The assistant was silent for a while, trying to push the question back: "Boss, since you are going to see Mr. Xu's parents, you should ask Mr. Xu about what to buy. After all, Mr. Xu is the one who knows his parents best, and he must know everything he likes. "

Jing Yicheng looked back at Xu Chenghao in the office: "No, Haohao dislikes me."


He is also annoyed! !

However, no matter how annoying he is, he can only endure it. Mr. Xu's upright dislike is favored. If he dares to dislike it... he may lose his job.

The assistant could only accept orders in the face of danger, try to sort out the perfect parent meeting plan for Jing Yicheng, and also drew a big red circle on the two items of politeness and humility: "Your reputation in the circle was not very good, so you must Pay attention to the proportions, at least the first meeting should create an illusion for Mr. Xu's parents that the rumors are exaggerated."

Jing Yicheng listened carefully to the class. After talking about the plan to meet the parents, he had to choose gifts. After choosing the gifts, he had to dress up Jing Yicheng himself. Jing Yicheng attaches great importance to it himself, and he cares about a brooch for accessories: "Will this fringe be too public? I need a simple and elegant style."


Really annoying.

After all this tossing and turning, they didn't discuss it when Xu Chenghao came out of the office after get off work. Xu Chenghao felt strange, stood behind and listened silently for a while, and when he heard that Jing Yicheng chose a suit and disliked blue for being too dignified, black was too dull, silver-gray was too frivolous, and brown was not solemn enough, he suddenly understood.

Xu Chenghao suddenly covered his mouth from behind and complained, "Jing Yicheng, do you want colorful black?"

This is simply to say what the assistant did not dare to say. However, the effect of what different people say is different. For example, Xu Chenghao will not turn his face when he complains, and he will explain aggrieved: "It may be because I am nervous and I am not satisfied with what I see."

Xu Chenghao gave him a few glances: "I like it in dark blue."

Jing Yicheng: "Okay."

Xu Chenghao: "My dad prefers tea and china, and my mom likes beauty and jewelry. Gifts can be whatever they like... There's still a month to prepare, so don't worry."

Jing Yicheng: "Okay."

Xu Chenghao continued to look down, but he didn't expect that there was actually a question in the parent's plan, 'how to get back the lover if the parents disagreed', Xu Chenghao almost laughed when he saw it, and said with both amusing and helpless: "Don't worry, as long as you don't do it. I won't abandon you if you do something wrong."

Jing Yicheng frowned: "What is wrong?"

Xu Chenghao: "It's probably cheating or something."

Jing Yicheng breathed a sigh of relief, kissed his hand and affirmed, "I'm definitely not cheating."

Xu Chenghao felt that it was meaningless to say such words now, so he changed the subject and said, "Then everything is almost ready now, let's go home for dinner."

Jing Yicheng closed the computer and agreed very happily: "Okay."

Assistant who has been silent: "..."

It would be great if the boss was so happy just now, this is really a distinction, don't be too obvious!

However, Jing Yicheng doesn't care about human beings other than Xu Chenghao, and in the blink of an eye, he left his assistant behind and followed Xu Chenghao home for dinner. A sense of belonging, warmth and satisfaction.

Watching TV to digest food after meals is a daily activity, Xu Chenghao leaned on the sofa and chatted with Li Nian, looking at each other's travel photos and quickly darkened skin, he envy and complained: "You really have three shades of black, and then bask in the sun. It's bronze."

Li Nian: "Isn't it bad? How manly."

Xu Chenghao: "I'm mainly afraid that you will come back. No one will see you if you put on a suit and work."

Li Nian: "…"

Li Nian: "If you attack my skin again, I will put poison!"

Xu Chenghao: "I've just eaten and I'm not afraid."

Li Nian did not believe in evil and sent dozens of beautiful pictures in a row: "How is it?"

Xu Chenghao: "I seem to know why you are so tired from traveling, and there is no reason to lose weight."

Li Nian: "After hearing what you said, I didn't know whether to be happy or angry for a while [polite but embarrassing smile.jpg]"

Xu Chenghao: "I'm complimenting you, you can choose places to travel, and when you come back, give me a travel guide, and I'll go too."

Li Nian: "You think beautifully, what should the company do if you go on a trip?"

Xu Chenghao: "If you don't give it to me, let Jing Yicheng cut off your expenses."

Li Nian: "... OK, OK, can't you just accept it! Admit defeat!"

Xu Chenghao: "It seems that Mr. Jing's unlimited card is very enjoyable for you to swipe."

Li Nian: "Of course, the feeling of eating a big family is just one word: cool!"

Xu Chenghao: "I'm actually a little jealous..."

Li Nian: "??? No, don't be impulsive, what do you want to do?"

Xu Chenghao: "I'm on the verge of ending your vacation."

Li Nian: "Oh, I haven't turned upside down at this time, my head hurts so much, I fell asleep, I'll talk again when I have time!"

Xu Chenghao: "…"

This trick really works.

Xu Chenghao was speechless and funny. After re-reading the food pictures, he suddenly turned to look at Jing Yicheng.

Jing Yicheng was eating fruit, and when he noticed Xu Chenghao's gaze, the fruit that was about to reach his mouth immediately turned around and handed it to his mouth: "Want to eat?"

Xu Chenghao shook his head.

Jing Yicheng asked carefully: "What's the matter? What did you just chat about?"

Xu Chenghao looked at him with his cheeks: "I was wondering if you have ever traveled...According to your work characteristics and personality, probably not?"

Jing Yicheng didn't expect this to be the problem, so he nodded before admitting: "Yes, in fact, the research institute was not here before. I used to be basically in City B for about twenty years."

Xu Chenghao: "Oh, moved here for An Rouyu?"

Jing Yicheng held back for a while: "...but I'm also very fortunate to have moved here to be with you now."

The love story barely passed, Xu Chenghao did not pursue further investigation, and continued: "Then you have also stayed in two cities, and I will definitely bring you next time I travel."

Jing Yicheng nodded happily, and finally asked, "Haohao, are you caring about me?"

Xu Chenghao: "Otherwise?"

Jing Yicheng said, "Haohao was the first person who cared about my past."

Xu Chenghao was stunned for a while, and suddenly felt a little distressed when he saw his smile: "You make me want to go back and regret not taking you in the future."

Jing Yicheng: "I'm looking forward to it."

This unconsciously exposed vulnerability is the most deadly, and it is impossible to make one's heart harden. Every time Xu Chenghao loses on this side, he can only silently remember this promise, and if he forgets it carelessly, it will make him sad.

After silently adding this note to the memo, Xu Chenghao got up and said, "I'm a little sleepy, so I'm going to sleep first."

Jing Yicheng followed and stood up: "Haohao, are your legs better?"

Xu Chenghao immediately understood what he meant, and said calmly, "You can only keep walking. Excessive exercise will cause your legs to hurt."

Jing Yicheng froze for a moment: "Oh."

Xu Chenghao: "Good night."

Jing Yicheng: "...Good night."

Jing Yicheng watched Xu Chenghao go back to the room and closed the door, and sat in the living room coveting Xu Chenghao's bed... When Haohao's legs were better, he would definitely live in it!

Maybe after meeting the parents~

Thinking of this, Jing Yicheng looked forward to seeing his parents even more. Of course, I am also looking forward to Ruan Chenxuan's children's full moon banquet. After all, this day is the time to meet the parents!

On this side, it was already sweetly going to bedtime, while on the other side, the person who was being talked about by Jing Yicheng had just arrived at the hospital. When he got out of the car, he sneezed and thought he was being blown by the cold wind, so he went straight to the ward without caring. .

When Ruan Chenxuan arrived at the ward, it happened that the doctor was injecting tranquilizers for An Rouyu. The woman in the hospital gown looked even more ugly than before, her pale face was full of tears. The ward is more like being ransacked by robbers, and everything in the mess has been smashed to pieces, and it is completely invisible to the previous appearance.

Ruan Chenxuan stood outside the ward frowning and asked, "What's going on?"

The nurse said helplessly: "This patient left the ward by himself tonight and was found unconscious in the corridor by the nurse on duty. He finally pushed him back to prepare for treatment, but we thought the enemy was extremely uncooperative, so... Mr. Ruan, you'd better persuade a Persuade her. Her current mental state is very poor, and the preliminary identification may be postpartum depression. If she is not willing to cooperate with the treatment, the consequences are really dangerous. "

Ruan Chenxuan: "Is postpartum depression because the child is not around?"

Nurse: "The preliminary judgment is due to social and psychological factors, because the maternal personality characteristics, insufficient psychological preparation before childbirth, maladaptation after childbirth, poor mood in the early postpartum period, and even discord between husband and wife may be induced."

Ruan Chenxuan: "How is it usually treated, try to treat her as much as possible."

Nurse: "It stands to reason that the most recommended is psychotherapy, but her attitude towards us is hostile and defensive, and she cannot open her heart, so Mr. Ruan's cooperation may be required during the treatment."

Ruan Chenxuan said calmly: "She sees me and she doesn't see your emotions fluctuating even more."

The nurse was silent for a few seconds: "Then only drugs and physical therapy are left."

After listening to the physical therapy, Ruan Chenxuan said directly, "Choose drug therapy."

Nurse: "Okay."

After the communication, the nurse turned and left to inform the doctor. Ruan Chenxuan continued to stand outside the door, watching the woman in the ward gradually recovering calm and falling asleep, before turning around and leaving with a sigh.

He got back into the car and drove from his grandfather's residence, the Ruan family's old house to his villa, but his boredom was getting heavier and he didn't want to go back.

When he goes back to his grandfather's place, the other party will definitely reprimand him to see An Rouyu. When he goes back to Ruan's old house, he is too lazy to play with his illegitimate child, but when he goes back to his own home, it will only make him more tired and desolate...

He drove around in the car, only to find that he didn't even belong. He felt like a piece of fallen leaves in the air. He had no belonging or direction, and he couldn't even control his body.

Time gradually passed on the way, and when Ruan Chenxuan came back to his senses, he realized that he had parked his car in the community, and it was a community that he was so familiar with that he could no longer be familiar.

Even in the heavy night, he could see clearly, as if it was here that the man named Jing Yicheng suddenly returned to break the peace of his life. It was as if the pause button had been turned on again, and countless turbulent things had re-pressed on his shoulders, making him what he is now.

He leaned back in the chair tiredly and quietly looked at the floor of the building, trying to distinguish in the darkness which was his and which was Xu Chenghao's, and then fell asleep unconsciously. It wasn't until the early morning honk of a car horn that woke him up.

It's Xu Chenghao's car!

Ruan Chenxuan quickly sobered up and drove to follow him subconsciously. When he saw Xu Chenghao getting off the car at the entrance of the company and preparing to retreat, the car that was supposed to go to the underground garage suddenly turned around and rushed directly in front of him to block his way.