This sentence is both sad and sad, especially when Jing Yicheng said it with a smile and bright eyes, Xu Chenghao was even more distressed when he saw it, and he couldn't help rubbing his face fiercely: "You would say something like that so that I can't go back."

Jing Yicheng's face was twisted, and he struggled: "Of course I can't go back!"

Xu Chenghao suddenly laughed: "You are so ugly."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Xu Chenghao looked at his mouth that was squeezed to the point of pouting, and then looked at the little yellow duck douzui flowerpot placed on the table, and instantly abandoned Jing Yicheng and picked up the little yellow duck douzui flowerpot and said with emotion: "It's not All the toot mouths look good."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

He couldn't help but stretched out his claws to Xu Chenghao, held his cheeks and squeezed: "Pfft—"

Xu Chenghao glared instantly: "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing..." Jing Yicheng squeezed Xu Chenghao's cheek and looked left and right, and in Xu Chenghao's increasingly vigilant gaze, he calmly said, "Of course it's because you are cute."

After thinking about it, Jing Yicheng also added: "In my eyes, you are cuter than the little yellow duck."

Xu Chenghao looked at him with disbelief, and suddenly broke free from Jing Yicheng's pinched face and bit his hand: "Let you laugh at me."

Jing Yicheng didn't feel any pain. When he retracted his hand, he found that there was a shallow circle of teeth marks on the back of his hand. He suddenly looked straight at Xu Chenghao and dropped a kiss on the teeth marks.

Xu Chenghao's ears were inexplicably hot, and he had to pretend to hold the little yellow duck calmly while facing the other party's gaze and walked out: "It's getting late, we should go back to work."

Jing Yicheng's eyes suddenly lit up, as if the door to a new world had been opened, he followed Xu Chenghao all the way at his red ears... Is this shy? Did he flirt with Haohao? It turns out Hao Hao is so shy and cute~~

Jing Yicheng looked more and more cute and liked the more he looked. He didn't hold back his eyes at all. He stared at Xu Chenghao's whole body and heated up quickly. When he almost ignited spontaneously, he finally couldn't help: "You drive!"

Jing Yicheng: "Well, I'll drive."

Xu Chenghao couldn't help but raised the little yellow duck tootsout flowerpot and knocked on his head: "You should go!"

Jing Yicheng took a deep breath, and when he regained his senses, he realized that he subconsciously sat in the back seat with Xu Chenghao, and he really couldn't drive. He rubbed his forehead, put his hands on the cab and the back of the co-pilot's seat and jumped straight to the front, turned the key and looked at the empty co-pilot, only to realize later: "Haohao, don't you sit in the front? "

Xu Chenghao coldly refused: "No, I want to rest in the back."

Jing Yicheng: "It's fine up front, I'll help you level the seat."

Xu Chenghao: "No."

Jing Yicheng was helpless, and could only quietly adjust the rearview mirror, trying to find a position where he could see Xu Chenghao.

Xu Chenghao: "You drive well!"

Jing Yicheng: "...Oh."

After being reprimanded, Jing Yicheng finally became honest and started to drive silently. Although he wanted to drive to the company as soon as possible, he was worried that Xu Chenghao would not rest properly in the back, so he could only control his heart to step on the accelerator and drive the car as smoothly as possible.

The usual 20-minute journey was literally turned into 35 and a half minutes, Xu Chenghao almost fell asleep, and only opened his eyes when he felt the car stopped. However, the rest is indeed better, Xu Chenghao will not get sleepy in the afternoon and handle things more smoothly.

After a busy day, when he got off work, Xu Chenghao didn't remember the appointment. Looking at the scene of the car driving by, he thought he was going to be abducted: "Where are you driving?"

Jing Yicheng: "Didn't you make an appointment for a physical examination?"

Xu Chenghao: "...I really made an appointment."

Jing Yicheng: "When did I make a joke about you?"

Although Xu Chenghao was very moved by this sentence, he couldn't laugh at the current situation, especially when he thought about going home after the inspection, he was even more nervous.

After all, he has never eaten pork before...

With this feeling of nervousness, resistance and a little excitement, Xu Chenghao was directly told by the doctor after checking his body: "Mr. Xu is not suitable for strenuous exercise at this time."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

At this moment, the two of them showed unanimous disappointment, and asked in unison, "When can we?"

The doctor said: "It should be low-intensity activity at 3 months, and it will take at least half a year for full recovery."

Jing Yicheng showed his high IQ at this moment and frowned: "You mean fitness exercise?"

"Of course." The doctor agreed as a matter of course. After seeing his face, he immediately reacted and coughed lightly: "It's not impossible if it's another exercise, but young people still have to restrain, um, restraint."

Jing Yicheng asked, "That's okay?"

Doctor: "Yes."

Jing Yicheng only wanted this answer. After hearing it, he immediately abandoned the doctor and left the hospital with Xu Chenghao and the examination report.

Xu Chenghao was a little nervous when he saw the speed at which he was driving, and reminded: "Slow down, slow down!"

Jing Yicheng said quietly: "I think you said this at night, so you can't slow down."

Xu Chenghao also said quietly: "Why do you think you are on top!"

Jing Yicheng: "My physical strength is better than yours."

Xu Chenghao: "It's not good for this kind of thing to take too long?"

Jing Yicheng: "Then my waist and abdomen are stronger than yours."

Xu Chenghao: "No!" He has a strong waist!

Jing Yicheng continued to think: "But your legs are not yet complete, so they are not suitable for them."

Xu Chenghao turned his face: "Then let's wait until I'm completely healed."

Jing Yicheng immediately coaxed: "Okay, let you be on top."

Xu Chenghao questioned: "Really?"

Jing Yicheng: "I never lie to you."

Xu Chenghao thinks about it too. When he thinks that he can be the crazy and violent villain in the **** book, he feels a little emotional and gets excited quickly!

The sense of anticipation successfully replaced the sense of tension, Xu Chenghao went home and deliberately ate more to replenish his strength in order to perform well at night, and then... there was no more.

Jing Yicheng spent one night telling him how many poses he could have on it. What was even more irritating was that the other party would ask him every time he bumped into it: "Are you tired on the top? Well? Be nice next time, okay?"

Xu Chenghao sneered in his heart, do you want another time? no way!

As soon as he woke up the next day, Xu Chenghao kicked Jing Yicheng out of the bedroom. Jing Yicheng was standing at the door in his shorts and was picking up clothes. When he saw the door open again and was about to coax people, he was directly hit by a small yellow duck with a pillow. face.

Yes, the little yellow duck pillow was also disliked.

Jing Yicheng wanted to laugh and felt angry, Haohao was also cute, so he could only helplessly pick up his clothes, hug the little yellow duck and go back to the room to clean up first.

In the bedroom, Xu Chenghao closed the door and fell directly on the bed, wrapped in a quilt and said angrily in his heart, "I want to complain to the system that you sold me fakes!

[Ding - System No. 2333 must declare that all products produced by the universe are high-quality products, and there is no such thing as fakes. 】

Xu Chenghao was so angry that he beat the bed: But my back hurts!

The system was silent for a while, and for the first time sent out a humanized emotion——[Maybe this is because Tian Hao can't hold back his strength. 】

Xu Chenghao: "..."

[Ding - After the No. 2333 system test, you cannot get up without this waist, so the strong waist is not a fake, the complaint is dismissed! 】

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Well, he doesn't want to talk anymore, let him be alone.


When Jing Yicheng picked the lock and came in, Xu Chenghao was already asleep. It was the first time for this kind of thing, not to mention that he was still enduring this on it. It was already very powerful to have the ability to get up and drive Jing Yicheng away. After all, Jing Yicheng's physical strength... really can only be described as terrifying.

Although Jing Yicheng will feel distressed, he will not change it. He kisses the sleeping person happily, unmutes the other party's alarm clock, and even specifically instructs his aunt not to tell him to sleep until he wakes up naturally, and then go to work by himself.

Let Haohao rest enough and he shouldn't be angry.

Thinking of this, Jing Yicheng became more and more energetic in handling official business, and he had no idea that Xu Chenghao was awakened just after he left.

No matter how much he arranges, it can't compare to Li Nianyi's voice: "Where's Xu Chenghao!!"

The aunt who was cleaning was startled and said quickly, "Mr. Xu is still sleeping, so don't make any noise."

Li Nian was surprised: "It's still ten minutes before he goes to work, but he can't afford it? No wonder I wanted to block his car halfway, but he didn't. If he can't, he has to get up!"

After speaking, Li Nian raised the volume again and shouted at the bedroom: "Xu Chenghao get up!!!"

Auntie: "Because Mr. Jing said let Mr. Xu rest and sleep until he wakes up naturally!"

The two of them spoke almost at the same time, but Auntie's words were longer, so she was a little behind. When Li Nian reacted, she said in horror, "Auntie, what did you just say?"

The aunt said helplessly, "Mr. Jing said to let Mr. Xu sleep until he wakes up naturally."

Li Nian was silent for two seconds, then picked up the salute and walked out: "I'm sorry auntie, I may have gone to the wrong door without being awake all night, I'm really sorry, I'll leave right now, goodbye!"

"Li Nian!"

Before taking two steps, Xu Chenghao's voice came clearly from the bedroom, saying word by word, "Dare to walk and try!"

Li Nian: "..."

Although Xu Chenghao didn't have the energy to get up, he was very irritable when he was suddenly awakened when he was tired and sleeping. When he came out in his pajamas, he had low air pressure on his body. Now, here's a chance for you to save yourself."

Li Nian surrendered with both hands: "Yes, yes, the salutes I brought today are all gifts for you."

Xu Chenghao let go: "Open me first to see what's going on, and consider whether to forgive you or not."

Li Nian immediately opened the suitcase: "Look, all of them are the local iconic gifts I collected, including food collections."

Xu Chenghao squatted down to check, Li Niangang was about to squat down to introduce something, and suddenly discovered something, he stood up straight and pointed out aloud: "Damn, is someone cupping the back of your neck with your mouth???"

Xu Chenghao: "..."