"Relax first, the baby will be uncomfortable if you hold it too tightly." Xu Chenghao tried to communicate, using the baby to divert her attention: "Is the baby hungry? When was the last time you had breastfeeding?"

An Rouyu looked at him vigilantly, and when she saw that he was not approaching, she regained her composure, and began to coax the child in a hurry: "Baby be good, baby don't cry... Be good..."

She doesn't know how to hold a child at all, her posture is stiff, she doesn't know how to control her when she pats and coaxes. Coaxing to and fro didn't work, An Rouyu was in a hurry and panic and could only shed tears, but there was nothing she could do.

Xu Chenghao looked at his assistant and said, "Notify Ruan Chenxuan." After he noticed An Rouyu's gaze, he immediately coughed and said calmly, "Go buy some milk powder bottles, I think the child is hungry."

The assistant nodded, turned around and entered the elevator to leave.

Xu Chenghao looked at An Rouyu and said calmly, "For the sake of the child, let me help you one last time, let's go into the house."

An Rouyu believed Xu Chenghao's words almost instantly—after all, in her 20 years of life, Xu Chenghao had never lied to her, and it seemed that she never regretted what she said. She believed that it must be the same this time, he would help herself!

The three entered Xu Chenghao's house in silence. Auntie had already heard the movement outside. Seeing this, she wondered: "Mr. Xu, this is..."

Xu Chenghao winked: "It just so happens that you have experience, this child has been crying, look at what's going on."

Auntie responded clearly and turned around to approach An Rouyu, only to see that the latter stepped back several steps, obviously unwilling to hand over the child to anyone.

The aunt said helplessly: "Miss An, I just want to see the child. Why does he cry like this? Is it uncomfortable or hungry?"

Xu Chenghao followed a few steps closer: "I must be hungry, I asked my assistant to buy milk powder, and I will be back soon."

Auntie: "Could it be urine? Feel the diaper to see if it is wet or heavy."

An Rouyu was really distracted, and she wiped it randomly and said, "It doesn't seem to be sinking."

The aunt naturally stretched out her hand: "I'll try."

An Rouyu immediately tightened her body and looked at her aunt vigilantly. The latter's attention was all on the child, and he said with a distressed expression: "Why not sink, this diaper can't hold it even if it is wet... Lay it down, take off the diaper first..."

When my aunt was at the age of rare children, how could she not feel distressed when she saw the child crying like this, and instructed An Rouyu to put the child down, and then exhorted her while taking off her diaper, and said a lot.

An Rouyu didn't know if she understood or not, but she nodded casually in agreement, still holding the child's small fist tightly in one hand, still vigilant.

After one injury, she didn't trust anyone.

Xu Chenghao also knew that he couldn't be in a hurry, so he stood not far or near and watched, while his aunt hugged the child and started to distract the heroine's attention: "An Rouyu, what are your plans in the future?"

An Rouyu seemed to have thought about it many times, and quickly said, "I want to leave the Ruan family's confines now and live a good life with my children."

Xu Chenghao: "Then how do you live with your children?"

An Rouyu: "Ruan Chenxuan gave me money when I left."

Xu Chenghao was surprised: "Since Ruan Chenxuan has prepared it for you, why are you..."

An Rouyu lowered her eyes and said, "I'm afraid he will regret it."

Xu Chenghao connected everything and then understood why An Rouyu appeared here... At first he thought that Ruan Chenxuan was so ruthless that he didn't even care about his son, but now it seems that Ruan Chenxuan prepared everything, but An Rouyu did not follow him Just plan to go.

Everyone has personal considerations, but in the end it is the children who are unlucky.

The children are also poor enough.

Xu Chenghao sighed and glanced at his aunt calmly. The latter understood immediately, picked up the child and pretended to hand it to An Rouyu: "You have to hold the child's head and waist when you hold the child..."

An Rouyu's arm was still dislocated, so she could only let go of the child's hand and let her aunt put it on her arm. Auntie pretended to point her fingers to let her adjust her movements, and said that the child is fragile and needs to be gentle, and so on. distracted her attention.

Suddenly, the aunt who should have let go suddenly hugged the child and stepped back. An Rouyu noticed that the weight of the child was gradually pulling away, and she reacted abruptly. Xu Chenghao stepped forward and grabbed the man. Jing Yicheng was afraid that Xu Chenghao would be injured and also joined the battle. After the chaos, the two quickly subdued An Rouyu and found a rope to tie it up.

An Rouyu went completely crazy: "Xu Chenghao, you lied to me! You stole my child! You give me back the child!!"

Xu Chenghao rubbed his ears, admiring An Rouyu's fighting ability, "I still say that, because your mental state is not suitable for taking care of children, I have already contacted Ruan Chenxuan, he will come right away."

An Rouyu was trembling with anger, her face was pale, she stared at Xu Chenghao and muttered, "You lied to me...you stole my child...my child...you stole..."

Jing Yicheng was disgusted, so he blocked her mouth and said with a black face, "Why is Ruan Chenxuan so slow!"

Xu Chenghao also frowned: "Wait a minute, if he doesn't want to give the child to Mr. Ruan, it will be very troublesome to come out."

Just as he was talking, there was a knock on the door. The assistant said loudly, "Mr. Xu, I bought the milk powder."

Xu Chenghao went to open the door: "Where's Ruan Chenxuan?"

The person hiding in the corridor froze and showed up: "I thought I didn't handle it well..."

Jing Yicheng sneered: "I thought you came here specially after you had dealt with it."

Ruan Chenxuan's guilt disappeared instantly, and looked at Jing Yicheng very unhappily: "Mr. Jing is a villain."

Jing Yicheng said, "I have never been a gentleman."

"Okay, let's go first." Xu Chenghao interrupted them. After the assistant and Ruan Chenxuan entered, he suddenly grabbed Jing Yicheng from behind and whispered, "It's a gentleman, my husband~"

Jing Yicheng was swayed by the love words, and stared at Xu Chenghao with burning eyes. If his eyes could eat people, he would like to eat Xu Chenghao into his stomach without leaving any bones.

Then he heard Xu Chenghao say, "You said it in the car today, but don't do it at night~~~"

Jing Yicheng: "???"

He tried to default with a serious face: "Did I tell you?"

Xu Chenghao: "You also said that if you default, you will agree to move back to the Xu family's old house."

Jing Yicheng: "...Ah, yes, I remembered, I did say not to do it at night."

Xu Chenghao was amused, he grabbed his hand and clasped his fingers together, pulling the person into the living room.

The emotions that Jing Yicheng had been suppressing had long since vanished in the interaction just now. Even if he was sitting opposite Ruan Chenxuan, he could still maintain a good mood... After all, now he has Xu Chenghao in his eyes and can't see anyone at all.

Ruan Chenxuan looked at the toothache, and could only focus on the child.

The aunt is experienced, and the child gradually quieted down under her patting. After drinking the milk powder, she burped, and there were finally no tears on her wrinkled face.

But Ruan Chenxuan, who knew the whole situation, was still angry. He pulled out the towel from An Rouyu's mouth, and without waiting for the other party to scream, he said, "What right do you have to shout!"

"I only gave the child to you because you really liked the child and swore that you could take care of him and protect him. Look at what you have done? You have been tossing the child like this long after you left. How can you have the face to want a child with me?"

An Rouyu was startled by the angry people, and after a while, she came back to her senses and cried, "I don't need you to worry about it!"

"Do you think I want to take care of you? I take care of the child!" Ruan Chenxuan said angrily: "Because of your sworn maternal love, I even bet with you on the future of the child, bet you will take good care of him, bet you will give He had a happy childhood, what happened? What did you do in the end? That's how you gave him motherly love, didn't you?"

Ruan Chenxuan became angrier the more he talked, and suddenly said coldly, "If you take care of your child like this, I would rather he stay with Grandpa. At least he can still do well after he is tired now, which is much better than tossing you."

An Rouyu could only cry: "No, this is my child, it is mine, you can't deprive me of the right to raise my child, this is my child!"

Ruan Chenxuan said: "This is not a deprivation, but a correct judgment. As for maternal love... An Rouyu, do you think you are the only woman in the world? There are many people who want to marry me. I can find someone to take your place and let me She becomes the mother of the child."

The lethality of this sentence is simply the impact of a nuclear bomb. An Rouyu's expression turned blank, and it took twenty seconds for her to regain her senses, and she trembled, "No, you can't...you can't..."

"If you still don't know how to repent..." Ruan Chenxuan looked at her condescendingly and gave the final blow: "I will let him recognize someone as a mother under your nose."

An Rouyu's spirit was inherently fragile, she looked at Ruan Chenxuan in disbelief, her lips moved, and she fainted before making a sound.

Xu Chenghao also took a deep breath, his mind full of thoughts—the person who can make you suffer the most must be the person you love most and closest to.

Sure enough.

Xu Chenghao couldn't help but glance at Jing Yicheng, secretly guessing whether the other party would be so heartless in the future.

Jing Yicheng seemed to see what he was thinking, and frowned, "What are you thinking about?"

Xu Chenghao didn't change his face: "I miss you, why you can occupy my head even if you don't talk."

Jing Yicheng's momentum was punctured in an instant like a balloon, and he helplessly took a bite of Xu Chenghao's hand and warned, "Don't tease me casually."

Xu Chenghao withdrew his hand: "Then let's keep our distance."

"Don't." Jing Yicheng confessed: "Then you are flirting, I won't say it."

Anyway, he can keep a small notebook and settle accounts tomorrow.

It would be strange if Xu Chenghao couldn't see his thoughts, he pushed his head away and put his attention back on Ruan Chenxuan.

The other party was still in a daze, staring at the unconscious An Rouyu as if looking at her, and seemed to be looking at something else through her. After a long while, he murmured, "Hengyun Hotel..."

Xu Chenghao suddenly straightened his waist.

——In the plot, the Hengyun Hotel is the place where the male and female protagonists meet for the first time and roll the sheets!