Not only that, Xu Chenghao also saw Zuo He again the next day, and the other party said very excitedly, "Thank you for your help, Mr. Xu, and we will definitely be a new person in the future."

Xu Chenghao: "???"

He still didn't understand what happened.

Seeing this, Zuo He was surprised and said, "Don't you know? Mr. Jing exempted the captain from punishment because of you, so I came to thank you specially."

"Me?" Xu Chenghao looked blank: "What did I do?"

Zuo He thought for a while: "You took a bite from Mr. Jing."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

What does this have to do with it!

Xu Chenghao was speechless and didn't want to worry about these things. He directly threw the phone to Jing Yicheng. If anyone dared to send text messages to harass Xu Chenghao, Jing Yicheng would call him back and ask questions one by one.

In this way, under the verbal threat of the Great Demon King across the network cable, Xu Chenghao's mobile phone quickly became quiet in less than a day, and no one dared to call or send text messages to harass him again. Xu Chenghao finally had time to prepare properly and wait for the last wave of peppers to be harvested.

This is the last chance to harvest the Pepper 4.0 mission. Although the output of the greenhouse does not reach the passing line, it can reach more than 180 every time. I believe that the last harvest will definitely reach more than 164, and the task can definitely be completed.

However, worried that something might happen, Xu Chenghao still asked Jing Yicheng to plant some spare parts in the research institute. Once the greenhouse slows him down, at least there is a chance to remedy it.

With double insurance, you will feel more at ease. On the harvest day, the two of them rushed to the greenhouse, and those who rushed to the research institute rushed to the research institute, and waited early to count the complete peppers. The results were naturally gratifying. This time, the number of harvests rarely exceeded the 200 mark. In addition, there were a total of 204 in the little yellow duck flowerpot, and the task was properly completed.

Xu Chenghao's heart suddenly relaxed, thinking of something, he drove home quickly, took out all the chili peppers from the safe and knocked on the system frantically: Come out, hurry up to harvest before Jing Yicheng comes!

[Ding - Little Pepper Harvester is online. 】

[Ding - The detection is successful, the pepper task is over-completed, your current total number of peppers is 1111/50000000, please keep making persistent efforts. 】

[Ding—Little Pepper quest rewards are online, because you complete the quest within the specified time, you can get a copy of 'Powerful Arm']

[Ding-Little Pepper Mission 4.0 is completed, and the automatic upgrade will enter the mission cooling time, and the time limit is four weeks. 】

The bombardment of familiar news exploded in his mind. After Xu Chenghao checked them one by one, he locked the safe and restored it to its original state before sending a message to ask how Jing Yicheng was doing.

Jing Yicheng replied: "The harvest is less than last time, 58 whole peppers."

Xu Chenghao said: "It doesn't matter, I have completed the task."

Jing Yicheng: "Awesome."

Xu Chenghao held his mobile phone and said, "I also got a month off (*^▽^*

Jing Yicheng was silent for a while, and suddenly called: "Haohao, can you tell me which research institute it is?"

All Xu Chenghao's mood was instantly frightened back, and he stammered: "Why, why are you suddenly asking such a question?"

Jing Yicheng: "I want to see how awesome that research institute is. It's up to them to decide whether to work for them for free, or take a break or not."

Xu Chenghao: "…"

It's the system! It's this cheating system!

Xu Chenghao scolded the system in his heart, and on the surface he had to appease Jing Yicheng: "I signed a non-disclosure agreement and can't say anything...and I didn't work for them for nothing, and I also gained a lot of things relatively, I'm a businessman and definitely don't do it. Don't worry about the trade at a loss."

Jing Yicheng was quiet for a moment, then said solemnly, "Don't sign any cooperation in the future, especially this."

Xu Chenghao: "Mmmm."

When Jing Yicheng got a response, he softened his voice again, and said softly, "I'll go home by car, I'll be there soon."

Xu Chenghao: "Okay."

Jing Yicheng was really worried about this research institute. He always felt that the other party was squeezing Xu Chenghao. He hung up the phone and started contacting his assistant to let him find out. As a result, the investigation didn't matter, even the assistant didn't find any clues, as if Xu Chenghao's seeds and peppers appeared and disappeared out of thin air.

Jing Yicheng's eyebrows jumped, and after returning home, he began to ask without a trace, "Haohao, where are your peppers?"

Xu Chenghao said, "Unfortunately, he came to collect the peppers while you were away, and he has already taken them away."

Jing Yicheng called the guard downstairs in front of Xu Chenghao, and got the news that no outsiders were seen entering or leaving except for the residential building, and Xu Chenghao's corridor surveillance did not show anyone.

Jing Yicheng has already begun to black face, calling his name seriously and with reprimand for the first time: "Xu Chenghao!"

Xu Chenghao looked aggrieved: "Why are you so fierce."

Jing Yicheng almost didn't hold back, frowned and said, "I'm not fierce, you don't even know what you're doing!"

Xu Chenghao buried his face in his arms silently: "I'll just keep this secret. Can I tell you when I'm ready?"

Jing Yicheng warned himself not to be soft-hearted, but he couldn't stand the coquettishness of the person in his arms, and finally hugged him fiercely, threatening: "You better not hurt yourself, or don't blame me for not giving you independent space."

Xu Chenghao: "I know, I know."

Jing Yicheng hugged the person and rubbed the top of his head with his chin: "If there is any major matter in the future, you must discuss it with me."

Xu Chenghao: "Mmmm."

Jing Yicheng was reluctantly satisfied, but his heart was empty and always insecure... Maybe it was intuition, he always felt that this mysterious research institute and pepper were not a good thing for him...

However, Xu Chenghao didn't want to say it, and Jing Yicheng couldn't bear to force him, so he could only sigh helplessly and wait for him to tell him in person, hoping it would be good news.

In contrast, Xu Chenghao was in a good mood. Not only did he complete the Little Pepper 4.0 task, he got four weeks of rest, but he also successfully appeased Jing Yicheng and solved the follow-up troubles.

very nice.

Xu Chenghao had a wonderful life, and he felt that time was flying by. On the other side, Ruan Chenxuan, who was struggling in the sea of ​​misery, felt that his life was like a year, and he could not wait to travel to three years later.

In the past month, he has been running around in the company's old house and the hospital, not only to manage the company and not give any chance to illegitimate children, but also to balance the relationship between Mr. Ruan and An Rouyu.

The previous things are easy to say. After all, things in the shopping mall are used to experience. Any moth is trivial to Ruan Chenxuan. But An Rouyu and Mr. Ruan were not enough.

An Rouyu's mood was still unstable. Sometimes she could cry when she laughed. In the hospital, she even robbed other people's children. Ruan Chenxuan was taken to the sanatorium to recuperate. On the other hand, Old Man Ruan didn't like An Rouyu himself. Seeing her crazy appearance, he believed that he would hurt the child, and he was determined not to let her enter the house and not let her see the child. This was undoubtedly the biggest stimulus to An Rouyu and would only aggravate her condition.

The two formed an infinite loop, but in the end it was Ruan Chenxuan who was trapped. He was in a dilemma and fell into an infinite loop, so that in the end he lost his way and didn't even know what he wanted first, let alone how to solve this infinite loop.

After procrastinating like this, the full moon feast came quietly.

It is rare for Mr. Ruan to hold a wedding, so he naturally attaches great importance to it. He has seen some things himself. When drawing up the list, he invited half of the people in the circle, and the Xu family was on the list.

Ruan Chenxuan looked at Xu Chenghao's name with mixed feelings. He never thought that they would meet on such an occasion... At least when he pursued Xu Chenghao, he really didn't expect such a day for the two of them.

But even so, Ruan Chenxuan still wanted to show his best self in front of Xu Chenghao. He dressed up and checked his appearance at all times, and when the banquet started, he tried his best to wait for the arrival of the Xu family.

The Xu family's parents also rarely came out of the mountain, and they started to say hello to the old familiar when they came in sooner or later. However, Xu Chenghao not only did not attend the banquet with his parents, but also brought Jing Yicheng into the banquet as his male companion.

At the banquet, they exclaimed both high and low. I didn't expect Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng to come together. In particular, the two of them are very close in their behavior and communication. They seem to have a good relationship, but Ruan Chenxuan, who is standing in the banquet, seems to be alone and weak.

With so many elders here, probably not...

Everyone whispered and discussed, but their eyes were all following the three, looking forward to the emergence of some Shura Field.

It is said that this child was born by An Rouyu. Although I have heard many times that the three of them abandoned An Rouyu, Ruan Chenxuan left something that definitely surpassed the two of them and beat them up... So I rushed ah! Tear it up!

Everyone was honing their fists, hoping that the three of them would fight to be enjoyable.

However, Jing Yicheng was in a very good mood, he would not take the initiative to disrupt the banquet and let everyone's attention be taken away from Ruan Chenxuan. He just liked the theme of this banquet, liked the way Ruan Chenxuan could only stare at him interacting with Haohao, and liked the way Ruan Chenxuan and An Rouyu were involved and couldn't get rid of it.

In this way... he can monopolize Haohao!

Thinking of Jing Yicheng like this is simply delightful, how could he possibly be angry.

Ruan Chenxuan received Jing Yicheng's provocative eyes, gritted his teeth in anger, and had to pay attention not to lose his composure in front of everyone, holding the wine glass on his face and watching them approach.

Xu Chenghao smiled politely: "Congratulations to President Ruan."

Ruan Chenxuan's eyes were gentle. Just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Jing Yicheng, who was on the side. He sarcastically said, "Congratulations to Mr. Ruan for becoming a father. In the future, you can treat the child well and don't smear the child's face at will."

The red wine glass in Ruan Chenxuan's hand was almost crushed, and looking at Jing Yicheng's eyes almost burst into flames: "I haven't thanked Mr. Jing for his congratulations in the hospital, I will give it back to you another day!"

Jing Yicheng put his hand on Xu Chenghao's shoulder and said with a smile, "It's not necessary, I have Haohao enough."

The author has something to say: Ruan Chenxuan: @#¥%**&%¥