Mr. Ruan rarely reacted quickly, and directly grasped the points he cared about: "Pregnant and raising a baby?"

Jing Yicheng's eyes were mocking, but his voice was indifferent: "Yes."

The sound of Old Man Ruan's coughing came from the phone, probably because he was too excited and the old man's voice trembled: "Okay, if what Mr. Jing said is true, then I will invite you to drink in person."

Jing Yicheng was indifferent. Rather than drinking, he hoped that Mr. Ruan would quickly bring An Rouyu back. It would be better to let her marry Ruan Chenxuan, so that the two of them could be tied together and become a loving couple.

Mr. Ruan is famous in the circle and pays attention to inheriting his descendants. I heard that Ruan Chenxuan was taught by him. He has been with him since he was born and no one is allowed to take it away. This also causes Ruan Chenxuan and his father to not be close and even often have friction and collision. . There are also rumors that Ruan's father wanted other sons because he found that he could not control his own son, and never used contraception when he cheated.

Of course, these are all rumors, and the truth cannot be ascertained. But Old Man Ruan's desire for control, his desire for four generations to live together, and his desire to have an heir are real. Judging from his reaction just now, he should be very concerned about the pregnant An Rouyu, and maybe he will really bring An Rouyu back.

At that time, Ruan Chenxuan will be busy, and will not harass Xu Chenghao again. It's fun to think about.

After doing all this, Jing Yicheng calmly returned to the office, pretended that he had done nothing, and silently watered the pepper seedlings.

Xu Chenghao took time to look at him: "Where's Li Nian? Why aren't you two together?"

Jing Yicheng: "He's gone."

Xu Chenghao raised his head in surprise: "You two have already handed over, have you?"

Jing Yicheng: "Yes."

Xu Chenghao: "It's so fast."

When Jing Yicheng saw him looking up at himself, he wanted to touch his head: "Anyway, we have collaborated on projects together, and I am familiar with your process."

Xu Chenghao patted his hand away: "Can you touch the boss's head if you want? Go away."

Jing Yicheng turned to attack his earlobe: "You are mine, why can't you touch it."

Xu Chenghao tapped his arm with the folder: "Don't make trouble, don't disturb my work."

Jing Yicheng immediately stopped and sat opposite Xu Chenghao to help with the documents. The two stayed busy until they got off work in the afternoon, and began to live and eat together.

At this time, Mr. Ruan had already begun to investigate the authenticity of this matter. After all, Jing Yicheng had a very bad relationship with them. If he deliberately left clues to deceive him, he might not have thought about why Jing Yicheng lied to him, especially since he was a rival in love in the past. She actually called in person to say that An Rouyu was pregnant...

It's a bit strange to think about.

The more you can't figure out the things, the more cautious you need to be. Although Mr. Ruan is anxious, he is afraid that there will be a pit ahead, so he sent people to investigate very carefully. Even if the medical examination report belonging to An Rouyu is in hand, he must go to verify it again. Fake to believe.

The fact cannot be changed, An Rouyu was pregnant before she went abroad.

After a series of careful investigations, Old Man Ruan finally believed that Jing Yicheng was telling the truth. After Ruan Chenxuan really had a successor, he immediately began to investigate where An Rouyu was now.

Regarding An Rouyu's whereabouts, Jing Yicheng is the person who has the most say. Since he has personally called Mr. Ruan to inform him, he will definitely not stop him like he did before Ruan Chenxuan. Thinking that I was too stupid in the past, why should I stop it? No, why send people out of the country and let them mix together? I really regret thinking about it.

In short, after Jing Yicheng deliberately put the water under the water, Mr. Ruan took four days to locate An Rouyu, and when he learned that the other party was seven months pregnant, he immediately brought him back and sent him directly to the old house of the Ruan family.

An Rouyu was naturally frightened and frightened, and she was unwilling to come back. But she is a pregnant woman and has no power to restrain her. She has been working hard, and she can only come back when she encounters an invitation like being kidnapped. Sitting in the living room, he was flustered, and he had to calmly hold the skirt, waiting for the final sentence.

The sound of the wheels rolling came, An Rouyu looked up vigilantly, and saw a serious old man in a wheelchair being pushed over. The turbid scrutiny was enough to make An Rouyu restless.

The old man has a fierce appearance. When he is not smiling, it is even more terrifying to look at people with drooping eyes. At this moment, when his eyes are on his stomach, An Rouyu even feels that his stomach is a little cold.

An Rouyu naturally knew this old man, and when she saw him, she felt a little despair in her heart—she knew what their purpose was, they came for the child in her stomach!

Although my heart is nervous, I am a mother. An Rouyu got up quickly and pretended to cover her stomach without any traces of her clothes. She forced herself to calm down and said, "It turns out that the person who has traveled all the way to see me is actually Grandpa Ruan. I should have made a phone call earlier, why is it so laborious."

Mr. Ruan leaned on the back of the chair and looked her up and down: "Oh? So you should know why I'm looking for you?"

An Rouyu started to sweat coldly on her head: "I really don't know, what made Grandpa Ruan come out to find me without raising your body."

Mr. Ruan said indifferently: "We will know in three months."

An Rouyu was suddenly choked, and after a while, she gathered up her courage and said, "Could it be that Grandpa Ruan wants me to live here for three months? Are you planning to restrict my freedom?"

Old Man Ruan: "You have been hiding abroad to live without a fixed place. I have arranged a place for you now. Don't you want to?"

An Rouyu subconsciously avoided the old man's eyes and insisted, "Of course I don't want to, I really can't afford to live in your good place."

Old Man Ruan did not expect that the seemingly vulnerable junior would dare to disobey him or even talk back, and he tore his face immediately and said, "You have to live if you don't want to. You are pregnant with the descendants of my Ruan family. Where do you think you can hide?"

What An Rouyu was most afraid of was this kind of forced detention, all kinds of thoughts flashed through her mind and she finally decided to take care of the root: "Who said it was your Ruan family descendant? Grandpa Ruan, you don't think I'm pregnant with Ruan Chenxuan's child, do you? "

Mr. Ruan has clear things in his hands after investigation, how could he be provoked by these two sentences, he said directly: "This is my Ruan family, Chen Xuan's son, you really think I didn't investigate before I came back to you. ?"

An Rouyu insisted: "Then Grandpa Ruan really didn't find out. If I had a child during my relationship with Ruan Chenxuan, why didn't I take the opportunity to marry into your Ruan family, and have to go abroad to hide?"

Old Man Ruan: "Because you saw Chen Xuan with other women."

An Rouyu: "Then why didn't Grandpa Ruan investigate why Ruan Chenxuan and I were in the cold war during the previous period?"

Old Man Ruan frowned, "Isn't it normal for couples to quarrel?"

An Rouyu immediately seized this point and started talking nonsense: "If it was a normal Ruan Chenxuan, he wouldn't go looking for another woman, and I wouldn't break up with him to go abroad."

Mr. Ruan stared at her sharply: "What do you want to say?"

In order to leave, An Rouyu has already started to lie: "Because he found out that Xu Chenghao and I were still in contact, and even blocked us at Xu Chenghao's house, we started a cold war from that day, count the time... At that time, I happened to be pregnant. when."

Mr. Ruan, who had investigated the whole matter, naturally knew that the two had been to Xu Chenghao's house, and also knew that they had had a cold war and quarreled, which was why An Rouyu left the country. But if he digs deeper, he can't find anything, because Jing Yicheng participated in this matter, his whereabouts and everything are classified and cannot be published and cannot be investigated, so he really doesn't know that there is such a layer in it... …

Old Man Ruan was already suspicious of Jing Yicheng's sudden telling of this matter, but now he became more vigilant and said, "Whether it is or not, we will see you in three months!"

An Rouyu seized the opportunity and said, "No matter what, I think Xu Chenghao must be informed. After all, he is also one of the candidates for the child's father..."

Mr. Ruan raised his eyelids suddenly: "Miss An!"

An Rouyu was shocked.

Mr. Ruan said coldly: "If you are saying these words to escape, it is equivalent to smearing your child and smearing your own reputation. Even if the child is really our Ruan's family, you don't want to enter our Ruan's family. the door!"

An Rouyu stiffened, gritted her teeth and continued, "Don't Grandpa Ruan believe what I said? Are you not afraid that the child in my womb is really the descendant of the Xu family?

The two were deadlocked for a moment, and finally Mr. Ruan said calmly: "I can inform, but as long as Xu Chenghao is informed, whether it is his child or not, it can only prove your infidelity, you can't marry into our Ruan family in your life, you really Have you thought about it?"

An Rouyu was silent for a long time, but she still raised her head and said, "Think about it."

Old Man Ruan laughed angrily, he coughed twice and directly signaled the people behind him to push him away, not wanting to see An Rouyu at all.

An Rouyu breathed a sigh of relief, and sat on the sofa with soft legs, rubbing her stomach and smiling bitterly. She has been away for so long, I'm afraid Ruan Chenxuan has been fighting with that woman for a long time, how can she remember who An Rouyu is... In such a situation that even her lover doesn't love him and doesn't want to marry her, how could she be able to do it? Married into the Ruan family and became Ruan Chenxuan's wife.

If he had to give up his face to get married, he might as well live by himself with his children, even if it was hard work, he would be better than the Ruan family who eats people and doesn't spit out bones!

So, I hope Brother Hao can understand her situation after getting the news, and hurry up and save her from here!

An Rouyu held back her panic, put her hands on her forehead and closed her eyes to pray. She hoped that the child would not be snatched by the Ruan family, and also hoped that Brother Hao would rescue her from here as soon as possible... As long as Brother Hao came to protect her, the child would definitely can keep it!

The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao: crooked? The typhoon is so strong that I can't hear it clearly.