So under the shock of moving back to the Xu family's old house, another night passed safely.

Xu Chenghao lay on the soft big bed and slept happily. When he woke up in the morning, he had another day without back pain. Although Jing Yicheng didn't complain, he picked up a pen and crossed out one day from the desk calendar, obviously looking forward to the punishment.

If you don't count today, there are still two days left.

Jing Yicheng rubbed his fists every day, looking forward to the time to pass quickly, and finally got to the end with his fingers, and ran to pick the lock of the bedroom in the early morning of the same day.

In the dark, Xu Chenghao lay on the bed unprepared and slept. Jing Yicheng locked the door and went to bed in one go. The public food he had accumulated for a week finally had a place to release. Xu Chenghao fell asleep and was abruptly woken up, and shouted unsteadily, "Jing Yicheng."

"It's me." Worried that Xu Chenghao was afraid, Jing Yicheng turned on the night light and kissed him in the not-so-bright light: "Haohao... A week of punishment has passed, and I'm here to pay the public food."

Xu Chenghao was unhappy: "Are you in such a hurry? Can't you do it tomorrow?"

Jing Yicheng: "It's one o'clock in the morning, it's already tomorrow."

Xu Chenghao wanted to say something, but was knocked into a broken voice, hummed in a muffled voice, and a thin water light quickly flashed in his eyes.

Jing Yicheng was obsessed with his emotions, the originally gentle movements suddenly became violent and hasty, and the conversation between the two could not continue in the intense movement. Although Xu Chenghao's refusal could be heard occasionally, the words were shattered before they could be completed. , submerged in a groan.

And then... thanks to Jing Yicheng's blessing, Xu Chenghao saw the rising sun even though he was tired.

The hungry man is irrational. He pressed Xu Chenghao against the window and asked Xu Chenghao to enjoy the sunrise. When the warm orange sunlight shone on his skin, Xu Chenghao's goosebumps arose, but he didn't have the strength to refuse, so he could only let the other side bully him.

When he fainted, Xu Chenghao had only one thought in his mind - men can't be hungry! ! !

This can be regarded as shooting himself in the foot. Xu Chenghao's spirit and energy after resting for a week was almost ruined overnight, and he didn't even get out of bed the next day, but it was even worse than before.

Thinking of this, Xu Chenghao felt uncomfortable and wanted to get angry, so he sat up suddenly and said angrily, "Auntie pack my things for me, I want to go back to my hometown!

The door was opened with a click, Jing Yicheng walked in with the bowl in his hand, and said warmly, "You don't have the strength right now, come here and eat something first."

Xu Chenghao got angry when he saw him, lay down again and pulled the quilt to cover his head: "Don't eat, I'll starve to death, you are the culprit and murderer!"

Jing Yicheng dug the person out of the quilt, held the spoon in his arms and brought the spoon to his mouth: "Be good, you can't be angry with your body."

Xu Chenghao took a hard bite at his hand holding the spoon, "You are a bastard!"

Jing Yicheng was helpless, put the porridge in the spoon into his mouth, bowed his head and kissed Xu Chenghao and fed it himself. Xu Chenghao tried to push him, but the two people who didn't match the force value were completely an overwhelming victory for Jing Yicheng. In the end, Xu Chenghao said that it was useless for him to drink, and Jing Yicheng turned a deaf ear and finished the porridge one by one.

After he was full, Xu Chenghao nestled in the man's arms and began to regret every day, regretting why he didn't drink porridge honestly, regretting why he had to punish him for a week, regretting... regretting why he wanted to find Jing Yicheng as a boyfriend, hum!

Xu Chenghao regained his strength, suddenly broke free from Jing Yicheng's embrace and went to wash up. He asked across the door, "Did you go to the company?"

Jing Yicheng leaned on the door frame and waited for him to come out: "Haohao today is Saturday."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

So this product has been waiting for an opportunity for a long time!

Xu Chenghao was so angry that he rolled his eyes at the mirror, and after he got out of the shower, he started picking out clothes. After Jing Yicheng chose a piece of home clothes in the back, regardless of Xu Chenghao's resistance, he carried the person back to the bedroom and changed clothes very quickly.

Xu Chenghao kicked him angrily: "You are a bastard! You are starting to bully me now!"

Jing Yicheng caught his foot, lifted it up and kissed: "Well, I only bully you alone."

"Sweet words are useless!" Xu Chenghao retracted his feet, sat up and said, "I don't care if I'm feeling sick now, I want to go back to the Xu family's old house for a few days."

Jing Yicheng said calmly, "Are Haohao sure?"

Xu Chenghao choked, he really wasn't sure... Jing Yicheng was as mad as he wanted to be when it came to bed, and he never listened to him. This time, I was hungry for a week and I wanted to swallow him in my stomach. If I came back a few times, I would really be able to go to heaven.

Xu Chenghao was a little cowardly and angry, sitting on the bed aggrieved and sulking. He found that Jing Yicheng had changed, and the cute little loyal dog in the past had now turned into a big wolf dog that could bite and threaten him... It's really not cute anymore!

Jing Yicheng patted his head, "Don't be angry, I'll give you a massage, okay? Waist or leg? Does your **** still hurt? I've prepared some medicine. If it hurts, apply it."

Xu Chenghao clapped his hand away: "I feel bad now."

Jing Yicheng laughed, and took the person into his arms and comforted him carefully: "This time it's just that the public grain has been piled up for too long, so I'm so tired. In the future, as long as the public grain is handed in on time, it will definitely not happen."

"You are still threatening me." Xu Chenghao said unhappily: "Jing Yicheng, you have changed. Now you not only don't listen to me, but also dare to threaten me to death! You are not cute at all now!"

Jing Yicheng said, "But Hao Hao is cute, especially when he's sulking."

Xu Chenghao was so angry that he didn't want to speak, so he got up to stay away from him. Jing Yicheng hurriedly took it back and hugged him tightly: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I mean Haohao is cute, she is cute if she is angry or not."

Xu Chenghao was wronged: "Jing Yicheng, I hate you!"

Jing Yicheng said, "It's okay, I love you."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

This conversation is a little off.

No matter, Xu Chenghao felt uncomfortable when he was not feeling well. He raised his head and bit Jing Yicheng's cheek, leaving a circle of teeth marks, and then kicked him several times.

Jing Yicheng said distressedly: "Your feet are red... Haohao, you should bite me when you are angry, or you will hurt yourself when you hit me, and I feel distressed when you see it."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

Self-esteem hurt, run away from home!

Xu Chenghao's furious appearance is so cute, Jing Yicheng wants to laugh and soften his heart when he sees it, he comforts him patiently over and over again, and can't wait to bring the other side of his face over and let him take a bite.

He didn't know if others were annoyed by their tantrums, but when he saw Xu Chenghao's tantrums at him, showing that outsiders had never seen him hide behind a gentle mask, he would feel very good and feel safe.

Because when the other party is willing to show you the bad side, he trusts and relies on you. He has no pretense and lives in front of you very easily, which can better show that he is sincere to you. So Jing Yicheng can't wait for Xu Chenghao's temper to come at him, anyway, he treats his temper as a spoiled child, and he likes it very much.

In the afternoon of the same day, an account of Jing Yicheng, which had not been active for 800 years, was suddenly updated. In the photo, only half of his cheeks were exposed. Apart from the cold and sharp jaw line, the teeth marks were the most noticeable! The accompanying text is three simple words: so cute.

Everyone who heard the wind: Huh? ? ? Isn't that bragging about yourself? ? ?

If you praise yourself for being cute, you don't know how much you position yourself. Everyone directly ruled out this idea, and after a long while of researching the photos, they finally determined... Jing Yicheng came here to show his affection!

People say that the teeth marks are cute, and the people who leave the teeth marks are cute. As for the person who can make Jing Yicheng so praised, besides the person who can make Jing Yicheng close the research institute and get tired of being together with babies every day, who else can be!

Because of the study of mostly single people: "..."

Suddenly feeling sad, Jing Yicheng, as a leader in the research world, has more hair than them, and he actually found a boyfriend one step ahead! This is simply too much, and there is absolutely no way for people to live!

However, no matter how outraged, no one dared to say a word when they really commented. ’

Zuo He also replied quietly: The two gentlemen are in a good relationship, I wish 99.

I just wanted to flatter me, but not long after I replied, Jing Yicheng's assistant directly knocked on his account and asked, "Are there?"

Zuo He didn't wait for the other party to ask questions, and took the lead in replying: "I swear I really didn't say anything bad to Mr. Xu that day, I just hope that Mr. Xu can help me to get mercy from Mr. Jing, and I don't care about anything else. Don't say anything!"


Assistant: "I think you misunderstood. I'm just here to inform you that the boss is in a good mood today and exempt the captain and all the executors from the follow-up punishment. The rest is up to you."

Zuo He looked at the news from his mobile phone, and didn't close his mouth for a long while in shock: "Really? Thank you, Mr. Jing, thank you assistant!"

Assistant: "You should thank Mr. Xu the most, because only he will be happy when he is at the boss."

Zuo He: "Thank you, Mr. Xu!!"

He knew that Xu Chenghao held a great deal of weight in Jing Yicheng's heart, and he knew that if he asked for it, he would definitely gain something. It's just that I didn't expect the surprise to come so quickly, and instead of deducting the penalty, it was directly exempted. It was a joy!

Zuo He felt that he had to thank Mr. Xu in person.


There is no impermeable wall in the world, the captain of the front foot and others were released, and the matter of the back foot about Zuohe Go to intercede began to fly all over the sky. After everyone realized the weight of Mr. Xu's words, those who were bold began to hide. Looking for contact information to send a message.

"Hello, Mr. Xu, I'm XXX. We recently cooperated and wanted to talk to your lover. Can you change your mind?"

"Hello Mr. Xu, we really need Mr. Jing to take orders. I hope you can persuade him more and let him go back to the institute, thank you."

"Mr. Xu, I am..."

"Mr. Xu..."

There is no specific software, and Xu Chenghao, who is completely unaware of Jing Yicheng's secret love, is confused.

What's going on here? ? ?