Xu Chenghao felt someone's urgent and fierce kissing style completely different from the last time, he frowned slightly, and pulled the person away by his ears: "What are you doing?"

Jing Yicheng just wanted to say something with a sullen face, but Xu Chenghao was ready to squeeze his mouth... After all, this is the conference room where so many people are watching, it would be embarrassing if something spread out!

Thinking about it, Xu Chenghao turned his head to look at the dumbfounded and gossipy crowd in the conference room. He coughed a little and was a little embarrassed: "The meeting will be dismissed first, and you will come back in half an hour."

Everyone in the conference room immediately raised the smile of the old driver who "we all know", and said while packing their things: "Okay, it's okay, an hour is fine, we are actually very busy hahaha."

"Yes, yes, you are also busy and you are also busy."

"We're leaving right now, right now."

Although the fire of gossip was burning in their eyes, everyone did not have the courage to challenge Jing Yicheng's temper.

Across the distance, Xu Chenghao could hear them shouting excitedly: "What the hell, ah, ah, what did I just see, that mysterious man finally appeared!"

Xu Chenghao: "…"

Xu Chenghao was embarrassed and embarrassed. He put his fingers on the little yellow duck's mouthful flower pot, and wanted to knock Jing Yicheng's head off to see what was going on in his madness.

Jing Yicheng's mouth was pinched, and he lowered his head silently and approached again, Xu Chenghao wanted to push him away, but this time Jing Yicheng insisted on kissing him, clasping his fingers on the back of his head to prevent him from hiding and finally successfully piercing his lips. between.

"Xu..." Li Nian froze when he opened the door and came in. He silently closed the door again and held the documents to go to the conference room to settle accounts - Ma, why no one told him!

Xu Chenghao was completely red now, but he told Li Nian in the morning that he would not forgive him, so if he kissed him in the afternoon, he might not believe it.

Xu Chenghao was half ashamed and half annoyed and wanted to fry his hair. He picked up the little yellow duck tootzui flowerpot and slammed it on Jing Yicheng's head.

Jing Yicheng's black eyes were full of paranoia, and he said seriously, "If you're with someone else, I'll show you crazy."

Xu Chenghao frowned: "Are you threatening me?"

Jing Yicheng took his hand, put his forehead on his forehead, and said softly, "No, I just want to express that I can't live without you."

Xu Chenghao's cold face instantly broke, and he said helplessly: "I didn't say leave you, did you listen to Ruan Chenxuan talking nonsense?"

Jing Yicheng's voice was low: "Not only him... Haohao, do you have many people like you?"

Xu Chenghao stared at him for a few seconds, then smiled suddenly: "Of course, didn't I tell you to read the text messages, didn't you?"

Jing Yicheng's voice was even more depressed: "Look."

Xu Chenghao: "Have you seen the numbers?"

Jing Yicheng suddenly had an ominous feeling: "Isn't that scolding me?"

"No." Xu Chenghao said with a smile: "These are the people who confessed to me and even wanted to marry."

Jing Yicheng: "???"

His first reaction was to take out his mobile phone and add all the numbers together, and the total was 21, which means that there are 21 people who have confessed to Xu Chenghao or even intend to marry? ? ?

Jing Yicheng repeated the count three times to make sure that there was no mistake, and then threw the phone on the ground and rushed over to kiss Xu Chenghao: "Don't agree, don't communicate with them, don't leave me!"

Xu Chenghao was waiting for this day to send a text message at the beginning, and he was instantly satisfied. He raised his chin and said, "I don't even have a shield when someone is not there."

Jing Yicheng couldn't help biting his chin and assured: "There will be no next time."

Xu Chenghao: "It doesn't matter, if you leave again, maybe there will be more people to confess to me by then, I'm—"

Jing Yicheng held Xu Chenghao's chin to prevent him from moving, and asked for the tip of his tongue between his lips and teeth, as if he could swallow all his words and never say it again.

Xu Chenghao didn't mind the intimate contact between lovers, but he couldn't bear to kiss so many times in a few minutes. He felt that his lips were a little swollen, and he said vaguely, "It hurts..."

Jing Yicheng thought he had touched his leg, and immediately lowered his head to check: "Does your leg hurt? Did I just touch you?"

"My mouth hurts." Xu Chenghao said unhappily, "Can you be gentle."

Jing Yicheng saw that it was indeed a little swollen, and his voice suddenly weakened and he said with a guilty conscience: "Then don't say anything to scare me, or I will always want to stop your mouth."

Xu Chenghao: "I'm here to keep your memory long. Next time, protect yourself from being taken away again because of your negligence. Why don't you think about what if someone kills you? You're still jealous, you can come back then or not. uncertain."

Jing Yicheng was just like the primary school student listening to the training. He nodded silently when Xu Chenghao said anything, not being obedient.

Xu Chenghao: "Do you dare to have a next time?"

Jing Yicheng: "I don't dare."

Xu Chenghao was satisfied: "Good boy, go out."

Jing Yicheng turned around subconsciously and walked out. After taking two steps, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He walked back and asked, "Haohao, have you forgiven me?"

Xu Chenghao smiled: "Because you were not forced to leave, of course I will forgive you as long as you realize the problem of negligence this time."

"But!" Xu Chenghao hurried before Jing Yicheng's surprise, and he said coldly, "You just rushed into the conference room to disrupt my work, and you didn't do what you promised me, so I was very angry, go out, I There's a meeting!"

Jing Yicheng: "…"

At this time, Jing Yicheng would always want to beat up his impulsive self for a second. Then Yan Da Da stood at the door of the conference room like a primary school student was punished, waiting for Xu Chenghao to come out after the meeting.

Xu Chenghao sent a message to Li Nian asking them to come over, and everyone in the conference room rushed over a few minutes later. They held laptops and documents, but without exception, they would greet Jing Yicheng before entering the door.

"The view is always good."

"The view is always good."

"The view is always good."

Jing Yicheng's cold nod was a response. Facing the others, his aura suddenly changed from punishing a primary school student to pinch-pointing the head teacher. There was a kind of terrifying pressure that anyone who was late would be pulled out and shot.

When Li Nian entered the door, he also shouted that the soundscape is always good, and based on his experience with Xu Chenghao for so long, he could see at a glance that Jing Yicheng was in a bad mood, and this situation was basically related to Xu Chenghao.

Li Nian's gossip heart immediately went online. Sitting next to Xu Chenghao, he coughed lightly, and approached, "What's the situation?"

Xu Chenghao opened the document and said in a low voice, "It's alright, the main thing is that things just didn't affect you well, so I'll be punished."

Li Nian's gossip heart continued to burn: "Then are you forgiving or not? I really can't tell."

Xu Chenghao glanced at him, as if there were times when you couldn't tell.

Li Nian urged: "Tell me, it will solve my gossip."

Although everyone in the conference room wanted to gossip, Li Nian had the privilege to gossip in person, and to ask his immediate boss what was going on.

Seeing that he was a real brother for helping a lot, Xu Chenghao explained: "He has already realized the consequences of his leaving, so I will forgive him. But I was angry again about what happened just now, because he promised before. He broke his promise that I would not interfere with my work and act irrationally and jealously."

Li Nian was shocked: "Is this okay?"

Xu Chenghao calmly said, "Why not."

Li Nian reminded: "Aren't you afraid that he will turn his face if you keep doing this?"

Xu Chenghao looked proud: "He won't."

Li Nian had nothing to say about his confidence: "Then you can't be so angry all the time... What's the purpose of your anger?"

Xu Chenghao was quiet for a few seconds, filtering through the villain's actions and the final tragic ending in his mind, and sighed: "If I don't take care of him now, what will I do in the future."

The villain's character is paranoid and domineering. If Xu Chenghao doesn't tell him that he has a working and living space and can't act irrationally because of jealousy, the villain's character will only become more wanton in the future and develop in a more perverted direction - such as restricting personal freedom. Imprisonment and such-and-such a small dark room, so it must be contained.

Moreover, the character of the villain is still impulsive and wanton, and he is completely the kind of person who is rebellious in his bones. Xu Chenghao wouldn't break his back bones and let him learn to be easy-going and smirk, but at least Xu Chenghao wanted to hold him and let him run wild within a controllable range.

Otherwise... If no one can hold him, I'm afraid it will repeat the tragic past life.

Xu Chenghao always thinks too much and sees far. For the first time, Li Nian didn't keep up with his rhythm. Hearing this emotion, he was about to ask in detail what he meant when he looked up and saw Jing Yicheng outside the conference room door staring at him. On Xu Chenghao's arm, it seemed like he was about to rush in and chop it off.

Li Nian: "…"

It's not enough to put your arm around ten centimeters away, this possessiveness must be strong!

Li Nian viciously supported Xu Chenghao in his heart, but on the surface he retracted his arms and sat upright, looking like a good student listening to the lecture seriously.

Xu Chenghao noticed Li Nian's strangeness and turned his head to look out the window. Someone looked at Xu Chenghao through the door and window with a gentle and aggrieved expression, like a large dog scratching the door.

Xu Chenghao's heart softened, but he calmly retracted his gaze and continued to work - he must establish a good private space for Jing Yicheng, and there must be no ambiguity.

Jing Yicheng: "…"

He can only comfort himself: it doesn't matter, standing outside the door can see Haohao who is very serious at work, Haohao is so cute~~

The meeting lasted for two hours, and Jing Yicheng stared at Xu Chenghao for two hours. From Xu Chenghao's serious black eyes to the slightly pursed lips, from the small earlobes to the slender fingers holding the pen, the more Jing Yicheng looked, the more and more he felt that Haohao was the cutest, and even his hair was beautiful.

During this period, everyone in the conference room could not stand the sweet and greasy atmosphere. From the gossip at the beginning to the unwillingness to see it later, the mood was as exciting and ups and downs as riding a roller coaster.

Woohoo, why is there a meeting, but someone can fall in love, it's so unfair!

The author has something to say: everyone in the conference room: yes, we are still the meeting machine QAQ