Ruan Chenxuan was so angry that his whole body trembled and his heart hurt. He clutched his chest for a while and suddenly picked up the phone on the ground. Even if the screen was broken, it didn't stop him from sending a message to scold Jing Yicheng: "Jing Yicheng, you @#$% &^%$#@”

However, the more angry he was, the happier Jing Yicheng became. After receiving the news, not only did he not get angry, he also ran to the office, hugged Xu Chenghao and kissed several times, his good mood was beyond words.

Xu Chenghao was a little confused and disgusted by the kiss: "What are you doing?"

Jing Yicheng rubbed his forehead: "Happy."

Xu Chenghao wondered: "Why are you so happy about something good?"

Jing Yi said honestly, "When An Rouyu is born, Mr. Ruan will definitely do a paternity test. I'll see how she slanders you then!"

Xu Chenghao was surprised: "She gave birth? How long has it been?"

Jing Yicheng: "The seven-month-old premature baby, mother and child are safe."

Xu Chenghao was shocked. Although he knew from the time the heroine was retrieved that the development was different from the plot, the seven-month premature birth was really unexpected.

Especially when the child was born at the time when the male protagonist was in amnesia and the female protagonist was found to be pregnant. Mr. Ruan attaches great importance to the bloodline... In the plot, there is still a talented son who is not taken away by Mr. Ruan. Now it is really uncertain whether the child can stay with the heroine.

Jing Yicheng suddenly asked, "What are you thinking?"

Xu Chenghao said, "I'm wondering if An Rouyu can keep the child!"

Jing Yicheng frowned: "Don't miss her!"

Xu Chenghao: "Oh, then I wonder how Ruan Chenxuan suddenly has multiple sons."

Jing Yicheng: "Don't miss him either!"

Xu Chenghao glanced at him helplessly: "You already told me the news, why can't I think about it?"

Jing Yicheng: "I just can't think about it!"

Xu Chenghao didn't bother to pay attention to him, and said directly: "If Mr. Ruan attaches great importance to his grandson, he might hold a full moon feast when the child is in better health. I will meet at the venue at that time. What do I think about."

Jing Yicheng said, "I'll go too, I'll go with you."

It is impossible for Jing Yicheng to let Xu Chenghao go to the banquet alone to meet Ruan Chenxuan!

Xu Chenghao half-smiled: "But my parents will also go."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Xu Chenghao: "Coward?"

Jing Yicheng: "No, just nervous."

Xu Chenghao didn't care: "Oh, when you're not nervous, we're announcing our relationship."

Jing Yicheng immediately grabbed Xu Chenghao: "I-I'm not nervous now!"

Xu Chenghao didn't embarrass him either, and comforted him: "Don't be nervous, my parents still understand me."

Jing Yicheng lowered his head silently: "But what happened before us..."

Xu Chenghao: "Are you fighting for An Rouyu? Don't worry, my parents will definitely know."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

When he thought that he had threatened Xu Chenghao before and almost hurt Xu Chenghao, Jing Yicheng was even more cowardly.

But even if you are cowardly, you must not let others see it, especially someone surnamed Ruan! So Jing Yicheng took advantage of Xu Chenghao's inattentiveness, and secretly sent a message to continue showing off to the other party.

Jing Yicheng: "Looking forward to your family's full moon feast, that's when I see the parents announce the relationship :

Ruan Chenxuan: "..."

This guy is so annoying!

The new phone that Ruan Chenxuan had just obtained almost went to the ground again. After gritting his teeth and blocking Jing Yicheng, he returned his attention to the ward and continued to observe the unconscious woman.

The more he observed his heart, the stronger the feeling, especially the pair of eyes that the other party woke up and opened in the middle, was really too familiar. It was so familiar that even if Ruan Chenxuan's mind was blank, he would have the illusion that he had met at the beginning of the next year.

He really believed that he once liked this woman, but he couldn't forget the feelings he had for Xu Chenghao now... Especially when Jing Yicheng's constant stimulation, he really couldn't be reconciled to see his villain succeed. !

However, even if he didn't want to, when he got the paternity test to confirm that the child was his grandson, Mr. Ruan still put the name of the registered permanent residence, including the full moon banquet, into the routine, and he had to show off his great-grandson.

Ruan Chenxuan asked tentatively, "What about An Rouyu?"

Mr. Ruan frowned immediately: "Didn't you say yesterday that you wouldn't marry her?"

Ruan Chenxuan was silent.

The old man Ruan looked at her with unsatisfactory eyes: "When I found An Rouyu, in order not to give the child back to the Ruan family, she belonged to Xu Chenghao. I made an agreement with her at the time that as long as I contact Xu Chenghao, she will bear the burden. Stain can never marry into the Ruan family, and she agreed."

Ruan Chenxuan was shocked: "Have you informed Xu Chenghao before?"

Mr. Ruan was also very angry when he said it: "It's not because she insisted that the child belonged to Xu Chenghao!"

Ruan Chenxuan suddenly had an indescribably complicated emotion, and after a long silence he said lightly: "Since she doesn't want to marry, then forget it."

Old Man Ruan nodded with satisfaction: "But for the sake of her giving birth to a child for the Ruan family, the Ruan family will pay her living long as she is not greedy!"

Mr. Ruan didn't like this kind of woman who wanted family background without family background, needed ability but couldn't handle things, couldn't do anything but only pestered men. In particular, it is not the Ruan family's business that the other party bites the child, and it makes the old man Ruan's disgust for her to the top, and he doesn't want his grandson to marry her at all.

So when he said that he was not allowed to marry into the Ruan family if he contacted Xu Chenghao, he was serious!

Ruan Chenxuan looked at the coldness in the old man's eyes, and his heart also became nervous, subconsciously worried about what An Rouyu would do in the future... No! Shouldn't he be worried about the announcement of the relationship between Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng at the Full Moon Banquet?

Ruan Chenxuan was already completely confused, and he always felt that there were two people in his mind, one worried that An Rouyu was thinking of Ruan Chenxuan alone, causing him to be completely out of control.

He even felt that he was schizophrenic, that his once complete self was divided into two souls because of a certain person, both waiting for them.

But the reality is... when he went to ask An Rouyu if he really didn't want to marry him? An Rouyu looked at his eyes with love and hate, but finally nodded again: "Yes, I don't love you and I don't want to marry you, you have so many women who can't have children! You give me back the child! You! Give me back the baby!"

Ruan Chenxuan said: "The child is a premature baby and needs to be cared for in an incubator for three to four weeks before coming out."

"I don't believe it!" An Rouyu seemed to be poked at some sensitive point, her rational string collapsed instantly: "You must not want me to see the child, you must take the child away, give him back to me! Give it back to me! !"

Ruan Chenxuan frowned: "Even if I give it back to you, do you think that with your physical and mental condition, you can take good care of the child? You can't give the child a good living condition, nor can you give the child a future."

Hearing these words in An Rouyu's ears, she almost admitted that she would not give her any more children, she suddenly went crazy and could only cry: "Give me back the child, Ruan Chenxuan, if you have a conscience, you will The child is returned to me, why do you deprive me of the right to take care of the child, you bastards!"

Ruan Chenxuan said patiently: "The child is really in the incubator. He is not as healthy as a full-term child and can't leave the incubator for the time being. If you let him out, you will hurt him!"

An Rou Yujue didn't believe what he said, she stared at her crying eyes and said, "I only want him by my side!"

Ruan Chenxuan felt that her mental state was not right, and only said: "You should rest well first, and when the child is better, you can go to see him."

This sentence made An Rouyu so angry that she couldn't speak, and finally fainted because she was too emotional. Ruan Chenxuan pressed the bed bell to call the doctor urgently. After a series of panic, after learning that the other party's condition was stable, he left helplessly and did not dare to ask any more questions.

And Xu Chenghao was even more direct. The other party's phone number never got through, and even if he heard his voice from an unfamiliar number, he would hang up in seconds.

Sometimes the phone will be handed over to Jing Yicheng when you get bored. Jing Yicheng came forward and said sarcastically, "What? Did you tell us to go for a wedding? We haven't celebrated Mr. Ruan's promotion as a father, so congratulations!"

As long as Ruan Chenxuan thought that this sentence was said by Xu Chenghao, he subconsciously hung up the phone and fled, completely unable to raise any thoughts of fighting back.

It seems that it is all his wishful thinking.

Ruan Chenxuan turned off the phone in frustration, and only smiled bitterly for a while. He suddenly envied Jing Yicheng so much, envied that the other party had Xu Chenghao's company, envied the other party's love for each other, and envied the other party's lover who would care about him wholeheartedly, and actively avoided suitors for him.

really envious...

He's really tired... I wish there was someone to rely on...

Ruan Chenxuan closed his eyes and sighed deeply, envy that he still had to cheer up and continue to face the current muddy water situation.

On the other hand, this deeply envied person dragged Xu Chenghao nervously after hanging up the phone and said, "It's another day before the full moon banquet, you promise me that if my uncle and aunt are not satisfied, you can't abandon me."

Xu Chenghao clapped his hand away: "Are you bothered to ask once a day?"

Jing Yicheng was shocked: "You're starting to think I'm annoying?"

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Jing Yicheng: "Why don't you talk? No, you must say that you won't bother me or abandon me, hurry up!"

Xu Chenghao turned to look at him for a few seconds, and suddenly said, "Are you ready to see my parents in that suit? And I'll take you home after the banquet, have you prepared a present?"

Jing Yicheng took a deep breath: "I'm going to prepare right away!"

Having said that, Jing Yicheng quickly got up and left, and was very active in order to regain his impression points. Xu Chenghao shook his head with a smile, and hurriedly handled the work while his ears were clear.

Then I was annoyed and became an assistant——

Jing Yicheng: "Seeing what color matching my parents wear will make me appear less serious and less detached? What style will I wear to make me appear less solemn and very serious?"

Jing Yicheng: "When I come to see my parents, what gifts should I prepare to be expensive and not upstart? Should I distinguish between my parents' gifts and choose different gifts for them?"

Jing Yicheng: "So what should I prepare for my uncle? Tobacco, wine, tea and paintings? Where's my aunt? Would it be too casual to give my aunt jewelry?"

Jing Yicheng: "The most important thing is, if my uncle and aunt don't like me, how can I get Haohao's heart back!"


The author has something to say: Assistant: Boss, do you want colorful black?