Once she got in touch with the child, An Rouyu's head said she was awake, but she didn't even want to be awake. Anyway, she just wanted to see her child, and wanted to take him away so that he could live with her.

With the idea of ​​taking the child away, An Rouyu took a few steps and realized that something was wrong. There seemed to be a shadow on the ground... She was so frightened that her face turned pale, she pretended not to notice and took another two steps before running away.

Sure enough, there were footsteps chasing from behind. An Rouyu was pressed against the wall before she could even run a few steps. The man reprimanded in a low voice, "Don't yell, I am Ruan Chenxuan."

An Rouyu breathed a sigh of relief at first, but then she couldn't help being angry and aggrieved - she still couldn't help blaming Ruan Chenxuan, blaming him for contacting Xu Chenghao and her child being carried away by Old Man Ruan.

Therefore, her feelings for Ruan Chenxuan are very complicated now, and maybe she still likes it when she is young and frivolous, but everything has changed after so long.

An Rouyu shook off Ruan Chenxuan's shackles and leaned against the wall without speaking.

Two people stood in the corridor, one with messy hair described as haggard, and the other with scratches on his face... The most ridiculous thing is that the way they are now is caused by each other.

An Rouyu forcibly endured the grief, and said coldly, "What? Are you going to hand it over to Mr. Ruan when you catch me now?"

The scratches on Ruan Chenxuan's face were very painful, so he could only reduce his expression and said indifferently, "If you hand it over to Mr. Ruan, I will call it directly."

An Rouyu subconsciously avoided his face: "You have a conscience... Ruan Chenxuan, you know that I want to make a statement, I just want to get my child back, if you have a conscience, can you return him to me?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "The starting point determines the high point, you can't give him the future."

An Rouyu smiled bitterly: "I don't need a high point, I just want my child and I to live a peaceful life. I don't want him to have no childhood, like you, he will never have a childhood."

Ruan Chenxuan: "Aren't you afraid that he will resent you in the future? After all, no one is willing to give up this kind of life."

An Rouyu: "I won't tell him."

Ruan Chenxuan: "You are too selfish to do this."

An Rouyu: "Isn't it selfish for you to leave your children to be raised as money-making machines?"

Ruan Chenxuan: "Even if you raise your children and grow up, won't you work and won't make money? At that time, the burden of supporting the whole family alone will be heavier than now, will you bear it?"

An Rouyu insisted: "I won't be his burden, and I won't let him become the second you."

An Rouyu said, "Ruan Chenxuan... give me back the child, please give me back the child... I have nothing but my child."

Ruan Chenxuan looked at him quietly, with complicated eyes: "Are you sure you want nothing else?"

The hallway was quiet again. After a long while, An Rouyu said, "Yes, only children!"

Ruan Chenxuan clenched his fists and said coldly, "I have lost my memory."

An Rouyu's eyes widened suddenly, "What?"

"I lost my memory." Ruan Chenxuan said, "I have temporary partial amnesia, and I have lost all memory in the past three years."

An Rouyu: "Then you are now, then I..."

Ruan Chenxuan said: "I haven't recovered yet, and the time is uncertain. I know our affairs from the information, and I can explain the misunderstanding you saw when you left. I didn't cheat on other women."

An Rouyu was dumbfounded, stunned by the news.

Ruan Chenxuan became more and more calm at this time, looked at her calmly and said: "I can let you restore your identity, become the fiancee of the Ruan family and become the mother of the child, but the premise is that the child must be taken care of by the Ruan family."

"But you still have a way. If you choose to leave with the child, I can help you one last time... This time we leave no matter what the outcome is, we will cut off our relationship and have nothing to do with each other again."

The corridor was quiet again, and the flickering lights stretched and distorted the shadows of the two of them, like tangled branches in the setting sun. With the changes of light and shadow, they opened and closed, and finally the curtain came to an end when the lights were turned off.

"Not good - the child is gone!"

Exclamations suddenly erupted from the second floor, and everyone who was still enjoying the banquet looked up, and saw the Yuesao security guard hurriedly ran over and quickly closed the door. The bodyguard's walkie-talkie communicated sizzlingly that the entire villa was being blocked.

The banquet of laughter and laughter suddenly awaited. Ruan Chenxuan sat in his room with no lights on. In the dark he listened to Old Man Ruan's scolding, Yuesao's crying, the footsteps of security guards running back and forth, and the sound of the walkie-talkie...

Yes, An Rouyu chose children.

He's still alone...or rather, he's still the only one left.


Really annoying.

Ruan Chenxuan closed his eyes, sighed in the dark and finally opened the door and walked out of the room calmly: "What's going on?"


Xu Chenghao had just finished taking a shower when he received a call from Xu's father, and said in a hoarse voice, "What's wrong, Dad?"

Father Xu briefly explained what happened here, and then said, "Mr. Ruan just got dizzy. He just meant that he might not be able to leave tonight."

Xu Chenghao frowned: "Have you called the police?"

Dad Xu: "It's under investigation."

Xu Chenghao: "You and mom wait for me for ten minutes, and I'll be there right away."

Father Xu: "Okay."

Xu Chenghao hung up the phone and buried his head in the pillow, noticing that the water vapor approached and hit his elbow unceremoniously.

With a low laugh behind him, he gently caught his arm: "Aren't you tired?"

Xu Chenghao became angry: "Go away!"

Jing Yicheng massaged his waist: "I'm sorry Haohao, I was too excited. But when you took the oath of sovereignty, Haohao, I really wanted to **** you..."

"Stop, stop!" Xu Chenghao could see it, this guy's typical 'I'm wrong, I'll dare next time' apology is meaningless to fart: "But next time I can't be in the car again, I'm too tired."

Jing Yicheng was delighted: "Tired means that my waist is good, and it has nothing to do with the place."

Xu Chenghao wanted to say something, but considering the consequences of being cheap, he could only swallow it silently: "Yes, hello, your waist is best... Stop making trouble, I have to get dressed to pick up my parents."

Jing Yicheng frowned: "What happened?"

While putting on his clothes, Xu Chenghao repeated what Father Xu said and affirmed, "It was definitely An Rouyu who did it."

Jing Yicheng followed suit and dressed: "I'll accompany you... If it's An Rouyu, how bad is the Ruan family, and even a woman can't stop her?"

Xu Chenghao: "Don't underestimate An Rouyu."

She is a woman with the halo of a heroine.

After the two of them packed up and set off again, Jing Yicheng drove Xu Chenghao to take a moment to squat for a while, and when they returned to the Ruan family's old house, they saw that the cordon outside was pulled up, and the scene was huge.

"Huh... This old man Ruan really pays attention to children." Xu Chenghao sighed twice, and turned to see Ruan Chenxuan standing outside.

The wind was cold at night, but he couldn't seem to feel that he was wearing only a white shirt. Seeing him standing outside, Xu Chenghao thought that the other party was very worried about the child, but after taking a closer look, he realized that the other party was bored and started to look at the moon.

Jing Yicheng parked the car and turned around to see Xu Chenghao staring at Ruan Chenxuan in a daze. He almost died of jealousy on the spot, he unbuckled his seat belt and rushed over: "What are you looking at!"

Xu Chenghao only had time to turn his head, Jing Yicheng had already pushed him in front of him, he could only smile dryly: "It's nothing, nothing, enjoy the moon..."

Jing Yicheng's eyes lit up: "It's very romantic to admire the same moon! Your **** doesn't hurt anymore, right?"

Xu Chenghao smoothed his hair: "I'm not curious why he doesn't worry about the children."

Jing Yicheng raised his head and glanced out the window, seeing that Xu Chenghao seemed to be about to turn his head to look at the black face: "Have you not seen enough?!"

Xu Chenghao retracted his head cowardly: "Enough has seen enough."

Jing Yicheng: "You really looked at it carefully!"

Xu Chenghao: "…"

Jing Yicheng pressed him against the car door and turned his back to Ruan Chenxuan: "Don't look at it!"

Xu Chenghao: "…"

as long as you are happy.

Jing Yicheng was not happy at all, he was about to die of anger. In my heart, I doubted whether Ruan Chenxuan deliberately stood outside and found such a wide place where people could see the moon at a glance, creating a charm for others to see.

Surely, it's shameless to seduce people everywhere!

While scolding in his heart, as if the enemy's heart was in harmony, Ruan Chenxuan suddenly turned his head and looked at him in the distance, staring at the black glass of the car for a while without looking away.

Ruan Chenxuan noticed the uncomfortable attention from this direction, and in Jing Yicheng's eyes, this kind of behavior definitely verifies his thoughts!

He forgot that he was not driving Xu Chenghao's car, so he decided that Ruan Chenxuan knew this car and stayed here on purpose!

Ma good gas.

No, he wants to give each other some color to see.

Thinking about it, Jing Yicheng suddenly lowered the car window and glanced at Ruan Chenxuan provocatively, then lowered his head and kissed Xu Chenghao, who was leaning against the door without knowing it. Xu Chenghao's face was bewildered, while accepting Jing Yicheng's kiss, he was still thinking about the other party's kiss before kissing, why did he open the window... is he farting?

On the other side, when Ruan Chenxuan saw Jing Yicheng's face exposed under the car window, he had a feeling that it was so - after all, no one but him could have such aggressive and aggressive eyes, which made people very uncomfortable.

He was about to turn his head to look at the moon and wash his eyes, when he saw the other party suddenly glance at him... Although the distance was not far, it was not close, so Ruan Chenxuan did not clearly see what that look represented.

It was with this hesitation that the other party suddenly lowered his head and raised his fair chin to kiss it gently. Judging from his movements, even if he wanted to show off, he was still gentle, and rubbed his foreheads comfortingly when they pressed against each other.

Only then did Ruan Chenxuan realize that there was another person in the direction of the car door, but the other person was held in Jing Yicheng's arms with his back to him. He could only see the other person's slender palm resting on Jing Yicheng's chest. Slowly shrinking and grasping the clothes belonging to Jing Yicheng, the emotion of reliance was palpable.

Ruan Chenxuan just collapsed after being severely injured, and even he could hear the rumble of heartbreak, he couldn't help but cursed in secret, turned around and walked away.

Damn, what kind of moon, I'm so angry.

The author has something to say: Ruan Chenxuan: Everyday Dirty Words.jpg