Seeing that Xu Chenghao didn't speak, Li Nian thought he had a guilty conscience, and suddenly became more and more excited and directly played on his upper body: "Oh my god, you called me Xiao Tiantian before I went on a trip, but I didn't expect you to come back with Biren... Oh I really can't say it."

Xu Chenghao glared at him: "Shut up!"

Li Nian immediately covered his chest: "You murdered me, you actually murdered me for a cupping, oh I can't believe that you are such a ruthless man, I knew I would never let you get me and call me sweetie , I officially announce that we are unlocked, and I will no longer be your sweetheart."

Xu Chenghao raised his hand suddenly, so frightened Li Nian hurriedly took two steps back and said, "What are you doing? Do you still have the strength to hit me like this last night?"

Xu Chenghao really didn't have the strength to hit him, but he was more lethal. He shook the phone in his hand and said, "It's Jing Yicheng who is cupping. If you really have an opinion, I'll call him, what would you say in person?"

Li Nian was originally a coward to Jing Yicheng, but now he is short-handed just after the trip. It is estimated that the meeting and conversation are all empty, not to mention the opinion. This threat just stabbed him in the heart and directly cowards: "Don't, don't do it. Don't, it's wrong, wrong..."

Xu Chenghao raised his phone and asked, "Have you done enough?"

Li Nian bowed his head honestly: "Enough is enough."

Xu Chenghao: "Do you still dare?"

Li Nian: "I don't dare."

Xu Chenghao: "Are you still talking?"

Li Nian: "No more."

Xu Chenghao sneered, quite proud that he dared to fight with me. As a result, Li Nian was honest and couldn't hold back his gossip for a long time, and wentssip said while looking at the gift: "You and Jing Yicheng are progressing so fast?"

Xu Chenghao looked at the gift, absent-mindedly thanking him.

Li Nian coughed lightly and continued to gossip: "Which one of you is up there?"

Xu Chenghao remembered that he was angry last night, and said impatiently, "What do you think?"

Li Nian suddenly understood: "I know, I know."

Xu Chenghao was a little strange: "What do you know?"

Li Nian: "Whoever is at home is the one below."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Xu Chenghao dropped the gift unhappy: "Yes, you guessed it right."

Li Nian wanted to laugh again and held it back, then coughed lightly and comforted: "It doesn't matter if you are pressed down, it's so tiring that the people above have to exert their strength."

Xu Chenghao scorned: "Do you think the following people are not tired? Single dog!"

Li Nian: "..."

The two were not happy when they hurt each other. Li Nian said helplessly: "Why are we doing this? It's better to look to the future than hurting each other..."

Li Nian said that he brought the topic back, but this time it was much more serious: "You and Jing Yicheng are like this, so you haven't thought about the follow-up development?"

Xu Chenghao said, "Yes, in a few days it will be the full moon banquet for Ruan Chenxuan's son. I plan to take him to see his parents to give him a name."

Li Nian: "???"

Li Nian forced: "Wait a minute, there is a lot of information in this sentence... What is Ruan Chenxuan's son? When did he make a mistake?"

Xu Chenghao said calmly, "It was An Rouyu's time, didn't I tell you that she was going abroad with the ball? I don't know why she was suddenly discovered by Mr. Ruan a few days ago and was forced to bring her back. Now An Rouyu is in the hospital. There is a 90% chance that the child will return to the Ruan family, and the remaining 10% may be a blind cat and a dead mouse."

Li Niandao: "What shocked me the most was that Mr. Ruan actually accepted the child... It stands to reason that old feudalists like them should hate the behavior of having children before marriage?"

Xu Chenghao: "That's not the case. Old Man Ruan's feudal point is that he favors sons over daughters, so he accepts children."

Li Nian was speechless: "There are too many slots and no mouth."

Xu Chenghao: "Yeah, this whole incident is too much to talk about."

Li Nian asked, "Then Ruan Chenxuan has airborne his son, is he still pestering you?"

Xu Chenghao: "At least a lot less than before."

Li Nian clicked his tongue twice: "This is really one thing falling into another."

Xu Chenghao agreed, and the two talked about the full moon banquet. Seeing that the time was about to reach eleven o'clock, Xu Chenghao asked Li Nian if he wanted to stay for dinner.

Li Niangang wanted to nod his head, but after thinking about it, he hesitated, "Where's Jing Yicheng? Is he coming back for dinner in the morning?"

Xu Chenghao said: "He left a text message saying that he would go to the company to help me with official business, and would come back to eat with me at noon."

Li Nian was choked by a handful of dog food and didn't want to say anything, so he got up and said: "The gift is delivered, I'll go home and rest for two days. After I finish the jet lag, I'll go to work for a maximum of a week, bye~"

Xu Chenghao shouted at his back, "Aren't you going to stay for dinner?"

Li Niantou didn't reply, "I'm afraid that what I leave to eat will not be rice but dog food."

Xu Chenghao helplessly watched the other party leave, and finally had time to wash and change his pajamas. When brushing his teeth, he looked at himself in the glasses and found that there were only a few hickey marks in front of him and even his collarbone, which could be covered by wearing clothes. But when he turned sideways and barely took a photo of the back, he found a large hickey spread from behind the ear to the collar, and the crimson was dense. No wonder Li Nian became the cupping cup.

Why do you have to kiss in the back? Xu Chenghao frowned and went to the cloakroom to change his clothes, but when he changed from casual clothes to suits and found that he couldn't hide the hickey on the back of his neck no matter what, he immediately understood why Jing Yicheng did this.

This thing definitely made him unable to hide it on purpose!

Xu Chenghao was angry and funny, he didn't know whether to say he was possessive or whether he liked to show off as a child.

No, I haven't settled the account with him for what happened last night, and now I've fixed some of these things. I have to make him suffer a little, otherwise he will be unbalanced.

Thinking that Xu Chenghao directly took out all the deformed peppers that he had treasured for a long time, and handed it over to his aunt, he solemnly warned: "Be sure to stir fry!"

Auntie: "...really don't let anything go?"

Xu Chenghao: "Yes! You can fry these chili peppers, just one plate per meal."

Auntie: "...Okay, okay."

When Jing Yicheng came back, the stir-fried red pepper was just out of the pot, and the choking spicy smell wafted out of the kitchen and poured into the nose, causing Jing Yicheng's heart to slam and have an ominous premonition.

At this time, Xu Chenghao was already sitting in the dining room and waiting. Because he didn't eat in the morning, his aunt specially warmed porridge and asked him to pad his stomach first, so as not to eat too greasy and upset his stomach.

Jing Yicheng sat directly beside Xu Chenghao and said warmly, "Has Haohao slept well?"

Xu Chenghao said angrily, "What do you think?"

Just as Jing Yicheng was about to speak, he saw his aunt holding a plate of red chili peppers in front of him, delivering two steamed buns and saying with a smile, "The dishes are ready, let's eat quickly."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

Okay, he knew that Haohao was in a bad mood.

Jing Yicheng didn't need Xu Chenghao to speak, he consciously picked up his chopsticks to eat chili peppers, and comforted himself in the bitterness - compared to eating raw chili peppers and stir-frying them into a dish, at least it had a fragrance, and it was not bad to have steamed buns to eat. So Jing Yicheng ate it willingly, and even went to the CD in order to make Xu Chenghao calm down.

However, Xu Chenghao didn't buy it. When he came back in the afternoon, he still had chili and steamed buns, and what was even more terrifying was that he was not allowed to enter the bedroom after eating! !

Everything else can be said, but it is absolutely unbearable not to sleep with Haohao. Jing Yicheng listened to Hao Hao on the bed, took advantage of Xu Chenghao's wash and locked the lock, took a bath together, and returned to bed with Xu Chenghao contentedly.

Then the next day's lunch changed to wowotou and raw chili... That's right, the stir-fried chili was gone, and the raw chili was served directly, simple and clear.

After eating like this for a day, Jing Yicheng actually picked the lock again at night!

Xu Chenghao was already prepared, and when he saw him coming in, he grabbed the pillow and beat him: "You can't finish, you can't finish!"

Jing Yicheng closed the door, while leaning against the door and beating him, he quietly locked the door behind him. After Xu Chenghao was tired, he hugged him gently and whispered, "How can this kind of thing end? I can't wait to die on you."

Xu Chenghao gave him an angry look: "Isn't the sperm on the brain?"

Jing Yicheng didn't speak, just kissed Xu Chenghao's earlobe, habitually kissing down behind his ear.

Xu Chenghao shrank his neck, frowned and said, "I'm going to the company tomorrow, no prints are allowed."

When Jing Yicheng heard the words, he immediately increased his strength and sucked hard, leaving a complete and clear hickey before continuing to kiss with a successful smile. While leaving a hickey, he was not honest. His hands would always dip into his clothes and slide up his back. Occasionally, after touching Xu Chenghao's soft legs in front of him, he could do whatever he wanted.

Sometimes people are like this. He has no expectations for something he has never tried, and even if everyone tells him that it is very good, he is not interested. But when one day he broke his precept and tasted the taste of this thing, it was as if the door to a new world had been opened, and he would never go out of this door no matter what, wishing to live in the present.

Jing Yicheng is like that.

What's more, he likes Xu Chenghao very much, and he can't resist his unconscious hooking and temptation, nor can he resist his moaning and shyness. Even if it was Chili Pepper and Wowotou who greeted him the next day, he would have to possess Xu Chenghao, looking at the other side he showed for himself, madly.

Therefore, Jing Yicheng's bedding style has always been from gentle and lingering to crazy and fierce, because Xu Chenghao can go crazy when he is emotional.

Xu Chenghao sometimes begged for mercy, but he gave up immediately after finding that begging would stimulate the other party more. Sometimes he also bites Jing Yicheng's shoulder, the most ruthless one is that the bleeding still hasn't healed, but... Jing Yicheng is a lunatic, he will only be more excited when he is bitten!

Xu Chenghao was speechless and even wanted to give up the treatment. Although he also thinks this is normal for lovers, it promotes the relationship between lovers, and he also enjoys the process, but—— his **** hurts!

The consequence of someone's intemperance is not only that the two of them die together, but his **** hurts!

So Xu Chenghao was very unhappy, and the chili-eating activity at home has never stopped, because Xu Chenghao's idea is - you make my **** hurt, and I will make your **** hurt too.

The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao: Come on, hurt each other!

I actually saw someone say that the old driver Li Nian didn't get in the car. How could he not understand? Of course, he pointed out loudly to facilitate gossip hahahaha