Prompted by mutual harm, the deformed chili peppers in the family quickly bottomed out at a rate of one hundred per day, which is also enough to prove how greedy someone is.

Xu Chenghao was originally worried that the peppers would not be enough. Fortunately, after six days passed and it was time to harvest the peppers, the red peppers in the greenhouse were hanging on the pepper seedlings. There are a lot of prosperous ones.

Xu Chenghao was looking forward to it. After the start-up machinery was all harvested, he spread the peppers on the table and counted both sides carefully. There were still no number of deformed peppers, but the number was considerable. Whole peppers were lower than estimated, with a total of 187 peppers harvested.

This time the harvest still did not reach 205. Xu Chenghao swept all the peppers into the cloth bag, and was very worried that he would not be able to complete the 4.0 task according to this development.

There are still two chances, and there is still 427. If on average, it must reach 214 each time. It is more difficult than 205, and the probability of completion will be less...

Xu Chenghao put the seed in the machine and watched it automatically shuttle in the greenhouse for a while, thinking about whether there was not enough space in the greenhouse, and he needed to expand the area to increase the output.

"Quack quack~~~" The group of ducks suddenly appeared, and the little yellow duck with the Q bomb shook its body spiritually, bursting out a large area of ​​fountain, and began to irrigate the freshly planted pepper seeds.

Xu Chenghao returned to his senses slightly, and turned his head to see Jing Yicheng coming over at an unknown time, helping him complete the last planting task.

Xu Chenghao stared at him.

Jing Yicheng also looked at him seriously: "What's the matter? What do you want to say?"

Xu Chenghao: "I'm have to pay the fruits of your labor after eating so many chili peppers."

Jing Yicheng lowered his voice and said, "Don't I work every night?"

Xu Chenghao immediately tugged at his ears, gritted his teeth and said, "I told you to stop looking at the messy things, let's see what you have learned."

Jing Yicheng followed his hand and leaned in front of him, rubbed his forehead to reassure him: "Okay, I won't say it, then Haohao will work as he wants."

Xu Chenghao couldn't look directly at the word "work", and said after a long silence, "I just want you to grow peppers... I don't seem to have enough space in my greenhouse."

Jing Yicheng immediately recommended: "My research institute has just been changed to agricultural machinery, and there are many places where research can be grown."

Xu Chenghao: "I think so too. I'll give you some seeds later, so you can plant them first, and when they bear fruit, give me all the little peppers you harvest."

Jing Yicheng was reluctant to be alone: ​​"You also come with me."

Xu Chenghao turned over the old accounts: "Didn't you say that I can't get in where you work? I think it's okay, you can go by yourself."

"The ones that are not allowed to enter have been closed, and now you can enter." Jing Yicheng flattered: "You can enter, you can enter as you like."

Xu Chenghao was a little curious himself, and after being coaxed by Jing Yicheng, he agreed in the last half push, and before the lunch break was over, he went to the legendary research institute with Jing Yicheng.

The location is as remote as imagined, but the area is very large, and there are layers of checkpoints around it, and it takes twenty minutes to enter the door. There is a sign of agricultural machinery on the left side of the entrance of the institute, and a slogan on the right saying that noble people should not enter.

Xu Chenghao read the slogan and guessed whether someone often came to Jing Yicheng, hoping that he would return to his original research institute. Likely.

After opening the door and entering the research institute, the interior decoration was dazzlingly white and completely indifferent. For a moment Xu Chenghao thought he had come to the hospital. It's so similar.

Jing Yicheng took people all the way to his office. The decoration style remained the same, but the color changed from reflective white to dull black. The whole room was dark, and he looked depressed when the lights were not turned on.

Xu Chenghao frowned: "I don't like this color."

Jing Yicheng turned on the light and replied, "Okay, I'll change it right away."

Xu Chenghao stood in front of the window, pulling the blinds to look out: "Is the entire institute outside in a white room and dark? Are you sure they will be in a good mood when they study?"

Jing Yicheng stood behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, looked out along the gap that was pulled open, and said calmly: "No, this is just the environment I used to be used to, their own office and dormitory are all It is up to you to decide what to do.”

Xu Chenghao turned to look at him, "You used to like black?"

Jing Yicheng hesitated and said, "I can hide myself after turning off the lights."

Xu Chenghao didn't speak. He was supported on the back of his head as soon as he turned around. Jing Yicheng asked, "Haohao, do you have anything to say?"

Xu Chenghao: "No."

Jing Yicheng was instantly wronged: "Why don't you comfort me?"

Xu Chenghao: "You are doing so well now, comfort your **** and let go!"

Jing Yicheng not only refused to let go, but also held Xu Chenghao's head on the back of his head, not allowing him to hide from himself to seek comfort. Sometimes it's easy to get off the hook with a kiss, especially in the environment that Jing Yicheng was most familiar with and thought he was the darkest in the past. He would be extremely excited, kissing the **** that suddenly held Xu Chenghao, and hugged him directly.

Xu Chenghao was startled, his legs subconsciously hooked his waist, and he said nervously: "What are you doing! This is your office!"

Jing Yicheng muttered: "It's my office that makes me excited, Haohao, I want to possess you here."

Xu Chenghao was angry and speechless: "Aren't you afraid that someone will come in?"

Jing Yicheng: "I locked the door."

Xu Chenghao: "Aren't you afraid of the sound coming out?"

Jing Yicheng: "Don't worry, our sound insulation effect is very strong."

Xu Chenghao finally struggled: "You don't have a rest room here!"

Jing Yicheng chuckled lightly: "It doesn't matter, there are still many places."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

He doesn't want to know what places are there!

Xu Chenghao's reason told himself that he must not be allowed to mess around, otherwise, what would he do if he had **** anytime, anywhere. But in fact, bed affairs can't be handled rationally at all, especially when it comes to this kind of thing, Jing Yicheng is always domineering and tough and won't back down.

Xu Chenghao's words gradually became fragmented, and turned into a moan that was enough to make Jing Yicheng go crazy, a low hoarse voice, and even a weak muffled sound with hooks.

Jing Yicheng's bones were brittle, wishing that he would love him so much that he would always make this kind of voice for himself, and let him bloom under him forever.

This is probably the most intense time they have been together. Jing Yicheng stayed in the environment he hated the most, but had the person he liked the most. His brain was as high as eating an excitement pill. fell asleep.

After finishing everything by himself, Jing Yicheng lightly placed the person on the sofa, helped him organize his clothes carefully, covered his coat, and cleaned the traces left in the house before leaving the office with the pepper seeds.

Since the institute was closed and replaced with agricultural machinery, everyone has been busy growing mushrooms. The busyness just now was just to make a good impression on the boss's lover. When they entered the office, they all collapsed and gathered together in twos and threes. gossip.

Someone said: "Have you seen the boss's lover? It's not surprising that you can win the boss on this condition.

"What's the matter? It is said that this President Xu is very capable. He is one of the best in a family of hundreds of billions of wealth. Who doesn't like this condition?"

"When two people who are not short of money get together, it must be true love."

"Of course, have you forgotten why our institute is closed? Chongguan is angry with Lanyan."

"I couldn't figure out why the boss with a serious back bone was eaten by the other party, but now I can understand... If I have this kind of baby bump, I will definitely pamper, protect, love, and not touch anyone."

When the voice fell, the audience suddenly stopped. The speaker was stunned and suddenly had a bad premonition. When he turned his head and saw that he was almost scared to death, he automatically stood up and saluted: "Hello boss!"

Jing Yicheng stared at him coldly, and did not speak for a long time.

The gossip scene, which was still hot just now, suddenly fell to freezing point, and the chill from a certain large iceberg could not wait to freeze them all in place.

Just when everyone was sweating for the speaker, Jing Yicheng said blankly, "You don't."

Everyone: "???"

Jing Yicheng: "He is mine."

Everyone: "..."

Okay, we don't really have this kind of baby bump, it's yours, it's yours, you can go!

But after Jing Yicheng really left, everyone couldn't help but whisper: "Boss seems to be in a good mood?"

"I must be in a good mood if I didn't do it... And why do I always feel like I was just showing off?"

"Don't delve into it, the more you think, the closer you are to dog food."

Everyone: "..."

How do you feel like you're done eating?

Just when everyone wondered if they had eaten dog food, Jing Yicheng took the pepper seeds to an open area that was rarely used in the research institute. After planting peppers with machinery, he called for people to circle the area and erect it. After the cards were not allowed to be touched by anyone, he returned to the office.

Xu Chenghao was so tired that he slept very deeply, even Li Nian's phone call didn't wake him up. When Jing Yicheng came back, it happened that Li Nian made the second call. After he connected, Li Nian's loud voice exploded, and he said excitedly: "Xu Chenghao, you finally answered the phone! You have no news for an afternoon because you want to scare me to death. Isn't it! Why didn't you answer the phone just now?"

Jing Yicheng said coldly, "It's me."

Li Nian suddenly choked on the spit words that followed, and after a long while, he recovered from the choking, and while he was glad that he didn't say anything messy, he said embarrassingly: "It turned out to be Mr. Jing...cough, then we are not talking to you. together?"

Jing Yicheng said rudely, "Yes, what are you doing?"

Li Nian said calmly: "Oh, I have nothing to do... It's just that Mr. Xu's mother came to the company and wanted to talk to Mr. Xu about something."

The author has something to say: Li Nian: I don't believe that you dare to detain people!