Xu Chenghao waited for a few seconds. Seeing that the other party didn't move at all, he instantly turned serious and said, "Where's Jing Yicheng? What are you hiding from me?"

The assistant pushed his eyes and said calmly, "Mr. Jing is busy with work and will be back soon. President Xu can rest first or wait with me."

Xu Chenghao looked at him suspiciously: "Why are you here when he handles the work?"

Assistant: "I don't want to... No, I mean I also want to do my part for the boss, but the boss is worried that you are not safe alone, so let me guard you."

Xu Chenghao still felt that something was wrong. Looking at Jing Yicheng's newly renovated house for a while, he suddenly said, "I admit that I can't sleep well, why don't you go to my house."

The assistant's smile froze for half a second and responded quickly: "Of course, but the boss doesn't know about the sudden change of place. Why don't you call the boss first."

Xu Chenghao nodded: "Then call him."

Assistant: "Sorry, President Xu, my phone is out of power."

Xu Chenghao had no choice but to take out his mobile phone. After unlocking it, he remembered something and suddenly said, "Mine is out of power. Just go downstairs to recharge it and call him again."

Assistant: "There are chargers here too."

Xu Chenghao: "The phone models are different."

The assistant said seriously: "What model is your mobile phone, and what model is our charger."

Xu Chenghao: "..."

tough enough.

Xu Chenghao couldn't tell him, but he wanted to go back and see what was going on. So he simply gave up the entanglement of words and walked directly to the door.

The assistant quickly stopped him: "Mr. Xu, you can't leave, I can't deal with the boss when you leave, please don't embarrass me."

Xu Chenghao: "If you stop me, I will tell Jing Yicheng that you insulted me."


The assistant was ready: "There is 24-hour surveillance in the house, which will prove my innocence."

Xu Chenghao opened his arms and rushed towards him without saying a word, so scared that his assistant hurriedly bent over to dodge, but Xu Chenghao took advantage of the situation and ran to the door, opened it, and ran out.

While calling Jing Yicheng, the assistant followed up: "Mr. Xu, you just woke up and it's not suitable to come out. If I get sick from the cold, I will be fired by the boss."

Xu Chenghao was waiting for the elevator and threatened: "If you dare to stop me, I can make Jing Yicheng dismiss you even if I don't get sick!"


It's really possible.

So this is the scary part of the first-class high-risk! !


An Rouyu leaned against the door with her child in her arms, all her eyes were the joy and satisfaction of having the child. She finally got her child back, and finally was able to realize her wish to fly away. She can take care of the child by herself, give him a happy childhood, let him grow up healthy and safe, and give him the surname An.

But the problem now is that although Ruan Chenxuan had arranged everything for her to send her and her child abroad, An Rouyu didn't trust him. I am very worried that history will repeat itself and the child will be taken away from the Ruan family again... What if he regrets it and wants to have the child again? What if Mr. Ruan finds her and the child's traces again by following the vines?

So she couldn't follow the route prescribed by Ruan Chenxuan, she wanted to find brother Hao and ask him for help one last time, it was really the last time. From now on, she will never come back to disturb them, and will only protect her children and live a good life.

After waiting for the left and right to finally hear the sound of the elevator door opening, An Rouyu's surprised smile froze on her face before it bloomed. She subconsciously hugged the child tightly and panicked, "Why are you here!"

Jing Yicheng walked out of the elevator, "This is Xu Chenghao and I's home. I should ask you this."

An Rouyu looked behind him subconsciously, and she looked back in disappointment when she didn't find anyone, "I'm sorry, I don't want to disturb you, but Brother Hao... Except for President Xu, I really don't know who to ask for help."

Jing Yicheng was expressionless: "Come to ask Xu Chenghao again? I remember you said the same thing last time you were going abroad. It seems that I underestimated the thickness of your face."

An Rouyu bit her lip, looked at the child in her arms and said softly, "This is really the last time, I just need to leave the Ruan family's range. I will live peacefully with the child and never bother you again."

Jing Yicheng sneered: "If you want to help, you must help. Do you think others are selfless philanthropists?"

An Rouyu was silent, but she thought that she was waiting for Xu Chenghao to come, if she said that, the other party would definitely help her.

How could Jing Yicheng not see her plan, and said directly: "Can you wait, are you sure that the child can wait if she stays outside? I remember that this child is a premature baby and is in poor health, so you can take good care of her. ?"

"I can! This is my child!" An Rouyu burst out in an instant, and it was rare that she was not afraid of Jing Yicheng and yelled at him.

The child who was supposed to be sleeping was woken up and cried loudly, so frightened that An Rouyu was in a hurry and could only uselessly pat her... She was too anxious to get rid of Ruan Chenxuan's people, so she didn't bring anything. Most importantly, she has no experience either.

Jing Yicheng looked at her indifferently, and scoffed at what she just said: "Look at what you are now, you are not suitable for taking care of the child, and forcibly imprisoning the child by your side will only ruin him."

Any topic about the child, especially the separation of her and the child, can instantly anger An Rouyu, she roared: "What do you know! He is my child and I will take good care of him! He is the happiest when he is by my side! Yes, only in this way will he be the happiest."

Jing Yicheng looked at the crying child, it was really hard to understand where An Rouyu's confidence came from, he took out his phone and signaled, "Looking at the child, I'll give you two choices, hold the child first. Get out of here, there are no philanthropists to help you, including Xu Chenghao; secondly, don't blame me for notifying the Ruan family if you have to rely on it if you don't leave, and let them ask you to leave in person."

As soon as the voice fell, Jing Yicheng's phone suddenly lit up and rang. An Rouyu, who had been anxious and scared because of the threat, suddenly burst into emotion. She was still holding the child in her arms and rushed up to grab the phone, screaming, "No, I can't inform the Ruan family! This is my child!"

Jing Yicheng waved her hand mercilessly, just as he was about to see who was calling, but An Rouyu rushed over again for fear of losing her mind and tried to take away the phone.

Originally, Jing Yicheng didn't want to do anything because he had children, so it was rare to have the patience to deal with An Rouyu peacefully. As a result, An Rouyu was insane and couldn't understand people's words at all. With her claws down, she directly angered Jing Yicheng, grabbed her waving hand and slashed behind her back, and slammed her side against the wall.



The miserable screams mixed with the child's juvenile cries were extremely desolate. As the elevator opened, Xu Chenghao's face changed when he heard the sound, and hurriedly stepped out of the elevator and shouted, "Jing Yicheng!"

Hearing this voice, it was as easy to use as a hoop spell, and the stern expression was instantly replaced by panic, Jing Yicheng immediately let go of An Rouyu and hurriedly took a few steps back, whispering as if he had done something wrong: "Haohao... "

The voice was a little weak, and it was barely audible hidden in the cries of women and children, but Xu Chenghao still heard it, walked over and held his hand and said warmly, "Don't be afraid, tell me what's going on."

Jing Yicheng shook his hand immediately, worried that Xu Chenghao was angry and said in a frightening manner what had just happened before he lowered his head and said, "I know it's not good for her to hold the child like this, but I was so angry that I couldn't control it... I'm sorry."

"You are also self-defense." Xu Chenghao said a few words of relief before turning his head to look at An Rouyu.

Without Jing Yicheng's shackles, An Rouyu suddenly slackened her legs and sat beside the wall, hugging the child tightly with one hand, the other trembling for a while without moving... It must have been dislocated.

The child was still crying, and the piercing voice of crying began to become hoarse.

An Rouyu just watched them vigilantly, as if she was vigilant that they would take away the children.

For the first time, Xu Chenghao felt that the child was by his mother's side... In terms of An Rouyu's mental state, it really wasn't necessarily a good thing.

However, this was the result of the discussion between the male and female protagonists. Xu Chenghao did not intend to intervene, but said coldly, "What are you doing here?"

An Rouyu cried: "Brother Hao, please help me, I want to leave with the child... This is the last time I beg you, please help me, I will never appear in front of you in the future, please Don't tell the Ruan family to help me one last time."

Xu Chenghao felt amused: "Why should I help you? Do you have any capital worth my help?"

An Rouyu just cried: "I swear it's the last time, I just leave Ruan's house with my child, please, brother Hao, please help me for the last time."

Xu Chenghao was unmoved: "Your 20 years of love have been used up, do you really think I'm a philanthropist?"

Jing Yicheng, who was standing behind him, curled his lips slightly, and knew that he and Haohao had the most tacit understanding.

An Rouyu was in a hurry and panic, and blurted out, "I can make the child's surname Xu!"

Jing Yicheng's face turned black in an instant: "Are you making money off Xu Chenghao?"

An Rouyu: "No, no, no, I just want my child to recognize Chenghao as a godfather, and let him honor Xu Chenghao in the future."

Jing Yicheng: "Oh, is it a dutiful son or a troublemaker? After you recognize your godfather, you have to have more trouble to help, but you will make a lot of money."

An Rouyu collapsed: "But I can't help it, I just want to leave the Ruan family and take the child with me... I really don't have anything for you..."

Jing Yicheng: "Then leave!"

An Rouyu stared at Xu Chenghao, expecting the final redemption from his mouth.

Xu Chenghao looked at her and said objectively, "Your mental state is not suitable for taking care of children..."

There was almost no need to say what happened next, An Rouyu exploded on the spot, hugged the child tightly and screamed, "Get out!! Get me out!!!"

The tightly restrained child is still crying, his face has turned from red to purple, and it seems that the situation is very bad.

The child who is less than a month old needs to be carefully cared for, and being tossed by the heroine...

Xu Chenghao had a rare headache. On the one hand, he did not want to intervene in the affairs of the male and female protagonists. On the other hand, he was worried that the child would change. After thinking about it, he was finally defeated by the weakening cry of the child, and decided to use the Virgin this time.