An Rouyu's mind went blank for a moment, staring at Jing Yicheng's face, her chapped lips trembling a few times, unable to speak.

The fear of being dominated by the Great Demon King in those years flooded into her heart. Under Jing Yicheng's aura, An Rouyu couldn't even pull her hand back, let alone screaming and running away. The beasts that only eat people are locked, and as long as they dare to move in the next second, they will be killed on the spot.

At this moment, An Rouyu was both startled and stunned. Her chaotic brain had been sobered up for a few days, and she began to desperately pray that someone would come to save her. As long as she opened her mouth, she could save her as long as she opened her mouth...

However, Jing Yicheng has a fierce reputation, and if he really turns his face, no one dares to provoke him. So the banquet was quiet, and everyone stood there silently watching the good show, at the most sympathy for An Rouyu's trouble with Jing Yicheng.

Jing Yicheng didn't have much patience. Seeing that An Rouyu was as unresponsive as a wooden stake, he suddenly pulled out a dagger and pulled a flower knife at his fingertips to quickly swipe a silver light—"Jing Yicheng!"

Xu Chenghao's voice suddenly exploded, causing Jing Yicheng's blade that was already close to An Rouyu's neck to stop for a moment, and also caused the silent banquet to finally begin to riot, and people were discussing whether Xu Chenghao wanted a hero to save the beauty?

Is it worth it to offend Jing Yicheng for the current An Rouyu, and isn't the outside world always saying that Xu Chenghao gave up on An Rouyu and started a new life? What exactly is going on?

The second elders of the Xu family were paying more attention than ever. For a while, they were worried that Xu Chenghao had lied to them before, and maybe he liked An Rouyu; for a while, they were worried that Jing Yicheng looked so fierce and would not get angry with Xu Chenghao and hurt him.

Everyone was holding their breaths and waiting for Jing Yicheng to respond, but the other party kept holding a dagger against An Rouyu's neck... More like a harbinger of the coming storm.

Even Ruan Chenxuan clenched his fists silently, and desperately hoped that Jing Yicheng would quickly go crazy and anger Xu Chenghao, then he would protect Xu Chenghao, would...

Before the idea in his mind took shape, he saw Xu Chenghao on the opposite side take the lead. He first took two steps forward and patted Jing Yicheng's shoulder. Seeing that the other party didn't respond, he stretched out his hand and shook it - two seconds later, Jing Yicheng silently stretched out his hand to hold Xu Chenghao's hand and intertwined his fingers.

Xu Chenghao pulled the person up slightly, and said warmly, "I have nothing to do with her, why are you still so angry."

Jing Yicheng is not happy: "She pesters you and uses you of course, I am not happy."

Xu Chenghao smiled lightly: "Isn't this all spit out?"

What An Rouyu gained with Xu Chenghao in the past, and what is now lost, although there are multiple reasons, but in general, it is not a loss.

Jing Yicheng was still unhappy, he lifted his foot and stepped on An Rouyu's hand to crush him, "If you dare to pester Xu Chenghao again, call him Big Brother Hao and wait and see!"

An Rouyu screamed, grabbed Jing Yicheng's feet and tried to save her palm.

Xu Chenghao tugged at his arm to signal that he didn't need to hold his breath, and showed everyone how to coax his boyfriend in a 360-degree three-dimensional manner - holding hands, touching his head, hugging, kissing, whispering and acting like a spoiled child.

Jing Yicheng's face became faster than anyone else's, he quickly put away the dagger and sat beside Xu Chenghao obediently, and vividly performed the process of turning a hungry wolf into a little milk dog, only to make people splatter three feet of blood and wish to die on the spot.

Will this friend pay attention to your image? What did you do to An Rouyu just now? What did you say before about being arrogant? What the **** is that look on your face asking for praise!

Everyone had a strong desire to complain, but no one dared to say anything. Then they found out later - wait a minute, so these two guys are chasing after each other, and their rivals are looking at each other? ? ?

Holy crap, TV dramas don't dare to write like this, okay? Your relationship is so intricate and confusing, the rapid development is so fast, how can we, the melon eaters, keep up with the progress!

Everyone wanted to see the two people who showed their affection, and wanted to see the expressions of An Rouyu and Ruan Chenxuan. Their heads were almost like a rattle, swaying from side to side. They only hated their own eyes that could only look in one direction.

Except for how Xu Chenghao would explain to his family, he didn't care at all, and calmly said: "It happens that Mr. Ruan and Miss An are also there, so I will use a place to announce a happy event to everyone. Jing Yicheng and I are currently dating and are in a relationship of lovers. , If there is a happy event in the future, I will definitely invite you, and I hope you will appreciate your face."

Everyone: "!!!"

Announcing the current lover before the former rival and ex-fiancee, and the current one is still the suitor of the ex-fiancée. Although the relationship is unclear and chaotic, it is really exciting, right! It's almost a pre-order scene! !

All present are businessmen who can act. Even if their hearts are surging, the surface engineering has to sit well, and they promise to re-energize the atmosphere.

Xu Chenghao slightly hooked his lips, "Jing Yicheng is not feeling well, then we will leave first."

Everyone naturally didn't dare to say anything. After watching the two of them leave, the girls couldn't help screaming in the next second: "Fuck I just watched some fairy pictures!!"

"I even read the aggression from Xu Chenghao's appearance just now."

"No no no, haven't you heard of height-determined attack? Xu Chenghao is half a head shorter than Jing Yicheng!"

"I like the little wolf dog woo woo woo, if Jing Yicheng doesn't be so cruel, I can love him for a lifetime just by his face!"

The little girls were silent for a while, and sighed faintly: "He's not cruel, he just gave someone his patience."

The layman looks at the appearance, and the layman begins to weigh the doorway. The Xu's Group and the Ruan's Group have been balanced in the circle for many years. Occasionally, one side's strength will be quickly chased back. From the generation of Mr. Ruan to Ruan Chenxuan, they have always maintained an unbreakable deadlock.

But it's not necessarily now... Who doesn't know that Jing Yicheng has a very strong background and huge assets in addition to his famous bad temper! With such a person standing behind Xu Chenghao, it is simply a powerful alliance. As long as Xu Chenghao seizes the opportunity, it will definitely break the fixed balance and create a new situation that belongs to the Xu Group's hegemony.

Thinking of this, everyone became even more enthusiastic about the Xu family. When they caught the second elder of the Xu family who had not had time to leave the stage, they were entangled with each other, and they praised and flattered.

The second elder of the Xu family: "..."

Don't want to make a good relationship, go away!

The Ruan family was naturally unhappy when they saw their banquet being dominated by the guests. Even Mr. Ruan didn't hold back, and said with a stern face: "I'm not feeling well, take me back to the room."

The servant behind him quickly stepped forward and pushed Mr. Ruan away. Ruan Chenxuan thought for a while, and also exited the stage by treating the wound on his face. This time, he ignored An Rouyu, and let her sit in the corner of the banquet and shy away, accepting everyone's scrutiny and ridicule.

An Rouyu hasn't felt this kind of gaze for a long time... It seems that the last time her mother died, the position of the hostess in the family changed hands, and her status has plummeted from the princess life that everyone envied to the awkward status of even the servants. less than existence.

Banquets always exist for the sake of communication. Since you want to communicate, you are naturally looking for someone who is helpful to you, or you want to flatter yourself. In short, no one will pay attention to her poor little, ridicule and embarrassment is a normal thing.

At that time, An Rouyu's only joy was to attend the banquet to be full and to eat a lot of delicious food.

Then Xu Chenghao appeared... He was wearing a white suit, as handsome and good-looking as Prince Charming. The eyes of the small body are all serious. He said he could call his brother and tell him any grievances, because he would protect him.

Because he will protect her...

An Rouyu suddenly covered her face and cried and laughed. Yes, protect her.

Xu Chenghao has fulfilled all his promises for more than 20 years. He protects her, loves her and respects her. As long as she doesn't want to, he will never force anything, gentle and beautiful... But she still hurts her!

He should also be sad and feel heartache, and then he will gouge her out of his heart little by little to leave a neutral position, which is filled by Jing Yicheng's easy intrusion, and then he becomes Jing Yicheng's, not her anymore. Brother Hao.

Looking back on the past, An Rouyu suddenly found that if she was with Xu Chenghao, she would have become the wife of the Xu family by now, with a healthy and lovely child, and ended her life happily and warmly.

But she chose another road of no return. In the end, brother Hao disappeared, and the child was gone... Even the end point she had been running towards gradually changed and was no longer the original him...

Regret was surging like a huge ocean wave, directly drowning An Rouyu in it, unable to break free and did not want to break free.

She regrets...

She really regrets it...

However, there is no regret medicine in the world, all she can do is to pack up her mood and continue walking. After all, she has come to this point, and she doesn't ask for anything but children.

That's right, kid!

An Rouyu snapped back to her senses, looked left and right, and sneaked up to the second floor while no one noticed her.

After walking a few steps inside, I could vaguely hear Old Man Ruan yelling loudly. Indeed, all the limelight of this banquet was taken away today, how could the master be willing.

They hope that when others mention this banquet, it will be 'how much the Ruan family has spent' and 'how many people the Ruan family has invited' rather than 'Xu Chenghao came out of the closet and Jing Yicheng' and 'joined forces'.

After taking a few more steps inside, a door lock suddenly twisted, so frightened that An Rouyu hurriedly hid in the corner to hide. Listen to the voice of the conversation getting louder as the door opens.

Someone said: "The wound is not very serious, but after all the scratches are on the face, Mr. Ruan still has to pay attention to the medicine and try not to leave scars."

It took a long while to hear Ruan Chenxuan's indifferent response: "I see."

"Then you rest."


The conversation ended quickly, An Rouyu looked out and saw that it was a family doctor carrying a medical box, then silently turned around and walked to the opposite place.

The kids must be around here!

The author has something to say: Don't say why the heroine can wander around Ruan's house, the heroine's halo is so powerful!