The sound of footsteps gradually faded away, but the strategy between the lips and teeth became more and more fierce. Xu Chenghao was kissed until his brain went blank, and when he heard the sound of the lock, he suddenly recovered and pushed the person away: "No, my parents are still waiting."

Jing Yicheng seemed to be poured over his head by a basin of cold water, and his whole body froze in place for half a second before sighing and burying his head in Xu Chenghao's shoulder: "Let me relax for a while..."

Xu Chenghao pulled his hand out of his clothes, Jing Yicheng pursed his lips unhappily, but did not struggle.

After a long while, Jing Yicheng regained his composure and arranged Xu Chenghao's clothes before allowing him to get out of the car.

Xu Chenghao originally sympathized with him, but when he got out of the car and found that Ruan Chenxuan was not there, he suddenly understood and gave him a blank look: "Asking for trouble."

Jing Yicheng sighed and held his hand: "This is complacent."

But he was still very happy to be able to get angry with Ruan Chenxuan.

Xu Chenghao was too lazy to talk about the innate incompatibility between the villain and the male protagonist, so he stopped the conversation and took Jing Yicheng into the banquet.

According to the normal arrangement, the banquet should end at nine o'clock and then go back to their respective homes. But when such a thing happened out of thin air, everyone could only admit that they were unlucky to cooperate with the investigation in the face of the Ruan family.

Ruan Chenxuan was in charge of the overall situation on the first floor, while Grandpa Ruan was still lying on the second floor and was not awake. After Xu Chenghao was sure that his parents were all right, he went directly to Ruan Chenxuan to negotiate: "Did Mr. Ruan find any clues?"

Ruan Chenxuan's eyes swept across his lips unconsciously, and whispered: "I can't reveal it for the time being, but you and Jing Yicheng are not suspicious and don't need to come back."

When they left, the children were still at the banquet, and everyone could prove it to them, so no one notified Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng except for Xu's father's phone call.

Especially Jing Yicheng, Ruan Chenxuan didn't want to see him at all!

Aware of his gaze, Jing Yicheng glared back, his eyes filled with: Do you think I want to see you?

Ruan Chenxuan looked at him and felt that he was hurting his eyes by self-mutilation, so he quickly put his eyes on Xu Chenghao and washed his eyes.

Xu Chenghao pretended not to see their atmosphere, and said calmly: "I came back to pick up my parents. I'm worried that they are not in good health. If the routine police investigation is over, I will take them away first."

Ruan Chenxuan subconsciously said: "No!"

Xu Chenghao felt strange: "Why? Even the police can't detain unrelated people without evidence, right?"

Ruan Chenxuan stared at him for a while, and suddenly said: "Even if it's a bail, you still need a surety, do you want to pick up your parents and plan to stay here by yourself? Otherwise, if you leave suddenly without results, I believe that all the people attending the banquet will No one will be persuaded."

Xu Chenghao frowned and said, "I believe everyone knows how bad the relationship between our two families is. It's normal even if I don't give you face. Where do they need to be convinced?"

Ruan Chenxuan had nothing to say, and said after a long while, "Children are very important to the elderly. Before he fell into a coma, he said that no one is allowed to leave. If you don't want to stay and replace your parents, I can't deal with it, so I'm sorry, but you can't let your parents leave. ."

"Your grandfather loves the child, but my grandfather doesn't care anymore, right?" Xu Chenghao lost his patience: "If you want to tear your face, just say it directly, don't use these high-sounding reasons to **** me."

Ruan Chenxuan: "I just respect the wishes of the old man."

Xu Chenghao: "Then I'm not afraid that the relationship with your Ruan family will get worse."

After speaking, Xu Chenghao turned and left.

Ruan Chenxuan's fingers moved, but in the end he didn't say anything. Instead, Jing Yicheng stood there, looked at him with insightful eyes, and said in a cold voice, "Now that your child has disappeared, you'd better put away your thoughts and find the child."

Ruan Chenxuan: "I have tried my best."

Jing Yicheng: "I don't think you are as good as the old man."

Ruan Chenxuan sneered and asked: "If you suddenly gave you a child when you lost your memory, and said it was your son, how would you react?"

Jing Yicheng said without hesitation: "Xu Chenghao said yes, I believe him."

Ruan Chenxuan was stunned, the sourness and jealousy in his heart burst out in an instant, eating away at his heart like worms... Jealousy, so jealous. He is really very jealous that Jing Yicheng has a lover named Xu Chenghao, jealous that he can trust him without thinking, that he can relax and rely on him, and he is jealous of many, many...

This feeling was magnified tonight. An Rouyu's "I choose the child" and Jing Yicheng's "I believe in him" became the sharpest contrast. It was not enough to pierce the heart like a sharp sword. It was so painful that he suffocated.

Ruan Chenxuan felt that he might have really liked An Rouyu, liked it very much... I can rely on the kind of like that I can trust. But after tonight, even if he restores his memory, he will not appear again.

That love has been dug out and discarded alive, and can never be found again.

From then on, there is no connection.


When Xu Chenghao took the second elder of the Xu family out, Jing Yicheng came over and said hello very politely: "Hello, uncle and aunt."

Dad Xu hummed, but did not speak. Xu's mother said, "please make another trip, and go back when you send us home."

Does that mean he'll be alone when he sends them home? Xu Chenghao lives in the Xu family's old house?

Jing Yicheng's good mood that night was almost shattered, and he said quickly, "Auntie, you're welcome, we'll take you home first before leaving."

Focus: us! Me and Xu Chenghao!

After finishing speaking, Jing Yicheng glanced nervously at Xu Chenghao, for fear that he would really go home and not go with him. Xu Chenghao was helpless, and could only help: "Mom and dad, you guys will go home and have a good rest later, don't worry about anything. Jing Yicheng and I will wait for the news."

Mother Xu nodded and agreed happily, as if what she said just now had no meaning.

Jing Yicheng breathed a sigh of relief. After sending the second elder of the Xu family home, he hurried back to his home, the farther away the better.

Xu Chenghao could also take the opportunity to chat a few words: "What did you just chat with Ruan Chenxuan?"

"you saw it?"

"Well, just now my parents were embarrassed to ask." Xu Chenghao asked again: "What the **** are you talking about?"

Jing Yicheng repeated the conversation as it was, and finally affirmed: "The child's matter must be related to Ruan Chenxuan."

Xu Chenghao: "Why?"

Jing Yicheng: "His calmness is not that he doesn't care about the children, but that he is calm and calm. It would be strange if it has nothing to do with him."

Xu Chenghao leaned on the back of the chair, secretly amazed. I never thought that the male lead and the female lead would embrace the child inside and out... Is this a reconciliation or a complete renunciation of righteousness?

If the relationship is good, it probably won't be used for this child-holding drama... But the system said that the plot is always changing, and the male and female protagonists will definitely be together, so it shouldn't be directly broken...

The car was too quiet, Xu Chenghao thought about it and suddenly fell asleep with his head tilted. Jing Yicheng automatically slowed down the speed of the car, drove downstairs smoothly, threw the car key to the bodyguard and picked up Xu Chenghao himself to take the elevator home.

"Boss." The assistant was elusive, and before he could speak, he was almost killed by his eyes and exited the elevator.

Jing Yicheng whispered: "Be quiet!"

The assistant lowered his tone silently: "An Rouyu has been waiting in front of President Xu's door for a long time."

Jing Yicheng's face changed instantly, "Press my floor! Who else allowed her to come up? Are you rubbish? Won't you stop me?"

The assistant pressed the floor silently, and waited for the boss to finish cursing before opening his mouth to remind: "Boss, please be quiet, Mr. Xu is sleeping."

Jing Yicheng: "..."

One by one, they've turned upside down!

Xu Chenghao didn't sleep soundly, and when the elevator dinged, he woke up suddenly, nestled in Jing Yicheng's arms and said slowly, "Why are you here?"

Jing Yicheng rubbed his chin against his cheek: "It's okay to continue sleeping."

Xu Chenghao yawned, and buried himself in his shoulders again, drowsily.

The assistant is opening the door. The keys rattled, followed by the trivial sound of opening the door and turning on the light. The noise made Xu Chenghao completely drowsy, and his eyes popped out from Jing Yicheng's shoulders to look at Jing Yicheng's house quietly.

I don't know if I don't see it, but it's scary at first glance.

Xu Chenghao looked at the warm yellow and white decoration, he couldn't believe that this was Jing Yicheng's home... It's completely different from the frigid style he saw before!

And how does this yellow and white look... It looks like a flattened little yellow duck.

Xu Chenghao was silent for his speculation.

While in a daze, Jing Yicheng had already carried him into the bedroom, put him on the bed and said softly, "Aren't you sleepy? Go to sleep for a while."

Xu Chenghao rolled into the quilt, feeling the coolness and immediately lifted the quilt and patted the bed: "It's so cold, come up and warm my feet."

Jing Yicheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but as soon as he lay down, a pair of feet entangled him from the quilt and unceremoniously stretched into his clothes.

It's a bit cold indeed.

Jing Yicheng turned up the temperature of the air conditioner, patted and coaxed until Xu Chenghao closed his eyes again, then got out of bed and left the bedroom lightly.

The assistant was still waiting outside: "President Xu fell asleep?"

Jing Yicheng: "Well, you are here to guard him, I will come when I go."

The assistant was immediately stressed: "That... I can go downstairs."

Jing Yicheng was angry: "Do you think I'd like to show you? Xu Chenghao is missing a hair, just wait for me!"


He knew that he would not dare to watch it!

The work of protecting President Xu is almost listed as a first-class high-risk job by the research institute, how dare he!

However, it was useless to resist. In the end, it was natural that Jing Yicheng went downstairs to take care of An Rouyu himself, and the assistant sat in the living room to perform first-class high-risk work.

That's horrible.

The assistant watched the door close and couldn't help but sighed and turned his head to accept his fate. I thought that Mr. Xu would not run around when he fell asleep. Even if it was a high-risk job, as long as he was optimistic about his room, he would definitely be able to—


Xu Chenghao opened the door wider and said with a smile, "Good evening."


No, he is not good at all, who will give him a quick-acting pill! !