When Xu Chenghao received the news, it was the next morning after An Rouyu returned. He was directly blocked by a car on the way to the greenhouse to harvest peppers. The bodyguards in black suits got out of the car and motioned Xu Chenghao to open the door and follow them.

However, despite their fierce aura, they were targeted by the red dot on their heads the next second, as if a sniper who took a step closer to the dark would shoot mercilessly. A black car rushed directly to the position in front of Xu Chenghao's car, separating the bodyguards in black, as if they were negotiating something.

Immediately afterwards, Jing Yicheng's phone call came: "Don't be afraid, I'll be there soon."

Xu Chenghao: "...I'm not afraid."

Jing Yicheng: "Well, that's great."

Xu Chenghao was a little embarrassed to be praised, and muttered, "I am an adult man anyway, so I still have courage."

Jing Yicheng said, "Even if you have the guts, I can't bear it."

Xu Chenghao's heart was touched, but he couldn't say anything nasty, so he could only change the subject and ask, "Is the person who came this time related to you?"

Jing Yi said honestly, "No, it has something to do with An Rouyu."

"Who?" It was too long, Xu Chenghao was a little shocked to hear the name suddenly: "Didn't she go abroad to raise a baby? She won't come back, will she?"

Jing Yicheng: "Yes, Mr. Ruan knew about her pregnancy, and she was brought back yesterday."

Xu Chenghao was stunned for a while, and after filtering the news for a long time in his brain, he had to accept the fact that the heroine was back, and reluctantly put the heroine back into the plot, and sighed deeply: I was happy before.

And based on what he knows about the heroine, as long as she appears or has an accident, the last unlucky one must be the spare tire - yes, this is the halo effect of the Mary Sue heroine! So this time, I don't need to think about it, and it is definitely the heroine who did it.

- It's still as annoying as ever.

Xu Chenghao really had no patience at all. Although from the perspective of the heroine, the other party does not believe that the infatuated man who has loved him for more than 20 years will let go, and it is understandable that he is accustomed to asking infatuated men and habitually seeking support and help.

But from a man's point of view, if you like this woman, it's okay to pay willingly. But if you don't like each other, it's your duty not to give or help. It would be a bit shameless if the heroine still came to ask for help at this time The heroine of Mary Sue has a powerful halo. I always feel that the heroine is delusional and obsessed with secret love. Badly said that others like her, no matter how coldly they refuse, they don't believe they only want to live in their own world.

Really... the more I think about it, the more annoying it is!

Xu Chenghao's joy in harvesting chili peppers was gone, and he was tired of sitting in the driver and his brows were always wrinkled. Before meeting the heroine, he began to think about how to get rid of her.

Just when Xu Chenghao was getting more and more irritable, the passenger's window was suddenly knocked twice, Xu Chenghao turned his head to look and saw Jing Yicheng bending over to look at him, motioning him to open the door.

Xu Chenghao unlocked the car, and Jing Yicheng took advantage of the opportunity to open the door and sit in the co-pilot. It was only then that he hung up the phone and looked at it, "Why are you unhappy? Are you really scared?"

Xu Chenghao: "No, it's just that the annoying An Rouyu is unhappy when she comes back."

This is still Xu Chenghao's rare act of petty temper, but Jing Yicheng is very happy, and likes his attitude towards An Rouyu: "It doesn't matter, I can stop Ruan Chenxuan, how can I not stop her."

Xu Chenghao remembered that the final cause of the villain's death was still related to the heroine, so he couldn't rest assured. He always felt that there was nothing good for the heroine to come back this time.

Jing Yicheng rubbed his head suddenly and comforted: "Are you tired? I'll drive to the greenhouse?"

Xu Chenghao said, "I'm not tired, I didn't do anything except hit the brakes."

Jing Yicheng opened the car door directly: "Get out of the car, be good."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

In the end, Xu Chenghao unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car, and changed to the co-pilot. He held the little yellow duck Tuzui flowerpot, and kept touching the green leaves on the pepper seedlings, frowning, "Why don't they leave? Did Mr. Ruan meet me like this?"

Jing Yicheng tapped the steering wheel and frowned, "Did An Rouyu say something?"

Xu Chenghao had an ominous premonition: "For example, is the child mine?"

Jing Yicheng's face changed instantly: "She dares!"

Xu Chenghao looked at the situation ahead, and became more and more certain: "It looks like it is, An Rouyu is likely to use this trick if she wants to keep the child."

Jing Yicheng's expression became more and more ugly, and he said with a black face: "If she dares, we will confront her face to face!"

Xu Chenghao glanced at the little yellow duck tootzui flowerpot: "We'll talk about it after the confrontation, can we go to the greenhouse to collect peppers first?"


After Jing Yicheng agreed to start the car, he stepped back a few meters and drove past the bodyguard in black without anyone daring to stop him. The two quickly rushed to the greenhouse and successfully harvested one hundred and seventy-five whole peppers. The deformed peppers Xu Chenghao was too lazy to count, so he put them in a cloth bag and took them away together.

The rest of the time is to replant and water again. As soon as Xu Chenghao took out the prepared seeds and put them into the machine, the phone in his pocket started ringing, an unfamiliar number.

Because of Ruan Chenxuan, Xu Chenghao now thinks it is him when he sees an unfamiliar number, and hesitates for a while before answering the call: "Who?"

Fortunately, the other party's voice was vicissitudes, and it was not Ruan Chenxuan: "I am Ruan Jinhui."

"Oh, it turned out to be Grandpa Ruan. You haven't been out in the mountains for a long time, why do you have time to call me?" Xu Chenghao moved away as he spoke. Jing Yicheng automatically stepped forward to take over the mechanical operation and started planting, paying most of his attention. Still on Xu Chenghao.

After listening to Old Man Ruan's explanation, Xu Chenghao frowned, and said coldly, "I think you have misunderstood. I have nothing to say to An Rouyu, and I don't want to see her."

If it wasn't for An Rouyu biting Xu Chenghao and not letting go, how could Old Master Ruan take the initiative to contact the junior to talk about such a thing, and finally said impatiently, "You young people talk about it yourself."

Not long after speaking, the voice of the phone changed to An Rouyu's shrill voice: "Brother Hao!"

Xu Chenghao instantly turned black: "Miss An is self-respecting, your good brother is Ruan Chenxuan."

Jing Yicheng on the side also raised his brows and slammed the mouse, so the sound of a group of ducks suddenly sounded "quack quack". It was the voice of quack quack, but what An Rouyu said was not clear at all.

So he quickly seized the opportunity and said directly: "I'm sorry I'm too noisy here, I can't hear you, so I'll hang up first."

After speaking, Xu Chenghao hung up the phone mercilessly and gave Jing Yicheng a thumbs up: "That's awesome."

Jing Yicheng kissed his fingers, and his heart was still full of anger. When he leaked the news of the heroine to Old Man Ruan, he only wanted to keep Ruan Chenxuan from being too busy, but he forgot that An Rouyu was still attached to Xu Chenghao, so he had made himself a rival in love!

Jing Yicheng was almost mad at his own stupidity. From leaving the greenhouse to sending Xu Chenghao home to put peppers, he held Xu Chenghao's mobile phone tightly, saying that it was his job as an assistant to answer the phone himself.

Xu Chenghao: "...just be happy."

On the other side, An Rouyu was choked up before she could even say her cry, and she didn't speak for a long while waiting for the call to hang up.

Because the phone is amplified, everyone present can hear it clearly, including Mr. Ruan: "Are you sure the child belongs to him?"

An Rouyu lied: "He probably doesn't want to admit it."

Mr. Ruan sneered: "If you want to see it, continue to fight, can you see your ability."

An Rouyu bit her lip, picked up the phone and hesitated for a while before she dared to make a second call. The voice that answered the phone this time was obviously not Xu Chenghao's voice, and everyone present knew who it was.

Jing Yicheng: "An Rouyu?"

What An Rouyu was most afraid of was Madman Jing. She was a little nervous when her name was called across the phone: "Yes, it's me."

Jing Yicheng: "Is something wrong with the call?"

An Rouyu said dumbfounded, "Isn't this brother Hao's phone number? I'm looking for brother Hao."

Jing Yicheng said indifferently: "There is only President Xu here without Brother Hao, Miss An, I suggest that since you break off the marriage, you'd better change this title, don't think that with these three words, you can have an intimate relationship with President Xu. , You can always ask the other party to help you with these three words, do you really think that you are an immortal and beautiful, can't everyone turn to you?"

An Rouyu almost fell to tears at the accusation, and said aggrieved: "This is a matter between me and President Xu, why do you want to veto our relationship, even if we don't have love, our old friends who have been together for more than 20 years. You can't break it with a sentence or two!"

Jing Yicheng: "Do you also know that even if you have known each other for more than 20 years, you still have family affection? Then when you and Ruan Chenxuan were together and Xu Chenghao was ridiculed because of it, why didn't you say that you cheated and it had nothing to do with him? Why don't you care about this old friend?"

An Rouyu was speechless, she could only wipe away her tears and said, "I don't want to talk to you, what about Brother Hao? I want to find Brother Hao!"

After waiting for so long, Jing Yicheng was finally able to hate her, how could he let her go: "Looking for your good brother? Do you need me to call Ruan Chenxuan? I remember when Xu Chenghao's career and feelings were both frustrated, you and Ruan Chenxuan were different. Love and envy others every day."

What An Rouyu wants to get rid of now is Ruan Chenxuan's relationship. Hearing this, she immediately hugged her stomach and said nervously, "That's all in the past. Ruan Chenxuan and I have already broken up."

"That's your business too!" Jing Yicheng immediately counterattacked: "Do you have anything to do with Mr. Xu when you broke up? Does he have to smile and greet Mr. Xu when you are single? You treat others as a spare tire. So naturally, how thick are you?!"

An Rouyu was so angry that her fingers began to tremble: "You, you are deliberately separating me and brother Hao, I know you like me, but you are still as unreasonable as before, you just don't know how to respect people, you're crazy!"

Jing Yicheng snorted and said in a calm tone, "That really disappoints you. Not only do I dislike you, I also like Xu Chenghao, so you'd better stop pestering him!"

An Rouyu: "???"

The author has something to say: It is officially announced that Jing Yicheng can replace Li Nian and kill the Quartet!