?"

Xu Chenghao suddenly came back to his senses, glanced at his watch and found that it was indeed four o'clock and immediately took a deep breath. Mom, all his mind was that Jing Yicheng was back, but he didn't expect it to be four o'clock before he knew it!

Xu Chenghao immediately called Li Nian: "Brother Nian, are you okay?"

Li Nian's voice was a little exhausted: "I'll just ask you, where did you go for lunch? Antarctica, North Pole or Sanya?"

Xu Chenghao: "I've actually been busy outside for a day."

Li Nian: "I believe in you, where are you now?"

Xu Chenghao: "I'm in the hospital, just finished the examination."

When Li Nian wanted to complain, he suddenly turned a corner: "Hospital? What's your situation? Your leg hurts again? Is there something wrong?"

Xu Chenghao: "It's alright, the doctor said he's recovering well."

Li Nian was helpless: "Then don't come here. Let the **** take you home to rest early. If there is anything really wrong, I can take it home for you to deal with."

Xu Chenghao: "Okay, by the way, my wheelchair is still in the underground garage. Remember to bring it with you when you go home."

Li Nian was stunned for a moment, and immediately became angry: "Damn it, what's the situation with you? Did you start walking without a wheelchair? Can your legs hold up? Xu Chenghao, have you been living too well to find guilt! !"

Xu Chenghao silently moved the phone away, and waited for Li Nian to roar before he moved back and whispered, "It's only two steps away, don't worry."

Li Nian: "You have already gone to the hospital, don't worry. You go back and show me the test results. Next time, I will call my aunt and ask my aunt to cut you."

Xu Chenghao could only be disciplined in silence, and when Li Nian had to hang up because he was busy with something, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief... When Li Nian talked about it, he really had a fight with Xu's mother.

Wait a minute... After Xu Chenghao hung up the phone, he realized later that the **** had been beaten away by Jing Yicheng, and no one sent him home! !

Xu Chenghao dug out the **** phone number, "Hello, where are you? Come and pick me up at the hospital—"

Before he could finish a sentence, the phone was suddenly taken away. When Xu Chenghao looked at Jing Yicheng in a daze, the other party hung up the phone and confiscated the phone.

Xu Chenghao couldn't come back to his senses: "What are you doing?"

Jing Yicheng picked him up carefully: "I'll take you home."

Xu Chenghao didn't argue with him, and sat in the car obediently, holding the little yellow duck's Tuzui flowerpot and waiting to go home. Jing Yicheng also wanted to follow him home, but he just thought about it... Xu Chenghao started turning his face and denying anyone after returning home, and solemnly stated that Jing Yicheng was not allowed to stay at his house, and he was not allowed to stand guard at the door, otherwise he would never be able to do it again. Forgive him!

Jing Yicheng could only comfort himself that it was normal for him to be in such a situation on the first day he came back, and he would try his best to be forgiven and live at home again in the future.

Thinking about it like this seems to make me feel a lot more comfortable. Jing Yicheng took the elevator and returned to the room where he had been away for two months. When he pushed the door, he saw that the assistant was already sitting there waiting. When he saw him coming in, he immediately got up and said, "Boss."

The temperature on Jing Yicheng's face quickly subsided, and he sat on the sofa with an indifferent expression to check his belongings. He turned on the phone that was turned off, and after a while the screen turned on, a series of text messages came in, and it was very lively.

Jing Yicheng was the first to open Xu Chenghao's text message page and read it. The last text message was the number 1. When flipping upwards, it was basically a small number of 123. There was no pattern or meaning. Continuing to scroll up, it is a line of 'liar', 'big liar', 'you lied to me and you didn't come back'. Jing Yicheng was distressed and guilty, and he couldn't imagine how sad and scared he was when he suddenly disappeared.

Xu Chenghao: "If you don't come back this month, I will regret it!"

Sent time, two months ago.

Jing Yicheng's heart suddenly tightened, and his finger subconsciously pressed the lock screen... He can't even read the words "repentance" now.

The more Jing Yicheng felt guilty about Xu Chenghao, the more angry he was with some people. Holding the phone for a long time, he suddenly took off his hat and threw it on the ground, directly blasting it.

The assistant observes the nose and nose and the heart.

After a while, Jing Yicheng said angrily, "Go and close the research institute!"

The assistant was rarely shocked: "Boss, do you want to dissolve the institute?"

"No." Jing Yicheng gritted his teeth and said, "I want to change it into agricultural machinery!"

The assistant's brain was running at a high speed. After a few seconds, he understood what it meant, got up and said, "Okay, I'll do it right away... But boss, I have to tell you one thing."

Jing Yicheng: "Speak!"

Assistant: "When I went to pack my things, I found that your peppers and seeds have been damaged for too long... You, please confess to President Xu yourself."

Jing Yicheng: "..."@#¥%&*%*

Jing Yicheng had never wanted to scold people so much, because he suddenly remembered that he not only took the peppers with him, but also the seeds! Then didn't he cause Xu Chenghao's research to fail?

How much Xu Chenghao attaches importance to this research, Jing Yicheng has learned the lesson is the clearest. In the end, he was the one who caused Xu Chenghao's research to fail...

Anger and guilt filled his heart to the peak, Jing Yicheng was so angry that he couldn't speak, he kicked the sofa and slammed the door to leave.

The assistant stood in the room for a few seconds, silently took out his mobile phone and used the institute account to issue a statement. After officially changing it to agricultural machinery, he looked at the black question marks in the rows below, pushed his eyes, and added another fire: "Consider When it comes to safety issues, such a decision can only be made, and the institute will not undertake any orders since then.”

The statement below immediately fry the pot. In fact, several big figures know more or less about Jing Yicheng. They guessed that Jing Yicheng would not like this kind of attitude and would definitely retaliate. As a result, he never expected that Jing Yicheng would be so cruel this time. The closed replacement for agricultural machinery!

This is not to take revenge on one person, but to drag everyone's interests into the water!

Everyone fell from the position of watching the play to the victim and couldn't sit still. They all know what kind of temper Jing Yicheng has, and they dare not provoke this stall. They can only blame those who know Jing Yicheng's extreme temper and deliberately do this to anger him!

The assistant was very satisfied with the situation, holding the phone and paying attention to the wind at all times.

And Jing Yicheng, who slammed the door and left...

He stood in front of Xu Chenghao's room for a long time, the thoughts of wanting to see Xu Chenghao rose wildly in his heart and could not be restrained, he wanted to see him, he wanted to see him madly! But Xu Chenghao's warning was still circling in his mind. He didn't dare to go in and didn't want to leave. He struggled for a while, and finally turned to go home and opened the window as soon as he entered the bedroom.

Haohao said he couldn't stay at home or guard at the door, so he should be able to climb the window!

The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao: @#¥%&**