Ruan Chenxuan's remaining words were suddenly choked in his throat, and he didn't move for a long while listening to the busy beeps coming from the phone.

He guessed that the other party would refuse, but he didn't expect the other party to be more neat than he imagined!

It seems that after the person named Jing Yicheng came back, he became even more ruthless...

What's even more helpless is that when Jing Yicheng came back, Xu Chenghao's side was as completely impenetrable as the iron wall, as long as Xu Chenghao didn't want him, he would never see him.

Ruan Chenxuan closed his eyes and told himself that the more he was like this, the more calm he needed to be. After a few seconds, he regained his calm and continued to send a message to Xu Chenghao: "Mr. Xu, what I just said is true, I will propose to you with everything I have, can't I? Prove my sincerity?"

Xu Chenghao only replied after a long while, "Since you have recovered your memory, you should know about An Rouyu, and you should know that I didn't lie to you, you really have a son."

Ruan Chenxuan: "I'm sorry I deceived you just now. I haven't recovered my memory. I know that the last banquet was Zheng Xiaoxiao because I was investigating the cause of the car accident. I just want you to answer the phone and ignore me."

Xu Chenghao: "Are you crazy? Is it interesting to play this trick?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "I don't want to use it if you want to see me."

Xu Chenghao: "Hehe, even if you use this trick, I won't see you, at most I hate you more."

Ruan Chenxuan: "But I will continue to work hard for you."

Xu Chenghao: "???You don't understand human language, do you? I already told you that you have a wife and a son. Are you going to be a scumbag and abandon your wife? And it's impossible for us to be enemies from the beginning, you This is called a stalker, not because of love and bravery, don't be moved by yourself here!"

After sending the message, Xu Chenghao blocked the phone number, and the next second, another unfamiliar number sent a message again: "Even if I have a wife and children, but they abandoned me first, why do I have to wait? They? It's not that there is no one who won love by stalking, if you are not brave, you will really regret it!"

Xu Chenghao was completely speechless, deeply feeling that this guy was a model of egoism and selfishness, different from normal people's thinking and completely unable to communicate.

This kind of chasing routine, such as domineering chasing love and not allowing you to escape, although it is a trick used by male protagonists, please use this trick to chase someone who likes you? Have you considered other people's feelings after chasing someone who doesn't like you? It's as disgusting and disgusting as stepping on shit!

Xu Chenghao was so angry that he couldn't speak. After he blocked the number again, he began to complain to Jing Yicheng: "Ruan Chenxuan pesters me."

Jing Yicheng replied almost instantly: "I'm on my way, I'll be there soon."

Xu Chenghao: "Then you solve it."

Jing Yicheng: "Okay, wait for me."

Xu Chenghao was finally happy, he turned off the phone and threw it in the drawer, hugged the little yellow duck and shouted, "Li Nian, call someone for a meeting!"


Upstairs, Xu Chenghao was busy with the meeting, but downstairs Ruan Chenxuan was still sending messages and waiting for a reply.

It wasn't until a car stopped beside him that Ruan Chenxuan's typing hand stopped and turned to look at him. The black car window clearly reflected his blue nose and swollen face, which reminded him of yesterday's humiliation. When the door opened, Jing Yicheng got out of the car, his eyes were even more angry: "It's you!"

Jing Yicheng slammed the car door open, staring at the remote control of the drone in his hand with a grim expression: "I heard that you have recovered your memory?"

Ruan Chenxuan said calmly, "It has nothing to do with you."

"It doesn't matter." Jing Yicheng glanced at his cheek and showed a little mockery: "What if you were knocked out by me? Do you have to thank me?"

The anger in Ruan Chenxuan's eyes was even more intense: "That really disappoints you, I can't thank, thank you, I haven't recovered my memory!"

Jing Yicheng's face was even more gloomy than Ruan Chenxuan's, and he slowly clenched his fists with the palms hanging by his side: "So, are you deliberately looking for reasons to harass Xu Chenghao?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "What is harassment? President Xu and I are both unmarried, isn't it normal to pursue? What identity are you questioning me?"

Jing Yicheng sneered: "It seems that I didn't teach you enough lessons yesterday, so you didn't remember what I said!"

Said that Jing Yicheng had lost his patience and started directly. Although he could not use weapons in the busy city, Jing Yicheng's skills were also very good. Ruan Chenxuan had already blocked his fists with precautions. As long as there were no weapons to threaten him, he could barely fight the opponent. tied.

The two of them started a fight downstairs in the Xu Group, and it was a fist-to-fist fight with no mercy at all. What's more, the two of them even stimulated each other while fighting.

Jing Yicheng said ruthlessly, "You'd better stay away from Xu Chenghao in the future, or I can remind you even if you lose your memory!"

Ruan Chenxuan was not to be outdone and said, "Even if I don't remember it before, I know that you left for more than two months and you broke up long ago!"

This is definitely what Jing Yicheng cares about the most. Hearing this, his anger suddenly soared: "You TM say it again!"

Ruan Chenxuan was caught off guard and was smashed into the abdomen, the whole person couldn't help but take a few steps back, endured the pain and continued: "Is it so embarrassing and angry? You are so ridiculous, you are clearly standing in the same position as me, but you want to point fingers at me. Let me go, and I'll ask you again where did you come from?"

Jing Yicheng said coldly, "Just because I arrived earlier than you in this relationship, it's useless for you to step in halfway with my relationship with Xu Chenghao!"

Ruan Chenxuan seemed to hear something funny, and mocked: "You arrived early? Now you are obviously coming back late!"

Jing Yicheng asked back, "Do you think it's up to you whether it's too late?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "It's not me who has the final say, but I have proposed to Xu Chenghao, do you have one?"

Jing Yicheng was completely irritated when he heard the words, and after saying "you are courting death", he took out his weapon and fired more than ten shots at Ruan Chenxuan, regardless of whether it was a busy city or not.

Ruan Chenxuanrao had been prepared for a long time, but he was still stabbed with two needles. Surprisingly, the pain did not come. Instead, there was a feeling of numbness and numbness, as if the anesthesia was rolling in the body, and the blood flowed to the whole body in an instant. After three seconds, the whole person fell unconscious and fell directly to the ground.

Jing Yicheng's reason returned to the cage for a while, and when he looked at the weapon in his hand, he remembered that in order to prevent him from shooting in the downtown area, the assistant replaced him with a sedative gun on the way to save him, and he really killed someone on impulse.

This result is really disappointing!

Jing Yicheng threw the anesthesia gun on the ground in disbelief, and the assistant picked it up silently. He was hesitating whether to return the boss's real gun now, when a group of people rushed over and stopped directly in front of Ruan Chenxuan, moving quickly. to rescue people.

Jing Yicheng and his assistant looked at the group of bodyguards who were coming and going quickly. After they left, the assistant said in a low voice, "People from Zhang Yun."

Jing Yicheng sneered: "He really takes Zhang Yun as a gold medal for avoiding death with him all the time!"

The assistant lowered his eyes and did not speak, but he was secretly glad that when the boss came, he was persuaded by the combination of Mr. Xu and the little yellow duck to successfully replace it with an anesthesia gun. Otherwise, if something went wrong, this would be a dangerous seedling. In case someone gets caught, it will be more powerful than it is now when it erupts.

Jing Yicheng naturally knew what the assistant could think of, but he felt that he had committed too many messes and already had too many lice, so he didn't care about it at all. What he cares more about now is that Ruan Chenxuan actually proposed to Xu Chenghao! ! !

He had never proposed to Xu Chenghao, yet he was preempted by this guy!

When Jing Yicheng thought about it, he was going to explode with anger. He wanted to catch up and give Ruan Chenxuan two more shots. No, he is going to declare his sovereignty, and Xu Chenghao must be his! !

Jing Yicheng quickly put Ruan Chenxuan behind him, rushed directly into the Xu Group building, and took the elevator to Xu Chenghao's office. Surprisingly, he was empty, and there was no Xu Chenghao in the office.

He frowned and called, but the other party's mobile phone tone was off.

Jing Yicheng's already flustered heart suddenly became more and more uneasy. When he checked the rooms one by one in the corridor, he finally found someone in the assistant's room - it was Li Nian.

The other party was packing up the documents, stacking all the folders into a pile and seemed to be ready to take them away. When he saw Jing Yicheng pushing the door in, he was stunned: "Mr. Jing? When did you come? Is there anything?"

Jing Yicheng stared at Li Nian for a while, and suddenly his face sank: "I want to ask you a question."

Li Nian was frightened when he saw his face, and silently hugged the folder and said vigilantly, "Mr. Jing first."

Jing Yicheng: "Did Ruan Chenxuan propose to Xu Chenghao?"

Li Nian had been on guard for a long time, but he couldn't help but show a strange look. He looked at Jing Yicheng's face and suddenly had a feeling in his heart, "Hehe, you scumbag who abandoned President Xu, finally know how popular and loved our President Xu is. How much sought after it's a strong sense of satisfaction.

So, Li Nian nodded: "Yes, if you count today, it's twice."

Jing Yicheng was angry: "Have you said it before?"

Li Nian smiled: "Yeah, not long after you left."

Jing Yicheng was so angry that he kicked the wall, deeply regretting why he used anesthesia instead of live ammunition, why he didn't take this opportunity to kill him, and... "Why didn't Haohao tell me about such a big thing?"

Li Nian looked innocent: "Is it a big deal? Mr. Xu has experienced a lot of confessions and marriages in the past two months. Maybe he is used to it and doesn't think it is important."

Jing Yicheng's vinegar jar broke out: "Where are you, President Xu!"

"The conference room next door..." Before finishing a sentence, Jing Yicheng disappeared in place. Li Nian stared at the swaying door panel in astonishment, and added the second half of the sentence: "...there is a meeting."

next door meeting room.

Xu Chenghao was looking at the documents flattened on the table with boredom, but his heart had already flown downstairs, worried that Jing Yicheng would not cause any trouble if there was no news...

Just thinking about it, the door of the conference room was suddenly kicked open, Xu Chenghao only had time to look up, and felt a gust of wind blowing towards his face, and was kissed immediately.

Xu Chenghao: "???"

Everyone in the conference room: ○o○

The author has something to say: this is a pair of magical little yellow ducks who automatically turn into assists~~