A good night's dream.

When the alarm clock went off the next day, the two people on the bed opened their eyes at the same time. Xu Chenghao stared blankly at the handsome face that was magnified several times in front of him. His brain was still a little dull when he woke up from sleep. Who is this?

Jing Yicheng silently approached, and before the person in front of him returned, he secretly kissed the corner of his lips: "Morning."

Xu Chenghao raised his hand to cover his face to prevent him from moving, and closed his eyes for a few seconds before struggling to open his eyes and sit up again.

Jing Yicheng sat up and said, "What clothes are you wearing today, I'll bring them to you."

Xu Chenghao held his cheeks in a daze, his brain was restarting...

Jing Yicheng couldn't be more cute at this ignorant look. The more he looked at it, the more cute he became. He couldn't help but leaned in and took the person into his arms: "Haohao?"

Xu Chenghao frowned and pushed him away: "Brush your teeth and wash your face."

Jing Yicheng kissed his hand: "Okay, then I'll bring it to you."

Xu Chenghao wanted to say that he was ready to go to the bathroom, but he was too lazy to speak when he looked at the other party's high spirits. He held his chin to continue buffering.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Chenghao finished washing on the bed, and he was completely awake. When I went to the cloakroom to look for clothes, I turned around and saw Jing Yicheng also came in: "What are you doing here?"

Jing Yicheng stretched out his hand to show his bathrobe: "I have no clothes to wear."

Xu Chenghao visually measured their height, "You better let the assistant deliver it, my clothes will be small for you."

Jing Yicheng glanced at the clothes reluctantly: "Can't you really wear them?"

Xu Chenghao: "You are so much taller than me, what do you think?"

Jing Yicheng regretted not being able to get Xu Chenghao's clothes, so he could only give up with a sigh, and turned to other topics: "Haohao, can you stand for so long? Why don't I change your clothes for you."

How could Xu Chenghao not be able to see his thoughts, he rolled his eyes and said, "Our relationship is not so close, go out!"

Jing Yicheng could only silently turn around and walk out.

Xu Chenghao turned to his back and said, "By the way, leave my house as soon as you change your clothes. Don't think that I will forgive you for taking you in for one night."

Jing Yicheng's back suddenly darkened.

Xu Chenghao pretended not to be able to see, changed his clothes and went outside... The door was suddenly opened, and Li Nian, who was sticking to the door, quickly straightened up and smiled: "I'll put the wheelchair for you at the door, and come out to eat after packing."

Xu Chenghao stopped him: "Yesterday, the doctor who filmed the film said that he is recovering well and can walk, and the wheelchair can be withdrawn."

Jing Yicheng followed suit: "The doctor also said that you can't exercise too much and need protection. It's been less than three months since your fracture, and it will be a few days before you can withdraw."

Xu Chenghao frowned, obviously reluctant: "It's only a few days away."

"It's not even a few hours away." Jing Yicheng was surprisingly persistent about his body. He held his shoulders and coaxed: "Good, just sit for a few more days."

Xu Chenghao sighed, and could only sit in the wheelchair again and cover his legs with a blanket and pretend he couldn't walk yet.

Jing Yicheng was worried that he would be angry, so he pushed the wheelchair to the dining room while coaxing people.

Li Nian, who no one paid attention to, followed silently, and was speechless by the two people in love... Kicked over the dog food!

However, what Li Nian didn't expect is that there is no most nauseous, only more nauseous! In the past, Dabing Shanshan Yicheng, who used to be indifferent and cold-faced, was not so considerate and virtuous in front of Xu Chenghao. He served a set of dragons with dishes and water. Seeing Li Nian couldn't eat, he made a jealous voice of a single dog: greasy!

Fortunately, the assistant brought the clothes during the meal. Jing Yicheng temporarily left the table to open the door. Taking this opportunity, Li Nian took the time to ask, "I agreed that I won't forgive him for a few days? You are so unforgivable??"

Xu Chenghao felt a little guilty when asked, and bowed his head and said, "I don't forgive, I'll drive him away immediately."

Li Nian's face made me believe your evil: "Drive him away and then climb the window at night?"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Li Nian: "I can't speak, right? Since I've forgiven me, why are you still climbing the window and walking through the door?"

Xu Chenghao: "I said no forgiveness."

Li Nian: "Go to bed without forgiveness?"

"No!" Xu Chenghao's voice suddenly increased, and after being signaled by Li Nian to whisper, he gritted his teeth: "Can you stop thinking about these messy things!"

Li Nian: "Are you going to tell me that you two young men in love who have just been separated for two months, spend the whole night chatting while covering the quilt?"

Xu Chenghao said confidently, "Can't you?"

Li Nian: "..."

Li Nian glanced at the wheelchair, nodded and said, "Okay, for the sake of your leg injury, I will increase the credibility of this sentence for you by 40%, and the rest will still show my attitude."

Xu Chenghao poked the poached egg and complained, "Who thinks about these things like you all day long, Li Nian, you have nothing to hold back, right?"

Li Nian was so angry that he rolled his eyes: "You gave me annual leave and let me go on a blind date!"

Xu Chenghao: "What kind of blind date, the company can digest it."

Li Nian: "The company knows that I am the most tired and who dares to digest it with me... If I say Xu Chenghao, I blame you for not being able to find someone!"

Xu Chenghao silently ended the topic, pretending that he didn't say anything just now.

Of course Li Nian couldn't let him go, but Jing Yicheng had no choice but to come back suddenly and asked, "What are we talking about?" Li Nian hesitated, sitting up in silence and calmly saying, "Business."

Jing Yicheng's eyes swept away from him, and he sat down next to Xu Chenghao without saying anything and said warmly, "I'll take you to work later."

Xu Chenghao glanced at his changed clothes: "Do you remember what I said in the cloakroom?"

Jing Yicheng said calmly, "I forgot."

Xu Chenghao: "It's okay, I can say it again, just leave my house after changing clothes!"

Jing Yicheng knew that he couldn't escape, so he could only say helplessly: "Okay, I'll leave after dinner."

Xu Chenghao saw that he was rarely conscious, so he did not continue to say anything. In the end, I didn't expect this guy to follow him out, and wanted to follow him into the car: "Didn't you say you left?"

"Yeah, I just came out from home to take you to work." Jing Yicheng carried the person into the car and sat in with him.

Xu Chenghao had nothing to say, so angry that he pinched his face: "How can you be so thick-skinned in a night of kung fu?"

Jing Yicheng raised his hand to hold his wrist, and rubbed his fingers dishonestly: "Always work hard for it."

This was what Xu Chenghao said when he was angry yesterday. He was even more embarrassed when he heard it. He silently threw away his hand and forced his ruthlessness, pretending that he didn't know Jing Yicheng.

If he had just returned, Jing Yicheng might have been flustered and worried that he was really angry when he saw Xu Chenghao's cold face. But after getting along last night, Jing Yicheng concluded that Xu Chenghao was just being stubborn and soft-hearted, and had already regarded this little emotion as a different kind of coquettish, and the more he looked, the more cute he became.

Of course, a lover who acts like a spoiled child must be spoiled. Jing Yicheng is very happy to see Xu Chenghao stretch his paws to him, not only happy but also want to kiss him.

Xu Chenghao frowned and pushed Jing Yicheng away, who was getting closer, and said coldly, "What are you doing, stay away from me!"

Jing Yicheng rubbed his forehead: "Haohao, why are you so cute."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Just ask him how he is going to hang him in the sweet talk for a few days!

Li Nian: "..."

How could he resist the urge to perish with them! Dog man man! Excessive!

Fortunately, Xu Chenghao's home was not far from the company, and he arrived soon. Li Nian resisted the urge to get out of the car and put the wheelchair away. Seeing Jing Yicheng put Xu Chenghao on the wheelchair, he thought that he should be able to go now, right?

Jing Yicheng hated to leave, how could he leave in the underground garage. He pushed Xu Chenghao to send the person to the office, and after a while, he began to think about lunch again: "Haohao, what do you want to eat in the morning? Can you eat as much as the doctor ordered?"

Xu Chenghao watered the little yellow duck's Duzui flowerpot, and said indifferently, "Don't worry about it, someone will take care of me."

Jing Yicheng frowned immediately: "Who?"

"My mother." Xu Chenghao looked up at him: "What do you want to say?"

Jing Yicheng: "...Nothing."

Xu Chenghao couldn't help laughing: "If you have nothing to do, let's go, it's time for me to go to work."

Jing Yicheng reluctantly said, "Then I'll pick you up in the afternoon."

Xu Chenghao opened the folder and pretended not to hear. After Jing Yicheng left, he sighed and got really busy.

The company was busy year after year and after the new year, Xu Chenghao got together in the documents, except for the morning meal and chat with Xu's mother, he was basically busy.

Because of the closure of the research institute yesterday, Jing Yicheng was as busy as Xu Chenghao. The two did not have time to meet for a day, and the person who saw the needle came.

When he learned that Ruan Chenxuan made an appointment to meet, Xu Chenghao's first reaction was to refuse, and when he learned that the other party came with flowers, he refused to meet him.

After Li Nian ran to reject it, he came back not long after: "It's okay if he doesn't see it, I hope you can answer the phone."

Xu Chenghao took a firm attitude: "No."

Li Nian ran away again to spread the word, this time completely quiet.

Just when Xu Chenghao thought he was clean again, there was a sudden clattering sound from outside the window—this is the sixteenth floor!

Xu Chenghao was startled, turned his head sharply to look, and saw a drone flying out of the window, constantly hitting the window with the fuselage and making a da da sound. A piece of paper was hung on the fuselage, and black handwriting hurriedly wrote: "Answer the phone, I promise I won't bother you again after I make it clear."

Xu Chenghao didn't believe it, he continued to hang up when the unfamiliar number called, secretly deciding that if he called again, he would tell Jing Yicheng!

After a while, a piece of paper was changed on the drone: "I have regained my memory, I just want to tell you what happened recently."

Xu Chenghao frowned and answered when the other party called again: "Whose party did you attend last time?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "Zheng Xiaoxiao."

Xu Chenghao reluctantly believed: "Then what do you want to say, want to apologize and ask for forgiveness?"

Downstairs, Ruan Chenxuan put the information he just found into his pocket, and said as calmly as possible: "I want to meet and discuss in detail."

Xu Chenghao: "If you want to say it, say it, don't want to say I'm hanging up."

"Wait." Ruan Chenxuan said helplessly: "Okay, please give me ten minutes, Mr. Xu."

Xu Chenghao: "You said."

Ruan Chenxuan: "What I said last time in the hospital was serious. I proposed to you at the price of my whole body!"

"Crack—" The phone was hung up mercilessly.

The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao: Call to complain!

Jing Yicheng: Come here with a big knife.jpg